Yami, Atem, Seto, Seth, Akefia, Bakura, and Marik are the popular kids in school and Yugi, Joey, Ryou, and Malik are the unpopulars. Yami, Atem and Yugi live together at the Gamestop owned by Yugi's Grandfather Solomon. Joey lives with Seto and Seth at the Kaiba Mansion. Malik lives with Marik in his apartment. Ryou lives with Bakura and Akefia at Bakura's mansion. Sadly they never get to spend a lot of time together because not only are the popular kids and unpopular kids unable to talk to each other but the popular kids are in a gang known as the Yamis and the unpopular are known as the Hikaris. Dartz, Paradox, and Pegasus are after the hikaris. Can the Yamis protect their beloved Hikaris. Find out in Dangerous love. The yamis can use shadow magic and the hikaris can only use magic that is pure and full of light.
Yami X Yugi X Atem (Mobiumshipping)
Seto X Joey X Seth (Castleshipping)
Marik X Malik (Bronzeshipping)
Bakura X Ryou Bakura X Akefia (Bakushipping)