Sorry to keep you waiting here the final chapter of my story *:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*

Logan and Dustin spent all their time together. When ever they got time they would meet up and have a fun time. Chase has noticed Logan has not been hisself lately and he's distant. We went to Michael to see if knew anything.

"Hey Michael you got a minute?"Chase asked. "Sure, what's up puffy hair?"Michael said turning in his chair. "Do you know what's up with Logan lately? He hasn't been his mean-spirited self and he doesn't hang with us much anymore."Chase noticed Michael had a suspicious look on his face,and if he knew Michael well he's not good at hiding it. "Well I'm not completely sure as to where he is or what he's doing,but I'm sure he's having a good time."Michal mentally slapped himself for saying to much.

"So you do know where he is?"Chase said. "I wouldn't say I know where he is but about what he's doing."Michael was starting to sweat a little. "Wait. You may or may not know where he is and you may or may not know what he's doing?"Chase was confused with Michael,but before he could ask something else Michael started to leave.

"Where are you going?" "You know all these um dirty air is making me sick so I um need some fresh air." With that said Michael bolted outside as soon as Chase couldn't see him. Chase knew Michael was hiding something but what. He thought back to what Michael said until he say light flashing. He got up to look to see it was Michael camera. Being suspicious he check through the pictures. Most of them were Michael doing some dumb poses. Then he saw the pictures of Logan and Dustin. He was furious. Not only did Michael not tell him, but he thought his was one Logan suck pranks. He put the camera in his pocket and stormed out.

Michael ran as fast as he could to where Logan said he'll be. He found them by a hill sitting on the ground making out.

"Wow you guys are already getting into it."Michael said panting. Dustin jumped from being surprised which caused Logan to stop and get up.

"What are you doing here? I told you not to bother us."Logan said mad that the moments gone. "Okay you might not like this but there's a chance Chase may or may not know about you guys."Logan's face went to scared to anger,while Dustin was just fully scared. "How could you tell Chase?!"Logan yelled and balling his fist. "I didn't exactly tell him. He kept asking me questions and I was trying to say as little as I could,and I think he saw the pictures on my camera." "How could you let him see them?!"Logan yelled even louder. "I tried my best dude. I was trying to hide them." Michael didn't know what else to do for Logan. Logan didn't know what to do either. "Okay."Logan said quietly. "Okay? What do you mean okay?"Michael asked. "I mean I'll handle this. Thanks anyway."Logan patted Michael's shoulder. Michael gave him an 'are you sure' look and he returned it. Michael patted his shoulder and left. Logan turned to Dustin to see him with his face in his knees. Logan felt so bad for the kid he never wanted this to happen to him.

"It'll be okay Dustin. I promise to be there for you."Dustin looked up at an out stretched hand. He grabbed it was pulled into a tight hug. Dustin cried into Logan's shirt not wanting to let go. He may never find someone like Logan and couldn't bare leaving him. "I-I love you to much to let you go."He whispers.

Chase marched right Zoey's dorm to see if she knew anything about this. He walks in to see her doing her home work alone.

"We need to talk!"he said harsh. "Well can it wait I'm kinda doing my work."Zoeat went back to her work.

"Well it be more important than this."he reached into his pocket and pulled out the camera and showed her the pictures of Dustin and Logan. Zoey went from shocked to anger.

"What is this?!"Zoey shouted. "Appearently Logan has been pranking around with your brother."Chase said, "Where is he?!"Zoey was ready to blow a fuse. "I don't know but we'll find him."They both stormed out on the search for Logan.

The sun was going down so Logan walked Dustin back to his dorm. Logan thought how could he stay with Dustin if Chase knew, And knowing Chase he would have went Straight to Zoey. To into his thoughts he didn't notice the fist to his side. He fell holding his cheek in pain.

"Logan!"Dustin knelt down beside him. "That's for being a perverted jackass!"Chased shouted. Zoey came and pulled Dustin into a hug. "You okay Dustin Logan didn't hurt in any way did he?" "No Logan would never do that."Dustin looked affended. "Because he's a uncaring joking bastard!"Chase yelled. "Logan is not a bastard!"Dustin broke out of Zoey's arms and hugged Logan. "You can't believe he really likes you he's just using you."Chase said.

"No Logan is the only person who made me feel happy about my self and has comfort me when I needed it. He's not a bad person and I love him."Dustin was tearing up. Logan couldn't help but let a tear escape"Dustin your to young to know what love is now come on we're leaving."Zoey grabbed Dustin hand but he pulled back and stepped away. "I do know what love is. I knew you wouldn't understand me!"Dustin ran off into the school crying along the way. "Dustin come back!"Logan got up and went after him. Chase and Zoey followed behind.

Dustin kept running until he went into the bathroom to hide. He knew Zoey wouldn't understand him for who he is. The door opened and Dustin heart stopped.

"Hey guys look it's that little fag."the biggest boy said. The other two boys laughed. Dustin didn't have time for them. "I'm not in the mood okay."Dustin said still crying. Then the boy slapped him in the face. "Does it look like care!"He lifted Dustin by the neck of his shirt. "Please no don't hurt me."Dustin was now weeping for this to all have been a dream. The boy gestured the other two to hold Dustin arms back and he procedted to punch Dustin in the stomach. He yelped in pain with every hit. Dustin hoped all this would end.

Logan followed where Dustin went hoping to find him. His check hurt like hell but that didn't slow him down. He stopped and began to hear faint sounds coming frombathe restroom. He put his ear to the door and heard crying. He knew right away that was Dustin's voice. He busted throught the door and saw him on the floor being kicked. He ran over and pushed the boys off him. "Hey you do you think you are?"the boy grabbed Logan's arm. Logan punched the boy in the nose and he fell back on the other two. "You all are lucky I kick all your asses. Now get the hell out!"the boys didn't wait any longer and ran out. Logan got on his knees and held Dustin in his arms and kissed his forehead. "I told I'll always be there for you."Logan began to cry. Dustin gripped Logan's shirt with the strength he had left. Chase say what went on felt bad for how he treated Logan. Together he and Logan meet up with Zoey and took Dustin to the nurse.

1 week later

Everyone was having lunch and enjoying them selves. "Don't you think a lion could beat a tiger?"Michael asked. "Why do you keep asking questions about animal face offs?"Chase questioned. "Is this all you guys talk about?"Lola asked. They both nodded. Just then Logan,Dustin, and Zoey walked in and took a seat. "Yeah where have you guys been?"Chase asked. "We've been spending some alone time togehter."Logan gave Dustin a squeeze. "I can't believe you two are dating."Lola was surprised. "Well actually boys can be attracted to other boys if they have two Y chromosomes."Quen added. "Okay. Yeah you guys wanna go to the movies?"Lola asked. Everyone seemed okay with the idea. "Sorry, but me and Logan are going to the beach together."Dustin and Logan got up from their chairs. "Wait your not going to do anything crazy?"Zoey gave Dustin that look and he blushed. "It's okay I won't go Crazy on him."Logan insured. They walked off giving each other a kiss and went on their way to happy times.