Harry Potter and Hogwarts Underworld



Summary: A different Hogwarts. A different first year. Intelligent Harry, Powerful Harry, Abused Harry. Hogwarts was told by the founders to protect the students even from internal sources, and open the undeground bunker for those that needed it. For the past 60 some years, all of Hogwarts students needed turning that bunker in to a secert militaristic city. They take care of their own

Chapter Two

Harry groaned as he hit the ground and his legs gave way. It felt he was just forced through a two-inch cylinder, probably hurts more because of the bruising Harry speculated. Harry clenched his teeth as he forced himself to stand up. He would have turned off his sense of touch but it is dangerous to do in some situations like when injured or an unknown area. He was in both and he wasn't one to do something overly stupid like that. When he was finally standing he shook himself loosening his strained body.

Jay watched in curiosity, most people when they side-along apparition for the first time lose their stomach but the kid only dropped to his knee because of his injuries from what he could tell. He wasn't even rattled by the sensation. He was down and up in a matter of seconds. He wouldn't even have been down if he was healed. The kid is going to be a force to reckon with, like a hurricane or an earthquake. Jay thought, he was already proud of the boy and he has taught him nothing.

Harry stretched out his body, hoping to loosen his muscles so some more of the soreness left. He ignored the sharp jabs of pain that flared his nerves to look around where he was. It was dense forest area; he guessed by the amount of blurry green he saw. There was something off about the forest though. Harry has stayed in a forest before, [The Dursley's tried to leave him somewhere in the bush every so often. The Police or his relatives find him again], so Harry could easily tell normal from not. Harry felt pressure on his skin, it wasn't a bad kind of pressure that was suffocating it was more like a warm hug of greeting. He also headed far off voices, it was just murmurs and muffled. He smelt people close by they were not moving away or toward, they were about he guess a meter to his right.

A pop spooked him from behind. He was trying to focus his hearing to hear the voices, so it made the pop more like a bang. Harry quickly turned and swept a foot out catching the person that just appeared by surprise. He followed through with grabbing hold of said person's throat before they finish falling, and smashed them in to the ground. His brain finally caught up with the mere eight seconds that all took, to realize who it was and he backed off quickly. Jay mouth was slack, Never mind the kid will be like trying to go against all the natural disasters.

"I am so sorry, Autumn," Harry said he voice full of remorse for his actions. He looked down at the stunned girl's face, she wasn't really hurt but she was just downed by eleven years old that hasn't had proper training.

"How did you do that?" Autumn asked finally, she wanted to know what he being doing to be able to do that!

Harry shrugged, "I have a photographic memory. I read a lot of martial arts books a few years ago, and practice the stances. My reaction time is like that because my relatives would try to hit my at random time, also I wasn't well like at school so I had things thrown at me a lot so I learned to dodge. I also think it may have been because you weren't entirely perpared" Jay and Autumn nodded at the explanation it made some sense.

"Alright, let's go," Jay said and placed a hand on Harry's shoulder. This made Harry realized two major things, One he already trust and liked Jay, two his bruise seemed to be already healing. Jay directly Harry to wear he hear and smelt the people were. Autumn followed a little behind.

Harry heard running as they got closer, There was a slam and a blond male person in a white lab coat came rushing towards Jay.

"Sir, code seven," Jay's eyes widened and took off running with the other three following. They quickly went down the large light tunnel. Harry smelt two people on either side of the door, Guards.

"information, Major," Jay barked, as they ran.

"Aaron brought in his charge, the girl was unconscious when she arrived but her power stability was quickly unraveling. We think her parents slipped her a potion that reacted badly with her core. Add she was so black and blue, I can't even tell you her skin color. General Aaron said he arrived during a beating. Lieutenant General Ether thinks the potion was on purpose. General Aaron went back and to get the younger siblings, he refused to leave the children there. Lt. General Ether is working at making her stable now, it is going slow but she will most like recover but will be a coma for a while. I was chosen to come and tell you, Sir," The major said as he kept up with the running leader. Harry could almost smell how tired he was; his voice betrayed some on his wariness. Jay picked up on it and nodded.

"Thank you, Major Matthews, I order you to rest," The major just saluted and stopped and began slowly walking. Jay, Autumn and Harry kept running.

"What is a code seven?" Harry asked, but he didn't get a reply nor would he have heard it if they did. The tunnel opened up, and showed Kryvor.

They came out a high cave, so Harry could see the entire town. Harry could see the medical cross on one of the two taller buildings. The other building had a symbol on it; Harry couldn't even guess what I meant. Jay didn't stop as he ran down the stairs in front of them, Autumn and Harry following quickly behind. They passed some shops, restaurants and barracks [from what Harry smelt]. The small crowd that was on the street parted quickly and pressed against the shops letting them run by, Most of them saluted.

They medical building was soon in front of them, they didn't stop. The guard in front of the building had the doors open and they raced in. They nurse behind the desk, stood and saluted Jay, pointed to the right. Harry followed Jay as he went down the hall at a jog, Autumn stopped to speak to the nurse to receive more information.

They came to a large room, there were many whited coated people running in and out of the room like little bees. Over the hospital bed with two hands on the unconscious patient's head was a black-haired young woman, he eyes were closed. Harry guessed she was doing some magic. Major Matthew was right; Harry didn't know what cover she usually was because even her hands were black and blue. Her blond hair was unsettling against her black and blue skin. Harry looked worriedly at the girl, he could see her monitor, her heart rate was too high, but then it started to decrease and soon it was slowed to a less alarming rate. The Lt. General Esther, Harry guessed, backed off her patient and opened her eyes. Harry noticed she had too different color eyes, blue and green. The Lt. General sighed and slumped in to a chair that one of the medical bees put behind her.

"Hello, Jay," The women said exhausted.

"Guess I wasn't needed, S," Jay said.

"No, I guess not but I wasn't about to take that chance," Esther said, she was sore from using most of her core, to rebuild the girl's core walls.

"A wise move," Jay said, as he moved a floating tray full of coffee went by him. Lt. General Esther poured her coffee and hugged it like a life line.

"So, what is a code seven?" Harry asked. Esther looked at the boy, he looked to thin, and his eyes were a little unfocused meaning he could be blind. She would have to talk to Jay. She gave Jay, a questioning look, missed by Harry who really couldn't see her face, but he did see Jay nod. He figured it was something about the girl.

"It is when, someone's magical core walls fall, because of a traumatic injury or potion, it cause a person to be filled with magic. If not treated quickly it can kill someone, but she is down to a four so we are out of the danger zone. She will be okay it will just take a while for her to wake up it is taxing on a person body and mind. Your information packet will have more," Jay explained. Harry nodded, filing the information away.

"So, anyway Welcome to Kryvor. Never a dull moment," Jay said with a smirk. Esther and some of the other doctors laughed.

Before Harry could form a reply there was a large explosion of in the distance, Jay just slouched like he knew exactly what happened. "That would be Jaz, she our Lt. General of Engineering, she likes explosives. A little too much if you ask me but she is bloody brilliant at creating spells and mech weaponry," there was another explosion, "and I have to go see the damage" Jay sighed and began walking back out the door. They saluted the man as he walked by, they were all laughed, and Harry felt this was a regular event seeing as they were all barely worried about the explosions. Harry followed, not really knowing what else to do. Autumn was waiting for them when they left the room, with a stack of paper. Jay groaned but took the packet none the less.

"This Harry is an evil soulless creature that sucks souls," Jay said as he read the files over.

Harry raised an eyebrow, "Paperwork?"

"Yes, it is the most evil thing I have ever met!," Jay said, before he started muttering swears under his breath. Autumn smacked Jay who then shut up. Harry had a feeling this was a common thing between the two.

"So tell me about this Jaz person?" Harry asked. Jay looked to Autumn and she rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"She the most Gryffindor Slytherin, I have ever met. You tell her go left she will turn around and punch you in the face and go forward even if there is a blockade. She is blunt, sarcastic and witty, she has a wicked sense of humor. She is also a pyromaniac, and explosives lover, She is also one of my best friends," Autumn said with a smile at the thought of her friend. Harry felt a shiver at the thought of the Jaz person and Autumn being friends, Harry saw Jay twitch, Harry didn't really understand why the thought of the two being friends scared him to the bones but it did, Autumn seems normal and sane. That made Harry actually worry as he thought that, no solider should seem as sane or normal as her... maybe he should hide. Apparently Jay saw this.

"If I have to go, you can meet her now, I am not being outnumbered." Jay whispered in the boy's ear. Autumn was too far away to hear and looking down at paper work.

"But..." Harry couldn't really find an excuse, his bruising and injuries had self-healed themselves, know he wished they didn't. Harry just sighed well maybe he may learn why he fears knowing the two were friends. He shivered again, he really didn't want too. Glancing at the Lt. General, she really seem nice, normal and sane, maybe she was, Harry tried to convince himself, it really didn't work. So, as they walked out of the hospital Harry swore he heard a funeral march.

Author Note

Off to meet the explosive expert... Gulp..

Poor Harry he really doesn't understand who he is about to meet.

My brother is helping with the magic science stuff, and being a sounding board. My brother is very close to be legally a genius, so yeah, he understands how the science of magic. He is also in charge of creating the wands. If magic was real that would be his dream job.

Any way chapters at the end will have character sheets. Sometime a person will be repeated, either because Harry goes up in rank and is able to get more information that is classified or he learns about them.

Magical Core Stability

0 - Completely Stable, most adult after magical maturity


2 -

3 - Average 11-year-old Core Stability

4 - Average child (under 11yrs old).

5 - Entering Danger Zone. [Code 5]small deteriorating in core walls, most children and young adults fluctuate between 3-5, it only becomes a concern when they stay at five for more than 13 hours

6 - Danger Zone [Code 6] core wall are deteriorating and treatment need to begin in under 17 minutes. Four minute with out treatment and it goes to a [code seven]

7 -Magical detonation,[Code 7] core walls are obliterated and patient is being filled with magic if treatment is started in the span of 13 minute it is too late, it becomes a [Code 8] {It ia too late}

Personal Files


Name: Jackson 'Jay' William Buchanan

Age: 17

Birthday: May 6

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Brown, Military Cut

Blood : Half Blood

Power Level (o-1000)[average 11 yr. old 213, average adult 500]: Classified.

IQ: 131

Animagus: Classified

Boggarts: Classified

Patronus: Wolf

House: Slytherin

Rank: Leader

Two Random Facts:

- Head Boy

- Became leader at 15

I DONT OWN HARRY POTTER OR INDUSTRIES, this is just for enjoyment.