So guys. This is my first fan fiction. Hope you guys like it. I tried. Dont worry, there WILL be more in the series.

Oh. I can't believe that I almost forgot. I don't own the rights to either Assassins Creed or Fulmetal Alchemist. If I did, well...I WOULD BE RICH AND NOT BE POSTING TO THIS FORUM XD

Why does the good guy always get blamed? You happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and everybody points a finger at you.

Okay. I lied. I stand over a man that is bleeding out at the neck with my hidden blade still showing. As if that is not bad enough, I am standing in the middle of a busy street full of many onlookers that gasp and yell out at the sight.


"Rot in hell!"


Then again, this kind of thing is not new to me. Phrases like that were thrown around all of the time when I murdered someone. I leaned down and shut the man's eyes. "Rest in peace, bastard." I quickly look around, and start to run. The guards will be here quickly, and when they do, I needed to be out of the way. I needed to be in the shadows when this died down at least.

Shouts ring out from the guards behind me. "You! By decree of Furher King Bradley, you are to be brought to justice!" The men in blue uniforms trailed behind me as I started to run as fast as I could. Pushing people out of the way, I made my way across the busy street to a dark alleyway. I climb onto a box and leap to a very convenient pole that sticks out from the side of the building above me. I misjudge it slightly and my legs swing out in front of me, but I quickly compensate, swing my body weight with my legs, and spin back towards the top of the pole, resting my feet on it.

I jump from that up to a window, grab, and start to climb. I climb fast and by the time the guards enter the alleyway, I am nothing but a fleeting memory. I make my way from rooftop to rooftop, jumping and swinging to make sure that I don't miss.

I make it to the outskirts of town eventually, taking a moment to stop and catch my breath. That was a close one. It was stupid to jump out in the middle of the street, but hey – it had to be done by someone. I reach into my pocket and dial the first number in my contacts list.

"Did you get the cube? PLEASE tell me you got the cube." The voice from the other sound of the line sounded stressed and worried. I smile slightly. "Of course I got the cube. What, you think all of those hours in the animus were for nothing? Come on." A few moments later, I see a car drive from the building underneath me. Without thinking, I leap from my roof, landing with a dull thud in the seat next behind a man dressed in nothing but a grey coat with short hair.

"Glad that you could make it. With all of these men running around, then it's a surprise that you didn't get caught." The man smiled and turned his head back to the road. There was nothing but empty road ahead of us.

That's when a single round was fired. We both heard it at the same time. William ducked, and almost lost control of the car. As for me, I felt one thing. Pain. An unbearable pain as the world around me went from being in bright color to a dull black. The last thing that I could make out was a red liquid on the back of the seat in front of me. And then I lost my grip on the reality.

So guys. How did you like it? Hope you guys did. And even if you didn't I will be writing more XD

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