Disclaimer: I do not own Scandal

Chapter One: The World is Ours Tonight

There's no going back to the start again

Time will tell us how the story ends

So beautiful, we can make it right

The world is ours tonight

The only thing I have is everything to lose

I would lay it all on the line for you

To be here by my side

The world is ours tonight

- "The World is Ours Tonight." Gloriana

Olivia set down a box on a chair in the corner of her office. Her office in the West Wing. She looked around at the spacious wood-paneled room. She could honestly say she never thought she would be here. She never thought she'd be working in the White House. Sitting down behind the large wooden desk she closed her eyes and took a deep breath in. A lot of very powerful men had sat behind this desk. And she was the very first woman.

"Olivia?" Mark and Julie were standing in her doorway.

"Hey guys, what's up?" She stood and brushed off her white top.

Julie looked up at Mark and grinned, "Um, we were going to head out for a drink. Karen and Scott are coming. So is James and maybe even Cyrus. Huck, Abby, Harrison and Stephen are meeting us. Wanna come too?"

Olivia looked around her new office scatter with boxes, "I think I'm going to stay here and unpack, then maybe head home for an earlier night."

Julie's face fell, "Oh well maybe next time." Mark waved and left the doorway. Julie paused before following him, "Thanks for getting us here." She murmured.

Olivia smiled, "We all did this together." Even as she said it, Olivia felt the familiar tug of regret and guilt at how they won Ohio. She shook it off with a quick breath, "Now go, you don't want to keep Mark waiting."

Julie's eyes widened and her face paled, "What?" She asked.

"Julie, worst kept secret in DC. You two are dating. Or sleeping together or both. Just go for it. Life's too short to waste on regret." She waved her off, "Go have fun before we have to start preparing for the inauguration tomorrow."

When her door was shut again, Olivia opened the first box. She lifted a picture of her mother and her out of it on the back porch of their plantation style home outside of DC.

"Nice office." Olivia jumped at the voice behind her.

She turned and faced Fitz, "What are you doing here Governor?"

Fitz rolled his eyes, "I really hate when you call me that."

"Well tomorrow I'll call you Mr. President."

He hummed, "That could be fun, but not if you say it like that."

Olivia shut her eyes, "What do you need Governor?" She asked.

He shrugged, "Mellie is with her mother upstairs. I just wanted to wander." He stuck his hands in his pockets and stepped further into the room. "Wanna see my office?"

Olivia rested her palms flat on her desk, "No." She stated firmly.

"No?" He repeated. "You really don't want to see the Oval Office?"

She shook her head, "I will when you actually need something, but right now, no." She picked her purse up, "I'm going home." She moved past him, their arms just brushing as she turned off the lights.

Fitz stared after her in the dark before he called out, "This is not over Livie, I can promise you that." She stopped for a half of a second as his promise rang in her ears, echoing in her head. She closed her eyes, but took another step forward intent to keep on walking.


Olivia knocked on the door of the Oval Office. James was in with Fitz snapping a few photos for a piece he was working on. "You know James," Fitz stated as he looked out the window James was pointing at, "you work for the President now, we have photographers are your disposal."

James chuckled, "I wanted to do this on my own. This is an amazing opportunity sir, thank you."

Fitz waved him off, "If you weren't good at your job you wouldn't be here. You're good James, really good."

"Thank you Mr. President." James turned, "And it looks like Ms. Pope is here to see." James winked at Olivia and tipped his head, "Ms. Pope."

"Mr. Novak," Olivia rolled her eyes, "got good pictures there James?"

"You bet! Thanks again Mr. President!" James scurried out of the room with his camera in tow.

Fitz chuckled, "I'm not technically president yet, but it sure does have a ring to it. Doesn't it?" He looked down at Olivia.

Olivia smiled, "Yes it does, so I have something for you. For your inauguration."

Fitz grinned down at her, "You know you didn't have to get me anything."

Olivia just shook her head, "Shut up." She muttered as she opened her palm, "It was President Eisenhower's." She paused, "He wore it when he was inaugurated. It only has forty-eight stars."

Fitz stared down at the pin, "Put it on me." He directed her. "Look at me and put it on me."

Olivia's mouth popped open for a moment before she gained her composure. With shaking hands she grabbed the collar of his coat and carefully pinned the flag to it, never breaking eye contact. The door opening caused her to step back.

"Oh isn't this exciting? I can't believe we've finally made it here." Mellie spun in the office for a moment, "You know when I was a little girl I read a biography on Dolly Madison and just knew I wanted to be first lady. Oh Fitz," she stopped by his side, "that is a nice pin."

"It was Eisenhower's." He answered, his eyes never leaving Olivia's.

"Eisenhower's?" Mellie repeated, "Oh that is just fantastic, the press is going to love it." She leaned up and kissed his cheek.


"Olivia?" Julie leaned once again after the inauguration and before the inaugural ball started in her doorway, "I have the information you requested on the potential votes for the Dream Act." She waved them around.

Karen came up behind her, "As well as an edited version of the President's State of the Union Address. More ideas to talk about and stuff."

Olivia crossed her arms and looked at the two girls, "Did you bring your dresses?"

Julie adjusted her glasses, "Excuse me?"

"Your dresses," she repeated, "did you bring them?"

Karen cleared her throat, "Um, yes ma'am, but you're our boss and you're working so we're working."

Olivia rolled her eyes, "Go!" she shoed them away. They remained in their places in her office doorway, "Go get dressed, have fun, dance, have drink. I'm fine. Give me the information and scat. Now."

"Thank you Olivia!" Julie waved and grabbed Karen's wrist, leading them away from her office. Olivia just smiled and waved back.


Olivia picked up her empty coffee mug and rounded the corner away from the break room towards her office. She wanted to make sure there were no potential press releases about voter fraud in Defiance, Ohio. It was making her jittery and nervous. She could see so many ways that this could backfire. She paused in front of a TV and watched as Mellie and Fitz spun around in each other's arms on the dance floor. She could be dancing with Fitz, not at the inaugural ball, but somewhere else, if she'd allowed him to lose as he should've. Instead he was dancing with Mellie, and she'd committed treason to watch it.

"You're honestly standing me up for the inaugural ball? Cyrus, we were supposed to have dinner tonight." She heard James complain.

"I'm sorry James, but it's work I have to be there." Cyrus yelled back.

"You know what I'm tired of your work excuse. I'm done with it." Olivia rounded the corner and watched the two from the shadows. "It's over Cyrus."

"You're breaking up with me?" Cyrus rolled his eyes, "Fine, it's not like I ever know what you want anyhow." He waved him off.

James called out, "How about the last six months of my life."

Cyrus rounded the corner and nearly ran into Olivia, "Liv, you're not at the ball yet?"

Olivia shook her head, "No I'm still working."

"Oh well I have a car downstairs, want to change quickly and ride with me?" He offered.

She shook her head again, "I hate dancing." She started to walk off before she called out, "Have a good time though." She paused a moment to watch Mellie twirl out of Fitz's arms for a split second before continuing back to her office.

Two hours into brainstorming more ideas for Fitz's State of the Union Address her phone rang, "This is Olivia." She answered without looking down at it.

"Olivia, it's Tom."

"Tom, what can I do for you?" She asked, not stilling her pen as she continued to write.

"I need you to meet me in the Oval Office in fifteen minutes. Can you be there?"

"Of course Tom." Olivia hung up her phone and glanced at the clock on the wall. She sighed and ran her hand through her hair, dislodging a bobby pin. She was tired and ready to go home. Sighing she stood up and slipped out of her oversized sweater. She turned off her light and shut her door as she made her way silently down to the Oval Office.

When she opened the door the office was empty. She looked around at how impressive it really was and crossed the room. She gently set her hand on the Resolute Desk. Closing her eyes, she could almost feel the power behind it, feel how much history had taken place behind it.

"It's amazing, isn't it? Not bad for an office."

She opened her eyes. She should've known it would be Fitz who wanted to see her and not Tom. Subconsciously she did know, she just didn't want to admit to it. "What can I do for you Mr. President?"

Fitz sighed, "I like it, say it again."

Olivia turned to face him and smiled, "Mr. President."

"That sounds so sexy coming from you." He moved towards her and she instinctively stepped back.

"We can't." She sighed, "You should be at your inaugural ball."

"I've been to five." He informed her.

"Where's Mellie?" She asked, continuing to back away from his advances.

"Two floors and one wing away sleeping." He caught her wrist, "I have been dancing all night, but not with the woman I want to be dancing with." He twirled her and pulled her against him.

Instinctively Olivia began to waltz around the room with him, "Fitz," she sighed, "we can't."

He lowered his head to her ear, gently pressing a kiss to it as he said, "We can." He trailed kisses from her ear down her neck.

She pushed him off of her and crossed towards the door, "I'm leaving." She decided.

He grabbed her waist and spun her around, pushing her up against the wall and pressing his lips to her. He smiled when she succumbed to him allowing her mouth to open so his tongue could roam where it hadn't for far too long. Just as suddenly as she relented, she stiffened and pushed him back, "We can't do that here Fitz."

Fitz looked up and considered this, smiling he said, "We could, we could do it there." He pointed to the resolute desk. Spinning her around he pressed his lips to her neck, leaving open mouthed kisses down to her collarbone as he walked them across the large room to the desk, hoisting her up.

She pulled back, "Fitz we have to stop."

He stepped back and allowed her to stand, "I can't stop Livie. I love you. I can't not have you. Can you honestly stop?" He asked her.

She studied him for thirty long seconds before finally hiking up her white dress and sitting on the edge of the desk. Fitz took cautious steps forward until he was in between her legs. He kissed her gently before moving down her neck, running his hands along the contours of her body, and reaching up to remove her panties. She dipped her head back when his mouth found her.