Welcome to the final chapter. I hope you enjoy and please review. I do not own Carrie or anything that can be associated with this except the O.C.

Carrie woke up in an infirmary. She got up and walked into Jeromes bar. She was wearing a hospital gown and had no memory of the night before but assumed it was bad. Jerome and Michael were sitting at the bar. Jerome had a scar from his cheek to chin on his left side whilst Michael had cuts and bruises.

''What happened last night.'' Carrie asked. She looked around to see Alan with his arm in a sling. Jennifer had cuts and bruises but seemed more or less fine just shaken. Cillian was the biggest surprise though. He was wheelchair bound and was chewing nicotine gum.

''A few night ago you lost control and destroyed your home. People now know your name and what people like us can do. On that day the earth stood still and was shaking with fear.'' Michael said. Carrie sat down trying to take in what has happened. Suddenly all the memories came flooding back to her and made her cry. Cillian and Jennifer went over to her to comfort her. Jerome gave her a beer.

''I'm so sorry.'' She struggled talking due to the tears.

''Nobody blames you. If anything you helped me quit smoking.'' Cillian said jokingly. Jennifer slapped him on the shoulder.

''It happens to the best of us. You just have to live past it.'' Jennifer said which seemed to calm Carrie down.

''Because of you the scientific community is starting to take us more seriously and people are conducting research.'' Alan said with a smile knowing he has already got a head start with all of the work he has done.

Carrie took a swig from the beer and coughed a little. Jerome just laughed. Carrie took another drink. She looked at the bar which was badly damaged after the police had torn it to shreds. She got some clothes on that Jennifer picked out and she went around town. Jerome had given her a few dollars so she could buy some drinks and sweets.

Carrie walks into a shop and looks at a newspaper. It has a bad picture of her with the title 'Telekinesis is real.' Carrie felt faint at this and felt very guilty. Carrie brought a chocolate bar and the newspaper and left. She read it on the beach.

''Tragic isn't it.'' A man said to her and she nodded. He walked off.

Carrie had convinced Michael to let her go back home. She was on a hill that looked over the town. She could see all the destroyed buildings, burnt cars and a few corpses were still on the ground. The country had gone into mourning for the disaster and dubbed it 'The Black Prom.' Carrie thought about all the bad things that had happened in her life but now she was free and could do anything. Sue walked up behind her.

''What will you do now?'' Sue asks her. She was heavily traumatised by the events and wished she had been nicer, everyone did.

''I don't know. I will meet a guy, have a family and enjoy my life. Relocate to a new area and forget about the events and find forgiveness by teaching others about their power.'' Carrie said thoughtfully. The truth was, was that she had no idea what she was going to do.

''How can you forget about this place?'' Sue asks.

''Well you can't but I can learn from my mistakes. Michael said being overpowered will only happen once so I should be fine. I will just forget about my life and have a fresh start.'' Carrie really liked the sound of that.

''Your past always comes to haunt you.'' Gareth walked up to her. His scars had healed but they were permanent. He had a few cuts that would clear up.

''I know.'' Carrie replied.

''I know what I did was wrong and insane but you still killed my father and caused this massacre.'' Gareth pulls out a knife and drops it.

''We will finish this another day.'' Gareth had an empty look in his eyes and because of the loss of his dad he had no idea on what to do.

''Tommy died. He was killed when debris fell on him, at least he didn't burn to death.'' Sue said. She still felt bad about what had happened with Carrie and had no idea on why she said it.

''I'm very sorry.'' Carrie said.

''Goodbye.'' Carrie said to Sue and Gareth. The knife starts to levitate and starts to carve into the a tree 'Sin never dies.' The knife falls to the ground and Carrie walks off. She felt a new sense of purpose and she knew what she was capable of. Those words will never escape her, those words her mother always said to her. Sin never dies.

I know this was a shorter chapter but it was just meant to wrap up the story. I am planning on writing a sequel and if anyone has any ideas I would love it, it will involve characters from The Rage and a prequel. I hope you enjoyed and please review. Until the sequel and prequel (what one do you want first?) have fun.