A/N: See, I've been hyping about this for a while, and now, I've finally completed this story, both in editing and writing. It took a while... well, not really... I had to re-watch and re-watch and re-watch the movie to make sure I got my facts right, you know, about Black's Church and blah, blah, blah, to make sure I wasn't being too illogical. So, to basically sum this whole thing up, I was wondering one day about who exactly made Jesse and how he was built to the dick we all know and maybe love or hate. I always enjoy a good villain. So, this story revolves around notorious vampire Eva Badica, a girl who has been frozen at age 16 for over five centuries and has learned from her immortal mistakes and experiences. She's kind of bitchy and cold, but she kind of sheds that later on... kind of. So, she doesn't like to put her faith in people too much, and she doesn't really like playing hero.

All right, enough of me talking and let's get to the story! Any questions, review, PM, or email them to me. Let's hope this goes well. Chapter 1 is gonna follow after this.

Disclaimer: I have no rights to the TV show My Babysitter's a Vampire. Happy Halloween!


November • 1807

Before Black's Church

"Are you sure?" I asked him, squeezing his hand in comfort. I've never seen him cry. Matter of fact, you'd think he'd cry a little when his father died. He didn't. He was as still as stone, saying not a word until it was his turn to speak at the funeral. Other than that, he said nothing. Not a tear was shed for Deacon Black by his son.

A hoarse cough came from him and he looked up at me with light eyes. He was so sick, and the town's doctors had tried to cater to him with everything, but nothing worked.

"I won't be able to take it back. The transition will be difficult," I went on.

He nodded, holding his breath. "I want it. I want you to turn me." He stretched his neck out. Smooth curls of hair on his neck moved out the way with the wind.

I've never felt such sympathy for anyone. I've been alone for the most part of my immortal life. And I never felt pity, neither did I want to. I had to put myself first, and only myself. But our bond had grown stronger in the year I got to know him, and I couldn't bear to see him suffer. He was so close to me, almost as a brother. He looked out for me, I looked out for him, and it had been like that for a few years.

My sharp white fangs dropped at the edges of my mouth, and I could already hear his heartbeat. It thumped by my ears and the sound wrapped around my brain, making me even hungrier. I could taste it already. The tenderness of his blood would wrap around my sense of taste, satisfying me and bringing me the fullness I desired.

I held his shoulder and bit into him harshly. He let go a weak moan. The blood pooled in my mouth and soon enough his eyelids dropped and he fainted. His blood was all over my hands, red on my wrists and fingertips. The evidence of him on my lips, and his lifeless form at my boots.


September • 2010

Modern-Day Whitechapel

I recalled that day many times, but only in slow bits and pieces. The day I turned Jesse. But that was approximately 200 years ago, give or take a few.

And damn those were two long centuries.

While the cinema plan was being horribly delivered, I could remember faintly how this all started. Who knew turning one guy could lead to all this?

The freshmen were there with Sarah, armed with holy water guns and stakes and such. And man, did that make me pissed. I just wanted my friends back. I had everything taken away from me, my empire snatched away, and nearly my life drawn away at the blink of an eye. I hated the fact that these ignorant teenagers would assume that I had a sinister motive, but if it took 219 souls to bring my friends back, then 219 souls it would be. I could care less.

A dagger was in one of their hands. My mentor, Andrey, told me that there was a such weapon that could kill a vampire with one slash or stab. And here was that weapon, simply five feet away from me.

I ran to the back of the screen, where a few others were, holding the traitor fledgling captive. One of the boys jumped in front of Sarah, defending her. I stepped forward, but he pointed his dagger toward me, showing that he meant business.

"Stop right there," he commanded. "I mean it!"

"Or what?" I mocked, putting my hands on my hips. He flung the dagger at me, but I fortunately ducked. Someone screamed. I turned back and noticed that he had hit Rachel. I gasped as she fell to dust. I stood up tall, my fists clenched and my teeth barred as I glared at him. He backed up a bit.

"You're dead," I growled.

Before I could wrap my hands around his throat and chomp into it, he pulled out a lighter. I stared at him in disbelief.

"Behold," he said, "the flame of invincibility." I couldn't help but giggle. So did everyone else.

"You're obviously dying now, pretty girl," I told Sarah, grinning. She looked embarrassed. Good. No one threatens to kill my brother and gets away with it. I'd have the pleasure in killing her myself by snapping her neck.

"This is Plan B? Seriously?" she asked the boy.

"You know we're not afraid of fire, right?" I asked, still amused. "You actually should've done your research." The boy smiled at me, looking at the ceiling. Then, he threw his lighter in the floor, and I got a clue.

He must've hacked into the sprinkler system. Because as soon as the lighter passed by the smoke detector, a few drops of water fell on me, and I flinched. It burned. Holy water. I was quick to desert the scene and head out the back entrance.

I patted myself off and let my wounds heal. This definitely wasn't my best day.

Minutes later, things passed by as a blur. I remember meeting Jesse along the street and making up a quick plan to head to the tree where everyone was buried and release them, since the eclipse would surely happen any moment. When we got our destination, Jesse and I waited in a backyard, by a tree. One of the last out of the orchard we used to pick apples from. The apples were all gone and it was a simple tree, nevertheless. I looked up at it.

I lost a little time, because by the time I could look down, the boy who was hell-bent on protecting Sarah was in the yard and my senses were raised. I peeked out from behind the tree and smiled, crossing my arms and raising my eyebrow.

"I-I thought I killed you," the boy stuttered. "You were hit with the holy water—"

"I've been around for a while, little human. I can handle a little drizzle," I said, giggling. "I'm glad to see you care."

"Funny how they name streets after what they tore down to build them. This used to be an orchard, one of our favorite spots until your idiot ancestors burnt our flock alive," Jess said, coming from behind the tree too. His eyes were icy-blue.

"Yeah, well. I'd say their only mistake was not finishing the job," the boy said. Ugh. He needed to stop with the hero act.

"You made us miss our target. So the rest of our flock may have to wait a little longer, that's fine. We still have enough Dusker souls here to resurrect a few dozen of the most powerful vampires that ever lived. And you will have the honor of being their first midnight snack."

I pointed my gaze toward the moon, which was now aligned with the sun, eclipsed and bloody-red. I could feel it. Not only were my boots on too tight, which pained me, but was the hour among us. Okay, that sounded fairly cliché. I'm not that classic, old-fashioned vampire cult leader from novels and old movies. I'm caught up enough in the 21st century . . . I think.

"You won't have to wait, 'cause I'm gonna reunite you two with your flock right now. Just not in this world," the boy added, retrieving another dagger from his pants and twirling it. I turned up my hand and the dagger soon flew to my grasp. I tossed it in back of me.

Jess held out his palm out to the boy, and he fell weakly. The pain illusion. Smart.

"It's funny. I knew your grandfather's grandfather. He was a loser too. It's such a shame I'm gonna have to kill you," Jesse said harshly.

"Jess, threatening the guy will only distract you from the plan."

"Courage!" someone else shouted. Suddenly the other boy was in view. I could feel that he was the sidekick. He didn't seem too bright. He ended up falling on his butt, near to the other boy. I bit back a giggle. "Sorry, bud."

"It was a nice attempt, though," I said apologetically. Jess shot me a look and held the Cubile Animus to the sky.

"The hour of rebirth has come! Brothers, sisters, arise!" he screamed, opening the box.

My ambitions rose. Hopefully, the arrangement could go as planned. I only stayed because I had certain connects here, and I had Jess, who'd probably get ahead of himself with the power of being "king" again. But then it happened. A scream or a growl that caught him off-guard. The box flew out of his hands and into the shorter boy's.

Sarah managed to come out from the shadows and jump on my back, trying to choke me.

A growl ripped through my teeth and I found myself slamming her against the bark of the tree. I was tired of playing peacekeeper. That wasn't me. She hissed at me, trying to bite me, clawing at me and throwing a golden glare or two in, but I knew she wouldn't do it.

"Hey! I've got your friends in a box!" the boy said, gesturing to it.

I turned to him, smirking and said, "And I've got your babysitter!" I sang, holding onto her throat tighter.

"Okay, she's really Jane's babysitter." the taller boy pointed out, out of ignorance.

"Who?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. I shook my head and side-eyed Jesse. He nodded. I turned back to them.

"I guess I have no choice," I said. I reached out my palm and focused, though after many centuries, some of my gifts were still weak. I could feel the box trying to make its way over to me, but the two boys held onto it sternly. I rolled my eyes and pulled further, making them collapse on the floor.

"Give me the Cubile Animus, the souls must be transferred now!" Jesse demanded.

"Sarah!" cried the boy, glancing at her for a possible word of advice on how to handle the situation.

"Just give it to him. What are we gonna do with a nest of souls anyway? eBay it?" said the taller guy again.

"It would be smart listen to your friend," I said. "Or wouldn't it be fun to see goo come out of Sarah's eyeballs?" I asked, sickly interested. I did have a thing for torture.

"We should just kill her," Jesse suggested. I made a noise of disgust. Now why would I want the ashes of a mere fledgling on my brand-new boots? "Yeah . . . Hand over the Cubile Animus, or we kill her."

"Jesse!" I shouted. "I told you—"

"You may be older than me, Ev, but we both know I was always the one in charge," he said, smiling. "You're just the sidekick."

My eyes widened at his rebellion. No one called me a sidekick! I saved him. Spared him a life of illness, heartbreak, and mortality, and this was his way of saying thank you? I may have made a few empty threats all along this whole mission to uncover the Cubile Animus, and raise my "brothers" and "sisters" back from the dead, but I didn't feel the need that it was necessary to kill a few newbie vampires and ragtag humans. That wasn't apart of my end of our plan.

I groaned angrily and shoved Sarah over to him, resembling my surrender. "Handle this on your own then," I hissed, shaking my head. "I'm sick of you. I hope they'll burn you alive."

"But, Eva! We've been planning this for years!"

"You should've thought of that instead of eluding my advice!" I snapped, stomping my foot. As my anger buzzed and flowed up in me, so did my hunger. It was a sharp, stinging pain in my throat and a tremor in my stomach. Under my skin tensed up and my teeth throbbed. I could feel myself losing it by the second I stood, surrounded by human life and the moon full and high in the upper atmosphere.

"Good night," I sighed. I backed up and jumped, the air underneath lifting me, letting me shoot into the dark night sky.

I didn't care what happened to Jesse at the moment. I didn't want part in his demons, since I had plenty of my own. I had a past, and a harrowing one at that. And it was about time that it came back to bite me.