Authors notes

Oh wow I'm very sorry guys that this is so very late! I've just been so busy putting cosplays together and with work I had no time to write, but I promise I wont make you guys wait almost two months again!

Okay so A LOT of you guys have been asking for some Rin and Amaimon action and even though there are some moments in this chapter the BIG stuff won't be coming until next chapter, and when I say big I mean big! Seriously it's what I've been waiting to write all this time.

Anyway, thank you guys for being so patient!


Rin swung his sword again at the other hoping this time the steel would embed itself within the targets heart.

why couldn't he get to him?

Amaimon blocked the attack and punched him in the gut, enough to cough up blood.

Why was he loosing!?

Rin swayed before he collapsed to the floor, defeated.

All this time training!

Rin panted out of rage and frustration, slamming his fists down on hard surface he let out a deep almost demonic growl. "H-hey Rin calm down a little would ya?" Shima gulped from behind his friend, slightly worried they'd all have to deal with a demon Rin as well as an earth king.

"Yo...u damned head..." Rin seethed almost shaking in his annoyance.

How could this have happened!?

Why was he not strong enough!?

"Hmm? Too bad I was having fun." Amaimon sighed, staring emotionless at the bruised and bloody figure before him.

"You bastard! I'll get my revenge!" Rin almost yelled as he slammed his fist down once again.

"Ah, is that so?" Amaimon blinked at his younger brother; taking out his finished lollipop from his mouth to throw at the other.

"You..." Rin growled, plucking the chewed stick from his dark hair.

"Will you two shut up, it's like watching an over dramatic final battle of two rivals in a stupid movie or something." Izumo huffed from where she stood beside Shima; a look of pure unamusment written across her face.

"Plus I'm done watching you two, move out the way I want a go." She stated before walking up to the arcade game and glare at Rin for him to move out the way.

"Fine I was getting bored anyway." Rin huffed, before stepping aside from his massacred character to let Izumo have her turn.

"Come on Amaimon let's find another game, one I'll be sure to beat you at this time!" The Okumura grinned, determination burning within his blue eyes.

Amaimon only gave a slight nod as he stared down the small female before him, irritated that she had the audacity to glare at him, but instead of injuring her like he would have, he brushed it off to find more amusement that this place held for him.

"Are you crazy Izumo?" Shima shivered before coming to join Izumo on Tekken. "He could have pummelled that beautiful face of yours!"

Izumo's eye twitched in irritation. "Will you just shut up so I can pummel you instead in this dumb game already?"

Rin beamed in enjoyment, he couldn't help it, he was just having so much fun! Even if he hadn't won a single match yet.

Not only that, but he was also spending all his time with Amaimon!

That in its self was just beyond him, how could he be enjoying himself as much as he was with such an annoying cone head?

He was actually laughing for the first time in a week! He just felt as if all that built up stress was finally going away with every game he played.

Strange that the cause of his stress was also the one to take it away.

"You're so going down in the next one!" Rin laughed in confidence from where he was walking besides Amaimon. The earth king only nodded; blankly scanning the different games the arcade would show any interest for him.

They had now played six different games so far and in each single one, unsurprisingly, Amaimon had won with ease.

Usually the demon would be getting bored by now if his enemy wasn't showing much signs of a challenge, but for some reason he was still having fun, so he continued to look for games they hadn't played yet.

What was even more surprising though, was the fact that he was having all this fun with his little brother that he hated so dearly.

It was the same back at that ugly motel too.

Maybe it was because he was finally taking all his rage out on his otouto without actually killing him, which was a shame but that also meant his older brother wouldn't kill him either.

Yes, this method would have to do for now.

Coming across a machine of bright colours and flashing lights Amaimon had stopped in his tracks, eyes going wide and lips almost, ALMOST twitching into a smirk of wonder.

"This one." He decided; making Rin choke as he grabbed at his collar so he was pulled by his side.

"Oi!" Rin coughed rubbing his throat. Gaining back his breath he had momentarily lost, he looked up at the game the other looked so fascinated with.

"No." Rin dead panned before he continued to walk, only to be pulled back by his collar once again. "Stop that!"

"I want to play this one." Amaimon frowned at the Okumura from where he was holding him so they now faced each other.

"I'm not playing dance dance revolution ok!" Rin bite back not fazed by Amaimon's dangerous glare, he rather have his head ripped off by the demon then play such a tacky game to be honest.

Still not backing down when Amaimon's stare didn't change and the aura around him began to thicken, he shook his head and crossed his arms.

"No." He said again to make his point.

"Yes." Amaimon eyes narrowed.



"Why do you even want play such a girly game anyway!?" Rin cracked, arms going up in confusion to emphasise the question.

"Hm? Because Aniue says it's his favourite." Amaimon blinked as he let go of Rin's jacket.

Of course Mephisto would be into such a game. Rin didn't know whether to laugh or shiver at the image he just gave himself.

"Look we can play it before we leave, but first let's play something a little more exciting." He stated before walking off from the stupid game once again, and just to make sure Amaimon wouldn't choke him for a third time, he took hold of his hand and pulled him along.

"Anyway wouldn't you be into more bloody and gore packed games!" Rin exclaimed, throwing his other hand in the air.

He grinned, getting excited of just thinking about it. Maybe he'd get them both to play some sort of shooting game.

He was never really good at those though, or maybe that was because he was always against Yukio who happened to be trained at blowing the enemy's head off.

Though against Amaimon he'd finally have a chance! As far as he knew the demon had no training in fire power.

Amaimon simply nodded once again at Rin's words, the sound of a violent game did make the demon highly excited but his otouto's hand a hold of his own distracted him from really basking in that thought.

However, instead of pulling away this time like he had previously done before, he had just looked at their entwined hands quizzically.

That was the second time today that Rin had grabbed his hand out of pure accident and frankly he wasn't amused, he didn't need anyone pulling his along and telling him where to go, it was just annoying.

Plus what made his otouto think he had the right to touch him so freely?

He guessed if he wanted he could always choose to break Rin's hand that held his own as easily as if it were a twig, surely the sound of crunching bones and Rin's pained scream would be more than enough to please Amaimon and make him laugh.

But yet...

"Ah! There you are Rin!"

Amaimon blinked from where he was staring at his and Rin's interlocked hands to what he recognised as one of Rin's friends, a tiny blonde girl sheepishly waving them over with a blush.

"Shiemi! What are you and four eyes up too?" Rin beamed back, a look of pure adoration on his face that Amaimon wanted to punch off.

"Shut up I'm trying to concentrate."

At first the demon didn't even notice the other male from where he stood crunched over a machine that held what looked like giant stuffed toys inside. Though looking now he recognised him as his other half brother, the youngest of all satin's sons.

Though being fully human still Amaimon never found himself holding any interest for him, he was just simply the other one.

"Wow, what's up with you Yukio?" Rin blinked at his younger brother in surprise when he had snapped at him.

When gaining a heated growl instead as a reply Shiemi had nervously spoke up. "He's been trying to win me a Rilakkuma for awhile now, but -"

"GuuuAH!" Yukio threw his hands up in frustration. "I just can't do it!" Even if Amaimon had never paid any attention to his youngest brother, he could easily tell that this behaviour was out of character for him.

Just what was this game?

"Ohhohoho~" Rin smirked gaining the three's attention. "Step aside Yukio and let the master have a go."

"The master!?" Both Amaimon and Shiemi gaped at Rin in awe while Yukio only frowned.

"I'll get you that bear don't you worry Shiemi, it's not Yukio's fault he fails at being a perfect boyfriend." Rin Smugly grinned before he marched up to the claw machine only to come slouching back after his 12th go defeated and even more broke.

"That thing is rigged!" Rin pouted.

"I'm sorry Shiemi, it's not Rin's fault he fails at being the 'master'." Yukio scoffed, trying to hold back a laugh at his brother's embarrassed face; really it's what serves him right for being so cocky.

"Shut up moley four eyes! You didn't do any better!" Rin growled.

"Ah! I got two." came a voice behind the three stopping the two brothers from beginning an argument. "Does this mean I win?"

"Are you KIDDING ME!?" Rin shouted pointing at Amaimon who held up not one but two large size Rilakkuma's. Even Yukio stood wide eyed at the demon before them.

"That's amazing Amaimon!" Shiemi clapped, eyes wide in astonishment.

Amaimon blinked in confusion, before looking at the two brown and pink stuffed toys held. What was the big deal? They weren't even much of a prize, what was he meant to do with them? Even the game wasn't much of a challenge.

How boring.

"Here." he said before shoving the pink bear into the surprised girl's arms.

"Huh? Oh T-thank you..." Shiemi blushed, looking away from the stoic demon.

Amaimon only shrugged, he might as well give them away. That or try and eat them.

"Hey what's the deal here, that sort of thing is what you're meant to do with your girlfriend!" Rin glared, feeling more jealous and envious then probably Yukio did at this point; neither of them being able to win a prize for Shiemi.

Before Rin was able to shout any other sore loser remarks Amaimon had given him a Rilakkuma too; shutting him up by shoving it into his face.

"Wha?" Rin blinked. "Why are you giving me one?" Rin couldn't help it, he blushed slightly. "Didn't you just hear what I was saying about that whole girlfriend deal!?"

"Oh but aren't you two...?" Shiemi piped in looking generally confused "but weren't you two holding hands before?"


"HUH?" Rin didn't know what surprised him more, the fact Shiemi thought him and Amaimon!? Or the sudden outburst of laughter that came from Yukio.

Either way he just stood there dumbfounded.

"Yes that's right I saw it too." Yukio coughed trying to regain himself, smirking at his older brother's flabbergasted face.

"What no that's!" Rin stuttered, were Amaimon and him even holding hands? What the hell he didn't even remember! "Shut up it's not what you think it is!"

Amaimon stared wide eyed, never had he been so confused in his life.

Finally after a long day of gaming and just hanging out with friends, the sun was beginning to set and unfortunately the arcade was starting to close.

"WAHH I don't want to go home!" Rin wailed as he came out of the arcade, slouching slightly and looking miserable.

"I'm just surprised you two didn't get caught." Izumo huffed as she walked pasted.

"Nah! My I've improved my skills a whole lot with the amount of training I've been doing! Really it should be no surprise." Rin gloated, now standing tall and proud.

"um..." Konekomaru tried to speak up only for Rin to cut him off.

"Even with Amaimon it was a piece of cake, maybe I should become a ninja."


"All thanks to Shura really." Rin continued .

"Ya' welcome"


"Good one idiot." Bon rolled his eyes. "Shura's been behind you since we walked out."

"Why didn't you guys warn me!?" Rin gulped, refusing to look behind him.

"We've been trying." Konekomaru would have faced palmed if he wasn't terrified of getting into

trouble, oh why did he have to agree to all this.

"Ya' big moron! What do ya' think ya' doin'?" Shura grabbed his shoulders and turned him around when he wasn't showing any signs of looking at her. "Do ya' know what ya' could've done bringin' the likes of him here?" Shura pointed at the earth king who at that moment was to busy looking at a bird.

They all gulped, even Yukio looked worried.

This was bad.

"Jeez." Shura sighed, leaning back to put her hands on her heaps. "Ya' all lucky I was the one to catch yer' all."

"What do you mean?" Shima blinked from where he was cowering behind Izumo.

"It means I'm takin' this idiot and Amaimon back to where they come from."

And that's how Rin found himself on a train with Amaimon and Shura on their way back to their motel. Honestly he couldn't complain, he was just relieved that it had been Shura that had found them and not some other exorcist that would have surely got him killed.

It was disappointing that he had to leave everyone and go back to his crummy motel room with a psychopathic demon but at least he was able to see and spend the day with everyone again and relieve some stress.

He could also relax a bit after making sure Yukio was doing a good job at taking care of Kuro, he wanted to see him before he went back but of course he was caught before he was able too.

It was too bad he couldn't have his familiar with him at this motel, but the landlord wouldn't allow it, plus he wouldn't have trusted Amaimon around Kuro anyway.

At most, now he can cook some food for them both and hopefully after today Amaimon wouldn't be too restless.

"Ah!" Amaimon suddenly spoke up snapping Shura and Rin from whatever thoughts they were having.

"What?" Rin sighed.

"We never played dance dance revolution..."


Sorry not much really happened, this chapter was mainly a bridge for what is going to happen next. I really wanted to put more into this chapter too but it was long enough already and frankly I think you guys have done enough waiting.

Thank you for reading~ Don't forget to leave a review!