Yup, we did it again. Terrible Waitress and I have way too much fun playing these writing games and this one literally happened within the space of five hours. It would just be mean not so share it! So, yeah, enjoy! Just like the last time the prompt for this is at the end. :)

"I still don't get it." Penny said, her face squirming in confusion as she stepped on to the last flight of stairs up to the fourth floor, her hands holding loosely on to Leonard's arm.

Giving a short huff and shaking his head Leonard looked down at his hands to find the key to his apartment, "Well I'm not explaining it again. I've already tried three times."

"Okay," She sighed, "I guess if I haven't got it by now I'll probably never get it…" She looked up to Leonard as he nodded his head in agreement, her fingers beginning to play with the material on his jacket. "Next time though, I'm picking the movie."

"You wanna pay next time too?" Leonard instantly replied, a cheeky grin on his face.

Penny dropped her jaw, "But I can't pay!" She whined before pouting her bottom lip, "I'm a struggling actress-slash-student-slash-waitress. I can't afford to pay for dates!"

With a chuckle Leonard shook his head, "You managed to pay for all those clothes and stuff you ordered online, so I don't think you can really pull out the 'struggling actress-slash-student-slash-waitress' card."

"Yeah that's true…" She mumbled before looking to him with a smirk, "Although I didn't hear you complaining about my purchases last night."

With a grin Leonard nodded, his mind flashing through the events of the night before, "Good point… I tell you what, you keep on buying stuff like that, and I'll continue to pay for all of our dates. Deal?" He said, stepping up onto the fourth floor, stopping just outside his apartment.

After giving a soft laugh, Penny nodded as she let go of his arm and wrapped her arms loosely around his neck, "Deal." She answered before giving him a quick kiss on the lips. Once she pulled away, her brow furrowed a little upon realising they had stopped at Leonard's apartment instead of walking the few extra feet to her own like they usually did on date nights. "Why are we stopping here? Aren't you coming to my place?" She asked, her hands sliding down to rest on his chest.

"Hm," Leonard shrugged as he turned to put his key in his door. "I thought we could spend the night here instead."

"But what about-"

"Sheldon's out."

"Oh, okay." She nodded as Leonard opened the door motioning for her to enter first. "Such a gentleman, Leonard!" She smiled as she walked past him and into the apartment.

With a chuckle Leonard walked in behind her and closed the door, "I think there's still some wine in the cupboard if you wanna open that."

Dropping her purse on to Leonard's chair, Penny nodded and walked towards the bathroom, "Sounds great, but first I gotta pee."

When Penny left the bathroom a few moments later the lights in the apartment were dulled and she noticed a few candles lit on the coffee table beside two wine glasses, "Oooh, very romantic." She said as she walked down the corridor, scanning the apartment for Leonard, eventually spotting him standing at the desk beside the window, his eyes focused on his iPod sitting neatly in its docking station and walked over to stand beside him. "Ooh, music too?"

"Well, I am a romance ninja." Leonard replied with a grin. "I don't even know half of the songs on here. Did you put them on here?"

"No." Penny bit her lip, sighing when he continued to look at her as she approached him. "Okay fine, I put some songs onto your iPod. Mine broke so I've been using yours. And by the way, that is an amazing playlist," she said, as he arrived at one she had created. He clicked shuffle, and they both grinned as a flow of seductive bass notes filled the apartment. "Who's the romance ninja now?"

"Team effort?" Leonard placed his hands on her hips, as they both began to sway slightly to the music.

"Mm'kay." Penny nodded, placing her hands on his chest and tilting her head up towards him.

Tilting his head down slightly, Leonard's lips met hers briefly, before he pulled away and gestured with one hand to the couch and coffee table. "Shall we?"

As he held his hand out for her, Penny took it with a grin. "Well, this is turning out to be a very promising night." She tilted her head slightly as they sat down, and he handed her her glass of wine. "Hey, where did you get your iPod from? I thought it was in my handbag."

"No, it was on your coffee table this morning next to your phone. I thought I must have left it at yours or something so I took it back."

"Yeah, I needed to charge it. Forgot about that... but I suppose you've already taken care of that." Penny took another sip of her wine, before placing the glass down on the table. "So... no Sheldon, huh? The whole of the fourth floor to ourselves."

"Technically, since there's a ground floor labeled separately to the 'first floor', this floor is actually the-"

"Leonard, sweetie," Penny giggled slightly, placing a finger over his lips.

Getting the hint, Leonard let out a small "oh" in understanding, before placing his wine glass down too. Sliding her hands to his chest, she fiddled with the material of his shirt for a moment, biting her bottom lip as she looked up at him. The iPod moved on to the next song, and Leonard leaned forward slightly, moving his hands to cup her face before kissing her.

For a brief moment, Penny wondered if perhaps she ought to change into one of the nighties she had purchased. But that thought was gone when Leonard's right hand moved down to her shoulder, and then dropped gently down to her waist. Moving a hand into his hair, she swayed her hips slightly to the music, mostly an attempt to tease him but also as a move to get closer to Leonard. Her other hand undid the top four buttons of his shirt, and she slipped her hand in to feel the warmth of his skin.

Running her tongue along his lip after pulling apart momentarily to steal a lustful look into each others eyes, Penny uttered out a quiet "mm" as his mouth accepted her tongue and reciprocated. Leonard's hand moved from her face and into her hair, gently maneuvering them so they were lying across the couch. There was something exhilirating about the slow pace they were taking right now as memories from the more urgent pace they'd ended with the previous night flashed across her eyelids.

"Mmm," Penny moaned again, tilting her head up as Leonard moved his lips from hers and worked his way slowly down her jawline, stopping at her neck to gently lick and suck at her skin.

Her hand moved into his hair, tugging at the thick curls as her other gripped the material of the shirt on his back, letting out another soft moan when she felt his hand slip under her top, the heat from his fingers as they brushed against the skin of her waist making her shudder.

Leonard allowed himself to smile just a little as he continued to work on her neck, feeling quite proud that she was already like putty in his hands no more than fifteen minutes after stepping foot in the apartment.

He let out a moan of his own when he felt her push his head closer to her neck – not that it could actually get any closer – and grind her hips up into his with a groan of his name. He began to slowly work his way down from her neck, placing light kisses along her collarbone to the centre of her chest, before making his way back up to her mouth.

When his lips hit hers again, parting just enough to let their tongues meet, Penny slid both of her hands to his shoulder and slowly down his chest and stomach, unfastening any buttons that she came across until it was completely open.

At the same time, Leonard slid his hand up, teasing her by making patterns on her skin with the tips of his fingers, until he came to a stop at the material of her bra, eventually cupping his hand around her breast and giving her a gentle squeeze.

At this, Penny gasped, her lips leaving his for no more than a second before crashing back on to them again, pushing him back as she sat up and manoeuvred their position so that she was now sitting on top of him, her hands placed on his hot bare chest, her hips rocking into his.

A little surprised by the shift in position, but happy to go along with it anyway, Leonard slid both his hands under her top once more, pushing it up as they moved up her sides, while she began to plant kisses down his neck and chest. When Leonard's hands, and the material of her top, reached her bust, Penny sat up just enough to let him pull it off and throw it away, before instantly continuing to kiss and nibble at the skin on his chest, slowly inching downward.

"Oh my God, Penny." Leonard moaned, just as her warm lips reached the top of his stomach, and the song on the iPod switched.

Grab your goggles, put your lab coat on. Here he comes, Professor Proton.

Penny shot bolt upright, her eyes wide. Her chest continued to heave as a new shade of red spread across her face, now flushed with embarrassment as opposed to being turned on. Leonard simply lay beneath her, a brow raised in confusion, as the theme song repeated itself.

"What... just happened?" He asked eventually, as the song repeated itself for a fourth time.

"Oh my God... oh my God that wasn't meant to be in that playlist!" Penny's hands moved to the side of her face in panic. "No that was meant to go in the other one - no, no, no!"

Jumping off him, Penny ran over to the iPod and hurriedly hit the pause button. Leonard sat up to find her grabbing his iPod, staring intently at the screen.

"Umm..." Leonard furrowed his brow. He watched as Penny groaned and dropped the iPod onto the desk, before running a hand through her hair. "Is... uh, what... why is that song on my iPod? So many times?"

She stared at him for a moment, fidgeting with her hands, before sighing and walking over to flop down on the couch. "You're gonna laugh at me," she whined.

"No I won't." Leonard insisted.

"Yes you will!" Penny moaned. "Alright fine. After you made me watch that old episode of Professor Proton with you I had that song stuck in my head. I found it on YouTube, and someone had put it on a loop for like ten minutes, it made me laugh, so I downloaded it from there." She bit her lip as she looked down at her hands. "It wasn't meant to go in that playlist." Finally she looked up at Leonard, and she could tell from the way he had pursed his lips and had his eyebrows slightly raised that he was trying not to laugh at her. "It was really funny when I listened to it okay!"

"Okay." Leonard chuckled slightly.

"You said you wouldn't laugh!" Penny reached behind her to pull the pillow out she was leaning on, throwing it at him and folding her arms across her chest, suddenly realising she was still topless. Maybe she should have kept that pillow to cover herself; she had no idea where her top had ended up. "Give me back that pillow."


"Fine, I'll just put one of your shirts on." Penny jutted her jaw defiantly.

"Go on."

Before Penny could get fully off the couch, Leonard had jumped up, racing her to his bedroom. Yelling a surprised "no!", Penny got there a second after her did. She tried to get past him to open his door, before giving up and placing her hands on her hips. "Where's my t-shirt?"

Leonard grinned smugly at her. "I'm not saying."

"Where did you throw it?"


Penny rolled her eyes. "Either tell me where you saw it or let me have one of your t-shirts."

His eyes twinkled for a moment before he spoke. "Only if you sing the Professor Proton theme song."

Her mouth formed a small 'o' as she glared at him. "I'm not doing that."

Before he had time to respond, she was marching down the hallway in search of her shirt again. He stayed at his door, amused, and she returned a minute later, still topless. "You didn't find it?"

"Where the hell is it?"

"You're gonna have to sing the so-ong." Leonard grinned.

Hesitating for a moment, Penny eventually rolled her eyes and let out a deep sigh. "Fine. But you're mean." She glared at him for a moment. "Grab your goggles, put your lab coat on, here he comes, Professor Proton." She folded her arms again. "There. Happy?"

"Incredibly." Leonard laughed. "Check the pile of our jackets and your shawl on my desk chair."

From ImagineYourOTP on tumblr: Imagine your OTP making out to a seductive song, not realizing the ipod is on the shuffle. Right as things are heating up the song ends and a goofy song like What Does the Fox Say comes on and ruins the moment.

Oh and, brilliant song choice huh? I cant take any credit for that (although I wish I could!), that was all the Waitress' thing!