Day 1: Childhood / Hogwarts


Lily Evans watched the spirals of the potion rise to the ceiling, she watch the smoke like there was nothing more fascinating in the whole world, and in that moment there wasn't. The smoke made a particular twirl that mesmerized her, not other potion's smoke moved like that.

She sighed, and James Potter sighed with her. He was looking at her with the same fascination she saw the smoke. He knew he liked her, and she didn't like him back; he knew he shouldn't like her but he did, and making the Amortentia was quite difficult to remember that.

He smelled the vanilla of her shampoo in the damn pot, that vanilla that made baking with his mom a torturing session. He also smelled the mile cinnamon of her body splash; it was just a hint but he could always smell it, because all the girls smelled sweater but not Lily, she smelled of a little spice.

He also could smell something flowery, he had never smelled lilies but he swore that it was the smell coming from the torturing pot on the fire in front of him. It also smelled lemon squares, it reminded him of his mother more than Lily, but it smelled like that, and it perplexed him. You always thought they were made of happiness he thought.

But what made him gasp weren't either of those smells; he already knew those were the smells he would get from the pot, but the last one, the last one was unexpected.

It smelled like Quidditch. Grass, fresh air and freedom; Quidditch.

James' gasp made Lily turned. She was thinking of her potion; the earthy smelled, like petrichor and trees; much like the Forbidden Forest; also Butter Beer and pumpkin juice much like the Welcoming Feast. She could also smell something like the mixtures of smells in the Gryffindor Common Room and hazelnut, something familiar that she couldn't quite spot and finally grass. She thought it was the smell of a Soccer Field or the park near her house; the one that she used to go with Snape, but when she turned to James and saw his big eyes behind the frame glasses she knew.

It smelled like Quidditch, and so did he.