This idea came to me, it will only be short and I love Jane with kids. I hope you enjoy it. As always, your thoughts are welcome.

Lisbon pulls up at the crime scene. There are a number of flashing blue lights parked haphazardly in the street, the biggest concentration of them in front of an unassuming home, with a garden and a picket fence.


"What's interesting Jane we haven't seen anything yet."

"Well this isn't our normal neighbourhood that we're called in to help. This is 'Mom and Dad working to pay the mortgage and put food on the table' country."

"Isn't that everyone?"

"We usually deal with bigger numbers, bigger fish, bigger stakes, bigger..."


Lisbon opens her door. Jane gives a 'Umph' and mutters under his breath.

"Just saying, this is not our usual crime scene, must be something special about it, no need to bite my head off."

Lisbon glares at him over the car. An uniformed cop comes to meet them.

"Hi Wride, what do we have?"

"We have a rather gruesome murder of a..."

Jane interjects.

" Gruesome! wonderful! Is there something special here Officer Wride, as to why we've been called out, otherwise I will take a nap in the car."

"Shut up Jane, you're staying here and doing your job."

Wride confused, looks back and forth between Lisbon and Jane.

Jane shrugs at Wride.

"She's a little grumpy as it's our second early morning call out this week."

"Jane why don't you go and try to make yourself useful."

"No I want to hear what Officer Wride has to say. I'm sure his information will be very useful."

Lisbon rolls her eyes.

"Fine whatever you want. Just be quiet and let Wride do his job."

Jane mimics zipping his mouth, smiles at the officer. He claps his hands behind his back and leans in towards the officer.

Wride looks from one to the other again. Sure that he's free to carry on he continues with his report.

"As I said, a gruesome murder of a young teenager. She was discovered behind a large rose-bush, by a neighbour taking his dog out for a walk."

"I imagine it was the dog who discovered her?"


"What type of dog was it."

Wride looks at his notes and then shrugs.

"I don't have that information Sir."

Jane shakes his head.

"That is unfortunate."

Lisbon chips in with frustration.

"What as that got to do with anything?"

Jane looks at her for a long moment.

"My dear Lisbon, it has everything to do with it, but never mind I will go find out for myself."

"Fine! You do that."

Jane walks towards the body, the coroner is there taking notes on her clipboard.

"Mind if I take a look."

"She's all yours Jane, where's Lisbon."

"My minder is over there talking with Officer Wride. I'll be a good, I promise."

He bends over the body, which looks like it's been hacked at in a frenzy.

"Mmmm..someone was very angry with her."

"It certainly looks that way."

Jane stands up and continues to stare at the body, he puts his hands in his pockets.

"Who could be so angry with a girl this young? What is she Doc, thirteen?"

"That's what the neighbour tells us."

Jane's head pops up to look at the coroner.

"Ah yes the neighbour, where is this mind of information."

Lisbon arrives at his shoulder.

"I think you maybe more interested in the witness."

"There's a witness?"

"Yes and we need to see her quickly before the ambulance takes her away."

"Was she attacked too."

"No she was left alone. Come see."

Jane follow Lisbon into the house, he hand springs to his nose.

"Urgh, you could have warned me."

Jane is taking note of everything as he passes through the house, towards the back bedroom. The living room is dark, despite the lights being on, and, very messy. Take - out boxes litter the place, there is left over food, some of it beginning to turn mouldy. A glance in bathroom shows a room that hasn't been touched in months. The whole house has a strange feel about it, oppressive and evil, he involuntarily shudders. As he enters the bedroom two things surprise him. The room is clean, the bed made, no clothes on the floor, it's heavy with the scent of air- freshner. The second thing is the little girl sitting on the bed, as far up against the wall as she can manage. Her pajama top is soaked in blood and matted against a frail body. His eyes move to her face and wide, frightened, brown eyes, stare at him. Her hair is auburn in colour and is matted against her head. It's hard to be sure, as she's so thin, but he puts her age at about five years old. There are three other adults in the room. Two are cops and the third is sat on the bed trying to coax the girl. Lisbon whispers to Jane.

"The blood isn't hers, we don't know her name, she was found in here when the local police searched the place. She hasn't spoken a word."

Jane abruptly turns and leaves the room.


He opens a door just a few feet down and goes in. Lisbon follows and almost bumps into him, in the doorway as he emerges. He's holding something in his hand. He goes back in to the bedroom and walks over to the bed. He looks at the officers.

"You guys can leave us."

They look at each other, as one begins to speak, Jane interrupts.

"Lisbon, you want to override their order to stay and watch this girl. Show them your badge, let them know you're in charge."

He leaves Lisbon to deal with the cops and turns his attention to the woman on the bed.

"I'm taking it, you're social services?"

The woman nods.

"Okay, well it doesn't look like you're getting very far, so why don't you leave and let me have a go. I'm very good with kids."

The woman stands up.

"I can't possibly do that."

"Tell her Lisbon."

"He is good with kids."

Jane looks at Lisbon and nods.

"Thank you Lisbon."

He turns his back on the social worker, leaving her to Lisbon and smiles gently at the frightened girl.

"Hi, my name is Patrick Jane. You can call me Patrick. I'm here to help you. I'm sure you don't want to be in that top any more so why don't you take it off, and put this clean one on that I have for you."

"Jane we need to take photos."

Jane turns to Lisbon.

"What can possibly be gained by having a photo of the girl wearing it? She's been in it long enough and I thought you would be more interested in her co-operation, because you're not going to get it while she's wearing it."

Jane turns back to the girl and places the top he has in his hand on the bed as near to her as he dare without risking spooking her.

"Go ahead, just lay the top you're wearing as near to me as you can. I'll close my eyes and I promise no peeking. I will count to 50 and that should give you plenty of time to make the change, and then I will open my eyes, okay."

Jane puts his hands over his eyes and starts to count slowly. At first the girl doesn't move, she just stares at Jane. Then she reaches out for the top and slowly changes her clothes, she places the blood covered top where Jane had put the clean one. She then sits and watches Jane as he finishes his count. Jane smiles at her when he opens his eyes.

"Well done that is so much better."

He points to Lisbon.

"This is my partner, Teresa Lisbon and she will take charge of your old top."

Lisbon comes forward and removes the top from the bed. The girl takes no notice but keeps staring at Jane.

"I'm just going to sit on the bed, if that's all right?"

The girl doesn't answer and Jane slowly lowers himself on the bed. He puts his hand in his jacket pockets.

"Oh look what I've found."

He pulls out a chocolate bar. He opens it and is about to take a bite but stops.

"Would you like a bite? It's very good."

He holds it out towards the girl. She doesn't move except for her eyes that dart between Jane's face and the chocolate bar. After a few moments Jane takes a bite. He glances down at his feet. He looks up horrified.

"Lisbon, why didn't you tell me my shoe lace was undone. I'm just going to put the candy bar down while I tie my shoe. You can have a bite if you want."

Jane place the chocolate bar within arms reach of the girl and bends down to deal with his shoe. The girl slowly moves her hand towards the candy, her finger wrap around it and in deliberate movements she moves it to her mouth and takes a small bite.