A/N: Okay. Obviously I decided to add in another chapter. So I think for this chapter, it's just gonna be a look back on the Pinkman residence after Jesse escaped... Maybe Skyler and Marie too. I'll add in a few flashbacks as well. Would anyone by any chance actually know Mrs. Pinkman's real name? This one is pretty short. Also, sorry for a huge delay from posting... I've been a bit busy with other tv shows and holidays and I just hadn't had any time. Enjoy and review/thanks for reviewing!

WARNING: Flashbacks of cruelty both verbally and physically- not graphic, Todd being creepy.

I do not own Breaking Bad or any of its characters... but if I did, I would take care of Jesse so much and let him know that hE IS LOVED OH MY GOD DAMN DIDDLY DARN IT

Keep in mind that I am editing on mobile, so apologies for grammar errors.

Also, one question. Would you rather a tragic ending or a happier one? I'm a person for tragic endings sometimes but yeah.

Approximately a Week and a Half Ago

It was strange. On a normal day in her life now, she would wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of her son's spine chilling screams and sobs. It sounded like he was being brutally murdered, which in fact, in his nightmares, he probably was.

But tonight was quiet. So abnormally quiet.

Janette pulled her feet out of her bed sheets and moved her toes through her slippers which were placed at the side of the bed. She turned her body halfway around to quietly call her husbands name, only for no avail as he turned over to sleep deeper on his side. She gave an irritated sigh and stood up from her bed, walking out of the bedroom as she opened the door swiftly.

She walked down the corridor to Jesse's room, only to see that the door was already half way open. Anxiousness and worry suddenly shot up inside her like a rocket. She turned his doorknob to open the door completely, only to find that he was missing from his bed. Janette nearly fainted on the spot and speeded towards the living room, then the kitchen; the cabinets were opened, the front door was unlocked. She was intransigent; completely incredulous for the moment that... Jesse couldn't have run off, could he? Why would he?

She looked around, panicked and hopeless, then fell against the kitchen seat at the table; somewhat giving up on herself at the fact that she couldn't even take on the job of a mother properly. She picked up the house phone and dialed, tears streaming down her face as it rung.

Her son, whose heart and soul was as unfathomable as an abyss, was out there, on his own.

Jesse chewed on the stale crackers as he sat nearly limp on his mattress, legs tucked into the red bed sheet as he fumbled with the photograph of Andrea and Brock with his other hand, staring at it with remorse.

The crackers tasted horrible, and honestly, he could say that he's tasted worse from what they fed him. The worst part was that he had to eat it, or else he'll be in for another round of bruises and cuts and fractured bones left to heal unhealthily... They had to keep him to through the week which meant that he had to be properly fed, hydrated... almost properly. He was basically their dog that they seemed to love to abuse. If the dog doesn't eat then you force it down its throat; 'dog', meaning Jesse, really.

Some of the food was really bad, though. The worst dish Jesse could recall so far was probably when they had literally run out of 'bad food' to give him, so they acquired a bag of dog kibble from one of the gang members' pets and fed him that; then were later furious with the puddle of vomit Jesse had left for them.

But there were occasional good foods too, whenever he got a high percentage; leftovers of pizza, pieces of steak or fries... it was cold most of the times but it was better than eating something that was literally meant for an animal. Maybe that's what they thought of him, anyway.

His face was still slightly swollen from that beating over the lower purity of his previous cook. His lip was split and the cut under his eye finally turned to scab. His black eye was starting to fade, though. His ribs... not doing so well. His breath hitched with every intake; it hurt to inhale. Jesse somewhat wished that they would at least treat his seriously damaged wounds for infection... but that could easily turn into a bad thing.

The tarp was whipped off from the top of his grate and sunlight beamed in, causing Jesse to squint his eyes as the glares of the sun irritated them. Todd pulled the latch to the trapdoor, and opened it, later dropping the ladder and climbing down.

Jesse slowly made his way to scoot back against the wall, grunting whenever he made a wrong wrong which struck internal pain, slightly panicking as he'd always done whenever Todd arrived... though he was getting used to the routine of being brung up for cooks... four months... and he's still in this fucking place.

Todd walked up in front of him and knelt down, reaching for his shirt to pull up when Jesse stopped him. "No..." Todd pulled his hand back slightly and gave a blank expression.

"I'm just checkin' for wounds n' all. That's it." He reassured to Jesse before continuing to pull up the prisoner's shirt to stare at the forming bruise around and along the side of his chest; forming purple with yellow surrounding. Jesse hated when Todd did this... it was the little things. He would often do things without Jesse's consent to anything; positioning him wherever and whenever he wants, gingerly pushing him wherever he wanted, now 'tending' his wounds apparently...

He was too gentle, and it scared the hell out of Jesse.

Todd tugged Jesse's shirt down neatly, standing up from his kneeling position to stare down at the slightly older man. "I'll uh, come back with bandages for you." He scratched the back of his neck as he looked towards the exit of the pit. "Also, you should get some rest. You'll be cookin' real early tomorrow." And with that, he headed off to get bandages, leaving Jesse alone once again in the pit, traumatised over how eerily gentle Todd had tended to him.

Sometimes he wished that Todd would be just as cruel as the others.

After she had called emergency, they had told her that they were immediately sending out enforcement to keep an eye out and try their best to look for her son. It was... good and bad, she thought. Good because, well, obviously Janette was worried as hell and just wanted her son to be safe and with her. Bad because... he was probably scared. And if they catch him then he'll have to come back here... and eventually be sent to prison with added on problems...

By lunch, his name was all over news channels. They labeled him as 'armed and dangerous', which made Janette and Adam completely furious. Their son was not dangerous; if anything, he was the complete opposite. Of course, when he had his outbursts but after what he'd been through...

She creaked open the door to his bedroom, eyeing the messy bed that was seemingly filled of pain and exhaustion. She walked forwards, kneeling at the side of the bed to pull out a chest from underneath. It was where old photos, tests, drawings, any memories of Jesse were kept. Figuring that she might not see her son ever again, Janette flicked open the clasp and pulled up the lid to reveal a stack of papers.

Most of them were failed tests... she didn't know why those were in there but dismissed it quickly. It spooked her to see Walter White's handwriting from years ago, now that he's dead and a confirmed murderer and meth manufacturer. Some were drawings... Jesse loved to draw when he was younger; whatever age. He was a reckless kid, always hyper and alive and full of energy... it was amazing how much it's changed. It was amazing how someone so innocent can slowly yet quickly break; going from being alive to being a walking corpse.

The photos made Janette break down as she held them in her lap. Photos of Jesse graduating, photos of Jesse smiling or doing simple day tasks or maybe even doing something as simple as eating breakfast... She wished it could all be like how it was in those days, where Jesse was, yes, still on minor drugs, but at least not... never involved with meth empires or murder or slavery.

Jake was starting to show signs of following Jesse's life too; they found joints in places of the house now and then. But she told herself that she would not let her next child follow this life. Never. Though, at the same time, she doubted her ability as a parent, questioning whether she should even try anymore. She felt numb most of the time, Adam having to cheer her up and her pretending that she was fine.

A day later, officers arrived to tell her and Adam that Jesse was spotted in a nightclub with two other people. They apparently quickly left and were never seen again from then on.

Two other people- Janette assumed friends that were willing to keep him in for a while... but considering that most of Jesse's friend were most likely stoners and junkies; she hoped that he didn't accept to whatever drug they offered.

It was funny; a few months back, they had never wanted to see Jesse again; completely kicking him out of the family name. But now... she would do anything to hold her son in her arms once again.

The two weeks being there wasn't at all fun. They had started to call him vile words and had began to assault him physically; trying to trip him as he walked by, pushing him down, pinching him purposely in places that were sore and hurt. He was too afraid to say anything back... to afraid of what they might do to Andrea and Brock if he had dared to talk back. So instead, he remained silent for most of the two weeks he was there.

He still wondered if he'd ever get out of this alive... If Mr. White would ever turn back and come back for him... the more he thought about it, the more it seemed like the omnipotent drug dealer would never come.

Skyler wasn't sure what to make of it first... Neither did Marie. I mean, yeah, she was happy for him. He had escaped... Escaped from here. Hopefully he could get somewhere... somewhere better. Better than here to find something better. Which she also found hard to follow considering that he probably didn't have much supply or transportation. The only bad part was that if he was caught then... he might have gotten himself in more trouble than what he had started with.

The kid deserved to be happy for a change... he deserved to be away from here... to never hear of anything involving all what happened within the past two years.

It'll take a while, she knew it would, hell, it would take a while for her herself to get over it, but... eventually things will fade out and it'll all turn out fine.

Just fine...


Skyler stepped one foot out of her car, followed by the other. The sun was going down- it being late September does change the hours after all. She moved towards the front door of her cheap home and turned the knob once she'd got her keys in.

Junior- Flynn sat as the small kitchen table, the same spot where Jesse Pinkman had been sitting earlier. Skyler stood in her place and slowly approached, halting in front of her son when he suddenly spoke, "I don't get why you're defending a criminal."

She prepared herself to reply but found no words; she herself didn't know why she was defending him either. Maybe it was the sort of vibe that rubbed off from him that made her feel sorrow or the fact that he reminded her of a lost kid who didn't know where to turn next. But he was still a criminal that did (or does) drugs, killed people, got involved with probably so much worse...

Flynn eventually found it pointless to even bother trying to get answers- ("No one's telling me jackshit around here.")- and stood up from his seat, later slowly making his way into his bedroom. Skyler gulped down the lump in her throat, shaking her head slightly as she pinched the bridge of her nose in stressful manner.

She sighed as the tears were held in the corners of her eyes. Eventually making her way back to business, she headed to the bathroom. Skyler opened the cupboard from alongside of the mirror hung above the sink to look for a specific container of vitamins. Numerous medication bottles were spread out from both levels of the inner cupboard. Though, she noticed that it seemed slightly smaller in abundance than usual.

Skyler searched through the containers, finally noticing that one of two pairs of Flynn's medication had been missing.