Jean Kirstein felt like shit. Complete and utter shit. He was lying in a puddle of drool on the floor. Shit. His head felt like a needle cushion. Pins. And. Needles. Shit. Jean tried to sit up, groaning in pain. Damn it, that party was a terrible idea for a Sunday night. He dropped his head into his hands. The ringing in his ears was dreadful.

Jean had never been a drinker. He was only sixteen after all. His parents traveled a lot so he was often left at home alone. He'd only drunk alcohol before at a few parties. It had been especially bad this time since Reiner had invited over thirty classmates. Including Mikasa.

Mikasa. Beautiful, heavenly Mikasa. That sleek and shiny dark hair. Those stunning, determined eyes. And that hot body. She was fitter than most of the guys at his school. And not to mention super popular. She was captain of the soccer team, star of the volleyball team, and a straight-A student. Jean wanted her so badly. However, his social skills would plummet every single time he encountered Mikasa. Last year, he had asked her to homecoming but was met with a firm rejection. Then again to the winter ball. And again she said no. Jean blamed these rebuffs on her brother. Eren Jaeger. They weren't actually related; Mikasa was Eren's foster-sister. But that little shit ruined all his chances with Mikasa.

The sound of his phone ringing caused Jean to sit up quickly. He checked the caller's name and grumbled in annoyance.

"Jean! Where are you! I just got a call from the school saying you haven't come today!"

"Ughh mom, I'm at home."

"You're late! Get to school right now!"

"I feel sick…"

"I don't care how you feel! Go to school!"


"Now! Or there'll be consequences when I get home! No phone, no basketball, no tv-



By the time Jean arrived at Trost High, it was five minutes into lunch. He still felt terrible as he shambled into the building and felt even worse when he realized there was a math test today. Ugh.

His friends were always sitting at the same location in the cafeteria. Jean spotted them at the far corner tables. The smell of food in the lunch room didn't help his feverish stomach. Oh god. Feel sick. Should've stayed home. Stupid party. Stupid me. Head hurts.

Jean slumped into his seat, unaware of the staring occupants of the table.

"Have a nice sleep, Jean?"

Shit, not him. Jean scowled at the boy. "Shut the fuck up Jaeger."

Eren grinned back.

Damn it. Damn it. Should have just stayed at home. I don't care what my mom says, Jean thought angrily as he dropped his head onto his arms. He was thankful that Mikasa wasn't visible anywhere in the cafeteria. He didn't want her to see him this way, even though she probably didn't care how he looked…

"Hangovers are no fun."

"I said shut up Reiner! My mom threatened me to go to school!"

Connie started laughing, much to Jean's annoyance. "Threatened you with what? Taking away sport magazines? Your phone? Perhaps-"

Jean swung his fist at Connie who was still laughing. He'd had enough of this shit. His stomach hurt. His head hurt. His ears kept ringing. And his vision was so damn blurry.

"…helps with hangovers. I have an extra water bottle in my bag! You want it?"

What? Who the hell...? Jean turned toward the voice. The person who'd just spoken appeared to be a boy his age but Jean didn't recognize him. A new student? Through his blurred vision, he could tell that the teen was a brunette with large brown eyes and freckles covered his cheeks. He was looking at Jean with… concern? Jean wasn't sure but it pissed him off. Everything was pissing him off in his intoxicated condition. And why was that boy sitting there? This table belonged to his clique. His gang. That boy had no right to sit there.

Jean frowned with irritation. "Who the fuck are you?"

The freckled boy smiled widely. "Marco Bodt, nice to meet you!"

Huh. So he is new. "Sure," Jean grumbled, looking away. He wasn't in the mood to talk to the transfer student.


Marco stared at the table, feeling awkward. Jean was obviously not interested in talking and everyone else was stuck in their own conversations. He'd been scared this would happen. Being the odd one out. Looking around, Marco saw everyone chatting happily to each other about things he didn't know. Local news. Teachers. Homework. Sports. TV shows he didn't watch… Marco felt a bead of sweat trickle down his face. He glanced at Armin who was trying to explain a math problem to Eren, then glanced at Jean who appeared to be sleeping with his head on the table.

Marco was about to excuse himself from the table when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned his head and met the eyes of Annie Leonhardt. "I'm supposed to escort you to the main office."

"What for?"

Annie shrugged. "To pick up some forms."

Marco nodded and gave a quick wave to the table before leaving.


Jean lifted his head and watched as Marco and Annie left the cafeteria. He didn't know what to think of the new kid. Jean was aware that he'd deliberately ignored him. He was aware that he'd acted like a jerk. And frankly, he didn't care. He didn't need any more friends and was still annoyed that Marco had been invited into their group.

He flicked his eyes to the cafeteria clock and saw that there was only ten minutes left. He hadn't studied at all for the math test. Jean had been planning on asking Armin for help during lunch but there was no way he would have remembered anything in his current condition. Oh well, he thought. Not like I'd have done well on it even if I had studied. He managed to stand up and walk out of the cafeteria without falling.


The class room was filled with frantic students running around and desperately looking through their notes. Possible test questions were being shouted across the room and a few people looked like they were about to cry. Eren was standing up in his seat and yelling out lists of functions and algebraic theories as Armin checked his accuracy. Sasha and Connie were doodling on the board unproductively. Reiner and Bertholdt were helping each other with notes. And here he was, staring at his study guide with a sinking feeling of trepidation. Jean swallowed hard and felt his mind go numb as he struggled with yet another problem. The start of class was mere minutes away and the arduous test would take the whole class period. He felt even more stressed when he realized that the new teacher would be here today. Their math teacher had left two weeks ago and since then the class had had numerous substitutes. Rumors told that the new teacher had taught at this school a few years ago and was stringent when it came to teaching.

"Hey, it's Jean, right?" Jean's thoughts were interrupted by the voice in front of him. A boy had plopped down into the seat in front of him and his elbows were resting on Jean's desk. With a start, Jean realized that it was the new transfer student… whose name Jean couldn't remember. "Uh yeah. And you are…?"

"Marco! Marco Bodt," the boy replied enthusiastically.

"Well then I guess you won't have to take the test."

Marco shook his head. "The vice principal sorted things out. I won't be taking any of the tests this week."

Marco then leaned forward and peered down at the notes on Jean's desk. "Need any help?"

"Huh? How would you know anything?"

"I was in an advanced class at my old school." Marco grinned. "So I'd be happy to help you with anything."

Jean glanced at the clock. Four minutes. He sighed, and then pushed his pile of notes toward Marco. "I don't understand any of the stuff at the bottom of this page."

Marco's eyes lit up. "Oh I remember doing this!" He grabbed the paper and quickly examined it before turning back to Jean. For the next few class minutes, Marco explained all the problems that Jean had been having issues with. He was surprised with the new student, who turned out to be much better at explaining things than the old substitute teachers. Marco was patient and calmly helped Jean when he was getting frustrated. With only a few seconds of class to go, Jean now understood most of the material that he hadn't before.

The bell rung and Jean muttered a thanks to Marco before sliding his books and notes off the desk. Everyone in the classroom turned to the sound of the door opening, eager to see their new teacher.

The man who'd just entered stopped at the front of the classroom and returned the stares with his own glare. Jean and everyone else continued to gawk at the man's appearance. He was… short. Shorter than Jean and most of his classmates. The man had dark glossy hair and wore an unwrinkled, crisp white shirt with black khaki pants. A bottle of hand sanitizer was noticeably sticking out of his pockets. The man scowled toward the students with a look of disdain. "Well?" His voice was monotone.

Jean and the rest of his classmates quickly lowered their eyes. The short man sighed before taking out a black marker and started writing on the whiteboard. The marker squeaked loudly in the silent room as the man scrawled a name in perfect cursive. Levi.

"You may call me Levi. I am your new teacher starting today. To my understanding, you have a math test to take. Any questions?"

He sighed again when he saw Eren's hand waving in the air. "Yes?" he asked in a bored voice.

"Uh sir, I heard you taught here a few years ago and was wondering what made you quit."

Levi's eyes narrowed and his mouth curved slightly into a frown. "Brats like you."

Eren gasped, then reddened in anger.

Jean wanted to laugh but the look on his teacher's face was rather intimidating. Seeing Eren like this was hilarious and Jean was expecting him to start shouting at Levi any second now. Eren opened his mouth to say something but hesitated. He swallowed and dropped his gaze in defeat.


The tests were soon handed out and Jean cringed as he picked up the bulky packet. He glanced at the first problem and was relieved that he knew the answer. He sped through the rest of the problems, thanks to the transfer student's help. His anxiety over the test was replaced with excitement as he remembered that the girls' varsity soccer playoff game was after school today. They were undefeated so far this year, all because of their stunning forward, Mikasa Ackerman.

He could just imagine it in his head. Her powerful kick sending the ball flying. The soccer ball spinning in slow motion as it gradually twirls closer and closer to the goal. The goalie reaching to stop it, but failing as the ball grazes past her hands. Then it hits the back net with a slow swish and everything falls silent. All is quiet. A whistle suddenly pierces through the thick silence. Then with a roar, the spectators rise out of the stands and fill the air with their screams. Mikasa stands quietly on the field as her teammates rush towards her with outstretched arms. Everyone is screaming her name. Mikasa. Mikasa. Mikasa. The crowds of people are jumping up and down with excitement. And then there he was, pushing past people desperately trying to get through. He finally reaches the edge of the field. The air is filled with green streamers and confetti. Through the sea of ribbons, he spots her. Their eyes meet. She is unsmiling but her large dark eyes are filled with exhilaration. He starts to run towards her. Time still moves slowly and it takes an eternity to reach her. He draws her close and she loops her arms around his neck. Her face is smooth when he cups his hand to her cheek. White teeth sparkle as she smiles. His heart hammers as their faces grow closer and closer together. He feels her strawberry breath on his face and her luscious soft lips graze his own lips-


Jean jolted upright with a cry. Saliva dribbled down his face from where he'd been drooling. He raised his gaze to meet the fuming eyes of his midget math teacher. He then realized with a start that class had ended and almost all the students had exited the classroom. He caught sight of a snickering Eren waving to him as he skipped out the door. Jean cursed under his breath. He must have fallen asleep after he'd turned in the test.

"Disgusting," Levi stated as he glared at Jean's slobbered desk.

"Oh! Sorry! Sorry! I can clean it up!"

The man scowled in repulsion and dropped a large bottle of Windex and paper towels onto Jean's lap. Jean yelped when the large cleaning bottle landed on him. "Don't leave till this desk is spotless."

Jean nodded hastily. He was horrified to have been caught daydreaming. Especially that dream. Remembering the fantasy scene left a smile on his lips.

It may have been a dream, but he would make it a reality.

Author's Note:

Well there's chapter two! I'm hoping to start chapter three soon and I'll probably post it by next week. I think I'll start making the chapters longer. Please leave a review with your thoughts and I'll see you again next week!