A New Path

AN: The second of a double update and final chapter. Enjoy.


CHAPTER 16 - 17 Years Later



Harry stood at the platform watching the children boarding the scarlet train. A hand reached up into his and he smiled.

Harry looked down at his young daughter happily before turning back to watch the train. His older daughter was standing at the edge of the platform with her friends, about to start her second year at Hogwarts.

Luna Potter-Riddle nee Lovegood tucked her chin over her husband's shoulder. "She's growing up so quick, isn't she?" She said dreamily.

Harry chuckled. "She is." He agreed.

They watched together as the twelve year old witch climbed on board with a last wave to her sister and parents. Beside Harry, the two witches were becoming tearful.

"You'll see her soon." He reminded his wife and daughter. "We're meeting Tom and Minny in Hogsmeade the day after tomorrow. We're bound to see her then."

"I know, it's just still so emotional." Harry hugged Luna and then scooped up their small child.

They left the station, flooing to Diagon Alley. Waiting at a table in one of the nearby cafés was the Longbottom family, complete with struggling baby.

"We missed you at the station." Harry said, taking a seat while still holding his daughter.

"We went a little earlier." Hermione told him.

"Hermione wanted to miss the rush." Neville added.

"It's little Nathan's first year, isn't it?" Luna asked.

Hermione beamed proudly. "Yes. He was so excited."

"I bet." Harry agreed. "You didn't want to wait to see the train off?"

"He didn't want us to. We said our goodbyes and then he went to sit with Ron and Draco's sons."

Harry's mouth dropped. Hermione grinned.

"I know. It shocked me too when I first found out. Apparently they've been together for a while but were keeping it secret."

"How long have you known?"

"A while. Ron panicked after they adopted Orion and he came to see me. We talked, caught up. He's sorry we all separated the way we did."

"You said sons?"

Neville laughed and Luna stroked her husband's head.

"Yeah, they've got three. All adopted."

"Bet Lucius loved that."

"About as much as his son getting with a Weasley."

They all laughed.

"We're meeting him later if you want to come with?" Neville said.

"Who? Lucius?"

"No. Ron." Neville said, rolling his eyes. "And Draco of course. I'm sure they'd be glad to see you."


"We'll be there." Luna said without any room for argument. "What time? We have some shopping to do first and Harry's got a date with Sirius."

Neville hesitated, thinking. "Uh, midday?"

"Two." Hermione put in quickly. "We're meeting them at that pub a few doors down from Fred and George's shop."

"At a pub?"

"Family friendly." Neville confirmed.


"Ah, here comes the Heir of Slytherin."

Harry picked up a napkin off the table and chucked it at the man sat in front of him.

"Sorry, Pup. Couldn't help it. It still feels weird to think of you as a Slytherin."

Harry shook his head as he sat down.

"Where's the little one?" Sirius asked. He had been reinstated as the lord of the Black house in the eyes of the wizarding world years ago but that didn't stop him acting like a big kid.

"With the missus." Harry answered. "How about you? Where's your current flame?"

"Ha ha." Sirius said. "You know I've been with Sev for nearly as long as you've been with Luna. No, longer."

Harry chuckled. "On and off."

"Minor detail."

They both laughed.

"I'm meeting Ron later." Harry told his godfather. "First time since school."

"Does he know yet?"

Harry laughed. "Depends if Hermione's told him already."

"They're talking?"

"Yeah. Hey, did you know Ron and Draco are a couple? They've even adopted some kids together."

Sirius smirked. "Yeah, I know."

"You did? How? When? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I found out because my dear cousin Cissy thought I should be aware of the development for when I went to the next family dinner." Sirius said. "It was a little while back now. Lucius and Bella weren't exactly ecstatic about it."

Harry couldn't help it, he giggled.

He had been surprised when he heard that Bella and a small number of other death eaters were being given lighter punishments. It seemed that in the meeting at the Ministry, straight after the battle seventeen years ago, Tom had arranged for a select few of his favourites, mainly from his elite, to be given pardons for most but not all of their crimes. Harry still hadn't found out what Tom had bartered with but he knew it would have had to been something big.

"Has Bella's been let out of St. Mungos yet?" Harry asked.

"Course she has. You've met her several times."

"No. I mean permanently. She kept having to go back for a month in every six last I heard."

"I think that still stands." Sirius said. "Rodol's been given the all clear though. Rab looks set to be set free soon too, he's down to three or four days each year."

"Right." Harry had seen Rodolphus only a couple of weeks ago and he had seemed hardly any different to the first time he had met the man.

Sirius started to get up. "Enough chat," he said, "what you drinking?"


Ron had aged. That was the first thing that went through Harry's mind as he set eyes on his first friend for the first time in years.

"Ron?" Harry said tentatively.

Ron looked up into Harry's green eyes. He smiled.

"It's good to see you." He said, stepping away from the bar and towards the other wizard.

There was an awkward moment when hands were offered and then retracted but then they fell into a hug.

"I've missed you." Ron said into Harry's ear as they embraced.

"I've missed you too." Harry said back.

They broke apart.

"Now, from what I hear, you have quite a lot to tell me." Harry said. He helped Ron carry the drinks he had just ordered over to their booth.

Ron's ears when a little red.

"You've heard then?"

"Only just. This morning, in fact. Hermione let slip."

They reached the table. Hermione and Neville were side by side, Draco next to Neville but with a slight gap. Luna had seated herself beside Hermione.

Ron and Harry sat down next to their other halves.

"Well this is a surprise." Harry said as an icebreaker.

Draco was looking distinctly uncomfortable sitting among so many Gryffindors but Ron grinned.

"Glad I could finally get you for a change." He said.

Harry smiled. "Glad you could too, mate."


AN: Well that's it for this fic. Hope you've enjoyed reading it. TA