His words stung her heart the most. It had pierced through sharper and hotter than any blade could ever hope to. Her small frame had trembled as her knees had threatened to collapse sending her hard to the ground. We had managed to stay standing as he stood in front of her. His resolve was clearly written across his face even if she couldn't quite comprehend what he was telling her.

"It's over Kyrie. I'm just not cut out for this domestic stuff. I'm leaving later on today." Nero said again slower than he had originally. Kyries hands clasped the necklace that Nero had given her a couple years before. Her fingers traced over the outline that was inlaid with gold before rubbing the smooth pink stone that made up then rest of it.

"Nero, I just, I don't understand. Is there something I've done to chase you away?" She asked her voice coming out small. Nero swallowed hard not replying. "Yesterday everything seemed fine. We've started planning for the future, have been trying to have a baby..."

"Stop making this harder on yourself. It's over between us Kyrie. That's it." Nero stated swiping his human hand through the air in front of him for emphasis. With that he walked away to the room they shared to pack his clothes. That was when Kyrie collapsed onto the sofa.

She hit her head hard against the cushion a few times the bouncing effect almost comforting. Her hands covered her face as she felt her stomach churn and her heart sink further. Doubts surfaced and small instances came to mind where she had nagged Nero about small things such as taking his shoes off or putting his plate in the sink. Was there another woman?

The sob tore from her chest with such force it caused her throat to burn. It felt like a bad dream. Her surroundings were hazy, it was the same feeling she had had when her parents and Credo were killed. She knew her life was going to be different, she didn't want it to be but there was nothing she could do about it.

Kyrie jerked her head off the table quickly as a hand touched her shoulder.

"You okay honey?" The woman asked clearly concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine, thank you. Can I get another cup of coffee please." She asked groggily. The waitress smiled slightly and smirked at her.

"Coming right up." She said cheerfully with a thumbs up.

"Thank you." Kyrie mumbled staring out the window of the diner.

The city that she had found herself in wasn't unlike the last one she had left. Nearly a year had passed since Nero had disappeared leaving Kyrie in Fortuna, alone. She hadn't entirely been alone, she had the other people in Fortuna to help her out. There had been charity work and still rebuilding to be done but with out Nero it hadn't felt like her home anymore regardless of the fact that it had been the only one she had known.

With determination set she had sold her belongings as well as the house she had inherited from Credo and resolved to set out on her own. If there was something else out there for Nero then maybe there was for her to. Who knew, maybe their paths would cross again. She shook her head abruptly at the thought sighing despite herself.

'Still hopelessly devoted to you.' She thought bitterly. The waitress came back with a pot of coffee refilling her mug. Kyrie smiled fleetingly in thanks.

"That your bike out there?" The woman asked casually. Kyrie nodded taking a long sip of the hot liquid allowing it to burn her tongue a bit. "It's a beauty. My boyfriend loves motorcycles so fair warning, if he comes in he'll probably talk your ear off about it sweetie." She stated still smiling. Kyrie simply nodded again.

She couldn't help but be somewhat bitter and despite her best efforts had found herself extremely jealous to the point of faulting others in their happiness. Love had become something that she decided was only for those foolish enough to believe in it. It had hurt to come to that realization but still...

Kyrie stared into her coffee mug watching her tears plop into the mug with small noises splashing it a bit. Angrily she grit her teeth and pushed it away. "Stupid Nero." She whispered.

"Hey, it's you!" A loud voice said above her. She looked over to see a man with white hair and a bright red leather jacket standing next to the booth she sat in. Her mouth dropped slightly surprised to see the son of Sparda standing next to her.

"Dante?" She asked hesitantly. He smirked at her with a nod sliding into the booth to sit across from her.

"The one and only. Kyrie, right?" He asked sounding sure of himself. Kyrie nodded her head once. "Funny meeting you here."

"I could say the same." Kyrie said softly her voice still heavy with tears.

"What'cha doin' all this way from Fortuna? Your boy with you?" Dante asked clearly happy to see her. Kyrie felt her heart drop out and shook her head slightly.

"Nero and I aren't together anymore." She stated ignoring Dante's wide eyed expression. "As for me, I'm only passing through." She looked back out the window in thought.

"I see. Well, where you headed?" He asked his voice softening.

"Nowhere." Kyrie replied back so softly that a human would never had heard her.

"Uh-huh. You got a place to stay for the time being, to rest up?" He asked. Kyrie only shook her head.

"I don't really, stay anywhere for long." She stated bringing her gaze back to Dante. The two kept eyes locked for a few moments before Dante tapped his hand in the table a couple of times as if trying to get her attention.

"I'll tell you what sweetheart, for the time being you can stay with me at my place. Just so you can rest up because I can't in good faith let you drive off looking as tired as you do." He said sincerely. Kyrie opened her mouth to protest and brought up a hand to dismiss him only to have Dante grab her small hand in his large me and smirk at her. "Listen to your elders honey, I'm not taking no for an answer."

Kyrie stared at him for a moment longer before jerking her hand away resting it in her lap. "Okay, fine" She mumbled. Dante nodded his head once at their arrangement.

"Good, that's settled. You hungry?" Dante asked.

"I don't have that much money. I haven't worked in a few weeks." Kyrie stated. The waitress came around plopping a large pizza pie down in front of the two.

"That's not what I asked. Don't sweat it. I'll pick up the tab." Dante stated grabbing a greasy slice shoving half of it in his mouth. Kyrie stared down at the pizza still piping hot with bubbling cheese.

"Yeah but you already are offering me to rest at your place. I can't impose." She replied.

"Either way I've gotta pay for it. Now, I can finish this thing off by myself no problem but the owner Freddi might feel bad if you don't at least try it. He's kind of sensitive about his cooking." Dante said motioning towards the kitchen area of the diner. Kyrie raised her brow slightly at him. "Seriously, he closed down shop once because I told him the ice cream sundaes were to sweet once. It took him a week to open back up once he had 'perfected' it again."

"You're just trying to get me to eat something." She stated. Dante smirked grabbing another slice.

"Well, yeah but that story was true." He stated. Kyrie licked her lower lip giving into the temptation. Manners forgotten as hunger pains settled deeper into her stomach she ate the entire slice in three bites before reaching for another.

"So what you do for work, when you do?" Dante asked. Kyrie chewed her food and swallowed before answering.

"Odd jobs." She stated shortly. Dante gave her an amused look.

"Like, my kind of odd jobs?" He asked with a smirk. Kyrie nodded her head taking another slice of pizza. "I didn't know you were a hunter. I never would have guessed that."

"I wasn't when you were in Fortuna. After the savior incident Nero and I decided I had to

learn to defend myself. Nero made me my weapons and taught me how to use them, how to fight." Kyrie said with a sigh.

"So what happened between you two?" Dante asked his voice lowering somewhat. Kyrie shrugged.

"I don't know. It's already been nearly a year since I saw him last." Kyrie said wiping her hand off on a napkin. Dante laid some money down on the table as he polished off the last slice.

"Ready to head out?" He asked her standing up. "My shops not far from here." Kyrie grabbed her backpack out from underneath the table as well as the poster tube. "What's that?"

"My sword." Kyrie replied as if it were obvious. "I can't just have it out where everyone can see, now can I?" She brushed past him. Dante held out his hand in an 'after you' type gesture. He followed her out amazed at how much different she was as opposed to the first time he had met her a few years before.

Back in Fortuna she had been a little out of it but was every bit the damsel in distress with eyes only for the kid. Now she stood before him loaded to the teeth with weapons, independent, and in short shorts. Dante shook his head at the last thought chuckling softly to himself.

Kyrie climbed on her bike cranking it on. "You coming?" She asked over the engine. Dante nodded climbing on behind her readjusting his weapons. He placed his hands lightly on her hips as she revved the motor taking off.

The ride over was more or less quiet save for Dante giving her directions. "Alright. This is the place." He said as Kyrie slowed down. She stopped it a ways off from the stairs killing the motor. She stared up at the neon sign that hung above the door.

"Devil may cry." She read aloud.

"Yup." Dante stated climbing off. "It's the name of my business."

"And you live here?" She asked. Dante nodded his head heading up the stairs to the double doors.

"Yeah, there's a small apartment upstairs. Kitchen, bedroom type area with a bathroom. Downstairs is my office with a toilet closet type thing." Dante replied.

"You mean a half bath." Kyrie corrected.

"A half bath?" Dante asked curiously glancing over his shoulder at the small female. Kyrie nodded.

"It's a bathroom with no bath, so it's called a half bath." She stated.

"Huh, I never knew that. Well, here it all is." He stated opening the double doors widely sauntering in. "Home sweet home."

Kyrie followed in after Dante taking in her surroundings. Wooden crates sat in dusty corners with beer bottles sitting on top of them. Straight ahead was a large desk with a high back chair. To the right was a drum set along with an old juke box and an empty book shelf that had a neon sign like the one outside only smaller. She watched it flicker for a moment before scanning the rest of the place. To the left was a metal staircase, below it sat two large red sofas and beyond that a pool table.

Dante plopped down at his desk kicking his feet up on it leaning back slightly. "There's only one bedroom so as long as you stay for you can have it. I tend to stay down here anyways." He stated. "You can look around, I know there isn't much to see but it's what I got."

"I appreciate it Dante. Thank you." Kyrie said sincerely. Her body suddenly felt tired as the idea of having a bed came to mind. Recently she had been sleeping outside in parks or behind buildings. "If you don't mind I think I'm going to head up to take a nap."

"Yeah go for it. Make yourself at home sweetie." He said taking a magazine out from a drawer in his desk propping it up in front of his eyes. Kyrie ascended the stairs feeling the ache in her body increase. The backpack with her few meager possessions suddenly seemed heavy as did her sword. She opened the door at the top of the stairs shutting it softly.

She walked through the small kitchen area glancing off to her side taking note of where the bathroom was should she need it and walked into the room that Dante considered his bedroom. It had a queen sized bed. There was a closet along with a dresser but that was it. It was simply utilitarian.

Kyrie dropped her bag down on the bed and unholstered her double barrel pistol. She stared at Red Rose for a moment her finger lingering on the careful etching that Nero had engraved for her before placing it down next to her bag. She popped open the poster tube taking out her katana, Blue Princess. Her fingers ran along the edge of it testing its sharpness not detecting any flecks or chips. The hilt fit comfortably for her grip as it had done the first day she grasped it. She swung it around her gracefully a few times testing its weight to further inspect it.

It had been a while since she had been able to maintain her sword, she simply didn't have the money to fix it up but figured Dante probably had the things she would need. She almost felt guilty, taking advantage of him but she just hadn't had the energy to argue with him on the point. Aside from that she did feel indebted to him already for helping in Fortuna. Who was she to argue?

She kicked off her bodownwind laid down on the bed grasping at the pillow tightly. The bed creaked as settled into the mattress. A thin sheet covered her but for the warmth of the season it was perfect. Before she knew it she was sound asleep.

She wasn't sure how or why she had arrived back in Fortuna but regardless she was there. She glanced down at herself slightly shocked she was wearing church clothes but it didn't seem to far off. From behind her warm arms wrapped around her waist as a head settled against her shoulder. She turned her face to be met with snowy hair tickling her nose.

Kyrie giggled a bit grasping at Neros hands holding on tightly. His eyes were as blue as ever and twinkled as he drank her in. Her heart pounded loudly in her chest as butterflies flew madly in her stomach. Nero brought his lips to hers as if to kiss her. Kyrie closed her eyes tightly anticipating it knowing full well how wonderful it would be when he finally kissed her, she had waited so long for this moment.

"Kyrie, it's over."

Kyrie sat up straight as a shot as she nervously scanned her surroundings. From outside she could hear sirens wailing as well as the continuous drone of traffic. Her breathing was harsh as if she had been running and sweat had beaded on the back of her neck making her feel clammy.

"Damn it all." She cursed softly. It wasn't the first time her memories were tainted by a ridiculous dream. All of her insecurities seemed to rise to the surface when she was sleeping. The familiar tears pricked at the corners of her eyes. Irritated she swiped them away. "Oh, stop it." She berated herself grabbing her back pack taking out a fresh pair of denim shorts, panties, bra, and tank top. "Shower time."

The hot water had helped soothed her. She cleaned Red Rose and placed it in its holster on her thigh. She figured she wasn't going to frighten anyone with Blue Princess at Dantes shop. She sheathed it tying it to a couple of her belt loops with the leather strings attached to it. Once everything was in order she ran her fingers through her waist length hair quickly heading for the downstairs.

The ceiling fan whirred loudly as if threatening to fly off its base and crash onto the hard wood floor but it stayed where it belonged. Kyrie walked down the stairs and slowly walked over to Dante. He was in the exact position she had left him in. She looked down at her watch shocked. She had slept for five hours.

She tip toed away from the desk and sat quietly down on the sofa staring at the walls as well as the large windows that despite their size let in minimal light, probably from the buildings that surrounded the shop.

The double doors slammed open causing her to jump up quickly grabbing her pistol taking aim at the intruder. The dark haired woman that walked in followed suit pointing her small sub machine gun at her.

"Who the hell are you?" The woman demanded.

"You practically break down the door and you're wondering who I am." Kyrie replied.

"Kyrie, Lady; Lady, Kyrie." Dante said from underneath his magazine. Both women hesitated for a moment before holstering their firearms at the same time albeit slowly.

"Kyrie, huh?" Lady stated tapping a finger to her lips in contemplation. "I've heard of you before."

"I'm from Fortuna, originally." She replied.

"Ah, yes...the songstress." Lady said. Kyrie couldn't help but scoff.

"Hardly." She quipped back. Lady shrugged with a smirk to boot before sauntering over to the desk. She knocked Dante's feet off his desk causing his chair to fall back down with a thunk. The magazine fell onto the desk wide open.

"God, you're such a pervert." Lady drawled thumbing through the magazine.

"If you like I've got a few others in the desk that are even better." Dante stated. Lady replied by smacking the 'literature' onto the floor.

"Right, like I'm sure you only ready the articles." She replied. Dante let out a snort.

"Yeah, sure I do." He said amused. "You bored or is there a reason for the harassment today?"

"I've got a case load. Want a job?" She asked. Dante rubbed at his chin for a moment in thought. He glanced over at Kyrie.

"Feeling up to a date night?" He asked her standing up from his desk grabbing his guns off the desk and holstering them. Kyrie shrugged.

"It has been a while since I've been able to fight. I'm worried I'm getting rusty." She said standing as well. "I just have to run upstairs to grab more ammunition. Be right down."

Lady waited until she shut the door for upstairs before accosting the half breed. "So what's a girl from Fortuna doing in Capulet City?" She asked curiously.

"Not to sure to be honest. The girls homeless as far as I can tell, become a rambler." he replied glancing up at the stairs.

"She's the one that was used as bait, wasn't she?" Lady asked getting a nod. "So where's the alleged other descendent of Sparda?"

"Beats me. She only said it was over between them so who knows where the kid is." Dante said grabbing the guitar case that held Rebellion.

"That's to bad. After everything they went through together and all." Lady said sincerely. Dante gave a short nod as the door for upstairs opened. With a sigh Lady took out her small notepad and a pen jotting down some information on where the job was. "Here it is. Pays decent enough..."

"But yours is better." Dante chided as Kyrie was already headed for the doors. Lady raised a brow up at him and smirked.

"You know me. Have fun." She said readjusting Kalina-Ann on her shoulder. Kyrie opened the door allowing Lady to pass her. Dante followed Kyrie out and the two watched Lady ride off on her motorcycle flicking them a peace sign beforehand.

"Want to take your bike or my car? Doesn't matter to me regardless." Dante stated.

"I don't really like leaving my bike lying around." Kyrie said making her way down the stairs.

"Sounds good to me." He said following suit.

Dante couldn't help but be impressed with Kyrie. She was hardly the fragile blossom he remembered her being which put his mind at ease. He had been worried taking her into a fight but felt that if the kid had trained her she couldn't be that bad.

He back tracked swinging Ebony and Ivory in front of him hitting the multiple sins as they came after him, all clamoring for his blood. "Now, now...there are enough bullets for all of you." He yelled out to them with a smirk crossing his features.

Kyrie shot behind her taking out a Lust and began to stalk around the other two as they attempted to encircle her. She braced herself grabbing the hilt of Blue Princess and waited. With in seconds the devils launched themselves into the air. Deftly Kyrie drew her weapon as she jumped up into the air to meet them. Quickly she slashed sideways and down as the two devils crossed each others paths.

Blood erupted as they screeched drenching her in it as she landed on the ground somersaulting to land on her feet. Blue Princess was quickly sheathed as Red Rose was taken out once again. Her finger pulled the trigger as she danced out of the way of the creatures she had just attacked.

One disintegrated while the other just wouldn't give in. She counted out her bullets as the last two left their chambers. She flicked open the barrel dropping her bullets from their case and swung around swinging Red Rose down catching the ammunition in the chambers before flicking the barrel closed and shot off once more before the devil vanished.

Kyrie flicked her eyes over to Dante seeing as how that was where the majority had congregated. He swung his heavy claymore around him shooting with one hand. The blade caught the dumb as dirt demons as they attempted to attack him. His white hair was stained with splatters of blood but nothing to severe. Kyrie stalked over to him for the sheer joy of doing so firing Red Rose to take out a few lesser demons.

Dante glanced over at her smirking. "Hey you, how's our date going so far?" He asked good naturedly stabbing through three with Rebellion and flinging them off as if they were nothing. Kyrie couldn't help but smile at his pure glee. Dante seemed to enjoy fighting more than anyone she had ever encountered.

Nero had always been business when it came to fighting to the point where he would become enraged. Dante however, it seemed, truly enjoyed his profession as any normal person would who is satisfied with their career.

"I'm having a blast." She replied honestly a smile wide across her face. She flipped out of the way as a large scythe came down towards her face. She shot with Red Rose to distract it as she maneuvered out of the way landing on her feet she jammed the pistol into place flicking out Blue Princess coming to blows with the devil. It screamed at her as she parried its moves.

Finally she landed a hit but only momentarily before it nicked her shoulder grazing it. Kyrie let out a hiss running it through with her blade knocking it down onto the ground. She kept it in place with her sword and placed a booted foot down on its throat. With her free hand she took out Red Rose firing a shot into its skull.

She flicked her sword placing it back in its sheath. Dante walked over to her clapping his hands happily. "I have to admit, I'm impressed."

"Doubted me?" Kyrie asked smiling up at him through the gore she was covered in.

"More than just a little but, wow." He said sniffing the air. His eyes came to rest on her shoulder. "You hurt?" He asked motioning towards her shoulder. Kyrie wrapped her fingers around it tentatively.

"Just a cut." She said with a shrug. Dante reached into his jacket pocket taking out a roll of gauze. "Well, aren't you prepared." Kyrie stated teasingly.

"in this line of business you've gotta be. I heal pretty fast but it never hurts just in case. Like in this case. Let me get your arm, I'll wrap it for you until we get back to the shop." He said.

Kyrie extended her arm as Dante set to work pinching the wound closed first before winding the dressing around it tightly. Kyrie couldn't help but smirk. It was nice to be in someone's company again, someone that cared enough to help her. "Dante, thank you."

"You're welcome sweetie." He said softly smirking back at her. His glacier blue eyes shined brightly as he tied off the gauze. "There, that ought a hold till we get back to the shop. You good to drive?" Kyrie gave a nod.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. I've had a lot worse since I've been alone." She replied. Her words hit Dante right in the heart. Her voice came out soft and sad. If she had said maybe, 'since I've been on my own', it would have been entirely different but Dante could see it in her eyes. Kyrie felt abandoned.

Nero had left her high and dry with out any clue how to continue on her own. She had done well and while there was a slight edge to her now Dante could tell she wanted someone to take care of, someone to take care of her.

"Lady will send over the money. I'll split it with you, you more than put your weight in on this job." Dante said. "Then you can do what you want. If you want to head off into the sun set then by all means do so." He felt awkward suddenly around the younger woman. He didn't want to come off as if he were hitting on her, no it was far from it, he simply didn't want her to go. He enjoyed her company, he wanted to get to know her better. He didn't like being alone any more than she did. "You're more than welcome to stay at Devil May Cry if you want, for as long as you want."

The last part was rushed, blurted out. Kyrie could see his discomfort. She could tell he wanted her to stay and while her brain screamed at her to simply decline, collect her money and go her own way her heart was heavy. She wanted somewhere consistent again to lay her head. She wanted a friend again, a familiar face.

"As long as I'm not imposing on you Dante, I think I'd like to stay for a while. I'd love it if you taught me some moves and I can help you with house work, things like that as well as odd jobs." She stated. Dante nodded his head and grinned.

"Sounds like a plan honey. Now, lets get home so we can fix you up." He said walking over to her motorcycle. Kyrie closed her eyes and let out a heavy sigh. She felt some of the weight lift off of her shoulders that she had been carrying around. Her heart felt lighter as she made her way towards the red clad man.

"Home it is."