I'm so sorry for the delay, I broke my arm for the third time (motorcycle accident). But finally I finished translating this chapter. I also had a problem when I tried to upload two days ago. Anyhoodles, enjoy. And I'm sorry, again. Bye!

CSS belongs to CLAMP

-4 -

"Can you walk?" Syaoran asked.

Sakura shrugged and ventured a step forward. It had been two days since the explosion in the hospital, two days full of cops, reporters and others. After completing the preliminary investigation the cops had discovered C4 residues in the rubble and a remote detonator. They relied on the security tapes, but even though the video was in good conditions, someone had rigged the recordings. Inoue was in charge of the whole operation and had delegated a couple of officers to escort Syaoran twenty four hours a day, both to protect him from another attack as well as reporters.

"Does it hurt?" He knelt before her to examine her ankle. The swelling had gone down and the bone was back to its original position. "I honestly don't understand, it healed in a matter of days. A fracture like this would take a month and a half to repair normally and you should be crying in pain."

"Well, nothing hurts" she said, sitting on the bed. "The police was here yesterday… again."

Syaoran nodded, sitting beside her. For the last two days a police officer –detective, as he called himself- had visited Sakura in the hospital with the intention of discovering something about her origin and to remind Syaoran that he had until the end of the week to give Sakura a full name (surname included). Unfortunately none of the two tasks had made progress. Sakura's memory was not cooperating and there was no trace of her identity in any database. Basically she was nobody and Syaoran didn't want to even imagine what the police would do to Sakura once the deadline was fulfilled.

"We'll keep working on it" he said finally "There must be a way, I'm sure."

Sakura sighed and nodded.

"Have you found a sitter for Kenji?" She asked, changing the subject.

"No, and I don´t know what to do. The worst part is that I have no time to interview anyone, although Meiling could do that for me, but it's my son we're talking about and I wouldn't leave him with just anyone."

"I understand. Was it difficult? Raising a child, I mean?"

Syaoran smiled slightly.

"Of course," he replied. "It's another life you have to take care of. It takes time, effort and tons of money. You no longer live only for yourself but for two and you're constantly worried and scared of something happening that you can´t control, but it's the best job in the world, I couldn't imagine my life without my son."

Sakura smiled. The tenderness that shined in Syaoran's eyes whenever he spoke of his son was overwhelming. It was obvious that he loved Kenji with all his heart, but she had been wondering for a long time what happened to his mother. She hadn't dared to ask him in case he considered it an intrusion.

"You're thinking of Kenji's mother, right?" he asked all of a sudden, startling her. It almost seemed that he had read her mind. At the end she nodded. "About six years ago I was getting married and missing a couple of months for the wedding she left. I returned from the hospital one night and she was gone, just like that. I found the engagement ring in the kitchen and a note in which he said goodbye to me. I have to admit that at first I thought it was my fault, my job is not easy and requires a lot of sacrifice, but it would have worked somehow." He closed his eyes for a moment "I searched for some time, but never found her, until a year after what happened she appeared at home with Kenji in her arms. No doubt it was my son, his eyes are identical to mine and I could not believe that she concealed her pregnancy" he laughed bitterly and a deep contempt flitted across his face. "She left the child in the living room and left again without explanation. Since then I haven't heard from her."

The room fell into a heavy silence. Sakura didn't know whether to feel pride or shame for Syaoran. The stories of single mothers were common, but single parents, that was pretty fantastic. And yet, after suffering the abandonment of a woman, he moved on. That was something to admire.

Syaoran, on the other hand, couldn't believe he had just said that out loud. He barely knew the girl and talking about his past was too violent for him. But somehow Sakura was easy to talk to. And he trusted her.

"When I'll be discharged?" she asked eager to break the silence.

"I do not know." He had no idea. Sakura had recovered completely and keeping at the hospital wasn't allowed, especially now, considering that all hospitals and small clinics in the city were crowded with relocated patients. "Considering that you are perfectly fine, I could do it now."

Sakura nodded. That was what she feared. If Syaoran really discharged her, she was doomed. She had no idea if there was someone looking for her or if she actually was North American and for some reason she ended up in Japan. What the fuck was she going to do? She'd try not to think about it but now she was faced with the reality had no choice but survive. She would have to find a place to live, a way to get food, but all that costs money and she had no job and no one in their right mind would hire a female without a name. She stared at Syaoran for a while, fighting back tears, and then a little light went on in the back of her mind.

"Do you think I could be Kenji's nanny?" She before realizing she had opened his mouth. "I mean, if you discharge me I'll have nowhere to go and I don't know what to do and…" Her voice trailed off. A furious blush covered her cheeks. "Sorry, that was very rude of me. Forget everything I said."

Syaoran looked at her with eyes wide open, unable to speak. He was a total idiot, obviously if he discharged her, Sakura would have to leave. Sometimes he forgot that she had lost her memory and that she was basically alone in a huge country with no one to look after her. And if he thought about it, it wasn't a bad idea that she became Kenji's nanny. Her son loved her dearly and it was obvious that she felt the same. And even though he knew very little about her, she inspired enough confidence in him, to leave his son's life in her hands. She had already saved him and he owed her that much. The only downside was that he needed a babysitter indoors, which meant that Sakura would have to move in with him. He glanced at her face and then her body. Without realizing it he had already made a decision.

"Come, Miss Nanny" Syaoran said shakily, standing up. "Come with me, I have to discharge you."

Sakura, stunned, put on her shoes and slipped on a gray sweatshirt that nurses had given her two days ago. Syaoran continued through the hallway to a nurses' station. Without stopping he snuck behind the counter, rummaged a few minutes within a drawer, he found what he sought, signed some papers, he left everything in place and continued his way to the exit.

"Syaoran, where are we going?"

The doctor completely ignored her and did not stop to breathe until they reached the parking lot, where Syaoran and opened the passenger door for Sakura. The girl got more confused every second. The doctor took his place behind the wheel and left the parking lot.

"We´re picking up Kenji from school and then we'll go to eat."

"Are you crazy?" She asked, leaning into him. "You expect me to go into a restaurant dressed like this?" She could have lost her memory, but she was still a woman.

Waiting on the red light, Syaoran stared at Sakura and instantly realized the problem. The chestnut had a heater that was too big for her and that worn gray sweatshirt. Her brown hair was tousled and her face wore the pallor typical of all hospital patients. Insulting himself out loud he pulled out his phone and dialed Meiling. He explained the situation as brief as possible and said that he would be in his apartment in half an hour. He hung up and dropped the phone between his legs the moment when the lights changed color.

They arrived at Kenji's school a few minutes later. He was already waiting outside and when he saw Sakura in the passenger seat his face lit with a smile. Barely saying goodbye to his classmates, Kenji jumped into the back seat, took off his backpack and then curled up in Sakura's arms. She planted a kiss on his forehead and hugged him at ease. Syaoran, surprised, and somewhat jealous that his child was ignoring him completely, couldn't stop watching them both. Kenji was obsessed with her. What was special about that woman? Exasperated, Syaoran started the car, rushing onto traffic. Nearly half an hour later, they entered the building private parking. Syaoran was the first to get off, with Sakura and Kenji glued to his heels. Sakura had fallen silent suddenly and looked around with overwhelming intensity, as if she was recording every little detail.

"Welcome" Syaoran said as they reached the department. He put an arm around her shoulders and walked her in "This is your home now."

"What?" Sakura paled somewhat. "What do you mean? I thought you needed a babysitter."

Syaoran chuckled embarrassed. He forgot to mention that little detail.

"Yes, I need a babysitter ... indoors." He added, lowering his voice.

Sakura paled more if possible and began to mumble excuses. Luckily at that moment the front door swung open, and Meiling walked in while talking loudly on the phone. She had a pretty heavy suitcase in one hand and a handbag in the other. Upon seeing his cousin, she smiled, but when her eyes fell on Sakura, as heavy as a stone, her expression turned blank. She hung up quickly and took a few steps forward.

"Xiao-Lang, what is going on here?" She asked in Mandarin, trying to control the tone of her voice. "Who is she?"

"Kenji's new nanny" He replied in the same language and jumped to explain the whole story at lightning speed. "She has nowhere to go and Kenji adores her." He added, guilty.

"So that's what the clothes are for" Meiling let out a heavy sigh. "Sakura, my name is Li Meiling, Syaoran's cousin" she introduced herself in Japanese "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Sakura muttered a greeting with her green eyes glued at the floor. Meiling suppressed a smile. She was a really shy girl.

"Come on, I have a lot of work to do." Meiling grabbed Sakura by the arm and began dragging her through the hallway "Guys, excuse us for a while. Xiao-Lang, order something to eat on the meantime."

Meiling didn't wait for the answer. In a couple of strides they both were locked inside the guest room. She left the heavy suitcase on the bed and took a good look at Sakura. She could tell the body of an athlete hid under those baggy clothes. The years she had worked for the most famous fashion magazine in the country weren't for nothing.

"Now, let's see what we have here" She said to the brunette as she pulled the sweater, revealing Sakura's flat abdomen and a white top that covered her breasts. A moment later she took off her pants as well. Meiling's deduction was correct. The girl had a toned body but without losing the curves. "Syaoran explained what happened to you and he told me what you did for Kenji. I've never known anyone so brave." Meiling opened the suitcase and began taking things from there and sorting them on the bed. "Thank you very much, Sakura, for saving my nephew."

"You don't have to thank me; I did what I was asked to do. To take care of him" she added. "As long as I'm there for him, noting bad will ever happen."

Meiling smiled and kept sorting all the things.

"Very well, Miss Nanny, the first thing you have to do is take a shower, then you will try on all these clothes for me, and if you like them, they're yours."

That made Sakura jump a little.

"Keep them? But ... I couldn't."

"You can pay me back when you get the money, but really, you don't have to. Consider all this a gift for everything you have done for my family."

"Thanks, Meiling-san."

"Call me Meiling, I'm not that old. Now get in the shower, there is plenty to do."

Sakura nodded and went into the bathroom. Twenty minutes later she emerged wrapped in a tiny towel. Meiling was talking idly on the phone, but when she saw Sakura, she pointed to the outfit on the bed: provocative black lingerie, black shorts and a flowing long sleeved mauve blouse. Black platform sandals rested on the floor. Everything looked designer brand and overly expensive.

"Wipe that expression of your face" Meiling said, putting the phone in the pocket of her jacket. "I work at a fashion magazine and part of what I do is to know where to find good clothes. Get dressed."

Sakura said nothing and began to dress. The clothes fit her like a glove. Meiling had guessed her size. Sakura had the body and the height of a model. She smiled. She was going to enjoy using her as a life-size doll. For an hour Sakura changed outfits, modeling each combination for Meiling. They were already getting past the awkwardness. As Sakura had no idea about anything, Meiling told her about everything she could think of. They talked about clothes, books, art. The chestnut listened intently, absorbing every word, noting how her memory began to stir, giving birth to little pieces of information. Meiling also seemed to notice and began to push her a little more. She have never met a person with amnesia, but she had heard from Syaoran and Tomoyo, who was a prominent psychologist, that small talk helped a lot in the recovery process. Finally Sakura returned the first outfit.

"Keep everything" Meiling said as she stored the clothes into the empty closet. Then she pulled from her bag a flat iron and makeup and a pouch full of beauty products. She left them in the vanity and made Sakura sit in front of the mirror. "Let's fix you a little bit."

After twenty minutes, some makeup and a lot of the flat iron, Meiling allowed Sakura to see the results in the mirror. Her hair was slightly curled at the tips and a tiara was throwing back her bangs. The eyes were framed in black eyeliner, mauve shadow on the eyelids, blush and lip gloss. The more she looked the less she recognized herself, but something told her that this wasn't the first time she wore makeup. Suddenly a sharp picture came into her mind. She was walking down a spacious living room, surrounded by people dressed in gala. Everyone watched her; some even came to greet her and to congratulate her. She kept moving among people and for a moment her eyes caught her reflection in a full length mirror. She wore a blue dress, her hair tied atop her head and a glass of wine in hand. She was convinced that was a memory and not a trick of her imagination.

"Sakura?" Meiling's worried voice came through the illusion and she was suddenly returned to reality. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, yes, I think so" she said, standing up. She tried to smile. "Thank you very much, Meiling. You did an amazing job. I don't even recognize myself, and that's saying a lot."

"Don't worry, I had a great time. You'll be the best-dressed nanny in all Tomoeda" she linked her arm with Sakura and they both left the room. "My cousin will be really happy with this makeover, trust me."

Sakura couldn't ask what she meant, because Meiling was dragging her back to the dining room. Syaoran was there, setting the table. He had taken his doctor's gown off, staying in a light white shirt and faded jeans. Sakura blushed. He looked amazing. But her embarrassment was nothing compared to his when he saw her. The napkins fell out of Syaoran's hands and he stared, unable to believe what was before his eyes. That woman did not look at all like the one he brought home a few hours ago. She looked so hot in those shorts and he didn't realize that he had said that aloud until Meiling burst out laughing; Sakura thanked him for the compliment, as red a stop light.

"Meiling is such a good person. I would've never expected her to do this for me."

"We both owe you too much." whispered the chestnut, still affected by his slip. "The least we can do is returning the favor."

"Thank you, Syaoran."

"I'll bring Kenji" Meiling announced suddenly.

A few moments later Kenji came into the room and sat in a chair next to Sakura; she smiled at him and all of a sudden a conversation started between the adults. As they talked about children, Sakura thought also about how lucky she was. She really couldn't believe that a stranger brought her into his house to look after his son. She was a nameless woman with no memories living in a foreign city. She owed Syaoran everything.

"Well, I guess I should explain a bit on that is your job." Syaoran took a sip of water and rested his head in one of his hands.

Sakura let her chopsticks aside and looked at him intently.

What she had to do was relatively simple. Basically she had to wake Kenji, dress him, and pick him up from school (since Sakura didn't remember whether she could drive or not and since she had no license, a chauffeur would work for her twenty-four hours a day) to help him with his homework and keep him company in general. Leaving that aside, the guest room was officially hers. The house tasks were divided between the two adults: Sakura would be responsible for the kitchen and laundry; Syaoran was responsible of the rest of the house and shopping. Given that the hospital would take more than six months to be rebuilt, Syaoran had been relieved of his night guards and he would be home before eight o'clock. On weekends, Kenji stayed with their grandparents, which left the two adults plenty of free time.

"Tonight I'll bring you a copy of the keys and the elevator card." Meiling said, standing up. "I have to go. See you later, Sakura." She planted a kiss on her cheek, hugged her nephew and kissed Syaoran. "Behave." She said, mysteriously. .

"I'm going too." Kenji got out of the chair and disappeared down the hall.

Sakura got up as well and began to clear the plates, and Syaoran helped her instantly. On a trip they took everything to the kitchen and immediately began to wash the dishes. Syaoran was always amazed by how amnesia could erase a lifetime in seconds and still spare the mind enough information to survive. He wasn't entirely sure why some people suffering from amnesia healed in a matter of month or, in the worst of cases, they never healed. He sincerely hoped that this wasn't Sakura's case. Maybe if she had some therapy to help her recover faster ... He slapped himself in the forehead. He was a complete idiot. He left the kitchen and ran to the foyer for his cellphone. He dialed Tomoyo and waited for her to pick up.

" Syaoran-kun! What a miracle! Your best friend proposed to me two days ago and you have not even called. Anyway, how can I help you?

"I need help with a…" What was he supposed to say? Sakura was not his patient anymore, she was a nanny, but he couldn't refer to her that way. "... With a friend. She suffers from severe amnesia and you have already helped several people with this problem."

"What kind of accident caused her amnesia and in what hospital is she admitted? I need her medical history and other information to know what I'm facing. "

"Sakura is a special case" he said, suddenly uncomfortable and an enigmatic chuckle on the other end of the line gave the impression that Tomoyo was getting strange ideas in her head. "Let's see, in summary: Sakura was a patient in the hospital, she was found in the traffic accident last week, two days ago Sakura saved my son from dying in the hospital and now ..." he faltered "... and now she lives with me. I offered her a job and she accepted."

Tomoyo started laughing.

"You never get involved in that way with your patients and dare I say, you have not so noble reasons to take her into you house. She's cute, isn't she?" She giggled "Still, she did something very brave. I'll go by your house tonight to asses her. I need her medical history or all of this will be futile."

"I had a copy in the safe of my office, but since the building collapsed all of my files got lost. Still, I think I can get it in a couple of days. In any case, if you get your hands in that file, no one can see it."


"I'll explain it later. Come with Eriol."

"All right, see you tonight."

Syaoran placed the phone in his pocket and went back into the kitchen. Sakura was facing the cabinets, a frown on her face.

"The dishes go in here" Said Syaoran, guessing what the problem was "Take it easy, you'll get used to everything."

"Why I'm living with you?" She asked, looking at him with startling intensity. "I'm not saying I'm not grateful, you saved my life really, but I'm a complete stranger. What if I used to be a criminal or something worse? Normal women don't get shot or heal at lightning speed. I'm not normal. I don't want to hurt you."

Syaoran stared back in silence. Sakura was right, but still he couldn't help it. He wanted to be near her, to hear her talk and complain and everything. Something in the depths of his being pushed him. I couldn't say that out loud, but he couldn't lie either.

"I'm doing this because I owe you everything, you saved my son, and I'll never be able to fully repay that favor." He took a few steps forward to face her. "And because I care about you and I don't want to leave you to fend for yourself, let alone in a situation as delicate as this."

Sakura's eyes filled with tears and without a second thought Syaoran embraced her in a tight hug. She smiled back and hugged him harder. Several minutes passed without them speaking, feeling the presence of the other. When they parted, both felt much better.

"Come, I'll give you a tour around the city." Syaoran said while walking down the hall.

"What about the hospital?"

"They can live a day without me."

Fifteen minutes later, Syaoran, Sakura and Kenji were riding in the sedan around the streets of Tomoeda. They wandered aimlessly for a while. Finally they ended up in Penguin Park, partly because Kenji had insisted so much and partly because Sakura was curious. They parked a few blocks away and walked to the park. Kenji had insisted on going by the hand of both, so they looked like young family.

"So this is why they call it Penguin Park." There was a huge blue penguin in the middle of the square, surrounded by children and smaller penguins. "Quite original."

"Daddy, can I go?"

"Sure, go on."

The child screamed with joy and ran to the penguin. Immediately the other children playing there included him in the group. Kenji had forgotten about them, so Sakura and Syaoran sat on a nearby bench after passing through an ice cream parlor.

"I assume this isn't something you do all the time." Said Sakura after a few minutes of silence "Going out with Kenji." She added.

".It used to be easier, but two years ago I was given the post of chief of emergency and my free time reduced to nothing. I spent more time at the hospital than at home and that's when Meiling began staying in the department looking after Kenji, then we got a couple of babysitters and my mother also helped, at least when she could. I barely got to see my son and the little time we had, we spent it home, catching up. Meiling is the one that takes him everywhere and she always seems to know what he wants and what he likes." He ran a hand over his face

"You are the most loving father I know, Syaoran, and that is a lot coming from me."

"Thank you, Sakura" He said, blushing slightly. That woman had the ability to transform him in a teenager with a few words. Then he remembered. "I talked to a friend of mine, she's a psychologist and has treated many people suffering from amnesia, I thought that maybe she could help you. Therapy is essential when recovering your memory."

"Sounds like a good idea."

Syaoran was about to add something, but Kenji approached them running, his face full of dust, like his hands and clothing. Sakura smiled as Syaoran lifted him up and put him on his shoulders.

"Are you hungry, doc?"

"I want a burger and a chocolate juice."

"Kenji, chocolate juice doesn't exist." Sakura corrected him. "You have to order a chocolate milkshake."

"Then, what juice is made of?"


The boy shrugged. Syaoran winked to Sakura and the three began to walk towards one of the restaurants in the area.

The two women were running at full speed on the treadmill, with electrodes attached to their skin. The sweat soaked their bodies and they were slightly panting. A nurse constantly took notes while reviewing the monitors next to her. Meanwhile, Jonathan watched from the other side of the glass. He was nervous. To his right was Irina, arms crossed, staring straight ahead. To his left was, in person, the president of the United States, accompanied by his secretary and a few armed bodyguards. This was an important day. During the rest of the week Jonathan had undergone strenuous testing with his survivors and thankfully everything had gone well. The girls responded perfectly to all kinds of orders, their minds seemed not to register the sensation of pain and above all, they were not affected by fear.

"Interesting, Dr. Seagal." The president said huskily. "I saw the videos you sent to Irina and I must say I am very satisfied. Your girls are exemplary."

"Thank you, sir." said Jonathan with all the strength he could muster. "And after the progress I'm making, my girls will be even better."


Jonathan took a deep breath.

"After the Biorite fully adapted into their bodies, I managed to isolate the differences in the DNA chain and add them to the drug. Theoretically the Biorite is already injectable, even without the preparation drug. I can't start the tests due to the lack of subjects, but I'll take care of that later" He looked back to the glass. The girls had gone down from the treadmill and now the nurse took them to a water tank. The girls jumped without thinking and slowly sank to the bottom." And as we speak, the last to phases of Biorite are developing smoothly. They'll be ready tonight and tomorrow I will begin with the analysis."

The president nodded and was silent for a minute, staring at the glass. A counter at the bottom of the tank control the time the girls spent without breathing. Until now four minutes had passed.

"How long can they last in there?"

"Almost twenty minutes. They are quite resistant."

"And speaking of resistance," said Irina "what are the new phases of Biorite supposed to do?

Jonathan smiled. He knew they were going to ask that.

"The first one accelerates tissue regeneration. A fracture that takes months to heal properly would heal in a matter of days. It also prevents scar formation. The second one is a bit more ... complicated, so I'd rather show you when the injection is ready."

Irina and the president exchanged a meaningful look, but none of them said anything.

"I'll be back later this month, Seagal, and by then I hope to meet the soldiers you promised me."

Without another word he left the room, Irina, the secretary and his guards following suit.

Jonathan slumped in a chair when he was alone and buried his face in his hands. It had to work, if it didn't they would kill him.

When Syaoran opened the door, Tomoyo slipped into the apartment without even looking at him. Her fiancé, abandoned in the hallway, smiled apologetically and went in as well.

"She's really eager to meet Sakura. She's even imagined how she looks like and how she talks and dresses and everything. Really, Tomoyo is crazy, and I don't have a problem with it, but sometimes I wish I could shut her up."

"I can give you a few ideas." He said with malice. "And look, your girlfriend has a new pal."

Tomoyo was already seated in one of the chairs in the room, showing off her wonderful socialization skills. Beside her, Sakura made an effort to erase the nerves of her features. Syaoran realized that she had changed the shorts by a burnt orange dress; her hair was trapped in a high ponytail.

"Stop staring at her like that or I'll start to believe that you like her." Eriol said, snapping Syaoran out of his trance. "Although I must admit, she is gorgeous."

"Aren't you engaged?"

"Yes, and my girlfriend would appreciate my good taste." He left Syaoran on the foyer and walked into the living room. "Good night, Sakura."

"Good night." The girl gave him a brief hug. "What a surprise, you two know each other?" She asked Eriol.

"My God, you are so cute!" Tomoyo exclaimed with a smile. "Eriol is my fiancé, we are getting married in two months."

"Well, congratulations. Have you been going out for a while?"

"Eleven years, to be precise" Eriol said "It was time to make it official."

"You bet." Tomoyo turned to Syaoran and gave him a sly smile. "Well, what are your plans for tonight?"

"I have no idea."

Tomoyo sighed.

"Typical of you" She stood up and went to the kitchen, dragging Sakura with. "You two are going to buy something to drink while Sakura and I make something to eat."

Tomoyo made sure the kids were gone before confronting Sakura with a serious expression on her face. The brunette looked for something in the shelves, oblivious to intense scrutiny.

"Sakura, could you sit down for a second?" Tomoyo asked. Sakura obeyed instantly. "I guess Syaoran already told you, but I am a psychologist and the real reason I'm here is to make sure you're not a danger to my best friend. He told me how you came into his life and everything else, but he made it clear that you are someone special. Do you know why?"

"Maybe it´s because I have super human healing abilities, or maybe because I survived a collapsing building. The truth is that I have no idea why he thinks I'm special and just so you know, I wonder that myself." She folded her hands in her lap. "Something that amnesia has not made me forget is that most people do certain things to get something in return. I owe Syaoran my life, and if he ever needed something from me, I would help him without a doubt."

Tomoyo smiled. That had been such an honest response. Syaoran had found a good woman, a woman that healed like a game character and without any idea who she was, but a good woman, nonetheless.

"I will help you regain your memories, is a long and annoying process, but with enough time and sessions, we'll get to it." She sat beside her and held her hands. "Sorry about before, but it's my job to figure out what I'm dealing with."

Sakura nodded.

"Do not worry, Tomoyo, I understand perfectly."

"Thank you. Can you cook?"

"I think so." She said after thinking a moment.

"Well, we'll manage."

It had been a truly memorable night, even though among Tomoyo's insidious comments and Eriol's malicious giggles, Syaoran almost burst a vein in his head. Sakura jut enjoyed, unaware that part of it also splashed her. When they finally left, around midnight, Syaoran could finally breathe. He picked up the dishes and stacked them away in the sink, before wishing her good night. Once he was under the covers, he took some time to think about everything that happened. He didn't like Sakura, he barely knew her.

He sighed. Who the hell was he kidding? Sakura kept him awake at night, he was always aware of her presence. How he managed to develop such a fixation towards her, eluded him, and the worst was that he couldn´t (or wanted) to do anything about it.

Since his fiancée, he had remained outside the world of romance, even though he had a couple of girls who he never called back. No woman had been able to get his attention and then she appeared. Six years of self-control went to hell in a minute. He ran a hand over his face. He had to stop thinking about it.

"Enough, Syaoran, go to sleep." He said aloud.

He struggled to empty his mind and relax his breathing, it worked for a few minutes and then realized it was going to be another of his famous sleepless nights. He lit the lamp that sat on the nightstand next to his bed and then took the book in the first drawer. He always had a novel or a medicine book at hand for nights like that. He usually accompanied his reading with a glass of wine, but he dared not leave his room. He knew that Sakura was still awake; he could hear her moving from side to side in the next room. He really had not thought about that, she was going sleep right next to and under the same roof. God, he was such a masochist. Forcing himself to think of something else, he started reading. Gradually he forgot his surroundings and plunged into vicious and dark plot of the novel. He was halfway in the book when he fell asleep.

The smell of food woke him. Sleepy, he left his room and ended up in the kitchen door. Maybe he was still asleep or hallucinating, but the image before him wasn't real. Sakura, wearing yoga pants and a tight shirt finished serving breakfast for two in the small table beside the stove. He stared at her open mouthed, savoring her long legs. Unconsciously he stepped forward and collided head on with a chair. Sakura jumped and almost dropped the knife in her hand. When she recovered from the shock she greeted him with a warm smile and sat at the table. Still silent, Syaoran did the same.

"What time is it?" The first intelligent question of the day. Moron.

"Seven o'clock" Sakura said. "Meiling came to pick up Kenji, so taking advantage of the free time I made breakfast, hope you like it."

Syaoran was amazed by what was on the plate: an omelet, toast, butter and a glass of orange juice. He was not used to that kind of breakfast, with a glass of milk he was content until lunch, maybe that's why that seemed like a feast. Syaoran thanked her and ate everything in a jiffy.

"Do you have plans for today?" He asked then

"Therapy with Tomoyo. I'm supposed to be there at ten."

"Come with me to the hospital, Tomoyo's office is across the street. You'll get lost"

"Most likely." She admitted, laughing. "I'll get ready, then."

"We leave in half an hour."

Sakura gave him a half smile.

"All right, Daddy."

See ya!