This is the last stalling chapter the next will be the final! Jeez, I forgot how dark my story got to the final chapters. It's all according to plan. I gotta say it's been quite a run. Such turn of events if someone read the beginning no way could they predict the ending. Warning it may be a little bit cheesy! Next chapter will be the epilogue.

"Mei, no," Luke cried and hugged Mei's heating up body, his shirt was burnt off revealing his nicely toned and well built torso and he knew that he would probably earn a few scars on his body, but he didn't care. He cared for Mei, no he loved her and he wasn't just about to let her destroy everything around her as well as herself because of pain. He would make the pain go away no matter what.

"YOU'LL PAY! I'LL MAKE SURE OF IT!" Mei screamed, hot tears streaming down her face.

"Mei, calm down!" Erin said hugging Mei from the other side and everyone else followed.

"That was quite the explosion there. We were just about to ram the door open, but you apparently opened it for us..." Kristy commented.

"You fool. The plan was fool-proof, making her kill herself so that we could extract the power. Once extracted we would deal with you," Marlene screamed.

"But no!" Marlene said elongating the 'o' sound. "Go ahead and spoil it,"

"You were going to kill you daughter?" Aaron said stepping forward his body ablaze.

"You sicken me!" Blaze said also stepping forward. The duo of fire types nodded at each other and ran at Marlene.

The brunette scoffed before holding out her palm and sending them flying.

"I think I'll handle it," June said.

"Power duo," Aqua announced.

"Steaming water?" June asked.


June heated up her body and ran towards Marlene, her footsteps causing flames to erupt. Aqua, in the meantime, was charging a very large sphere of water.

"Now," June cried, jumping into the air, once in the air, Aqua threw the liquid ball at June who at the same time lashed out a whip of flames.

"Ooh, that actually burnt! I knew if I waited something interesting would happen!" Marlene laughed off.

"Wha-what how?" Aqua asked.

"That attack must've hurt like Darkrai's dimension!" Skull commented.

"Oh well!" Marlene shrugged off. With her palm stretched forth she was about to fling Aqua and June before, Kristy teleported in front of them and intercepted the psychic energy waves.

"What do you think you're doing girl?"

"Beating you," Skull replied her fists a few inches away from Marlene's face. Her blue fists made contact with Marlene's face sending her spiralling away! Aqua and June backed that attack on with long-distance attacks.

"Mei, are you okay?" Erin said, caressing the cheek of the Eevee Pokemorph.

"Weren't you just a flareon Pokemorph?" Luke asked, confused as Mei had returned to her eevee form.

Erin sent Luke a glare. 'Not cool man,'

"I keep evolving and un-evolving at random times, okay?" Mei answered as she stood up and got ready to do battle.

"Ready?" Erin asked.

"Yeah, let's kick some ass!" Mei responded and with that she sprinted off towards her mother, a shadow ball in hand.

"Cute." Was all Marlene said, before pointing her middle and index finger out at the mob of teens "Clairvoyant Cannon?"

"With that a large purple beam sprouted from her fingers and straight at the teens, hurtling them through the demolished walls. As they landed Kristy added,
"Well she obviously isn't aware of the term 'holding back'!"

"I'm not am I?" Marlene said just above Kristy, her fingers on her chest. "Clairvoyant Cannon,"

"NO!" Skull screamed, a focus punch blocking most of the blast but not all of it. The damage was done. Blood spilt from her now opened chest. The hole was small and ridged but noticeable.

The others stared in shock, how could a person be so cruel?

"KRISTY!" Skull screamed, tears rolling, uncontrollably, off of her cheek. "KRISTY! KRISTY!" The medicham Pokemorph screamed.

With the final scream, something happened. Her body glowing a familiar white, all too familiar.

"She's evolving?" Mei asked.

"How is that possible? Medicham is the last form, right?" Erin asked.

"It- it just can't be!" Luke screamed.

"What is it?" June asked.

"She's- she- she's mega-evolving!"

"Mega evolving?" Aqua asked.

"Yes. It's a level of evolution after the final form one that's like a boost to increase power. But it was just a theory! It- it couldn't be possible. It shouldn't be possible. The mad power flow over-rides both Pokémon and human nervous systems!"

"But if you were to put them together?" Mei asked.

"It's only a theory..."

And there stood Skull she had the same shorts, but with golden rings around the top of them, each of them with blue balls dangling from them. She wore a grey long sleeved vest accompanied with golden bracelet, one for each arm. She wore a white head scarf and a golden oval shaped gem in the bottom centre. With that a pink ball at the top. Along with this she had four scarves like objects protruding out of nowhere.

She had no emotion in her eyes. Then she placed her gaze on Marlene, "I hope you're ready to die tonight..."

"Same here," Marlene said before clenching her fist, a red electric like substance surrounded her head before she air punched in Skull's direction. "Flaming bullet,"

Skull held her hand up. "Reflect," A clear barrier surrounded Skull and her friends, including Kristy whom Mei was using refresh on. "How's she holding back up there?" Skull asked, not taking her eyes off of Mei's mother.

"She's breathing but shakily, and she's nowhere near conscious," Mei said worriedly.

Skull nodded, "Well C'mon guys, I'm not the only one about to beat this chick up am I?"

Looks of determination were plastered on everyone's face as they raced to aim attacks of all elements on her. Sadly all of them were in vain. Mei was in the background with Luke and Erin who were trying their best to keep her calm but then a sudden ray of sun blocked her vision and stopped refresh for a second or two.

"It's day time already?"

Kristy groaned.

"Kristy!" Mei squealed happily, "I'm so happy you're alive," And then her final evolution process began. From umbreon to jolteon to vaporeon to glaceon to leafeon to flareon and now she was finally an espeon.

Mei emerged, but differently. She had a purple hat with two cute espeon ears on the top and fur. Her hair was also purple and was free until it reached her neck where it was split into two braids that reached her back. She had a red gem imprinted on her forehead. And her eyes were crystal blue, and there was something about her eyes, something that made her seem... different. Mei wore a large loose purple vest that reached up to her thighs and shorts underneath. The shorts were barely seen though. Behind the shorts poked out twin tails seemingly with a mind of their own.

"I know what to do now," Mei said in a caring and calm voice. As she got closer to her friends, closer to Marlene, the others just seemed to step back. They knew that this was it. This was the final battle.

"So you finally evolve to the final one. It's crucial to our plan, so why evolve?" Marlene asked.

"Because, I needed to I made myself happy just so I could evolve. Then I could beat you," Mei answered.

"Well then, bring I-" Marlene tried to threaten but Mei had already got the first move and used psychic. She smashed her into every surface available, the floor, the walls, the ceiling, heck she even threw her outside the window, smashed her in the ground, lifted her back up and repeated.

"Clairvoyant Cannon,"

"Not gonna work," Mei informed her mother, "Reflect,"
Just to rub it in her face Mei made a small Frisbee sized barrier and reflected it back on Marlene who took major damage.

"Damn, I shouldn't be taking so much damage. It isn't fair!"

"Just like it wasn't fair for dad to die 'for fun'," Mei quoted with disgust. With Marlene on the floor she kicked her jaw. Then picked her up and launched towards the remains of her 'throne'.

"Final Charge: Right wing of the Psychic Phoenix!"

"WHAT! How is it possible, you couldn't have possibly gained your final charge in the amount of time you've had that form!"

"You wanna know why I know my Final Charge?" Mei asked her being now outlined with a thick and strong violet.


"It's because every part of my being wants to kill you..."

Marlene gasped.

"Every fibre of my physical state, my subconscious even has now been set to defeat you, I can even feel it in both my human AND Pokémon soul. They want to kill you too,"

With those words, Mei soared high into the air, leaving a deep crater as she ascended past the many ceilings of the building.

"Let's make it easier for Mei to have the final blow, eh guys?" Skull said cracking her knuckles.

They all agreed by pummelling Marlene with attacks. She was in a weakened state so all they needed to do was light a candle that had already been lit.

"Tally ho!" Aqua cried as she saw a shiny object pummel back down. With that everyone darted to where Kristy was.

"We're gonna need all the help we can get, to protect ourselves from the impact. Just lend me some energy while I make the barrier, okay?" Skull ordered.
Everyone nodded and put their hands on top of hers. "Reflect," When the barrier materialised a glossy wall, one to compete with the great wall of Kanto, appeared.

"I think we'll be ready," Luke remarked smirking. He couldn't help himself, and he knew that deep down the others felt as proud as him.

Mei was only a few metres from Marlene, a giant telekinetic wing surrounding her arm. The wing was at least the size of the building and had already incinerated everything it came in contact with. Now all that was left was Marlene. She raised her arm, now only a metre away and swung it at Marlene with such force, such anger, such... power that it may've been able to split Marlene's skull itself. The wing now only a few seconds away from Marlene, Mei smiled, finally her relief was gone, but just as the wing burnt a strand of her hair... It dissipated. Both mother and daughter's eyes widened in shock, Marlene looked over to her throne and realised that it was still... operational.

"Did you really think that that was gonna kill me?" Marlene said, her arrogance returning to her side at once.

Mei went on her knees and cried. She failed everybody. Her friends, herself, her dad...

"Now I've accumulated your Final Charge, all that's left is the rest of your power. But before I do that might as well go and destroy your friends before they interfere again..."

In a flash Marlene had disappeared and Mei was too weak to even whisper, 'no'.

"The impact should've happened by now..." Luke said, scratching his head.

"Yeah, something strange is going on," Erin added. As to answer their suspicion Marlene arrived.

"Cloth of Fabric," She managed to stutter, the damage was getting to her, and it was only so long until her psychic freeze effect would wear off.

"Get down!" Luke shouted and tackled Erin to the floor, and before any of the others knew what was going on they were sucked into a black hole, similar to that of a gardevoir.

Luke and Erin saw what happened and they didn't want to see it again, tired and hurting they gathered all their strength and ran to the door to see Mei crying on the floor.

"She's too weak to do anything," Erin said. Then before anything else could happen Marlene busted through the door.

She instantly made three fists made of psychic energy and punched all three students countless times. After that she decided to take a quick rest on her throne and watched them.

"No, this, this can't be happening. We had planned everything. Everything was right we had done it perfectly. What went wrong?" Mei's shrill voice shouted. The words echoing with the chill of death hovering over them.

"Don't over-react we trained for this sort of moment." Luke voiced he tried to sound calm but anyone could sense the fear in his words.

"Remember Mei; just remember everything we've been through just to get here." Erin's voice reassured.

"Remember, I remember. Yeah I remember when I was normal. We were normal. We weren't fighting supernatural beings for our lives. We weren't rapidly growing powers of all sorts because we were chosen by higher power. Our lives weren't endangered back then." The girl known as Mei ranted.

"I hate to interrupt this Pokemorph feud, but we have a world to take over." An over powering voice. Just the sound of her voice seemed to send the earth back.

"Yeah, we can't let that happen!" The female voice squeaked proudly.

"Erin what the hell are you doing?!" Mei screamed.

"Oh yeah, and what are you going to do to stop it?!" The mew like overlord boomed.

"This!" Erin announced as a gigantic ball of flames formed in her hand. Her hair shot up fully revealing the mask she was wearing. The flames that she constructed were now a miniature tornado slowly growing larger and larger.

"Erin please, please don't do this." Mei squealed, tears running down her face.

"That's how it all happened..." Mei squeaked. The memories were too painful. What started out as good, the situations only got worse and more painful.

"Now, for me to finally kill you," Marlene said. Before she started ranting on about her time spent in evil, but the two didn't care. Luke had got Mei's attention by saying, "Mei, look what I've got!" he showed her a dagger with a dragon emblem wrapped around it.

"When did you get that?" Mei asked.

"No time, I'll tell you later. Now, just," He handed her the blade, "Just do what you gotta do!" He gave her a goofy grin.

"Mum!" Mei screamed, running with all her strength. Her knees were aching, her legs literally screamed in pain, her ankles were wobbly and seemed as if they were about to collapse and her feet were starting to lose their grip on the ground as they almost flew from the ground. One minute the dagger was in her hand. Marlene had tried to read her mind to see what she was planning, but she found out a second too late. The next minute had gone. The dagger now etched in her heart Mei walked away, a tear hanging on the corner of her eye.

Then Marlene's psychic freeze thawed. All the pain she had felt, all of it, including the dagger her daughter had just implanted in her chest all flooded her entire being at once- killing her instantly.

"I- I can't believe it ended like that!" Luke said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Mei asked.

"Call me cheesy, but I thought it would've ended with a colossal explosion of power, an epic showdown. Not just a dagger to the heart,"

Mei only glared at him, but ended up cracking a smile. It wasn't a time for laughing besides. Laughing may have actually killed her.

"Help!" a voice cried, coming from nowhere.

"What was that?" Luke cried.

"Help!" Screamed another.

"I think it's coming from the chair," Mei said.

"They walked towards the slightly damaged throne and kicked the legs, causing it to collapse and reveal a box barely squeezing in two little girls.

"Oh my Arceus!" Mei screamed as she crushed the box with her foot, shattering it instantly.

Both girls inhaled sharply, both girls looked around seven years of age.

"Who are you two? And why has the boss of the evil place captured you?" Mei asked.

"It's because I'm the true Mew Pokemorph." Said the pink clothed one. She was wearing the exact same outfit as Mei except that she only had one tail rather than two.

"I'm a Jirachi Pokemorph and she wanted my wishing powers," Said the other one. She had a weird sombrero with three light blue tassels hanging down from them. She had a white dress with a yellow cape.

"Okay, so you're free to go now. Run along to your family and make sure not to get in trouble," Mei said.

"Wait we want to repay our debt to you for saving us!" Announced the Mew Pokemorph.

"We'll grant you three wishes," The Jirachi Pokemorph said.

"Are you sure. I don't want to ask things of little girls," Mei responded blushing just the slightest.

"PLEASE!" They both pleaded, their puppy eyes were so wide and so cute Mei just couldn't resist that.

"Okay, if you insist!" Mei said, "My first wish is that all my friends were here with me alive and well,"

"Done," Said the sombrero wearing Pokemorph and with the nod of her head her friends appeared next to her, seeming as if they were taking a nap.

"Okay. My second wish is that everyone, except me, forgets this. I don't want them to be traumatised by what's happened. I- need the closure of what happened to my father..."

"Mei. Don't do it," Luke argued and reached for Mei but before he could touch her

"Done," Said the Mew Pokemorph, and she wiped the minds of all her friends and input fake memories. The process made Luke go unconscious.

"Why did that work on Luke?" Mei asked.

"Dear. I'm the most powerful psychic type. Surely a dark type of his ability won't be a problem for me!"

"Finally, I wish that my Pokémon and everyone else's were free. To be captured again so that we could start again- you know?"

"Done!" They both said holding hands, and nodded their heads. Suddenly all their Pokémon turned into white sprites and zoomed to the forest.

The duo was about to take off but Mei stopped them.

"Could you take us home?" Mei asked.

"Where's home?" Asked the Mei Pokemorph.

"Uncle Kenryu's hotel," Mei replied.

"Wait, we'll just implant a memory for them all to be there and we should be about done!" The Jirachi Pokemorph said. After that was done, they nodded and everyone was in an accustomed room for the night.

+A week later+

"Hey Mei," Erin called, "If we're late we're going to miss our contest!"

"Be there in a sec!" Mei called down, applying her lipstick. The brunette flounced downstairs and into the car with Skull and Kristy in them. Somehow those legendary Pokemorph managed to make them all friends and now they were on their way to their contest.

This was the way it was supposed to be...

FINAL CHAPTER DONE! The epilogue will be here soon. It's happy! In contrast with the last few chapters. I've read them... Yeesh! I've abused Mei...