Four days later, Logan and the babies came home from the hospital. It was a right bloody mess getting them home; manipulating the babies in the hospital was one thing, but strapping them into car seats, avoiding any press, and shuffling Logan about was a real nightmare. But they were finally home and ready to start their new life.

Carlos and James waited patiently until the new parents came home, and once they burst through the front door the boys sprang up from the sofa and ran over to them.

"HI BABIES!" Carlos shouted, looking over the baby carriers.

"Husshhh, come on," Kendall said. He took Kendall Junior over towards the babies' room. Logan followed behind with Elizabeth and then Mama Knight with Katherine. Logan's mother followed behind with a sour look on her face. Carlos and James tagged behind her.

In the nursery, each of the babies were laid down in their new beds and tucked in. Logan looked around at the group that had followed them in. "Ummmm," he said. "Can we have less people in here please?"

Carlos and James grumbled amongst themselves, hanged their heads and left. So did Mama Mitchell, but Mrs. Knight stuck around and looked into each of the cribs. "They're beautiful," she said. "Teeny tiny little babies, but they're beautiful."

Kendall stayed hunched over his son's crib. He watched him wriggle about as he tried to get comfortable. Logan gazed at Kendall longingly. It made him so happy to see Kendall content with his new found fatherhood. It was going to be a long, difficult journey for them both, but knowing they were up for it made everything less scary.

"Why's your mom being weird?" Kendall asked, still staring at Kendall Junior.

"I dunno," Logan sighed.

"She just is weird," Mama Knight interjected. She walked up to Logan and patted him on the shoulder. "I think the whole son being gay, son being pregnant concept is really overwhelming for her. She'll mellow out in time, I promise. But for now she's a bit tense."

"Well I wish she wouldn't be!" Logan barked. "I have enough crap to deal with. I mean look; triplets. Gustavo. The band. My stomach is still giant and disgusting and I'll never go back to the body I had before. Ughhh."

"Heyy, heyyyy," Kendall cooed. He finally let off of his son's crib and ran to Logan's aid. He put his arms around him and held his body close to his. "You will."

"I don't know," Logan sighed.

"Yeah, you will. Don't worry. Everything's gonna work out, okay?" Kendall took Logan's chin in his hand, raised him up and kissed him on the lips. "And we're gonna be great parents."

"Mmm. Yeah."

The nursery door opened up real slowly just then, and Camille popped her head in. "The babies are here?" she whispered loudly. Mama Knight nodded and waved her hand to come in. Camille carefully stepped within the nursery, palms clapped around her mouth in awe as she approached the cribs. Logan pointed each one out to her. "That's Elizabeth, Katherine, and Kendall Junior."

"Awwww!" Camille cooed. She stepped up to Elizabeth's crib and looked down at her. "They're so small!"

"Yeah," Kendall and Logan said at the same time.

"Are they healthy? I mean, it was really early to be born, right?"

"They're fine," said Logan. "Kendall Junior is a bit touchy but he'll be alright."

"Can I hold one?" Camille asked, wide eyed.

"Yes, of course," Logan said. He reached into Elizabeth's crib and picked her up. "Make sure you support the back of her head like this." He handed her off to Camille who held the baby very tenderly. She narrowed her eyes down at her and smiled real big. "Hiiii," she whispered to the infant. "This is so cool."

"Cool? How cool?" Logan asked. Kendall went back to Kendall Junior's crib now and continued watching him snoozing.

"We have babies in the Palm Woods now," Camille went on to explain. "Now we can come over and play with them and take care of them. Isn't that exciting?"

"Not totally exciting for me," Logan said. "But I'll take any help I can get. Right, Kindall?"

"Mhm," Kendall agreed, staring at his son.

"Well, I for one would love to help you," Camille said. "I know a little bit about babies and I want to know more, so you can expect to see more of me around here."

"Aw, thanks," Logan giggled. "Let's see if we can get them to sleep, huh?"

"Okay," Camille handed Elizabeth back to her mother(?) and was put into her crib once more. They made sure they were all snugly tucked in and whatnot, turned on the baby monitors and left the nursery in peace.

In the living room, Carlos and James were bitching about this and that as usual. Camille ran out and sat down next to them.

"Why won't they let me hold one?" Carlos asked.

"'Cause you'll break it," James sneered.

"I will not!"

"Will too!"

Kendall and Logan came out and broke up the argument. "What's going on?" Kendall asked.

"Noooothing," Carlos and James hooted in unison.

"Carlos, you can't hold a baby," Logan said, crashing the entire party. Camille laughed.

"Why not?!" Carlos quipped.

"Because they're real tiny and frail," Logan continued. "I don't want you to hurt them. It's really easy to hurt a little baby. Just shaking one can kill it."

"But James held one!"

"James is a little less clumsy than you, sorry," Kendall interjected with a humble shrug. "When they're a little older you can hold them."

"Baaaaaah," Carlos sighed. He folded his arms and leaned up against James.

"How is mama feeling, by the way?" The tall, dark haired boy asked.

"I'm alright," said Logan. "I need to be super, super careful with my stitches but it's fine. Kindall is taking good care of me."

Mama Knight walked into the kitchen and began fixing something for all of the boys to eat. She listened to them chatting with a smile on her face. Kendall put his arms around Logan's shoulders and huggled him. "Everything's gonna be alright," he said.

"Mmmm," Logan sighed and looked back at the father, meanwhile Carlos and James just watched them from the sofa.

"So if the babies are Knights," Carlos said. He narrowed his eyes. "Does that mean you're going to be a Knight, too?"

Logan looked up at the ceiling. "I dunno," he said cutely. Kendall titled his head and nuzzled at him with his nose. "What are you saying, Logie?"

"I dunnnooooo," Logan insisted, still looking quite cute. Mama Knight turned the oven on and laughed. "What?" Logan asked.

"Nothing," Mama Knight said, still giggling to herself.

"What nothing?" Logan asked again.

"Are you boys going to get married?" she asked.

"I dunnoooooooo," Logan reverted to the obnoxious answer again and Kendall stuck out his tongue with a raspberry. "I haven't heard anything about this," the blond said.

"You're just plotting to marry him?" James asked, raising his eyebrows.

"I dunnoooooooo," Logan said once more. Kendall, getting a bit irritated, sighed real loud but kissed him on the cheek regardless. "Whatever you want," he said. "Whatever you want."

A bit of whining came in over the baby monitor just then, and Kendall and Logan suddenly turned their attention to it. "Hold on," Kendall said to everyone. The both of them popped back into the nursery to find Kendall Junior stirring.

"Awwww," Kendall groaned. He walked up to the baby and took him in his arms. "What's wrong…"

Kendall Junior made little newborn gasps and popped his mouth open a couple times. "Probably hungry," said Logan. He fixed a bottle for him and handed it to Kendall. The baby took to the nipple immediately and began to suckle it.

"Like father like son," Kendall said with a naughty laugh.

"Oh, you," Logan giggled. He hugged Kendall around the waist and watched him feeding the baby.

"How are your tits, by the way?" Kendall asked. "I haven't seen them in a couple days." [Yes, Kendall is back to the tits, of course. But who wouldn't be? It's Logan with boobs, man. Logan with boobs!]

"They're still milky," Logan said. "A little sore. But they're okay. The doctors still insist I won't be able to breastfeed with them."

"That's alright, they're doing well with the formula," Kendall said. He eyed Logan. "But they can't stop me from suckling those teats."

"Um, no, they can't," Logan blushed.

When Kendall Junior seemed about finished, he took the bottle away and laid him back into the crib. "There you go, buddy," Kendall whispered, tucking the baby in once more. He put a pacifier into his mouth and touched his softy head real gently, then he looked over and Logan and grinned.

"What?" Logan asked.

Kendall looked like a bull getting ready to charge. "My turn," he said.

"Uh, wait! Your turn for what?" Logan asked, panicking a little. He put his hands over his stomach. "Don't hurt my incision!"

"I won't," Kendall insisted. He moved away from the crib and sauntered up the Logan. "Let me see it," he said. Logan sheepishly lifted his shirt and showed Kendall what was still just a big bandage of gauze and medical taping.

"Awww, poor Logie. Does it hurt?"

"A little achy but that's all. It's not real bad."

Kendall leaned down and touched the still very swollen stomach with both hands. He tenderly rubbed the sides and slide up to the bra that Logan was still wearing. "I wanna see the titties," he whispered.

"Ummm, if you gotta," Logan said, blushing. Kendall nodded as if to say, "yes, I gotta" and lifted the bra up above the small breasts. They were still as big as they had been before the birth, with great, dark areolas and thick nipples. Kendall plucked one in his hand and stuck the other in his mouth. Logan arched his back and let out a moan. He hadn't had any sexual release since he went into the hospital and it was very much welcome. Kendall suckled the one breast dry and moved to the other.

"Ohh, Kindall," Logan moaned. He cried out and groaned in ecstasy as his lover milked him. The firm tit in Kendall's mouth felt amazing and he almost wished Logan could stay lactating forever. But that would be weird and probably get tiresome after a while.

Once the other nipple was pretty much out of milk, Kendall dropped the bra and the shirt and hopped up to give Logan a kiss. His face was warm.

"You taste like milk, ewwww," Logan shuddered once Kendall broke off the kiss.

"Yeah, no shit," he said.

"Sshhh, language!" Logan hissed.

"Ugh, whatever."

"Um, so what I was saying earlier," Logan said shyly. Kendall cocked his head. "When Carlos asked about the last names."


"Do you uh, do you want to get married?"

Kendall smiled. He gave Logan another quick kiss. "Yeah of course I do. It's always been up to you. So that's what you want?"

Logan reached his arms around Kendall's thin waist and looked up at him sweetly. He nodded, showing his dimples and making that "Oh Logan, you are such an adorable little whore" face. Kendall hugged back. "Then let's do it."

The shorter boy began to laugh. "What?" Kendall asked.

"You're poking me," Logan said.

"What? No, I'm hugging you."

"Nu uh. You're poking me," Logan released the hug and pointed at Kendall's crotch, where a decent boner was growing.

"It happens," Kendall sighed. "Do you want to take care of him?"

"We still can't have sex," Logan said.

"But you can blow me, right?"

Logan nodded real cute and slowly lowered himself down to his knees. He unzipped Kendall's pants and revealed the throbbing cock that he missed so much. He stroked it very gently with one hand and then slid it inside his mouth. Kendall groaned. "You think it's appropriate to do this around the triplets?" he asked, moaning still.

"They've heard it before. And they don't even realize," Logan said very quickly and stuck the cock back inside his mouth. He sucked it hard and Kendall put his hands on the back of Logan's head. He started face fucking him fairly hard. Logan closed his eyes and sucked more, tickling the shaft with his tongue. Spit gurgled out from around the sides.

Meanwhile out in the living room, Mama Knight was pretty pissed off that the boys had left the baby monitor out there. Carlos and James didn't mind, though, and they inevitably took it away to James's room where they could listen to Kendall and Logan a bit better.

Some things never change, while others do. One thing was certain though, that even if the boys' lives were turned upside down, it was a change for the better.

~ the end ~

look for a follow up story soon