Author's Note: This is a completed fic, I'm just doing a few final edits before publishing each chapter, but they will get up in a timely manner.
I like to set a lot of my Janto fics in Season 2, assuming that there were cases and interactions between the characters that we didn't see, so this one takes place sometime then.
Let me know if I should keep the chapters coming!

Disclaimer: Torchwood and all its characters belong to the BBC and RTD

Spoilers: None

And just then, in the middle of the conversation, Jack sneezed.
The team's hands froze on what they were doing and they spun to face their leader, looking comically bewildered by his doorway. He blinked in shock.
'Did you just sneeze?' Owen asked incredulously. Gwen's brow furrowed in confusion.
'Of course he did.' She said, frowning at the rest of the team's expressions. None of them were looking at her as she spoke, their wide eyes locked on Jack. 'What?' She asked.

Ianto was the first to move. He placed the tray of coffees down on Tosh's desk and went to Jack's side.
'Are you alright?' He asked quietly, resting a cautious hand on Jack's arm. Jack looked back at him, frowning.
'It was just a sneeze.' Gwen reminded, incredulous at the team's behavior. 'He's fine, what's the big-'
'Into the med bay.' Owen ordered.

Without another word, the team moved into the roles that had somehow been silently agreed upon. Tosh began hurriedly typing into her computer, whilst Ianto and Owen followed Jack into the medical bay. Gwen stood in confusion as Jack was seated on the examination table, Ianto hovering on the raised level, pacing restlessly. She moved closer and caught the look of careful excitement in Owen's eyes as he arranged his equipment. She attributed this to finally having a live patient again, although she still didn't know why all this was needed.

'I'm sorry.' She said in a tone that commanded attention. The team looked up from what they were doing. 'But what the hell is going on? He sneezed.' She stressed the word, as though they would all suddenly come to their senses and get back to work.

Behind her, she heard Tosh resume her typing. Owen stared at Gwen blankly for a moment, then rolled his eyes and continued fiddling with his tools. Ianto sighed and braced his arms on the rails, watching over Jack as he unbuttoned his shirt for Owen to begin his examination.

'Gwen.' Jack started, stopping only to wince as the medic stuck a needle in his arm. 'I can't die, my body recovers from a stab wound within fifteen minutes-'
'Thirteen and a half.' Ianto interjected.
'And I have a 51st century immune system. You think I can't fight off a cold?' Jack asked derisively. 'I'm insulted.'
Owen shushed him then, pressing a stethoscope to his chest.
'So…why did you sneeze.' Gwen finished, relaxing as she finally understood.
'Exactly.' Owen said. 'You've never so much as sniffled before. Not since I've been here, anyway.'
'Trust me, this is-' Jack tried, but Owen shushed him again, moving the stethoscope to the other side of his chest. He listened, then stood up and removed the earbuds from his ears. He picked up a thermometer and turned back to Jack, who raised an eyebrow and smirked. Owen rolled his eyes. 'Open.' He said, sticking it into Jack's mouth. He looked back up to the rest of the team. 'It isn't just cold in here, is it?' He asked.
'No.' Ianto responded shortly. 'Heating's fine.'

He sounded unnecessarily testy, Gwen thought, but when she saw the barely veiled worry pinching at the corners of his eyes, she let it pass. Jack turned to wink up at him, which elicited a small smile from the Welshman, though it disappeared once Jack turned away again.

'No increase in hospital admissions or irregular diagnoses.' Tosh called from her station, ruling out some kind of epidemic that would affect even Jack's health. 'No increase in school or work absences. Decrease, actually, but not significant.' Owen sighed and checked the thermometer. One of his eyebrows ticked up in surprise, but he composed himself quickly.
'Yes, god forbid the answer be obvious.' He replied drily. He pressed the back of his hand to Jack's forehead, then the back of his neck. 'Christ.' He said. 'Alright, everyone keep away from Jack.' Ianto stood up quickly.
'Contagious, then?' Gwen asked. Owen shrugged.
'Possibly. It just seems like a bad cold, but if it can affect Jack….better to be safe. You should go home.'
Jack scoffed. 'I am home.' He reminded. Owen pursed his lips.
'Huh. Well, you can't stay here or we might all get sick, and we don't have superhuman immune systems. We can't go home, because we need to work out why the hell you caught it, not to mention save the city from potential Rift related destruction.' His forehead wrinkled as he thought. 'Hotel it is.'
'Thought you'd never ask.' Jack teased, grinning wickedly. Owen rolled his eyes again and shook his head, then stepped back and removed his gloves.
'I'm sure Torchwood will cover it.' He responded, ignoring the innuendo as he always tried to.
'But it's not that bad yet.' Jack tried. 'Can't we-'
'No.' Owen said instantly. 'If you can contract it, we might not be able to fight it off.' Jack groaned and slid off the examination table.
'I'll check on you tomorrow night, I should have the blood test results by then. If you need anything else, call us and we'll figure something out.' He began packing his things away, and Ianto watched as Jack's shoulders sagged.

Ianto cleared his throat.
'Or…you could stay at mine.' He suggested, stuffing his hands into his pockets awkwardly. He was looking straight at Jack, but looked very much like he wanted to crawl into a hole somewhere.
Owen interjected before Jack could answer.
'That would defeat the purpose of us not getting sick, Ianto.' He said slowly, as though Ianto was mentally deficient in some way. Ianto shrugged.
'Fantastic immune system.' He explained. 'Built up by many Cardiff winters without heating.' Owen didn't look convinced.
'Besides,' Ianto continued. 'Colds have an incubation period of about two days, right? So I've probably already got whatever it is. By now.'
Jack chuckled. 'Oh, yeah. Entirely possible.' Owen grimaced raised his hands in defeat.
'Alright.' He said tiredly. 'Fine. I'll have to monitor you too, then.' He sighed and hopped up the stairs to join Tosh by the computer.

Ianto slowly made his way down the opposite staircase, not quite able to make eye contact with Jack as he approached.
'What do you think?' He asked quietly. Jack smiled and took Ianto's hand, pulling him closer.
'Yeah.' Jack said. 'Thanks.' He leaned forward to kiss the Welshman, but at the last moment, Ianto remembered and turned his head so that Jack's lips hit his cheek.
Jack pulled back and frowned. 'Hm.' He said thoughtfully. 'This is going to be tricky.'

'And none of….you know.' Owen called from out of sight. 'We don't know Ianto's sick yet, so let's not make sure, alright?'

Jack laughed. 'Of course not, doctor!' He replied, but winked.