I Do Not Own Naruto or BlazBlue. And yes, this chapter is appropriately titled.

A week past rather mundanely after he kicked out Gato's men from the town. There had been no sight or word of them trying to get back in since. And this left Naruto on edge as there was no way the pig would have just simply allowed two kids to waltz in, kick his men's ass and send them running without some sort of retaliation.

The damn guy was so damn rich he could afford to throw some money around to get things rolling! So why hadn't anyone been sent after him or Yuki?

At least on the bright side the bridge was coming along nicely now that more people were willing to work on it, seeing as Gato's men hadn't been around and harassing the worker's families or them. The first couple of days were slow but that was understandable as the men had been threatened and took some time to recollect themselves and think about what it was they were doing.

Well he at least hoped it was coming along nicely today. It was Yuki's day to guard Tazuna and his to keep watch over his daughter Tsunami and his grandson Inari...

How he want to punch the kid in his face.

The kid did nothing but whine and moan about how they couldn't change anything, how they were going to die and to just give up. He could have lived with the kid complaining about them not being able to change anything, as they were two teenagers and how often did two teens have the power or influence to bring about such a drastic change as freeing the Land of Waves.

Naruto could have also live with the kid talking about how they were going to die and how Gato wouldn't stand for what it was that they had done. Again at least there was a sliver of fact in there as Gato had put down anyone else that had been a threat or had caused great commotion like they caused. Not to mention he heard Gato killed this kid's step-father, a man he had been real close to, for standing up to him...

One more thing he'd make the pig suffer for before he allowed him to take a dirt nap.

However that last bit about just giving up... Oh that nearly set him off!

Sitting across from Tazuna as Tsunami and a surprisingly careful Yuki handed out the meat buns, Naruto was about to dig in when he noticed an extra plate set out with a few buns placed on it. He blinked at this, wondering why Tsunami would do this when his question was answered.

The door slammed open, Naruto reacted by reaching for his blade's handle, and a young boy entered the house. His clothes were a little scuffed Tsunami hardly seemed to notice. "Inari! Where have you been? Do you have any ideal on what has been going on today?!"

The said boy only huffed, ignoring his mother's rant before he suddenly froze at the sight of Naruto and Yuki. Of course it could have been for the obvious reason, Yuki's cat features, but no his face contorted into an angry expression. "Just who are you suppose to be?"

"Your grandpa's bodyguards." Naruto responded with fluidity as he watched the kid as he swore he started to see steam coming out of his ears as his anger grew.

"Don't you realize it's hopeless! Gato's just going to kill you like anyone else that go's against his will!" Inari screamed at Naruto, ignoring the fact that his own words stung his grandfather for he was standing up against Gato.

"Inari!" Tsunami admonished her son, giving him a stern glare that only a mother could give their child. "That is enough! Apologize to him or go to your room this instant!"

"An apology... Is not needed." Naruto responded, glad that Yuki was a little out of it chewing on her meat bun, as he caught the boy's attention. "However do realize one thing. I do not take kindly to those that give up as it is against my very nature. I'd gladly die fighting to the bitter end rather than trudge around and wallow in pity."

"Do remember that, Inari." Naruto coldly finished before standing up and walking outside to regain his composure and cool his head off.

Needless to say he stayed as far away from Inari after that even, for the kid was still a downer, so he didn't reach over and smack the kid. He was liable to do so. So for now, since he knew the kid was in his room while Tsunami was cooking a small lunch for the three of them, Naruto was lightly practicing his sword play.

And by practicing he was cutting through trees, attempting to fell them with a single swing. These trees were a good test of his strength and endurance as he hacked away, needing a second or third swing only a third of the time, Naruto sighed contently as he sheathed his blade and gazed at the many felled trees before him.

"That was good stress relief!" Naruto chirped as he had become quite stressed as of late.

He wanted to punch Inari. Tazuna was a drunk lecher and Yuki, the girl the lecher was lusting after, was completely oblivious to everything but doing her actual job in guarding Tazuna... Now that he could trust her in such a task and to mostly not loaf off.

She did tend to take a nap in the afternoon next to Tazuna so that he'd wake her if something were to happen. Sure he'd never know what hit him if a stealthy ninja came around but how many of those existed in this day in age. Hardly any of them were stealthy anymore and thought the name of ninja should be changed.

So there was no worries there unless a shinobi from the Mist arrived, who were about the only shinobi in this day and age that were actually silent killers. And even then the incoming mist would wake Yuki up and alert him to their presence for the cat didn't like to be wet, loved to lounge in the sun light and denser than usual mist would be a dead giveaway.

"Naruto." Tager's voice sounded through Naruto's head before his image appeared before his eyes viva a hologram that only he could see.

"AH!" Naruto screamed out like a girl before finally recomposing himself. "How about giving me a little warning next time?! Or how about sending some sort of beckon that rings or something to let me know that your calling me?!"

"Sorry about that. There also appears to be lag on your end so just bare with me." Naruto watched as Tager's mouth not budge while he spoke for a moment before he finished and then continued moving without him speaking.

"Yeah..." Naruto blinked as this was awkward to watch not to mention he was just startled by the Red Devil. "So what's with the sudden call? I gave you my report last night and nothing has changed."

"Unfortunately there is some new information I have received." Tager responded, lagged as he was before. "It seems that trouble is most certainly heading your way for it seems Gato has put a price on your head."

"Cool." Naruto grinned as that was a start in the right direction for getting his name out. "Anywhere as big as my dad's bingo book bounty, which I still find hard to believe doesn't compare to Ragna's bounty. I mean come on... Did you see all the zero in my dad's bounty?"

"Naruto..." Tager groaned, not figuring Naruto would be proud that he had a bounty on his head despite wanting to take up Ragna's stance and be better than him. "That isn't the issue as of this point but no, it is nowhere near either."

As Naruto mewed in disappointment, Tager continued on. "The bounty is large enough that it would tempt anyone nearby that has good skills to go after you, especially missing ninja. I wouldn't doubt if there was a jounin or two in the bunch that is from the big five."

"Interesting..." Naruto whistled as he slowly made his way back to Tazuna's place. "As much as I would love to beat the crap out of every single one of them I guess that kind of endangers Tazuna and his family's lives. So what's the plan?"

"I'm preparing to send..." Tager started before Naruto rolled to the side and stayed crouched on one knee, looking at the tree where he had just been moments ago.

Shuriken were embedded where his head happened to be.

"Tager... Shit just got real. I'm gonna have to call you back." Naruto communicated as he tapped his ear to end the call.

"Wait!" Tager yelled from the other line but was cut off as Naruto looked up to the tree line.


"So you must be here for my bounty, huh?" Naruto grinned like fool as he looked up to the kunoichi that had attacked him.

He immediately recognized her from the Iwa as her headband was a dead giveaway. And she wasn't a missing ninja so that meant she could have taken time out of a mission or on her way back from one just to come and claim his head.

How much was that bounty worth to do that?

"And it seems your not alone." Naruto continued grinning as he fingered the Bloodedge, glancing slightly behind him towards two shadows that came up from the destroyed tree line he had created earlier, hardly being stealthy about their approach. "Ninja these days... No longer using the shadows. What has time done to you guys?!"

"It seems we've already underestimated you." The Iwa kunoichi in the tree said, wearing form fitting crimson attire along with a crimson mask that covered the lower half of her face. "But I hardly expected any skill from such a young boy. You may be interesting after all, Naruto the Bloodedge."

"Sisters." The crimson one called and the two jumped from their spot and joined her on opposing trees before Naruto. "Who wants this bounty?"

Naruto took in their appearance immediately as he gauge their threat levels. They were almost all identical to one another in features with the exception of the color of their clothing and hair style though all had brown hair.

The crimson one had long flowing hair that reached to the mid of her back. The sister in aqua had her hair neatly tied into a bun on the back of her head. Finally the last sister dressed in emerald had her hair braided into two ponytails that reached the mid of her back.

However he wasn't certain what position they held within their village as they weren't wearing their signature flak jackets and that made it rather difficult. It was possible they were genin but they were older, bridging on their late teens if not early twenties and no self respecting ninja was still a genin at that age.

So that left chunin or jounin and neither looked appealing to Naruto. Sure he took care of those Waterfall Anbu with no issue, thanks to his Azure, but a good jounin from the big five could take care of them to under those same circumstances.

Still this would be a good test of him and if it came down to the worst he had his and the nine tails Azure.

"He's a little young for my tastes." The emerald kunoichi looked down at Naruto reminding Naruto a little of Rachel. "But his bounty is a good little price so I won't pass it up if you are still a little tired, Akahana."

"You're too soft, Midorihana." The aqua kunoichi growled as she gazed down at Naruto. "His bounty could kept us feed and well stocked for years. Besides unlike you two I'm quite parched for action and left wanting for a thrill... And I'm really hoping this kid can give it to me."

Ignoring the zillion of perverted puns that could be used here, Naruto held his ground and gripped the handle of the Bloodedge tightly as he awaited their move as he watched the aqua one jump down to his level. If they wanted to fight him one on one that was fine by him.

It would help him gauge what level they were at and if he could hold his own.

Instead he offered his other hand and gestured to bring it on. "Come at me!"

The kunoichi in response simply drew a kunai with each hand and held a defensive position. This drew a raised eyebrow from Naruto before a smirk slowly crept on his face. She wasn't going to fall for such a taunt and be drawn into his range. She didn't know his swing speed so she wouldn't take the risk.

And while he did not want to strike first he had the safer option and the longer ranged weapon.

So he'd bring the fight to her instead.

Rushing ahead, being careful to hold back, he kept safely out of her striking range and withdrew his sword with sudden speed and slashed. To his immense surprise the blade went through her with surprising ease. But his eyes narrowed as instead of blood that spluttered out it was water.

"A clone!" Naruto turned on a dime and was met eye to eye with the aqua kunoichi, his eyes widening as her kunai came to slice into his throat.

Only for red leather strip to be severed as Naruto put his arm between the two kunai, blocking them. This time the kunoichi's eyes that widened at the coat being sturdy and durable enough to withstand that attack. She almost did not have the time to avoid Naruto's counter as he brought his blade to bifurcate her.

Instead she received a shall cut across her abdomen as she slid away, halting as she put her hand to the ground.

Her eyes narrowed as she reached down and a wiped a trickle of blood from his abs and gazed at the bloody smeared on her hand. And then a cruel smirk curled through her mask as she looked back towards Naruto. "Now this is interesting. I haven't been hit in quite a while."

"Better get use to it." Naruto responded as he was suddenly before her, his fist a few inches from her face. "Because I'm just getting started!"

And catching her on the cheek, his punch sent her flying and into and toppling over a cut down tree. He continued running forward and as he was about to hop the downed tree he caught something he seriously did not like. There was a heavy concentration of mud where the aqua kunoichi had previously had been.

In just the nick of time he strafed to the side, turning on his heel as he did, just avoiding several shuriken from embedding themselves into his back. However a few bit threw his cloak while another cut through his cheek, blood trickling down from the cut.

To his misfortune that had only been a set-up attack and he fell right into the aqua kunoichi's hand with his dodge. She caught him from behind, wrapping one arm around his sword arm and locking it to his side while another almost slithered around his neck, the one that had a kunai in hand.

Naruto had grabbed her wrist and kept the kunai at bay.

The kunoichi tried to press the issue, as her kunai was just centimeters from his throat and completing this little side quest of theirs. But her hand did not budge in the slightest and was locked in place. Even enhancing her strength with chakra did nothing to move much less finish this kid off.

And then Naruto simply pried her hand away from him, almost hyper-extending her arm as he held it before him.

Knowing he was going to break it, she responded by releasing his sword arm and latching it onto his temple as she went to finish him, this time by snapping his neck.

All the air rushed out of her lungs as Naruto's elbow land firmly into her rib cage, releasing the Bloodedge. And he didn't stop. He kept slamming it back into the side of her rib cage until she no longer had the strength to keep her grip of his head.

That very moment he flipped her over his back and slammed her down onto a tree stump, spine first. A loud crack filled the forest from the force at the force of the slam.

As her back arched from the stress and the a pain filled groaned escaped her lips, Naruto lifted the Bloodedge and took a few steps back from her. Then he called her out. "Get up! I'm not done with you yet."

The aqua kunoichi could hardly move let alone respond. But she didn't half to as Naruto was forced to jump from his place as stream of fire, not unlike that of a flamethrower, streaked by where he had been moments earlier.

And Akahana stood before her injured sister as Midorihana was at her side, checking on what she could do for her. "Take it up with me! I'm next!"

"Fine by me." Naruto drew the Bloodedge before him and prepared to fight the new challenger. "But the result will be the same."

"I doubt it!" Aka growled as she started and finished a quick seal command. "Katon: Kasai Sutorīmu!"

Another flamethrower poured from the girl's lips, somehow not burning her mask in the process, and streaked towards Naruto. Successfully rolling under the flame, as it didn't seem all that strong, Naruto darted to the side and came in, ready to bifurcate the girl.

Only to slice through yet another mud clone.

Sure, they were freaking Iwa shinobi and mud clone was the standard clone for that village but come on! This was getting annoying!

At least those were Naruto's thoughts as he ducked under a volley shuriken. It seemed each of these girls was good at getting out of close range situations with clones and putting range between them and their opponent. And he easily predicted the next move as he slashed to his side.

And a clone of water dispersed as he cut through the fake Aka that had tried to come in to end the fight.

Surprised at yet another clone, this one being of water, Naruto's eyes narrowed as a thought came to him. But he had no time to contemplate it as Aka was above him with her hands in yet another tiger seal. "Katon: Kasai Sutorīmu!"

Naruto barely jumped out of the way of this attack, the edges of his long coat were seared by the flames. This only served to annoy him and he did not hesitate to strike as he went after Aka and was on her, his blade ready to slice her in two.

Only for a wall of earth to separate him from his attended target and giving Aka the time needed to dodge Naruto's attack.

Skidding to the side, grimacing as a blood trickled down a small gash along her left breast, Aka was joined by her sisters at her side. "Aohana... Are you okay?"

"Good as I can be but thank the gods for those fast acting pain killers." The aqua kunoichi growled as she still felt quite a bit of pain but was able to move through it now. "It looked like you needed help and our clones just weren't enough."

"And to be quite honest... He was kicking your butt too and if that's the case I know I don't stand a chance. So let's do this together!" Midori chirped as she finished for Aohana.

"That's what was that!" Naruto screamed. "Each of you have been assisting in the battle from the start! You never were actually fighting alone!"

The three sisters simply grinned as they faced off against Naruto, each drawing a kunai in one hand and a few shuriken in the other. And then Aka spoke for her sister. "Well now that you know..."

Multiple clones of the girls circled and surrounded Naruto as she spoke, each grinning like the originals and unfortunately for Naruto he couldn't really see the difference from them and the originals.

It didn't help him when they all continued on where Aka left off. "It's time that you die!"

Shuriken rained down onto him, biting and cutting into him but a many more were deflected from a spin of his sword and his thickness of his jacket as he jumped out of the circle. Many of the clones followed but they were dispatched as a red and black aura begin to coat his presence and his sword swung through each of them faster than they could see.

Landing to the side, he was forced on the defensive as Midorihana engaged him with kunai. She was slicing erratically but each slash was accurate enough that it was necessary to block or avoid, sometimes nicking his coat. But her erratic strikes finally cost her as she over exerted herself leaving herself wide open for an attack.

But Naruto could not take advantage as yet another burst of thin flame cut between him and his attended target, forcing him to jump back... Right into Aohana's clutches.

He swore she was the sneakiest of the group as he hadn't noticed her and yet again she had him in a similar hold as previously. The only difference this time was she wrapped her legs around his waist and had immobilized both arms by getting hers under his.

And she didn't have a kunai this time. It was like she was holding him for another attack...

Cursing as both Aka and Midori were rushing in with kunai in hand, Naruto slammed his back and Ao into a tree with as much force as he could muster. Needless to say that aggravated Ao's injury and let him go with a piercing scream. With a furious swing he cut through the two before him but like any other time they turned to both water and mud leaving a frustrated Naruto.

Growling and turning to finish Ao, his eyes widened as focused bullet of water slammed into his chest and knocked him back. And as he was stumbling back the ground beneath him suddenly shattered and he plummeted ten feet onto his back side.

Naruto groaned, as that one hurt a little, and as he picked himself up he noticed that he was inside a trench, most likely created from some sort of Earth jutsu. It left him a little mystified on why they made a trench here but his eyes widened as he felt a wave of heat.

And as he turned a super-heated stream of fire that filled the trench roared towards him. He only just heard Aka's voice over the roaring flames. "Katon: Shodo!"

(The Wheel of Fate is Turning)

Feeling the earth shake for a moment, Yuki suddenly stood up and looked before her and into the forest as a massive burst of flames that erupted over the tree lines, literally rupturing the area surrounding it form the sheer force of the blast.

"Wow... That almost looks like a volcano erupting." One of the men near Tazuna spoke, ignoring the fact that Tazuna was pale for that was near his home and fear started to fill his being.

"No..." Tazuna trembled at the though of possibly losing his daughter and grandson in a fiery hell-storm like what all his workers were watching before him.

"Good guy..." Yuki mewed worriedly and without hesitation rushed from her guard duty.

Little did she know that soon afterward a shadow was chasing after her, keeping pace with the young Kaka warrior.

(Rebel 1, Action!)

"Did we get him?" Aka panted as she knelt on a single knee, looking at the carnage she had performed with her sister.

Noting the paleness of her sister's skin, knowing she had nearly exhausted her chakra supply with that final attack, Ao tried to gaze through the debris and cloud of dust that was settling from the explosion. "I hope so as if the bastard can survive an attack like that we're in trouble."

"Don't worry." Midori smiled at her sister, looking and feeling the best of the group for having stayed out of most of the actual combat. "Even sen..."

"DYNAMIC ENTRY!" A loud, feminine voice yelled, not caring that she was using the line of one of the few men she fought in battle and came to respect for his battle prowess and passion for life, before Midori ate the ground and skidded across the earth creating a deep trench until her head ran into a tree.

Both sister's sprinted to their down sister to check on her. Luckily the kick to her face, eating dirt for ten meters and slamming her head into her tree didn't break his spine. Instead her eyes were swirling and she was clearly unconscious.

With vehement glares, they turned only to see a woman wearing a green low cut shirt that exposed her clearly defined abs with green pants to match and a long red scarf around her neck glare right back at them. And on her back was a black and red pole with the yin and yang symbol at each end.

"In the darkest of times, the true defender of justice always arrives to save the day! I am Lin Shishigami, proud defender of the helpless and to those that call out for my help! Prepare evil doers! Your time has run out!" Lin proclaimed sliding into the stance of her forefather's, Bang, and beckoned to the two girls. "Come at me!"

"Can you please... Not be so eccentric." A voice coughed as a shadowy figure emerged from the dust cloud, revealing a ragged and slightly sizzled Naruto.

Lin immediately jumped up, happy to see her young comrade relatively unharmed. "Ah! Master Naruto! I'm so glad to see you are mostly intact! I was about to take care of these unscrupulous girls for ambushing you like I heard about!"

"Tager... I hate you." Naruto growled under his breath at the Red Devil before shaking his head. "And I am fine. These girls just caught me a little off guard but they did not ambush me per say as they fought me head on after our first encounter. I'll admit I underestimated them a little and that's my fault. I haven't even removed any of my restrictions yet so there is no need to go an avenge me while I'm still up and kicking."

Both Aka and Ao paled as they backed away, ignoring the branches that slid by their necks. Their target had been holding back the entire time they were fighting them and they were forced to unleash their strongest combo attack against him. And it hardly did anything other than burn his clothes, his hair and leave him a little scuffed.

"Ah, of course! This is still your fight, Master Naruto! I'm sorry for interfering!" Lin nodded and moved to the side so Naruto could continue on with his honorable battle before looking directly behind Aka and Ao. "Leon, there is no need to remain in the shadows now! Naruto can more than handle himself against these opponents."

A loud sigh was heard behind the two kunoichi and a young man with blue hair walked out of the shadows and gave a half hearted glare aimed at Lin. "I wish you wouldn't give my position like that. Deception is an important ninja tool after all."

"How right you are!" Lin laughed it off, not letting his disgruntled annoyance affect her in the slightest. "But interfering in another's battle is most un-ninja like! So would you be so kind?"

"Fine... Nirvana, come." Leon sighed as he tipped his glasses back onto the bridge of his nose.

And two hands, of what the girls thought were branches, pulled back from their necks and a metalic being wearing a purple dress and headdress walked to Leon on command. And the fingers on those two hands were exceptionally sharp looking...

Aka finally give in to her chakra exhaustion, possibly fainting from the shock of how close to death she had been, while Ao trembled. "What... What's going..."


Aohana never finished her statement as Yuki flew in out of nowhere, kicked her in the face and right into the same tree that Midorihana had collide against earlier. Needless to say the two combined knocked her out.

"Take that, meow!" Yuki held out of her paw in victory, ignoring the blush of all three before her as they had gotten a great shot of her panties as she kicked Midori into the tree. "No one hurts good guy!"

Blinking at what transpired before him, Naruto groaned. "Oh for the love of... I didn't need help! I had this!"

"Meow?" Yuki blinked owlishly at Naruto, taking Naruto's image in, before responding. "But it looks like you got beat up good guy."

"I. UNDER. ESTIMATED. THEIR. ABILITIES." Naruto stressed this point to make sure Yuki understood. "And I held back against the three of them to gauge their true strength. Because of that they caught me in that combination attack that would have roasted my ass if I hadn't released my Azure to help me slice the blaze in half."

Yuki continued to blink, digesting what he said with her mind, before the light bulb clicked. "Oh! So good guy was playing with them, meow! That's not fair! I want someone to play with too!"

"Ugh!" Naruto face faulted, wondering if there was someone out there that was getting a good laugh out of his misfortunes.

Probably Rachel.

Ignoring Naruto's plight, Lin walked over to the three downed girls and pondered at the situation. "What shall we do with them? We cannot just leave three girls like this out here, unguarded. I have heard terrible things about what that villainous man does with women and if his men find these young girls... That is utterly unacceptable! I will not tolerate such villainy!"

"Let me deal with them." A figure dropped from the tree line directly in front of Lin, landing in a crouch before slowly standing. "It was my fault they are here and I will take responsibility for their actions."

Immediately getting up and dusting himself off, Naruto narrowed his eyes at the new presence. She too wore a Iwa headband like the three girls and wore a red shirt and pants. However above that was a brown flak jacket, the flak jacket an Iwa jounin would wear.

"Just who are you?" Naruto kept his attention on this Iwa jounin, wondering if she had set this attack up on them and wasn't expecting reinforcements.

"Forgive me. I am Kurotsuchi Onoki, jounin of the Hidden Village of the Rock." Kurotsuchi introduced herself, trying to show respect and that she was no threat to the young man. "I must apologize for on our way back I was distracted by a pervert peeping into the bath houses and they must have found your bounty poster and rushed here to collect it."

"Oh, so you must be these girls' jounin sensei then." Leon spoke as he quickly deduced that she was their sensei, ignoring the look of horror developing on Naruto's face. "Still it was a rather blatant error in judgement in your part to get caught up in a situation and let your genin run off. You are lucky they weren't killed."

"I know and I cannot say how sorry I am for their actions. They may be teenagers but their actions are still inexcusable." Kurotsuchi sighed as she looked down at her three genin, glad they were only knocked out, before she focused her attention on the group gathered before her. "If there is something I can do to compensate for the damages the sisters caused..."

Naruto was in shock at what he had just heard. Both of his eyebrows were severely twitching, his hand kept twitching towards the Bloodedge and he swore he heard Rachel off in the distance snickering at his downfall. He was struggling with three genin! Not only that from the sound of it the jounin was making it seem they were hardly older than he was!

He killed a group of Anbu, catching them off guard with his BlazBlue he did admit, and these three genin together were enough to make him temporarily activate the BlazBlue in defense.

"No, there is nothing... " Lin started but was silenced as Naruto placed a hand over her mouth, regaining enough of his senses to respond.

"A debt to be paid in the future. That is all I ask." Naruto, still fervently twitching, spoke. "It may be a month from now or it may be ten years in the future, I will call in this debt. It may range from anything from some sort of insignificant task that I don't want to bother with to an assassination of someone that may be after me. Whatever it is I will expect you to do it, understand?"

"So in all... You want a free mission done by me in the future?" Kurotsuchi raised an eyebrow as that was an odd request before she smirked. "I'll give you some credit for that. You are much smarter than you look to ask for that."

Ignoring his increasing twitching and his hand reaching for his massive blade, Kurotsuchi accept these terms. "Consider it done. Whenever you need me send a mission statement to Iwa and personally request me and I will accept whatever it is you seem fit for me to do."

"Now if you don't mind..." Kurotsuchi said as she lifted Midori over her shoulder and gingerly began lifting Aohana.

"Just a second... Do you have the bounty poster on you? I am rather curious about it as I only just heard of it and I want to see it." Naruto asked, curious about how the girl's recognized him so easily and just what the amount that was put on his head.

Blinking at the request, Kurotsuchi riffled through her pouch for a second before handing him a rolled up paper before giving him a warning. "I'll just say this... It's not flattering."

Wondering what she meant by that as Kurotsuchi lifted Akahana in her other arm and headed out, bidding them farewell, Naruto slowly unraveled the poster and saw what was inside.

And then a curse filled the Land of Waves.

(Astral Finish!)

Sitting on a small rise, overlooking the massive bridge the men of the Wave were building, Rachel sat underneath the shade of Nago's umbrella form enjoying herself thoroughly as she sipped on a cup of her tea. And if one stayed quiet enough you could hear the slightest giggles coming from the head of the Alucard House.

And laid out before her was the bounty poster for Naruto. While it had all the key information that he wanted, his name and title along with a decent sized bounty on his head there was one thing that was amiss with it.

In his picture Naruto's lips were puckered forward and his eyes were scrunched, giving him the most unusual and to be quiet frankly, idiotic, looking face she had ever seen. "And I thought Ragna's picture was hilarious..."

"MOTHER FUCKER!" Naruto's voice echoed throughout the land of Waves.

Rachel simply grinned and sipped her tea.

How amusing this was.

A/N: And there is chapter 7, yay! Right now chapter 8 is giving me fits, it's the holiday season and I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it in time for my next scheduled update. I'll do what I can but the next chapter might not be til December 15th.

This chapter was to introduce characters, namely the Flower Triplets, that will have a roll later on in the story. And yes, they were genin and they were only 15 years old. Naruto can't determine age very well as you can obviously tell.

That was also showing Naruto's skill without the BlazBlue. He fended three genin off without suffering too much damage, putting him around par with a chunin in skills. With the BlazBlue he jumps to Elite Jounin, yes it is that much of a jump. However you will see why soon he doesn't like to use the BlazBlue to often.

Also I've decided to extend this arc, as such why I'm having trouble with it. As Exalted Demi-Soul put it this arc is putting on the Underworld Boss feel to it and I rather like that touch at this very moment. It also allows me to develop Yuki a little more, as she isn't just a Taokaka clone, and to bring in Kevin and Lin, descendants of Carl and Bang. They play a more important role later too and to be honest I wanted to introduce them as they are going to play only minor roles for a good while.

Anyways with that out of the way, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hopefully will get going on chapter 8 sooner than later.


Kasai Sutorīmu - Fire Stream

Shodo - Scorched Earth

Peace Out.