EDIT: I don't actually know how FF works so this is just a repost of the last one with some updated information and hopefully a slightly less broken Discord link!

Alright, I got some positive feedback on continuing AND on making a Discord server so I guess I'll be trying this reboot thing! I'm counting the handful of new follows as more positive feedback in general so thank all y'all for that!

discord . gg / 9whFQJr

I don't know if FF is still weird about links so I've put several spaces in it to be safe, but it should still work as soon as you remove the spaces and you may have to add your own h-t-t-p-s thing. If there are any problems with the link, please PM me and I'll work out another way to invite you in.

And here's a sneak peek of what I've got written for the reboot thing so far!

Lema had not been expecting to run into a dragon. She had definitely not been wanting to run into a dragon, either. She should have known it was a possibility when she went to look for the thing that had fallen from the sky, but it hadn't crossed her mind until it was too late. When she first saw it, it had been hunched over… something. There had been a bush in the way, obscuring it from view, but she had assumed it was some kind of prey. She probably shouldn't have expected dead prey to be distracting enough that the dragon wouldn't notice her trying to retreat.

It had started to look like she would actually make it before a black shape was suddenly blocking her escape path, and she sensibly panicked and ran in another direction.

After the initial panic of being jumped at by the dragon, Lema had been able to notice things and think. It wasn't killing or even outright attacking her, that was the first and most important thing. The second, she realized belatedly, was that it was definitely herding her towards... something. The spot she had first seen it in? What, did it want to get her next to its other prey before killing her? Whatever it wanted, she didn't want to stick around long enough to find out.

Unfortunately the dragon turned out to be a lot faster than her. (Not really a surprise but still.) Even more unfortunately, it got impatient after a minute and just pounced. Lema had been positive that was the end, but then it still didn't kill her. Instead it leaped through the air and dropped her unceremoniously at its destination. It took a few seconds to get over the shock of that and Lema would not have been surprised if she had passed out. She did not, however; instead she kept her wide eyed stare firmly on the dragon. The dragon… did not seem pleased with that.

Shocked and understandably frightened as she was, it took longer than it probably should have for her to notice the boy.

That's from about a page down from what I've got in google docs so far. As you can probably tell, I have renamed "Luna" to "Lema" because I just kind of think it makes more sense and also sounds better probably. Aside from that, well, I guess I'll have to let you read the actual thing to find out!