Harry stared blankly at the men before him. His looks, were completely different, but apparently the rat knew his scent. They were somewhere in England, or so he thought. Harry was tied to a gravestone. A grave, whose name was very familiar. His arm was bleeding from where the rat had taken his blood. The ground destroyed from the removal of Tom Riddle's bone.

"Tonight, I help my partner be rid of one of his enemies, in return for giving me this rite to get my body back." Harry glared at Voldemort. Wishing with all his might to be next to TK. Or that MiniMeramon was with him again.


Harry laughed at TK's face as they splashed each other in the pool. DemiMeramon and Patamon were watching from the seats. Nancy Takaishi had won enough tickets for all of the DigiDestined to go on a cruise for summer were scattered all around the ship. Some in the arcade, others in the dining hall, and the rest were in their rooms. In the two days they were already on the boat, TK and Matt had taught Harry to swim. Now, he wouldn't leave the water. TK had jokingly said he was part fish.

"Takeru-kun, I don't think I've ever had this much fun before." Harry sighed, as they got out of the water for a much needed drink of something cold and sunblock for Harry.

"I'm glad that you've got the chance to be a kid, Harry." TK said, giving a crooked grin. "It's great to see you so carefree." Harry blushed, but grinned back. "Shall we go get some dinner?"

"I'm not very hungry, actually." Over the last year, since he started living at the Ishida Residence, Harry's appetite had grown, but there were days that he would go without food still.


"TaKeru-kun, if I eat, I'll throw it up again."

"Okay." The Child of Hope sighed. "Not even ice cream?"

"Not even ice cream, Takeru-kun. You can get yourself some. I'll go to the arcade if you're hungry."

"It's not that...you haven't ate breakfast, or lunch, and it's nearing dinner."

"You're worried? Takeru-kun, I just can't eat after nights like last night-" Harry broke off, pale.

"You had another vision? Why didn't you say anything?" Harry shook his head.

"Not a vision, Takeru-kun. It was...a nightmare about Vernon. I couldn't sleep after I woke up, and the thought of food is making me sick."

"You should have said something. You should have came to one of us. We care about you, Harry." Harry hung his head in shame. "Why didn't you?"

"I feel like a burden, most days." He whispered, fighting tears. "I know it's stupid. I know that I can come to you or Matt for anything, but...I'm not used to it. I've been alone for so long...what am I supposed to do? I don't know how to act, Takeru!" Harry was near a sobbing mess. TK sighed, pulling his closest friend into a hug.

"You'll learn, Harry. You have us now. I know, I know, that you trust us. That you know we will help you. That we are there for you no matter what. You could turn out to be an alien from three galaxies over, and we would still love you." Harry froze, breath hitching.

"Love?" TK flinched at his slip.

"Yes, Harry. We all love you, in our own ways. You're a little brother to Joe, Mimi, Tai, and Sora. You're Kari's best friend. More than I am. I love you just as much, if not more."

"Do...does that mean...Takeru, do you...are you in love with me?" The blond hesitated.

"I don't know, Harry. I care about you, deeply. I just want to hide you away in a tower some place, where you won't get hurt." Harry flushed darkly, a bit of anger surging.

"I'm not a glass doll, Takeru. I won't break!" He stood, glaring at the boy. "You know I'm strong!"

"Even the strong ones need a break, Harry." TK managed to say as Harry stalked off. "You're not alone anymore, Harry!" Harry ignored his friend as he entered the hallway to the bedrooms. No one noticed him being pulled into the shadows and disappearing with a crack.

TK was starting to get worried. It had been over three hours, and he still couldn't find Harry. The rest of the DigiDestined had been searching as well. By the time dinner had rolled around, they went to the captain. The ship was pulled into the nearest Docking area in Japan, and the Coast Guard was called in. The searched turned futile.


Harry was able to get the rope holding him caught on a sharp rock. Ignoring the sting as he cut himself along with the rope, he got his hands freed and down to his sides as Voldemort turned to him, Harry flipped him off. Before he could gather up his magic to apparate, he was hit with the Cruciatus Curse.

He appeared outside of the Leaky Cauldron, on the magical side. He quickly made his way to Gringotts, asking for an international port-key to the Ishida Residence. He was shaking horribly from the curse, and was exhausted, both physically and mentally. He practically collapsed onto the couch. He just wanted to sleep for the next week.

Only he didn't get that wish.

"HARRY!" The black haired teen sat up with a gasp as arms encircled him. TK was mumbling like an idiot as he clutch his friend tightly. "Don't do that again! Please. I was so worried!" Harry raised his jerking arms to hold onto the blond.

"I didn't do it. Someone kidnapped me. I'm so sorry, Takeru-kun. I never thought that would happen on a cruise ship." Harry hid his face against the creamy neck. Tears were pooling in his eyes. "I was so scared. They brought him back. Voldemort is back, and I have no way to tell anyone but the DigiDestined. What do I do, Takeru?" Harry fought the urge to start sobbing.

"We fight, Harry. Just like we have always done. Remember what I yelled at you before you disappeared? You are not alone anymore. You have us now. Even if all the others stopped talking to you, you would still have DemiMeramon, Patamon, and me." Harry sniffled, eyes closed tight.

"I feel like a weakling, though. I've been so used to being on my own, these last few years. I'm not used to relying on anyone. I'm scared." Harry flinched when TK grabbed his face and pulled him out from his hiding place. Green eyes met violet.

"That's okay, Harry." The teen said, "because I'm scared too. However, as long as we are friends, we are not doing things alone. We are stronger together." Harry's eyes searched, seeking the truth of TK's words.

"Takeru...there is a few things you need to know about me." Harry whispered, reluctantly pulling away.

"Harry, nothing you say, will make me hate you. Make our friendship any different."

"It might." Harry took a deep breath, "please don't leave me. Just listen?" TK nodded. "I'm gay." The blond nodded, like he knew it all along. "And I think I'm falling in love with someone."

"Oh no...please don't say it's Davis!" Harry gave his friend an incredulous look.

"Are you serious? That boy is so immature, it's amazing Hikari likes him!" Harry bit his lip. "I need someone to ground me. A person who is down to Earth, but still has his own dreams...hopes." Violet eyes lit up in understanding.

"Seriously? Why me?" Harry flushed once more, looking down.

"You've always been there for me." Harry glanced up again, through his eyelashes. "Even when we're apart, I've felt like you've always had my back."

"I like you Harry." TK admitted. "Everyday, we learn more about each other. Most of the time I find that something endearing."


"I have never lied to you, Harry."

I hope you guys liked the first chapter to Hope and Trust!