To the people thinking there is a second chapter. this is just a rewrite of the last chapter adding on a little bit to it. I was just testing the water with the first one and needed to fix some of the things that were wrong.

Hi WarriorAngelN7 here and don't own Naruto or mlp if I did I wouldn't be writing this and the show would have major changes in it, but you don't care about that you want a story.

My Naruto character is based off of himself in the story Legacy by cr4zypt up to the 38th chapter if you want a background that's where you need to go(it's an amazing story.).

All reviews are read and appreciated, yes even flames as I just harness them and unleash them upon my enemies.




so without further adieu. "allon-sy"

"The Ten Tailed Dragon"

Desolation, as far as the eye could see all was destroyed, the charred landscape still smoldering from the heat of the explosion. It would seem that a great battle was fought here not long ago. The only thing standing left standing was Tsunade Senju.

'Why Naruto...why?' Was all she could think.

She wept for what seemed like hours, all the while thinking those same thoughts. She mourned the loss of her friend/grandson. And most recently her savior. Savior from himself. Because the destruction wasn't from a battle it was from a one man army slaughter... of the Hidden Leaf Village.


There stood Obit looking battered and beaten. Standing in front of the Gedo Mazo trying to think of a way to beat his opponent. The person who opposed him was a man with silver Senju-style armor, the likeness of a dragon etched into the front of the armor. He had blond hair that is hip length, and bangs that framed his face, that had a trio of whisker marks on his checks, on his back is Madaras famous battle fan. But the most striking feature about him is his eyes. They were the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, they are pure black and in the middle a glowing red cracked circle with three spinning red orbs on it. (A.N. see cr4zypt profile for the image) the look on his face was what scared Obito the most though. The look on the silver dragons face was one of boredom.

'How can he be bored!?' Obito thought.

'I'm throwing everything I got at him and he still not even breathing hard.'

Obito decided that although he was tired he would feign that he had energy, so he stood and began to taunt the "Silver Dragon"

"Hey!" he yelled


He got no response however as the "Silver Dragon" was looking around passively. The "Silver Dragon" was looking around Konohagakure, seeing his friends and the Dragons finish off the work he had started with the white Zetsu. He was furious, not only had Obito attacked his village, but had done so when he and the Dragons were away on a SSS-Rank mission. The only reason they got there on time was that he had set up an instant messaging system of sorts; he put the Hiraishin seal on some scrolls to teleport to him if chakra was put into the seal. And his Kamui, that allowed him to teleport them all there leaving the note. Konohagakure, now decimated, was all around him, and it was entirely his fault. Obito saw that he was being ignored and decided to attack. He blurred out of the visible spectrum for a second before appearing next to Silver and tried to engage him in a battle of taijutsu. Silver looked at Obito and uttered.

"Shinra Tensei"

Obito flew back and crasher thru multiple walls before stopping. Coughing up blood he used Kamui and again was in front of the Gedo Mazo.

'Crap there is too much internal bleeding… uhhn… I'm going to die'

Then Obito had a moment of clarity.

"Well" he yelled to Silver

"It's the end, Naruto, if I can't rule this world then no one can!"

He charged up an attack and threw it, but not at the newly revealed Naruto. The Jutsu smashed into the Gedo Mazo, and it shattered.

"Now, without a catalyst to this world the tailed beast's minds will leave them, and they will rampage across the earth and destroy everything!"

Obito laughed a psychotic kind of laugh until he felt something painful enter his gut.

Obito looked down to see Naruto's' hand inside his chest. Obito coughed up even more blood and then fell over dead. Naruto turned from the body, and started towards the other tailed beasts who were still trying to hold on to what was left of their minds.

"I'm so sorry you guys." Naruto said

"I'm so sorry but there is only one way I can help you."

Tears streaming down his cheeks. Over the years Naruto had befriended all of the Bijuu and Jinchuuriki so what he was about to do next pained him beyond belief. He had to seal them within himself to stop their rampage from happening, but first he activated the Hiraishin seal in Hinata's ring and linked it to the note that the Dragons had received earlier. And in a flash she was gone. Now knowing his love was safe he made his final Jutsu hands weaving hand signs that nobody had seen before, shouting

"Yin Yang Release: Ultimate Sealing Art of The Six paths."

The sealing would take two hours. And so he yelled to the Shinobi of Konohagakure


The remaining Shinobi took heed and ran as fast and as far as they can. And for the last moments of his normal life...Naruto was alone… well… almost.

"Hey, Kit."Kurama's voice resonated through Naruto's head.

'Hey Kurama.' thought Naruto


The eight tails was almost done being sealed in Naruto's Body. Some small pebbles started to lift off of the ground near Naruto.

"It's a noble thing you're doing here, Kit, saving my kin. Even with the consequences."

'Yea' thought Naruto 'I'm only sorry that I couldn't set them free'

"You have no choice, that Obito bastard destroyed the statue before you could make them a proper body."

Bigger objects started lifting into the air and started to spin around him, As if he was the center of a great vortex. Naruto's form began to slightly glow becoming brighter every second as the secondary set of seals began to activate. The eight tails was just over half way sealed.

Naruto sighed. 'I know, but I still broke my promise to them.'

"I know that they would rather be sealed than some mindless beast."

(Several minutes later)

As the eight tails final tail began to be absorbed Naruto looked back on his life, it was full of hardships and strife but each one had made him stronger, Building him up to the man that he is today. His thoughts turned to Hinata. The love of his life and the only thing that kept him sane throughout his insane life. She kept him on the straight and narrow, especially when he became stronger than everyone. Heh he was going to be called god until Hinata beat that thought out of him.

"Well the sealing is almost done."

Kurama was right. The last tail was almost absorbed. He had seconds now.

'And when it is I will seal myself on the moon for however long it takes to get control of my new power.'

Naruto thought of the implication of that, all of that time spent in almost total isolation, And It scared him. Kurama sensing this said this.

"I'll seal your consciousness inside me so you don't even notice the pain of adjusting to the power, nor feel the time pass."

But it couldn't be because... Hinata came back!

(Hinata's POV)(Hours earlier)

Hinata popped up at the letter. At first she was disoriented. Then it all came back to her

"Oh no you don't!" exclaimed Hinata as she started to sprint in the direction of Konoha.

'Naruto you idiot' she thought, 'You're not supposed to use that sealing ever!' Tears streaming down her face. She remembered what Naruto told her about the sealing technique.

(Flashback within a flashback, it's a flashbackception.)

Naruto sat looking at the beautiful night sky with Hinata, not doing anything but enjoying each other's company. Suddenly Naruto spoke up. "Hinata..."she looked at him with concern, it was very rare for him to not use her nickname, as he only did so when he wanted to be taken very seriously. Naruto kept looking at the moon for a few more moments and then looked down at Hinata, Deep blue meeting pale lavender.

"Hinata, I fear that with Obito amassing forces and the Bijuu that he will get bolder in his attacks." Hinata having the same thoughts recently just nodded her head. And let Naruto continue.

"And as such I will do everything within my power to stop him, and save you." he sighed.

"There is a sealing technique that will allow the caster to have all of the Bijuu inside him/herself, having them become the next Juubi." Hinata gasped, But Naruto continued on in his explanation

"The Bijuu would remain conscious beings, but will lose all their power."

"That sounds like it has major drawbacks to it" Hinata interrupted. Naruto shook his head and continued

"Not many… the caster needs to have a fully unlocked Rinnegan, Transplanted or not it doesn't matter. But after that they get sealed into the moon for however long it takes to get control of their power. " Hinata started to see where this was going and yelled "No Naruto I will not allow you to use that kind of Jutsu upon yourself!" Naruto began to argue back but he knew that he would never win this argument.

"Alright Hina-chan I won't use it." Hinata looked at him suspiciously before quickly dropping the subject and continuing on their stargazing

(1 hour later)

Hinata was asleep in Naruto's arms, and he was still very much awake. Naruto thought about their conversation earlier and as he looked at his love he was determined to do anything to keep her safe and happy.

"No matter what, even if it be against your will, I'm going to protect you." Hinata Stirred in her sleep and turned away from Naruto. He smiled and gave her a kiss on the back of her head

"Sweet dreams Hina-chan"

(Flashbackception End)

As Hinata ran through the forest at top speed, purple hair streaming behind her ignoring the Shinobi who told her to run away, per Naruto's order. As she approached the village she saw a bright light. Moving towards the bright light she arrived just in time.

Naruto saw her and she felt a swirling sensation, then nothing.

Naruto's POV

When Naruto saw Hinata he was outraged, not at her but at himself.

'Damn it I knew that she would try to come back why didn't I seal them quicker!' Naruto knew that what came next in the sealing would be deadly to her so in the last instant he pulled her into his pocket dimension with the Kamui.

'Kurama what'll happen to her if my conscience is sealed into you' Naruto asked

"Your pocket dimension will collapse...with her still inside" Naruto's mind wheeled for an answer for the problem he was facing

'I NEED TO SAVE HER, BUT HOW?' and he found the answer.

'Kurama, I know that you can get in my dimension, Do the same sealing that you were going to do on me on her.'

"But you will be exposed to all that time and pain of a customizing to your new power!"

"I DON'T CARE KURAMA! DO IT!" Naruto said, no longer telepathically communicating with Kurama.

Then the nine-tailed Bijuu reached into Naruto's dimension, and after weaving some hand signs yelled

"Bijuu Sealing Art; Nine Tailed Space Time Preservation" Hinata felt no pain, only a warm orange glow until she fell asleep. And so Kurama sealed Hinata, And Just in time. The bright light emanating from Naruto became brighter than the sun, and the vortex of energy felt the same as a category five hurricane. The sealing now finished, Naruto shot off the ground in an explosion of power that inadvertently destroyed everything within a 20 mile radius. As Naruto shot towards the moon all he could think was

'Goodbye everyone, don't forget me.'

Naruto landed in the largest crater on the moon, right next to the Juubi's dormant body. The seal then absorbed that too. A pure black force field 5 miles in diameter, surrounded him in the crater. That's when the pain started,the neverending pain. but it was all worth it. Because his Hinata was safe.

(Flashback end)