I'm trying to kick start my writing by starting a short multi-chapter fanfic. After this I'll get straight back on with Owari and Magic and Spells, promise. Currently I am unemployed so I'm getting back into my writing again so please bear with me a little longer. I think this story is going to be under ten chapters long, I'm hoping about six but it never goes to plan, does it.

Warning: This is a teen story filled with teen sort of conversations of the female variety. Rated T for language and some teenage situations.

Plot: Dawn's fall from grace was painful, all of her friends turning their backs on her. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't May's fault in the first place. IS, CS. AU.

Disclaimer: I own nothing!

How it all started

This is the story about my fall from grace.

I should have known better than to fall in love with the wrong guy but love isn't one of those things you can control. It just sort of happens out of the blue when you're just falling to sleep at night. It warms your heart without knowing and then suddenly, before you know it, you've fallen so far its impossible to return to where you were. It's just unfortunate for me that I had to fall in love with him. Anyone else would have been better, and I mean anyone else.

May Maple was my best friend. She was a loud, abrasive brunette with a kind heart and a big stomach. We had known each other since we were five years old with her moving into the house next door to mine just before we started school. That summer we had gotten to know each other, becoming inseparable ever since then.

In recent years, May had had a steady stream of boyfriends, from the loveable dope, Ash Ketchum, to the very high maintenance Brendan Birch, but none of them really had anything on her latest boyfriend: Drew Hayden.

What I knew of Drew Hayden before May began dating him was what every other girl knew. He was a handsome, full of himself kind of guy who could flirt his way out of trouble without breaking into a sweat. I have no idea how he managed to charm May into going out with him one day and I have even less of a clue on how she managed to keep him interested past the third date. You see, Drew Hayden had a very low attention span when it came to girls – even lower than Ash Ketchum's attention span in Maths, first period on Monday morning.

That's where all the fun started.

St Mary's School was a very high class school where students were usually either from religious families or were quite well off. May's father, Norman, was a very religious man. My mother was quite a wealthy woman. It was a wonder why May and I hadn't run into trouble before, but as soon as May began dating Drew, our friendship suddenly took a back seat.

First period, Tuesday.

I sat down on the cold plastic chair three rows from the front, second chair along. The chair on my right hand side was reserved for May, should she show up on time. On my left sat Misty, one of our other friends who we had adopted not long after starting St Mary's a few years ago. Misty was unlike May in many ways. Firstly, Misty was a short tempered, ginger haired tom-boy. Secondly, Misty did not like boys. At all. Not one bit. She was good friends with Ash, who sat on her other side, but that was it.

Misty leant back in her chair, pushing it back so it was balanced on two legs. She smiled at me warmly before saying: "When do you think she'll get here?"

"Never," I replied with a laugh. "She's probably hiding in the broom cupboard with Drew."

"Classy," Misty said, suddenly dead panned. She ran a hand through her short hair in a rather boyish gesture before she flicked out her fringe and winked at me. I giggled at the impression of Drew – his most famed hair flick – and Misty grinned at me a little more. She landed her chair on the floor with a sudden jerk. "I don't know what she sees in him."

"That's love," I said with a shrug. "It's a blind beggar."

"It's not love," Misty retorted, wrinkling her nose at me. "It's teenage hormones and horniness."

"That too," I agreed with a nod. The pair of us fell into giggles, earning us a look of contempt from Paul Shinji as he walked into the room. Instead of taking up his seat at the back of the room, he stalked towards Misty and I, both hands shoved into his pockets.

"Are the disaster twins in the broom cupboard again?" he asked me. I smiled at their nickname, thinking how well it suited them. I nodded at Paul causing him to roll his eyes and walk towards his seat at the back of the room. I turned in my seat to watch him as he carefully slid his satchel over his head and placed it by the legs of his chair. Before he sat down, he dug in his pocket for his mobile, tapping furiously on it as he flopped down onto the plastic.

"He actually knows you exist," Misty gasped in feigned horror. Her tone now changed to mimic her three older sister's Valley accent. "He, like, so totally wants you, Dawn."

"Totally," I replied, rolling my eyes. "I can see it in his eyes that he's totally undressing me."

Misty turned to look at Paul, finding he was glaring daggers at his phone as his thumbs thumped on the touch screen. She watched him until he shoved his phone back into his pocket and slouched in his chair.

"Why does he put up with Drew?" she asked.

"Maybe he's his special someone on the side," I muttered in her ear, causing her to go bright red. She turned on me, scowling.

"Say that any sexier, Dawn," she warned me but I laughed it off.

If I had known that it would all start from there, then maybe I wouldn't have smiled at Paul when his eyes suddenly met mine across the classroom. He didn't smile at me, in fact he looked as enthused as he usually did, but his eyes stayed on me for a good few seconds until we both jolted and turned our attention to the teacher walking into the room.

Where ever she had been when she should have been in first period, May appeared for the second lesson of the day sporting a wide smile which made me suspicious of her. I remained mute while she took her pencil case and exercise book out of her bag. She hummed a little as she sat down, smoothing out her skirt over her knees. I turned to Misty beside me, raising an eyebrow.

"I am not going to ask," Misty said loudly. "I just hope you used protection."

May's happy mood came crashing down and she glared at the both of us, a face like thunder.

"Don't be dirty," she snapped. "Nothing happened."

"Honey bun," Misty said sweetly. "If I missed one lesson then arrived in the next with a grin to rival the Cheshire cat, then what would you think I had been up to?"

"Hanging out in the girls' locker room again?" May guessed dismissively. Misty fell silent, turning her head to ignore May completely for the rest of the lesson. I sat awkwardly between the pair, trying to ignore the horrid tension lingering in the air like a fart but it was no use. As soon as I could, I packed up my things and hurried out of the classroom, jogging towards my locker so I could feign going to the bathroom for a 'that time of the month' emergency. By the time May was coming out of the classroom, I was already sprinting towards the girls' bathroom. I saw a faint understanding in her eyes as I pushed the door open, almost knocking a first year off her feet as I barged past.

I hurried into a cubicle and squatted on the toilet seat, summing up my options. Would I go with May or Misty, Misty or May? Oh I hated being the third cog in the wheel sometimes. Just as I was mulling over this, I heard Misty's voice from the other side of the door.

"Does it really take that long to change a tampon?" she sounded grumpy.

"Ew," I moaned at her. "Misty, that's gross."

"Oh, so you're debating life's mysteries then?" she asked.

"Of course," I snapped. I jumped off the toilet and unbolted the door to show her that I wasn't doing anything other than thinking. She merely nodded and pushed me out of the way.

"Shift then, some of us need to pee," she grunted, closing the door in my face. I heard the bolt being turned and I leant on the door. "You're not listening are you 'cos that's kinda gross."

"Do you want me to sing to you, Mist?" I teased. Her silence told me to go on if I dared so I started the first few lines of Stacy's Mom when Misty gave a pained sort of moan.

"Now this is just weird," she said over my singing. I heard the flush and knew it was time to stop leaning on the door. I straightened up not a moment too soon for the door swung open and my bag was shoved into my stomach, winding me. Misty walked over to the sink to wash her hands, ignoring me once again.

"So where is the future Mrs Grasshead?" I asked.

"With the future Mr Grasshead," she replied, "you know, once he gets his operation."

"Do you have this fantasy of Drew being a girl, often?" I asked cheekily and Misty cracked me a smile, saying nothing as she led me out of the bathroom. I followed her down the corridor, not really paying attention to where she was leading me. I glanced own at my blazer pocket and went to pull my phone out of my pocket when I walked straight into someone.

Whoever they were they were tall, muscular and walking very quickly. I ricocheted off them onto the wall before finally touching ground on the floor. Dazed and glad I hadn't managed to free my phone before the accident, I stared at the carpet a fist away from my face.

"Nice undies, Berlitz," I heard someone yell at me. I jumped turned my head to find that my skirt had ridden up to reveal my underwear. I groaned as I adjusted the garment then climbed to my knees, still incredibly dazed from the fall. Just as the world stopped spinning, a hand reached down to help me back up.

It was Paul Shinji. Damn him.

I gently took his hand and he pulled me easily to my feet like I was some sort of rag doll.

"Sorry," I muttered.

"It's my fault," he replied. "I wasn't looking where I was going."

"I wasn't either," I admitted. I looked round expecting Drew to suddenly appear by his best friend's side but he wasn't there at all. Paul seemed to clue into what I was looking for and gave a click of his tongue.

"He's with May," he said.

"Ew," I replied, my nose wrinkling without my permission. Someone brushed past me, complementing me once again on my choice of underwear and I gave them a scathing look, which on the Shinji scale would have been a definite killer. Misty returned to my side, pulling at my skirt as if it was riding up again. "Hey stop it!"

"Sorry, it was creased," she replied. "You're the one showing your ass off to the entire school."

"It's a good thing today was a good underwear day," I muttered, completely forgetting that Paul was stood right in front of me.

"Yeah, it's also a good job it wasn't that time of the month, either," Misty went on. She suddenly winked at me and gave my butt a slap. "Nice ass by the way."

"I love how girl conversations are just the right amount of creepy to be uncomfortable," Paul mused to himself. Misty and I reddened as we gawked at him. He gave us a good natured grin then walked off. "Look where you're going Berlitz."

"You too, Shinji!" I called after him. I turned to Misty who was still slightly pink in the cheeks. "He now thinks I'm your special someone."

"You wish," she brushed me off. "I have a thing for blondes."

"And grassheads," I added.

"If Drew had a sister..." she trailed off with a perverted grin on her face. I grabbed her hand and dragged her down the corridor towards the next lesson.

I think Misty came out a bit more pervy than I intended. Oh well, I hope you enjoyed reading this. Please drop me a review to let me know what you thought!