Strings of Fate

So this is my first fanfic and i thought i'd go with this pairing because no one else seems to have done one with these two. I know the beginning is very similar, if not identical to the anime but you'll notice subtle changes that will matter in the end. I thought it would be cute so ya…. and yes i did make the beginning a tad depressing….kinda felt like it worked. O and before i forget This text means character thoughts. Pls rate and review and all that jazz Disclaimer: I do not own sword art online or anything of the sort (This would exist if i did XD)

Kirito POV

It was just an ordinary day in the forest's of sword art online. Kirito aka the black swordsman was just farming some monsters by himself. Not that he really needed to do any farming he just really didn't have anything to do. To be honest he had been bored lately. Sure the front lines were challenging and all but he had been alone since the moonlight black cat's were…...ya.

He still really hadn't gotten over it. He was always pushing himself to the extreme, starting death right in the face without really that much concern for his own safety. Some called him cocky, saying that he was gonna get himself killed. But that really didn't matter to him at all. The only way he could forget about the pain was to push himself to the limit of his abilities.

So at the end of the day, when he was exhausted he couldn't really think about anything, couldn't remember the pain that was inside him and couldn't remember the loss of the people he cared about.

As he clearing the area of mobs he was currently occupied with, he heard what sounded like a girl screaming. He immediately turned and sprinted towards the source of the scream there he saw…..

Silica POV

Silica was very frustrated. She was usually a happy and cheerful girl who was sweet and nice to others but right now she was in a particularly bad mood. A girl she had partied with named Rosaline was the source of her frustration.

She acts all high and mighty like she's better than me. It's not like i ask the boys to help me she thought."Well at least you're always on my side, right Pina?" Pina Silica Pet dragon purred in response. It was a start to relieving Silica's bad mood but it wasn't making all her annoyance at Rosaline just disappear.

Stupid Rosalia She thought as she trudged through the woods. I'll show her i don't need to rely on anyone else. I'll get through this forest to the next town all by myself.

Now she found herself with a back against a tree fighting monsters with Pina that where a higher level than she was. Pina was doing her best to heal her but it wasn't enough. She reached in her inventory. Oh no im out of healing crystals. She was getting desperate, she was hit with a wooden club from one of the monsters and her back was against a tree.

Oh no my health is in the red, where's my dagger? She thought in desperation. The monsters were approaching her slowly as if taking there time. Finally one of them raised their giant club and swung at her. Its over she thought, feeling defeated. But suddenly before the giant weapon could strike her Pina jumped in front of her to take the blow.

"PINAAAAAA" She screamed. She ran over to her familiar screaming its name. She watched Pina's health bar drop to zero. She held Pina in her arms until the dragon exploded into bright lights. All that was left was a single feather.

Pina, i'm going to die to now to now. Theres not even a point to fighting. That's what she thought. But suddenly the monsters surrounding her were all killed instantaneously, as if by a miracle. Silica looked up to see a swordsman dressed in black had saved her from death.

Kirito POV

He made it. That was the only thing going through his head after he killed those mobs around the girl. A second later and she would be dead. Kirito then noticed that she was crying over a feather. "What's that feather" Kirito asked the girl.

"Its Pena…… friend" she said in between sobs.

"Then you must be a beast tamer, i'm sorry if i had gotten here sooner Pina would have been fine." he said with a sad expression.

"No its my fault, I was an idiot for trying to come through the forest by myself. Thank you for saving me from those monster"

"Its no problem, hey that feather check if it had an item name."

The girl clicked on the feather and the name "Pina's Heart" appeared. She started crying more. I should help her. Its too sad to see a cute girl like this crying over her friend. I might also be able to find her as well.

"Hey don't cry, if Pina's heart's still here then there's a chance you can revive it." he said with a smile.

"Really?" was her only response between sobs.

"On the south side of floor 47 there's a dungeon called the hill of memories. At the top of that dungeon there's a item i heard can revive familiar's."

"Really! Huh floor 47...Well i raise my level enough then maybe one day i can"

"Sure but the item needs to be used within 3 days of the familiars death."

Tears started streaming down her eyes again but I said "Here take these items they should boost you up five or six levels. And if I'm with you they'll be no problem."

"But why would you help me so much?" The girl said confused.

"I don't want to see you lose someone close to you" i said with confidence.

"Here, this might not be enough to pay you for the items and your help but"

"No its fine, i have something to do there as well so there's no need to pay me"

I reached out my hand and we shook hands.

"I'm Kirito, what's your name" i said with a smile.

"I'm Silica" she said with a smile to return mine. I felt my cheeks get warm a little and my heart sped up a bit.

Shes really cute. I thought to myself.

Silica was looking at me as if concerned. "Hey Kirito are you okay? Your face is all red" she said.

"Ah no its fine. We should head back to town before more monsters come." And with that we were off.

So ya tell me what you think. I liked the idea so i started it. If it gets some readers i'll continue it. If not i probably still will but it'll be slower. So ya rate and review and all that Jazz and next one will be out in a bit. (I have no idea when but decently soon)