*cautiously crawling about. Lights flip on*

AHHH-ah-ah-haha-oohhhh. Well hey there everybody. Erherm. Guess who's still alive? Ha-ha…

Yeah, okay I'm an asshole. It's been, what 4 years?, since I last posted anything. And I am sorry. At some point high school got in the way with the homework and projects, my creativity kinda died out. Life happened and I got pulled away from Fanfiction. In other news I also joined Wattpad (don't worry I haven't written anything there [yet…]) and I totally forgot about my works.

I really am sorry guys.I know a lot of you were waiting for my return from the hiatus I announced I was taking, and for me to update some of my at-the-time current stories. Well I'm out of high school now, graduated June 2016 (Woo!) And I'm officially 19 now (also woo! Adulthood boo!) so now I'm juggling a college career. I know, dammit she's gonna have an even heavier course load. Weeellllll. Yes and no. I'm going to school to be an illustrator, rest assured author is still on the table but as a side job. Yes I am busy still but I have had plenty of time in these past 4 years to really let my imagination wander and to put some thought into a few new projects that include original ideas of my own. No one ever has their life together, really, but I've tasted adult life and I I've made some changes and become a much better planner and multitasker.

Like I said before, I joined Wattpad. It's a really neat site and I love the community. Not that you guys aren't awesome, I'll always appreciate the following I had here because this is where it all started for me. But I've grown a lot, and yes my writing still needs quite a bit of improvement, but with growth comes the need to move forward and to go to new places. Wattpad is where I'm going, where I've been for a while now.

I understand if you're frustrated with me or feel like I'm jumping ship, but I hope you can forgive me and perhaps you may even follow me to Wattpad. I'm hoping, with the free time I have through the summer, to actually start getting back into writing. The plan is to kick it off with that crossover I've been blabbering on about for the past 6 years. I know, I'm hopeless. But don't give up on me yet!

I've been putting some series thought into this crossover. I've made planners and flowcharts guys. Actually character sheets. This is legit. I'm still roughing it out and hashing some ideas but I'm feeling good about this.

So my point with this out-of-the-blue author's note was to let you know I'm still here and do think of you guys. I'm sorry for my absence and that I'm moving to a new platform to continue my writing.

I guess this is where I twist the knife on you. I won't be continuing updates on any of my stories here on . I'm sorry but most of them I jumped into without an actual plot line. I was writing as I went and I'm sure we all know that is a hands down dumb as mud thing to do (no offence to anyone who does it, but quit while you're ahead and plot your damn story!) I know to my PJO followers you were expecting a fantastic crossover in The Son of Sobek Returns, I'm sorry, I never got into the Kane Chronicles, was never a fan of Egyptian mythology. I can't write on what I don't know. I am really sorry, that was a stupid thing to do on my part.

Double Trouble, also went nowhere. I had a shabby plot with that one. Perhaps I'll pick it up again someday and turn it into a cute short story.

I would like to say a big thank you to all of you who read my stories. Especially to my Viral followers. Looking back on my work, oh God I wrote shit. Don't deny it, let's just face it head on and be honest, my stories were so out of character it was painful, the plot was weak. LORD! It physically hurts to go back and read them lol! But for those of you who enjoyed them, I'm glad. That's all I could ask for, is that you liked reading my work no matter how shit-tastic it was. So thank you.

So this is it. This is where I bid my farewell as V6 Trick Shot and wish all you young writers the best of luck with your future aspirations. I once again apologize to those who I've let down, but if you will give me another chance to do better, look me up on Wattpad at Mythic_Ink. I'd love to have you all as my Inklings. Hopefully the first thing I post will be that crossover which is the revised and plotted version of Zeroes to Heroes. If you've been looking forward to that then keep an eye out for Infected. This crossover is a Vrials/Marvel concoction with an pinch of OC thought up by yours truly.

So, that's it. I will end this long-winded melodramatic goodbye with a see ya later. Hopefully we will meet again.

Write on my fellow fictionites!

-V6 Trick Shot

A.K.A Mythic_Ink — Wattpad