Chapter 14

After reading the contents of the email, and clicking on the link that was within in it I held my breath and waited. I not only held my breath in waiting for the page to upload but I was holding my breath for a whole lot of other reasons. I know the old saying, 'Don't hold your breath', but in this case I really needed to because I didn't know what else to do with myself. I just did not think that my nerves would allow my legs to stand on their own anymore. I took the laptop to the kitchen table, and pulled the chair under me having a much needed seat. When the links browser page pulled up I used to mouse to scroll and maneuver around the page in order to find out what I was really looking at.

The page was pretty nondescript, clean, precise and uncluttered. No solicitation ads in sight. That had to be something good. Right? It seemed like a very professional website, I went the Contact Us tab on the page and clicked. The WIFI reception wasn't exactly great but it was fair and decent enough that I could do what I needed to do. Waiting once again for the page to load, out of habit I looked around and behind myself to make sure I wasn't being watched or snuck up on. I went to the junk drawer in the kitchen and retrieved my notepad and a pen, I wrote down the name of the people that came up on the website, it looked as though they were in the Port Angeles area. Not too far away from where I lived now, I knew it was only a long shot but I still decided to jot down their information. Normally I would take a risk as big as this but I had to step out there on hope and faith. I couldn't put my finger on it but I just knew that there something brewing with Mike. Something deep and dark that I didn't want to find out what it was.

After finishing writing the names, address, telephone and email information. I thought about taking it even one step further, I was indecisive at the moment but I was going to stew on it for a while, and then make my final decision. I knew that I had to be extremely careful and meticulous in each and every step that I took, because one wrong move and it would go very very bad. Turning the volume completely off on the computer, I did the proper shut down procedure and closed the lid. Grabbing its carry bag I looked inside and there was its charging cord and what looked to be some software discs that was more than likely bundled with it when first purchased. I placed everything inside and zipped it up. Trying to think of a place where I knew Mike would never look into. Think. Think. Think, I urged myself. The garage maybe, but no, that definitely was not a good idea. I thought a little bit harder because there really weren't that many hiding spots in our house. Then the light bulb clicked on over my head, the once place where Mike would never think to look. It would be difficult sneaking to get it every night without making a loud noise. So I decided that I could just hide it in a temporary spot, and then when Edward got home for the evening I could just ask him if I could hide it in his home. That's what friends were for right?

Making sure I had everything packed and zipped away, I checked to make sure the boys were ok and went to place the laptop in a safe place. Putting everything back in its proper place I also took my list that I had made earlier and the contact information from the email and thought of a place where I could hide them. It wasn't as hard to hide as a laptop but I still had to be smart in where I hid it. I could place it in one my novels, but there was a chance that I could be reading one day and forget that I had it hidden in there, fall asleep reading, and then book would fall. Spilling its contents and that was a risk I definitely wasn't willing to take. I walked into my bedroom, such a cold and chilling place. I actually didn't like it in here. I had no good thoughts or memories in this room; there was no warmth at all. I walked into the connected bathroom and opened the cabinet under the sink and pulled out my box of tampons, maxi pads and panty liners. That was the thing about my period, it was completely unpredictable. There was times when I was either like and I could go with a tampon and a panty liner. And then there were times when I could give Niagara Falls a run for its money, and I had to wear a maxi pad.

I folded the pieces of paper into a small enough square and took out a few pads and then placing my jotted notes into the wrapper opening of one of the pads still sitting in the box. After replacing the ones that I took out back into the box I placed everything back where it was supposed to be and walked away like nothing had ever happened. I walked back downstairs, looked at the clock, noting that I had to leave and pick Mike up from work in about twenty-five minutes. I took out the skillet and dishes for the stir-fry and did all of my preparations for it.

The rest of the evening went off without a hitch, completely normal as always, though Mike was acting a whole lot more grumpy and agitated than he had this morning and yesterday. So I decided to keep my mouth shut and stay out of his way. I had plans and ideas brewing and I did not want or need them thwarted in any kind of way. But I had to admit, I too was starting to slowly get a little agitated as well, everyone had already gone to bed at their normal times and Edward still had not come home. It was pushing close to midnight, and around this time we were usually still talking after he finished his meal. I knew that I needed to go to bed, if I even miss one night of sleep then it will affect me for the entire week until I can get my body back on schedule. But I just couldn't seem to force myself to go to bed. I was too wound up for that.

I woke up the next morning before the sun rose sitting in the arm chair nearest to the sliding patio door, with the most awful pain in my neck from sitting in an uncomfortable position. I must have fallen asleep waiting for Edward to come home, I guess I really was more tired than what I thought that I was. Rolling my shoulders and neck, rubbing them while trying to work the kinks out, I looked over and saw where his light was on. Checking my wrist watch I saw that it was about fifteen minutes before Mike had to get ready for work. This would have to be my moment, because not knowing when I would see Edward again with his crazy work hours, who knew when I would have another moment.

Sliding my shoes back onto my feet, I slipped out the sliding door and hastily walked in between our two houses and around the front of my house to where I hid the laptop. I took note in the fact that this was an excellent hiding spot and that I would have to make a lot of use out of it. Grabbing the bag, I went back the way that I came, but instead going to his patio door and knocking on it lightly. Peering harder into the glass I could make out just the very top of bronzed hair. He too was sitting in his arm chair in the living room closest to the fire place. I knocked a little bit harder, finally garnering his attention. He turned his head a slight bit to see who it was, when he saw that it was me a look of surprise crossed his face and then he gave me a smile while getting up.

I watched him as he walked towards me, his clothes exceedingly rumpled and creased. But looking at his eyes and the rest of his features you could see where he was extremely exhausted. Even the way he was walking said that he was exhausted, he needed food and a few hours of sleep. I was glad that even though he wasn't home a few hours ago I still left him a plate of the stir-fry that I made. Sliding the door, which seemed to be obviously unlocked he opened,

"Hi," he said on a yawn. "What do I owe this pleasure?"

"Hi, to you too." I had both hands clasped behind my back and clutching the bag. "I was wondering if I could ask a favor of you?" please say yes, please say yes. Why am I pleading on the inside for his answer? He's my friend, he wouldn't turn me away. I swear when I get past all of this and get settled I am going to seek some professional help. He perked up some when my words registered to him.

"Yes of course, ask away."

Bringing the bag from behind my back I grasped it in both arms towards my mid-section. "I don't have much time to explain and I didn't know if or when you'd be back at work, but can I hide this here with you?" I asked beseechingly. "I would keep it at mine, but I think you'd agree with me that that isn't the wisest idea."

"Uh, is that a laptop?" he asked confused.

"Um, yeah. Yeah it is…"

"I thought you didn't have one?" I could tell that his confusion was growing.

My time was running down and I didn't fully have the time to explain, "I didn't have one until yesterday, and I don't have the money to buy one, and I didn't steal it. I don't know when you'll have some free time or a day off from work but when you do I explain." I huffed out quickly. While he nodded his head as if somewhat understanding what I had said. Man he really needed some sleep.

"Does Mike work today?" where the heck did that question come from? I really really needed from him to allow me to hide this laptop here. I didn't have time for a game of twenty questions.

"Yes, he does. Why?" now my confusion began to surface and grow.

"I have today off, come over when you get a chance after he has gone to work and then we can talk."

"Ok, great but can I keep this here? Please!?" my wrist watch showed me that I only had about five minutes left.

"Oh yeah, absolutely. Why such a rush?

"Mike will be up in less than five minutes, and I don't want him to know that I wasn't here. It wouldn't be pretty."

"Oh, OK. Well I don't want to hold you up." He suddenly looking a bit miffed and angry. What the heck flipped his mood?

"Thank you so much Edward, I really appreciate it."

"No problem," he said rubbing the back of his neck and shoulder, looking past me he nodded his head towards my house. "you better get going, it looks like he's up." His upper lip lifted up into a slight snarl.

Looking behind me I saw that the side lamp in our bedroom was on, which meant that he would be heading into the shower. "Crap! OK, I have to go, but you look like you need some sleep." I could hear his stomach growling, he must not have eaten the stir-fry that I left for him. "I left a stir-fry in the fridge for you, eat get some sleep and I'll be back in a few hours with breakfast and then I can explain everything. How about that?" I'd never spoken so fast in my life, I could tell it even amused him.

Laughing he said, "Okay, I had the stir-fry, which was amazing by the way, but I'll take a shower and hit the sack, and be waiting for breakfast." I said a quick ok, waved and ran back to my house going into the kitchen. The domain where I spent all of my time and was the most comfortable. It was early morning so the house was still dark and quiet. I tilted my head trying my best to hear what Mike is doing. I could still hear the shower running, so I was in the clear. Phew, if I hadn't made it back in time and he found out the situation would have gotten seriously ugly.

Scrambled eggs, bacon, toast and fruit was on the breakfast menu for everyone. I was too tired to cook anything else, it was quick easy and simple, and it was also either this or cold cereal. Mike came down after a short while and went through his customary morning grunt and greet session while shoving down his food without chewing. Yuck! Sometimes he said goodbye and other times he didn't, today he did. How civil of him, jerk.

After releasing an unintentionally held breath, that I did not realize I had done. I cleaned off the table and made myself a breakfast plate. While eating I sat there and thought about Edward, I had just left him about forty minutes ago. I didn't think that he would be awake any time soon, so I would make sure that I had enough for him. I knew that I was none of my business, not was I his keeper, but with the hours that man worked who knows what kind of meals that he was eating. If they were even meals at all. Gosh, I didn't even want to know his eating habits before he moved to this neighborhood. As his neighbor and friend I felt it my duty to maintain that he was healthy. It may seemed old fashioned to some people but I was taught that when you're around hard working men or you live with them it was your job to make sure they had a good meal.

Before I knew it one breakfast plate had turned into three, all of the eggs and toast was gone, and there was probably about a spoonful of fruit left. But, I felt full and satisfied, I hadn't felt like that in a while. This baby had me eating in the first few weeks of my pregnancy than I had with Mikey and Ben. Standing up from the table I groaned with effort, rinsing my plate and prepared making some more eggs, toast, and fruit for later. I looked in the fridge for one thing and getting completely sidetracked by the Greek yogurt I saw. My appetite suddenly coming back a slight bit, digging into the yogurt I made quick work of it adding some strawberries to it as well. If I keep eating like this throughout the day on a daily basis for the next nine months I'm going to be as big as a house. But it was so good…so I'll take my chances.

There was no cleaning that had to be done, I usually only had to clean the kitchen for obvious reasons, so I really had nothing to do. I could go back to Edward's and get the laptop, but I didn't know where he put it and I didn't want to disturb him. He needed all the rest he could get. Ugh! Nothing to do was the worst thing. I hated not having anything to do, I liked staying busy. It kept me from having to think too much. It was too early to get Mikey and Ben up, and I'm trying to get to where I don't wake them up. I like for them to wake on their own. Yawing and looking around, and then yawning again, I rummaged around in one of the kitchen cabinets and found my cooking timer. Setting it for an hour, I took it over the coffee table and stretched out on the couch. I had decided that I was going to take a well deserved nap. The minute my head hit the decorative pillow I fell into a deep sleep.

I could see myself, laying there on the couch, sleeping peacefully. Everything was the way that it normally would be, looking around nothing was out of place. But something definitely felt and seemed off. I just couldn't place my finger on it. Shrugging it off, I laid down with myself once more so I could rest. Laying there for a good while, my eyes closed, I felt as though I saw something pass by me. Thinking that it was once more my imagination I ignored it again. Seconds went by and I felt a sense of unease spread throughout me. My heart rate started to increase, I could feel my palms becoming moist. It was then I saw movement behind my eyelids and I knew that I wasn't alone. I could hear their breathing, very harsh sounding breathing, almost angry. I tried to open my eyes, but I couldn't, I tried to move my limbs, open my mouth to speak but I couldn't. I was completely paralyzed and immobile. My mind was screaming so loud. I didn't know what was going on, it was so terrifying. The more I tried to speak, open my eyes or move I became more paralyzed. Then it grabbed my wrists tightly…

I woke up a sweaty mess, and screaming my lungs out. My God, what kind of dream was that!? That was the worst dream I have ever had in my entire life! My heart beating so hard and fast, I clutched my chest willing it to calm itself. Throughout all of my screaming and panic I didn't see Edward, still in his pajamas trying to pry my patios sliding door open. But with the way I was laying on the couch you couldn't see where I was. Looking at the cooking timer on the coffee table I saw that I only had about twenty minutes left. Getting up, I hastily walked to the door letting him in.

He rushed in breathing as hard as I was, "I heard screaming, are you alright?" he still looked so tired.

I tried to laugh but it was so shaky, unconsciously grabbing onto a lock of hair I began twirling it around my finger, "Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry I woke you." He squinted his eyes at me looking for whatever reason.

You didn't wake me, are you sure you're OK?" he implored. "did Mike do something to you?" he asked looking around as if hoping to find Mike lurking around some corner.

"No, Mike left almost an hour ago." I watched as his shoulders relaxed increasingly. "honestly Edward, I'm fine. Really. Just took a nap and had a dream."

"A dream had you screaming…what was it about?"

"Nothing," I waved him off. "it was a silly dream…it doesn't matter." I really wanted to get off the subject of this dream, like pronto. "Are you sure I didn't wake you?" I felt so bad, he really needed rest.

He was the one to wave me off now, "I'm sure, I just woke up and was about to make some coffee when I heard you screaming. You scared the hell outta me."

For some reason it was just now registering to me that Edward was standing in my house. I usually went to his, and it was always on the patio, except for maybe nonce or twice. Walking into the kitchen with Edward on my heels I washed my hands. Looking back at him I told him to have a seat, pointing at the kitchen table. I began scrambling the eggs and browning the toast on the worktop, sneaking peaks at Edward while he looked around. Placing it all on the table, along with the fruit, and yogurt. When I went back to get the coffee I hadn't noticed that he had gotten up was looking at the knickknacks that I had sitting down. But once he smelled the coffee he was quick to make his way back to the table. Spooning himself a plate load without question he then decided to question me. "Where did you learn to cook such good food?" which a forkful of eggs hovering around his mouth.

Giggling, "My grandmother taught me what she knew and the rest is just me." I answered truthfully, I was no master chef but I could hold my own in the kitchen.

Nodding his head, he continued to eat. "So what's the deal with the laptop?"

Releasing a soft sigh I began to tell him the entire story of my day with Mrs. Cope and everything after that. He was just about to begin working on his third plate when I told him about my list and notes and decided to show it to him. Leaving him there clearly occupied, I went up the stairs peeking my head in Mikey and Ben's room where they were still sound asleep. I retrieved my notes and took them back down to him, letting him look it over.

He clicked his tongue, "Well, what do you think?" he was quiet for too long for my liking

Looking them over once more and handing them back to me, "Well, your list is great…I think you may have struck something there. But you won't know for sure until you make that call or email."

"So you think that I have something good?" oh I really hoped that I did. Looking at me and smiling big and bright. "I think you may have hit the beginning of a gold mine, and I'll be more than happy to help in any way that I can.

For a reason unbeknownst to me I truly believed and trusted him, first things first I needed Edward to bring me the laptop. It's time I wrote that email.

Hey all! This chapter was supposed to be up like three days ago but the laptop decided to go on a little vacation...so I'm typing on my phone's Word app. Go me! You know the deal folks! Read, Review, Favorite, Follow. Just let me know in your own way that you want me to keep going. What were your takes on this chapter? Was Bella too in her head? Too much inner monologue? What do you want to happen? I've been known to be a wish granter. I'm hoping to have the next chapter up by Friday. Until then!