Okay, guys, sorry for the delay. Here's Chapter 18 for you and I hope you like it. The Christmas Special is in the works and will be uploaded most likely on Christmas Day or Christmas Eve. Enjoy.

Chapter 18—The Ties That Bind

Koji dreamt of... nothing...

He stood on something; he felt the a solid, flat something beneath his feet, but an endless darkness surrounded him completely. He heard his footsteps as he moved forward, and the sound of his footsteps echoed loudly, ringing in his ears. He wasn't sure where he was walking—the absolute darkness made him wonder about the point of moving forward—but he knew that he had to go somewhere. No matter how far he went, if he moved in a straight line, he would eventually reach the end.


He stopped, jumping in surprise. He turned and saw a figure there, a shimmering, white figure, standing just behind him. His heart leapt with excitement at the prospect that he was not alone, but there was something more than that... He knew who this person was. He started walking towards the figure, and found a warmth flooding him.


"Koji," the figure murmured.

Koji stopped. That voice... That wasn't his father's voice... He knew the voice, but that was not the voice he had expected. It was the familiar voice of his captain.

It was Komamura's voice.

The figure started to change and lose its white glow, and, steadily, it changed, transforming. When the glow had vanished entirely, there stood the captain, calm and collected.

"Captain," Koji said, starting to walk again. "Do you know where we are?"

"Can you hear me?"

"Yes, sir, but do you know—"

"I'm sorry, I should've fought with you. You got hurt because of me."

"Hurt?" Koji repeated. He looked at himself. He felt no pain and there were no wounds. He felt better than he ever had before. "Captain, I'm okay, really, but—" Koji stopped speaking as images began to flood his mind. A battle... the rogue... the end of it all... Then...


Just the same endless darkness that came after the fight with Hayate Nakamura... What happened to him? He didn't understand.

"Captain, what's going on? I don't know—"

"Please, wake up, Koji," Komamura said. "Everyone's waiting on you."

"Captain, I don't understand, what's going on?"

There was silence, and Koji wondered if Komamura could even hear what he was saying. He had finally reached Komamura and attempted to touch his shoulder. He felt someone else's hand grab his own, and he watched carefully. Komamura's hand was holding his own.

The world was changing, color starting to pierce through the darkness. Koji found himself falling, reclining backward. He attempted to keep himself upright, but it was useless. He felt backward and was lying down... but it didn't hurt. He found himself lying on a comfortable bed, and Komamura sitting by his side in a chair, still clutching his hand. The darkness had transformed into a room which Koji started to recognize; the Fourth Division. He looked up.

"C-Captain?" he murmured, temporarily confused.

"I'm glad you're awake," Komamura said, smiling at Koji. "Are you okay?"

Koji nodded, but pain shot up through his body. He winced, making a small whimper. "I've been better, Captain."

"The pain will soon subside," Komamura said. "Urahara managed to stop the bleeding fast enough to save your life. When we brought you back, Captain Unohana did what she could to completely close the wounds. For the time being, you need to rest." Komamura released his hand and started to stand, but Koji quickly reached up and grabbed his wrist.

"Sir, I heard you talking," Koji said. "How long had I been... asleep?"

"Just few days," Komamura answered, looking slightly embarrassed. "You heard me?" Koji nodded and Komamura smiled. "I'm glad that I got through... Did you know that you talk in your sleep?"

It was Koji's turn to be embarrassed. "What'd I say?"

"You kept trying to call for your father," Komamura remarked. Then, almost hesitantly, he said, "Do you see me as your father?"

"No," Koji said, thinking he was expected to. "You're my captain."

"The reason I ask," Komamura continued, as if Koji had not interrupted, "is because you always stopped asking for your father when I came to visit you. You don't have to deny it."

"But, sir—"

"Oh, you're awake," said a voice. Captain Unohana entered, grinning. "That's good. You may be able to leave today." She walker to him and smiled at Komamura. "Captain Komamura, once I look him over, I'll send him to you. Does that sound agreeable?"

"Yes. I shall be waiting in my office."

Komamura sat in his office, thinking carefully as he hurriedly filled out the paperwork that had piled up on his desk during his numerous absences. Perhaps he had visited Koji too much—Soul Reapers often got injured while they worked—but he felt he needed to. Something about Koji still had him feeling slightly strange, yet this time, it was not apprehension. It was a closeness to him. It wasn't the kind of relationship that a captain should have with a subordinate. It was deeper, more personal.

He looked down and found that he had been reading the same line on the paper three times. He was too deep in his thoughts to really concentrate on working right now. He sighed. He missed having Koji here to help him with the work.

There was a knock on the door and Komamura looked up. "Enter," he called.

The door opened and Tetsuzaemon walked in... and Koji right behind him. Komamura suppressed a gasp of surprise; he hadn't even realized how much time had passed since he had left the Fourth Division's barracks.

"Sir, Third Seat Shimizu is back from the Fourth," Tetsuzaemon announced.

"Yes, thank you, Lieutenant," Komamura replied. When Tetsuzaemon stayed where he was, Komamura said, "Dismissed."

"Yes, sir."

Tetsuzaemon backed out of the room—and in the back of his mind, Komamura remembered that he had forgotten to congratulate the lieutenant on his speedy recovery—but right now, the captain was focused on his third seat, who stood before him apprehensively.

"Koji, I told you that I would decide your position within the Seventh following the completion of our mission, did I not?"
"Yes, sir," Koji replied. He had forgotten.

"Your skills in battle, your Bankai, and your courage prove to me that you are... worthy of your rank," Komamura stated, "but there is something more personal I would like to discuss with you."

"Sir, I—"

"Wait, Koji. Let me speak first," Komamura ordered and Koji nodded. Komamura stood up and walked around his desk, stopping when he was in front of Koji. "We discussed before, in the World of the Living and in the Fourth's barracks, that we are... close to each other. I want to talk to you about that one more time."

"Yes, sir..."

"I want to know what the closeness means to you."

Koji started to speak, but stopped himself quickly. He considered the question carefully. "Sir, I'm... I feel like... you're like..." He fumbled with the words.

"Yes?" Komamura urged.

"I feel like you're becoming more like... my father."
There... It was said.

"I figured as much," Komamura replied, "but I just wanted to be sure." He took a deep breath. "Koji... I am glad that you told me, it shows a certain trust that one would expect a father to have with his son." There was a pause. "Did you hear me?"

"Yes, sir, but does that mean that you think of me as your son?"
"I think that I am starting to," Komamura said. He reached forward and once more placed his hand on Koji's shoulder. "If you really become my 'son', there will be high expectations for you as the son of a captain. Will you be able to handle the pressure?"

"I learned Bankai in two days. I'm pretty sure that I can take it... Father."

Komamura smiled, nodding down at Koji. "Very well, son. Then I will do my best to support you as a father should."

Koji took a step forward and, before he had known what was happening, he was hugging his new father. Komamura seemed unsure of what to do for a few seconds, but he soon returned the hug. The same thought replayed itself over in Koji's mind.

I have a father again...

I have a father...

Okay, guys, here's Chapter 18 and I look forward to hearing people's responses. The Christmas story will be up soon. Hope you like it, and let me know if I should do a sequel to this. I liked making Koji and I really hope you guys like him too.

Let me know what you think.

—Captain KomaCute