Hi everyone. This idea's been in my mind for quite a while now, so yeah, I've decided to type it up! Please review to tell me if I should continue this xx

Second TMI Multi-Chapter story, all human, AU, high school set.

Summary #2: Clary Fray is what you can call a "geek". She is very much obsessed with the band Coldplay, writes in her diary all the time, volunteers in an animal shelther and she doesn't talk. Like, really does not talk. The only people she dares to trust are her protective, loving brother and her mother. But when three people, including the gorgeous, angel-like golden boy arrive at NYC all the way from California, everything just might be changed.

Disclaimer: If I owned the Mortal Instruments you would be Chairman Meow

Dreaming of Paradise


I drew a flower onto my diary.

A daisy, with oblong petals and a yellow center. I smiled as I shaded the center with a yellow prismacolor pencil.

I finished the stem, and then as usual, wrote my daily diary entry next to the daisy.

Dear diary,

Hi. Today I was at the animal shelter to help Elodie out. I saw these daisies on my way there, and they reminded me of dad.

He used to put them in my hair when I was about 6. We would have fun at the park and he would give me piggyback rides. He would bow down to me like I was a princess when he put daisies in my hair, like a crown.

I miss him so much.

With love, Clary

My dad died when I was 8. Him and I were at a store, going to buy a present for my mom's birthday. And then robbers came in. I was screaming, screaming in fear. My dad was protecting me, and then one of the robbers shot my dad in the chest.

And that was it. He was gone.

I mourned for him every single day, and I'm still angry at mom for replacing my dad, Valentine for her rich boyfriend, Luke.

Elodie's animal shelter is my second home, and I usually go there after school to help out, sometimes I would go there with Jonathan. But today I went there myself.

I plugged my earphones into my ears and clicked onto Paradise by Coldplay. It was my all time absolute-favorite song ever, and I usually replayed it a lot of times before stopping.

Para-para-paradise, Para-para-paradise, Para-para-paradise

Para-para-paradise, Para-para-paradise, Para-para-paradise

Para-para-paradise, Para-para-paradise, Para-para-paradise.

Someone knocked on the door. It was my brother Jonathan. He had white blonde-hair and dark eyes, just like my dad. He smiled as he held out a bowl of cherries to me. Yum. I love cherries.

I gave him a grin and took the bowl, popping the fruits into my mouth.

"You're welcome." He said, turning around and walking back to his room.

My name is Clary. I am 16 years old. And I don't speak. Well, I only do to my sketchbook.

Not since my father's death, anyway. I have never talked for 8 years, and I still am not. Nobody can make me talk, and I won't let them.


I walked down the street with Jonathan, music blasting into my ears. We were going to pop over to Pinkberry for some Fro-yo.

Yum. I loved Fro-yo.

"So Clare, are you ready for school?"

I shook my head no. I gestured to him and gave him a questioning glance.

"No, I'm not, either." He said, understanding me perfectly.

We stopped at Pinkberry, and he ordered us our yogurt cups. He walked over to our table and placed two cups of yogurt onto the table.

I smiled at him.

"You're welcome." Jonathan said, smiling and digging into his cup.

I loved plain white ones. My brother adored chocolate topped with more chocolate, and I had plain yogurt with a small mountain of fruits piled on top of it.

I dug in. It was heaven, for a hot summer day.

I saw three teenagers, about my age walk into the store. Two of them were possibly siblings, a boy and a girl, with the same dark hair, skin, and features. The only difference was that (they're a different gender) they had different eye colors. The girl had brown while the boy had blue.

And the other guy, probably their friend, was gorgeous. Curling blonde hair, gold eyes and tanned skin, he looked like an angel. I had to tear my eyes away from him every 5 seconds, and it was hard.

He seemed to notice me because he glanced my way and raised his eyebrows. I looked away and spooned a spoon of yogurt into my mouth, embarrassed.

Jonathan elbowed me. I looked up. Yeah?

"That guy is really hot." He said, laughing.

I rolled my eyes and elbowed him in the ribs, my face flushing. I could feel it.

"Yeah, you are."

I made a face and tried to ignore them as the three bought their yogurt and sat at the table right next to me and Jonathan, which was a bit weird, since there were a lot of empty tables in the store.

Jonathan started laughing uncontrollably as the siblings turned to stare at him, a confused look on their faces. I stuck my tongue out at him which was basically Clary-talk for "You're an idiot."

"I know I am, Clary."

I grinned and went back to my yogurt, popping the strawberry into my mouth. We finished, and I can't help but give golden boy a glance before turning on our backs and walking out the store.


I stared at the outfit that I had picked out specially for my first day of school. A soft black cardigan, a white t-shirt with a graphic cat on it, grey leggings and brown boots. I brushed my hair so it looked normal and went to the living room for breakfast, my iPod touch in my hand.

My mom, Jonathan and Luke. I gave my mom and Jonathan a smile for good morning. Jonathan was sitting at the table, spooning pancake into his mouth.

"Aren't you excited, honey, for your junior year?" My mom asked enthusiastically.

I shrugged. I wondered if golden boy and his friends were going to be in my school.

"Aw, hon, you'll have fun! No worries!"

Yeah, right. No worries. No worries at all.

"The third year of high school is really important for a student's educational process. I love you, Clare-bear, and I know you will do well."

I nodded. "You'll get through this." Luke said.

I shrugged. Maybe.

"I'll stick by your side, Clare. I'll make sure none of those freaks annoy you."

I smiled and gave my brother's hand a squeeze.

I thought of my dad, knowing that he would be proud of me completing three quarters of high school. I would make him proud for doing well in my junior year.

I gave them a nod.

"Okay honey, you have to go now or else you'll be late."

I gave my mom a kiss on the cheek and ignored Luke before walking opening the door to my apartment, Jonathan right next to me.

"Alicante High, here we come."


I am still known as the "art-freak-who-never-talks".

Quite frankly, Jonathan is the only person I trust in my school. Nobody else I trust. I just don't.

I trudged through the hallways, my head lowered as people noticed and whisper about me. Jonathan shot them glares.

I got to my assigned locker, which was right across the cafeteria. My brother called that area the "barfburger hall".

"My locker is near you." He said. "Mine's at the corridor."

The sunny corridor. I pouted. Lucky.

"Yeah, sorry, I'd love to change with you, but I'd rather not have my locker at barfburger hall."

I rolled my eyes, a side of my lip curling up. I crossed my arms. Jonathan laughed.

"Oooh, look who it is, it's the little mute freak."

I turned around to face Aline, the slut queen who always bullied me. I grimaced at her and turned back to my locker.

"Go bother someone else, Aline." Jonathan growled at her.

"Who do you think you're talking to, blondie-"

"Aline. Enough." someone cut her off. It was Golden boy! So he was in this school.

I turned and looked up at him, eyebrows raised.

"She's asking if she knows you." My brother said.

"Yes, I saw you in Pinkberry. You were staring at me. Remember?"

I nodded. Jonathan stole a sideways glance at me and smirked. I dug my elbow into his ribs.

"Yeah, we remember you." He said.

He cocked his head at me, a questioning look in his eyes. "Do you… Speak? What's your name?"

"Her name's Clary Fray. I'm Jonathan. Her brother." Jonathan nodded at him. "And no, she doesn't talk."

He nodded. "Jace Wayland."


My brother slapped Aline on the face. Her face turned red.

She shrieked in pain.

"Shut up, Aline." Golden boy, whose name was Jace, hissed at her.

Aline started screaming profanities at Jace and Jonathan, and she was dragged away by her friends.

I was standing stiffly, my hands balled into fists, knowing that Aline would spread filthy rumors about me. She had before. I felt a sick feeling in my stomach.

"Let's go, Clary. And I'll slap that little bitch into tomorrow if she does… those things ever again."

I finished putting my things into my locker. I turned around, my head lowered, and followed Jonathan to his locker.

Thanks so much for reading. :)

