
The shrill ring of the cell phone startled Edward from his meditative state at the window of his rented room. His inn overlooked the streets of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Beneath him lay one of the most vibrant and busiest markets in the city.

Edward debated with himself whether to let it ring; he wasn't in the mood for a conversation. But then he thought that it might be a concerned Carlisle or Esme calling to check if he was still sane. When Edward picked up his silver cell phone, he saw the unlikeliest of names to be calling him. It was Rosalie, the only sibling he almost never got along with. She thought him as an arrogant know-it-all, he thought her shallow and selfish, it was a mutual agreement that they both shared that they did not in any way or form, enjoy each others company.

So Edward pressed the talk button to answer and did not say anything. He heard the sound of her voice,

"Edward?... Edward I know you are listening, so the least you can do is answer me."

Edward for a moment was not sure if he still could talk, it had been months since he let out a word, so he said, quite ghostly-like,

"Yes Rose, what is it?"

"Where are you?" She asked, uncharacteristic concern lacing her voice.

Edward did not respond, afraid that giving her his location would result in an unexpected visit from his family, something he could not handle at the moment.

Rosalie sighed and said, "Mom and dad think you're going to do something drastic. Try and hurt yourself, or something along those lines. You must come home Edward, for their sakes and for the sake of your family."

"I can't," Edward whispered.

"Why? Is it because of that human girl, really, you're going to let a break-up with fragile teenager destroy you? Do you forget that it was your decision to leave? Now you have to live with your decisions."

"I did not want to leave her, I love her Rose." Edward replied, wondering why he was still discussing this with her, this conversation was going nowhere.

"It was nothing more than a dream brother. She will die, you will not; that's the end of it."

"She still has a life t0 live." Edward said.

"Are you so sure? Alice had a vision…" Rosalie drifted off, obviously contemplating how much information she should give.

"What?" Edward asked sharply.

"It's about Bella. She tried to commit suicide."

A/N: Hello readers. I can't believe it has been a year now since I've written any twilight fan fictions. I am so glad to finally be starting again. I really hope that if you do decide to read it you give me some feedback in the review section. Like I said, really happy to be back to the Twilight fan fic community, school has been hectic, now I need a break. Enjoy;)