Sort chapter sorry about that I'll explain why at the bottom after the TBC please enjoy!

Chapter 5: Prom night

Peace that is all Ichigo wanted. But could he get that? No of course not. According to the laws of physics a man who breaks the laws like cleaving a mountain with a swing of his sword does not deserve such peace. Poor guy. What was causing his unruly amount of distress this time you might ask? Well let's just say that the school's upcoming prom is rapidly approaching and Ichigo got nominated number one eligible bachelor… lucky bastard. He couldn't even walk down the hall to get to his class before getting chased by a load of fan girls. Ichigo just knew someone was up there laughing at him for their own entertainment. He hated how cruel his fate was.

Getting sick and tired of being chased around by his fan girls Ichigo used a series of shunpo to escape his deadly demise. Noticing that he was alone he looked down at his watch and noticed he was already five minutes late to class. Cursing himself for taking too long to lose a bunch of girls he shunpoed up to his classes window and ninja rolled into his desk. Ichigo could already hear Asmodeus crackle at him and Zangetsu just shake his head.

"Care to explain why you are late Kurosaki," asked his teacher Elize Schmitz.

Ichigo who was breathing hard could only answer in short breaths, "Girls… chasing me… asking… to prom… tried... to escape."

Elize just rolled her eyes at the boy, "Yeah well don't let it happen again."

"I'll try."

His teacher just shrugged off his response and continued the lesson. At lunch time Ichigo was surrounded by Elizabeth, Chiffon, Ticy, Ingrid, Arnett, Cathy and Satellizer. Ichigo's eyebrow was twitching, couldn't a guy do anything in peace without a horde of hungry females jumping on your dick… Guess not.

Ichigo just sighed, "I'm guessing one of you wants to be my date to prom."

All seven nodded their heads in agreement.

"And I'm guessing you won't take no as an answer."

Again all seven nodded.

"And if I choose not to go…"

"We can always tie you down in suggestive ways and have Attia take pictures and spread them throughout the school," replied Elizabeth.

Ichigo's eyes then narrowed, "You wouldn't."

"Oh but we would," retorted Chiffon.

Ichigo just sighed, "I guess I'll at least dance with each of you once so no one is left out but I decide who I'm going with and I'll decide who I end the night with, with a bottle of wine of course," Ichigo replied winking at them which made all seven blush seven different shades of red. Oh yea they were going to enjoy the night of the prom alright.

I chigo got up and started to leave as he looked back and replied, "I'll give you my answer tomorrow." And with that he left.

In his head Asmodeus was giving him adult images of him and the girls in suggestive positions to make it easier in his mind to make a decision it was actually making it difficult for Ichigo actually. Needless to say Ichigo got no sleep that night.

On the next day at lunch and much to Ichigo's dismay he was surrounded by the seven all waiting for his answer on whom he is going to take with him. Ichigo just sighed seeing no way out of this situation he just sighed at his situation. He seemed to be doing this a lot lately. When Ichigo looked up he pointed at Ingrid and said, "I'll be taking you Ingrid."

This caused her to crack a smile but left the others in disappointment.

"Oi, don't be disappointed I already said I'll dance with each of you once and take the other out for a bottle of wine."

Seeing how no one was going to be left out tremendously they all cracked a smile and with that Ichigo left.

After several days of learning how to dance from Yoruichi who Ichigo called for help and much to his dismay teased him about their little prude having a harem of models that can kick ass, it was the day of the prom. Ichigo was decked out in a black tuxedo with a black tie, much like the ones you wear at weddings I'm guessing. Ichigo knocked at Ingrid's door and when she opened it they both blushed up a storm. Ingrid was in a red dress that showed off her cleavage a bit much to her pleasure to tease the strawberry a bit.

"Umm… wow you look great," Ingrid said embarrassingly.

"Yeah you beautiful yourself," replied Ichigo. Ichigo then pulled out the crimson corsage and put it on her wrist much to her embarrassment.

"Well shall we go," asked Ichigo.

Ingrid smiled up at him, "Yes let's go," as she took his arm and he escorted her to the grounds. Once everything going the two saw the rest of their group that consisted of Elizabeth, Cathy, Satellizer, Arnett, Ticy, Chiffon, Creo, and Attia and surprisingly Rana was there next to Satellizer who was with Kazuya.

About ten minutes in the group was getting ticked off at Rana and her eccentric-ness so before Arnett could decapitate her with her scythe Ichigo came up with a plan, "Hey Rana why don't you get us all some drinks I'm sure Kazuya would appreciate it."

Seeing this as a chance to get Kazuya's approval Rana booked it and the rest saw that she was out of sight moved to a different table to confuse the crap out of her or stall her a bit more.

Finally getting in the mood to dance Ichigo took Ingrid on the dance floor. The two danced a bit but Ichigo did something unexpected he used his spirit walk ability so the two were dancing in midair. At first she was utterly surprised but after the surprise passed she was overtook by pleasure. After a few songs a slow song came on and the two came closer and started to come closer to each other and they danced slowly with her hands wrapped behind his neck and his around her hips. As the song progressed the two danced slower with each other. Before they knew it their foreheads were touching each other and as the song neared its end they slowly came down to earth as they locked lips. It wasn't one of those fighting for dominance ones it was a kiss that was perfect for the mood. It wasn't a kissed shred for those who lusted after the other it was a gentle and passionate kiss held between two gentle lovers. Who knew that two of the most fierce and merciless people could have such a soft side. As the song ended everyone saw Ichigo and Ingrid locked in a passionate kiss as they landed softly on the ground.

Shock was what was going through most people's minds. Some were shocked at another ability the demon revealed, others were shocked that the demon and the enforcer were actually kissing after their little dispute a little over a month ago and others thought both. When the song finally finished they broke apart and smiled at the other as they walked back to their where they saw that they were receiving jealous looks from and luckily for Rana's stupidity she wasn't there.

Sighing at the looks they were receiving Ichigo pointed at Ticy and pointed at the dance floor. Understanding the message she got um a bit shyly as she shyly took Ichigo's hand. Ticy was in a dark blue dress that didn't show off as much cleavage as Ingrid's did but still was enough to make Ichigo blush. After dancing a bit and Ticy pushing her bust into Ichigo's muscular chest, which turned her on might I add the two went back and he went back to the group where he then danced with Chiffon in her silver dress that showed off as much as Ticy who also pressed her bust against him which in return sent a shiver of pleasure down her spine. Elizabeth was next with her white dress that showed as much as Ingrid. Elizabeth decided to be original and rub his inner thigh which made Ichigo shiver much to her pleasure but what she found made her blush as she 'accidently' rubbed his lil Ichigo and if she had to guess it was a good 9 or 10 inches. After Elizabeth Ichigo took Satellizer out in her purple dress that looked like it was about to burst open. Satellizer being who she is didn't really do anything because of her shyness but she did receive a 'little' surprise when Ichigo poked her much to his dismay but to Satellizer's pleasure. Damn these busty models and their teasing. When their session of dancing finished Ichigo then took Cathy who had a green dress on. The two danced and something between them just clicked as they got lost in each other's eyes and kissed for what seemed days but in actuality was merely five minutes. After their 'dancing' session the two returned and Ichigo was jumped by Arnett who mounted him and the two rolled each other over fighting for who should be on top as they made out for ten minutes.

After their session the nominations for Pandora queen started. The candidates were Attia, Satellizer, Rana, Miyabi, Ingrid and Cathy.

Miyabi came in sixth, Rana in fifth, Attia in fourth, Ingrid in third, Satellizer in second and Cathy in first. Much to her and everyone's surprise Cathy actually won.

Then another unexpected thing happened. The Pandora king was selected and Ichigo was chosen. Ichigo and Cathy then shared a dance which ended in a passionate kiss eliciting aww from the crowd and some whistling.

As the dance ended Ichigo chose to have his wine night with Arnett. Much to her pleasure she and Ichigo escorted Ingrid back to her room who gave him a soft kiss on his lips much too her pleasure and to Arnett's chagrin.

When the two arrived at Arnett's room the two sat down and just talked as Ichigo brought out the wine and Arnett got the wine glasses. The more the two talk and drank the more under the influence they got.

In the morning Ichigo noticed that he was in Arnett's room buck nude in her bed with a naked Arnett sleeping on him. Her head rested on his chest and both her arms wrapped around his body and both her legs wrapped around his leg pressing her womanhood against his inner thigh and her bust against his stomach.

'The hell happened last night,' thought Ichigo.


Sorry for the short chapter. I know Ichigo is OOC but I don't care. Sorry if the chapter sucks but it's hard to do chapters when my only free days are Saturday and Sunday due to the fact I have school Monday to Friday and work right after that… damn school and work so when I'm writing this stuff I'm like dead and absolutely tired so please cut me a break. Anyways please R&R thanks