Chapter 22


The next morning, Luna and I were exhausted. We had been up chasing the tide, drawing flowers, and being complete and total lunatics. (AUTHOR: Haha. LUNAtics.) So instead of getting the sleep we probably needed, we went to a little café and got coffee. Then we hit the road again, because we now need to find countryside to explore. After stopping once for gas and Mountain Dew (caffeine), we started to look for directions. Eventually, we pulled up alongside a large field with rolling hills and the greenest grass you'd ever see. Also, speckled throughout the grass were little wild flowers, blue, yellow, and purple.

"This is the prettiest countryside I'VE ever seen. What about you?" Luna asks.

I agree with her, although I'm not positive. I've seen a lot of countryside in my life. Luna swings open the car door and jumps out. I decide that the field is probably private property, because of the barbed wire fencing, but Luna tells me this saying: You Only Live Once. I've heard it a million times from Tony, and I've also found out that it annoys everyone to death, but it inspired me to crawl between the wire and roll into the field. Luna followed and soon we were prancing through the grass, laughing and shoving each other around.

After tramping through the grass up to the top of a hill, Luna sits and starts to collect flowers. I join her on the ground and observe the delicate way she plucks the long stemmed flowers. After she gathered a bundle, she began to sort of weave them together. I soon realized she was making a crown. She finished a few minutes after I figured out what she was doing. She daintily took it and placed it on her head, and gently rearranged it until it stayed.

"You look lovely." I comment.

She blushes.

"Thanks," she grins.

And then she scoots over to me and takes my hand. We just sit like that for a while, looking down on the too-green-grass and its blanket of wildflowers, and the road full of cars that fly by without caring to admire the sight we're seeing. It's sad really. No one takes the time to look around, and they miss so much beauty. Like with people. When you're alone and walking along a busy street, you're so focused on not making eye contact and not tripping and getting to where you're going you don't notice the beautiful woman who jogs past, or the handsome young man with his briefcase, or the adorable little girl with braids running away from her mother. The miracle of humankind is weaving around you and you're too self-conscious to notice. Like I said, it's sad.

So right then, I made a promise to look around more, and to admire things more. That's when I looked over to Luna and noticed the way her hair fell on her shoulders, and the fading black and blue dyes, and her shimmery eyes and her pink lips. Admiration sort of took me over, and could feel her hand in mine and her essence overtaking me. And that's sort of how I knew that I hadn't made a mistake asking her to marry me. I'd made the best decision in my life. Amazing, really, what looking around can show you.


"We should go ride horses."

I look up and realize that the thought escaped my lips. The grass was just so tall and green and I could imagine galloping through it on a horse and the thought just intrigued me. I guess my mouth beat me to it and said what I was thinking before I could decide if it was a good idea. Steve seemed to think it was though. He pushed himself up and pulled me up alongside him. We walked down the hill, trying to keep our footing. We ended up running full speed until the bottom of the hill, and I started to slow because of the barbed wire. But Steve kept going until he was right in front of the fence and he just leaped right over it. I watched in awe. I meekly crawled under the fence and joined him in the car.

"That was some jump." I said.

"Well, I couldn't stop running, because of the momentum, and even if I were to try and stop, I would've hit the fence. So I jumped it."

I smiled. We drove around aimlessly for a bit, looking at the sights. I finally pulled out my phone and tried to find a place where we could horseback ride.

"Turn left in like four miles and you'll find this town and we can go ride there." I bark.

Steve nods. We're both caught up in our own thoughts. I was thinking I couldn't wait to wash this dye out of my hair and pick out a dress for MY WEDDING. Maybe I'd have a great fun wedding with orange dresses and games and stuff, or maybe I'd have a traditional white gown wedding. Both sounded amazing. I guessed if someone isn't meant to be with another someone, the idea of a wedding would sound less amazing.

Steve jerked the car left and soon we were galloping through a field. Just like I had wanted.

Author's Note:

So this was a really deep, "thinky" chapter I suppose. I hope you liked it. By the way, thanks for being cool. Stay Rad
