Sooooo this chapter was kind of a big deal to me, cuz i usualy take like two days to complete a chapter and then another to revise it because i don't really have that much time to write. but this chapter; i wrote it, completely, in one evening, so hurray for me!

Anyway, as ilikehats2 told me in her/his review; i forgot to include what grant dressed up as! so here it is: he dressed up as... the amazing spider man! cuz, ya know, he's a total sensation amongst the youngsters and well, he's awesme :)

so yeah, that's that and here's the next chapter. As always, i do not own anythingbut the ideas and the OCs.

After the sixth bottle of beer Skye figured Clint was drunk enough to start asking the real questions. She was sick and tired of his half-hearted, vague answers.

"So Clint, back in the car, when I asked if you had a wife you said 'somethin' like it'" said Skye imitating his voice "what'd you mean?"

The man, leaning in with his elbows propped on top of the table, said "wife? Nah, Nat's no wife, I can tell 'ya that"

Then his brows knitted and a puzzled look appeared in his face "why… why'd 'ya wanna know?"

"oh, no reason, just trying to know you better, since we seem to be stuck with each other for a long time" tried Skye, as she saw that Clint was yet not drunk enough to not kill her if she went too deep with her questions.

"'stuck with each other' now that sounds like the beginning of a bad situation don't ya think Skyey girl?" he asked. He seemed to have forgotten the subject. Skye was relieved.

"Yeah, it does" she agreed with him.

"I have been on plenty of bad situations 'ya know?" he started.

"Like what?" asked Skye leaning back on her chair.

"Well, this time, for instance, I was with ma' partner, she had been shot, and we were escaping from the bad guys. Suddenly, I realize she has lost consciousness right in my arms, because of blood loss, so I start to panic. Assassins aren't 'spose to panic. But I do, and then, as to make matters even worst, I get shot too, not too serious, a bullet barely scraped my calf, but still, I'm weak, so I call for backup, but my comms's are down. By this time, the bad guys are almost on us. So I take a wild guess and start looking for somewhere to hide. Somehow, I end up on a storage room and she's lying in the floor and I just-" his voice cracked, he evaded Skye's glace and she could see the pain and hatred in his eyes. It was fresh and new, she realized, that's why he's here! with that injurie in his leg and all!

He then took another sip of his bottle, still not looking at her.

"But, anyway, what about you? Have you been on that kind of situations?" he asked. Somwhere between the sip of the bottle and now, Clint had recovered his posture; a bright smile lingered upon his lips again.

"Nah, not really" said Skye, thinking about the story Clint had just spilled out to her. Just like that, to a total (or almost) stranger like her. SHIELD should really keep an eye on him when he goes out drinking. If not, all the agency's secrets will come to light, just like that.

"Skye, Skyey, Skye Skye Skye" started rambling Clint "that's a pretty name 'ya got there, Skye"

"You think so?" said Skye; she wasn't really too into the conversation now. Her mind had wandered towards the half-answer she lad gotten from Barton. Nat. obviously that was short for Natalie, or Natasha, or Natalia, or, whatever. She didn't know, but what she did know was that the girl, owner of the name, was someone important to Clint. And, oviously, there was this partner girl, too.

Wasn't the Back Widow's name Natalie or something? she was Clint's partner, right?

"Skye!" Clint's voice brought Skye back from her thoughts and into the real world "yeah?"

"Need to take a pee" said Clint standing up "too many beer"

"I think it's said 'too much beer' but yeah, go pee away your beer" what? Skye was pretty sure the fourth bottle of beer was starting to kick in just about now.

"Yeah, whatever, save my spot, alright?"

"Sure" said Skye taking another sip of her bottle, not minding what the alcohol might make her say or do afterwards. Hey! There's an agent waiting out there to drive us back to the apartment, thought Skye, since I don't have to drive back, I think I can let myself go a bit.

As Clint made his way to the men's Bathroom stumbling in between the tables Skye returned to her line of thoughts.

So, the Black Widow, whose name definitely starts with Nat, is something like a wife to Barton, who's Hawkeye, the Black Widow's partner. Well, I bet Fury didn't see that coming.

Skye laughed to herself as she took another sip of her beer. At last she had discovered something about the grumpy agent's past.

Suddenly, someone was sitting in front of her, and it wasn't Clint.

"Hey" said the man, a sly smile on his handsome face. He had light brown hair, a tanned skin and bright green eyes. His hooked nose was the only thing that could ruin his features.

"Hi" said Skye stiffly, trying as hard as she could to appear bothered by the man's presence.

"Name's John, what's yours?"

"Kate" said Skye, picking a name out of the blue.

"Well Katie, I saw that man you were with and I had to tell you that, you could do way better that that" he said leaning in towards her. Skye could easily smell the alcohol in his breath.

"And you would be that 'better'?" she asked skeptically.

"Well, definitely better that that old man you're with" then he winked at her and said "what 'bout, you ditch the old goat and come with me and ma' buddies. We're actually heading for a party I'm most certain you will love"

"No thanks" she said.

"Oh, c'mon babe, I know you wanna. I saw how he was boring you to death with his rambling" he said offering her his hand this time "you're better off with us"

"No thanks, I'm good here" said Skye, her hands tightening the grasp around her bottle, she was really getting tired of this guy's persistence "I happen to like his ramblings, that's why I came here with him in the first place"

"You sure? Cuz I'm pretty sure you won't be gettin' any from him tonight if he-"

"She said No, dumbass, what is it that you don't understand?" said a voice from behind John. Immediately the young man started being lifted from his jacket's collar. Clint's hand pulled him out of his chair in about half a second's time. John tried to reach behind him, to fight Clint's powerful grip but couldn't.

As John's butt was lifted off the chair and placed on the floor of the bar Clint finally let go of the jacket. John, choking because of his momentarily loss of his breathing capabilities, immediately stood up and pointed a small, skinny finger towards Clint, who had recovered his position in the chair.

"Hey dude, you can't do that!" he yelled, half of the bar turned their heads towards the source or the noise "I was sitting there; you can't just- just pull me out and steal it! Get your own chair!"

"Well, this was my chair in the beginning so technically, you stole it" said Clint, casually taking a sip from his bottle.

"Well, I was talking to her, dude. You can't just come in and interrupt us just because you don't want your date to run away from you with someone who can actually party with her!"

"First of all" said Clint standing up "you weren't talking to her, you were harassing her. Secondly, why does everybody think we're on a date? Seriously. And, most important thing, I'm not that much older than you, Dude. And If that where the case, you should listen to me, cuz I'm older"

"I ain't listening to you old fart. C'mon pretty girl, why don't we leave this cunt and look for that party I mentioned?" he turned to Skye, the sly smile back on. Skye only rolled her eyes and made a disgusted look in her face.

"Okay, that's it" said Clint and then a powerful punch reached its destiny in John's face. The young man fell to the floor, blood dripping out of his nostrils. Immediately, his buddies came forward to help him. One of them threw a kick in Clint's direction, who easily blocked it with his hands. Then the rest of them started kicking and punching Clint. The experienced assassin defended himself easily, containing himself to only blocking and not returning any moves. Even with his crutches and broken leg, Clint knew how to deal with a bunch of drunken collage brats. That was, until one of John's buddies decided to grab Clint's forgotten bottle from the table and throw it at the agent. It hit Clint in the forehead. The projectile threw the assassin off balance. He then fell backwards and banged his head on an unused chair. The blow immediately made his feel dizzy and disorientated.

That's when Skye finally came out of her shock and stood up. She run to Clint's side to check his new injury.

"Stop it!" she yelled as she saw that, even with Clint on the floor, the other men were about to start kicking him again.

"What's going on here?" asked an angry old man with a towel over his shoulder and greasy black hair combed backwards. Skye guessed he must have been the owner of the bar.

"They started it" called one of John's buddies. He was helping John up. John's nose was really messed up, blood was pouring out of it like a river. Maybe Clint had put too much force on that one.

"Well, you should have ended it" responded the man "instead, you decided more violence would end the violence, huh?"

The other men didn't respond.

"That's what I thought. OUT!" he yelled "all of you, I want you out, I can't have drunk fights in my bar, sorry"

As the men started protesting against the owner two tall, bulky men in black appeared. They seized the bunch and pushed them out.

Then the owner kneeled in front of Skye and Clint and asked "is he alright?"

"Yeah, just a tiny bit dizzy, that's all" said Clint rubbing the back of his head.

"Sorry about the fight" apologized Skye.

"oh, no need girl, I saw what that man was trying to do with you, if your friend here hadn't intervened, I would have sent Liam here to deal with him" said the owner.

"Thanks then" said Skye.

"Now, can you stand Boy?" he asked Clint. The agent, with the help of Skye and the old man, stood up and gathered his crutches.

"Now, I need to ask you to leave, I'm sorry, but it's the bar's policy. I would love to let you stay, but I can't cuz you did start a fight" said the man.

Clint nodded like he was used to this and started out the door. Skye, taking some money out of her pocket and passing it to the man to pay their beers, proceeded to follow him.

Outside, the cold air hit Skye like a rocket, eliminating any residues of alcohol from her system on an instant; she was alert and cold, both at the same time. Clint had already set course down the street and Skye run to catch up.

"Hey, you alright?" asked Skye.

"Yeah, I just hate those college brats thinking they're the best of the best" he mumbled under his breath. Thanks to quiet of the street, Skye was able to hear him. It must have been around midnight, but Skye felt as alive as ever, not an ounce of tiredness, thanks to the cold, in her body.

They walked on, not really heading anywhere, for about half an hour. Skye just followed Clint, who was probably trying to walk off his anger.

"Thanks" said Skye, out of the blue once they had reached a particularly dark street. Even though there where barely any lights around Skye felt safe, she had learnt that SHIELD took care of their own, so there was probably an agent shadowing them on that same instant.

"For what?" asked Clint, turning his face towards her. A bruise had started forming where the bottle had hit him.

"Well, being my knight in shiny armor for instance" said Skye.

"And for, you know, defending me against that guy and everything" she added in a soft whisper, barely audible even for Clint.

"Well, we're partners in babysitting right? We need to keep each other's backs" he said.

Skye thought about that idea. The first time she met Clint, she couldn't believe she had had the bad luck to be stuck with him. But now, she was kind of glad it was him, and not just because he was an avenger (who has interacted face-to-face with Tony Stark Oh My God Oh My God), but because she felt like, in this few days that had passed, they had bonded. He felt like a big brother to her; protective, loving and ready to tease her at any time given.

"Well, you know, o could have taken him, back at the bar" said Skye after a moment.

"I know" he simply responded.

"Then why did you intervene?"

"Well let's just say I have a thing for rescuing damsels in distress, especially when there's a chance there will be a fight"

"You have issues, you know that?"

"Yeah, Nat tell me that a lot" he said looking up at the stars on the clear sky "of course when she says it, she always gives me a kiss afterwards"

"I ain't kissing you, buddy"

He chuckled, his eyes still glued to the sky.

A nice silence settled upon them, Skye, with her hands on her pockets, started skipping on the pavement floor as they walked on.

After about five minutes, Skye heard Clint exhale loudly, a big cloud of vapor rose to the starred sky "it's getting' kinda cold, don't 'ya think?"

"Yeah, let's get back to the car, shall we?" proposed Skye.

Clint nodded and turned around. Skye did the same and together they made their way back to the car and later, to the apartment.

yay! some bonding time for Skye and Clint, and we learn that Clint and Natasha have something... i really didn't want to dig to much into it cuz i know this fic is about the team and not Clint's relashionship, so i left it like that.

now, Clint still hasn't informed Skye about what the phone call's really about, but don't worry, she (and you, dear reader) will get to know next chapter.

so, i need to know, did i do well the drunken part? cuz, honetly, i myself have never gotten drunk, neither have i been near someone really drunk, only this time at a party when this guy was so drunk and he started hitting on me and some friends and he would leave alone uugghh! but anyway, i do not have too much experience with that so, please tell me how i did.

as always, favourite, follow, review, be happy, 'ya know, the usual stuff :)

'till next time