Jacobs POV

Faster! Faster! I urged but I could hear my brothers grumble about the speed we were running at. Trees merged into the background as my paws hit the wet earth in a rhythmic sync with the wolves on my either side. My thoughts were crystal clear they were all centered on one person. Why would she pick him over me? Why?

Because you are going to run into a rock with the way you are going groaned Andy. I turned around to growl at him only to see him hurtling into me and rolling over me as Embry barked his wolfy approval at the roughhousing. I heard Jared's thoughts as he phased ten on Andy and this made me mad. I feigned to the left and changed direction to the right as I ran right into him, the impact making a loud dull noise as I collided with Andy's wolf. I don't remember how long we played like this and only faintly remember Embry joining in as he took my side and Jared Andy's side. For the next few minutes, I forgot all my pain, my heartache and let my brother's laughter catch me.

Come on Guys! You're done for today I heard Sam say as he looked at the panting pile of wolf, we ran into the woods to phase out. I walked back into the clearing in my shorts and walked towards the road to my house thinking about my dad, Billy. Embry and Andy walked along teasing each other. My mind wandered reminiscing the last six months, a lot had changed…

The leech came back from Italy with Bella and everything changed. She was back to her leech loving ways as though he had never left. The betrayal hurt but I decided not to give up. I was not a quitter. The pack had changed too. We evolved into fighting machines, we practiced moves and maneuvers each of us becoming more agile and sure of our strengths. Our numbers grew. We were now nine of us. The change kept us all fully occupied, Leah became the first girl to phase and her brother Seth the youngest of us. We had another new addition to our pack, Andy.