Smut Warning! More "M" :)

Sorry for the deplorable lack of updates during the Holidays :(. I've been so incredibly busy, but hopefully that will end soon. I'm glad I was able to update tonight (this morning), and I will hopefully have something up this evening. I have several Fics "in the works", but would like to finish this up nicely before I start any more. As always, I appreciate a your reviews more than you can imagine! Lots of love, Mona xoxo

The darkness of the night found Charles and Elsie wrapped tightly in each others arms. Their passionate lovemaking fueled by their mutual desire to make the most of their last night alone at the inn. When the light finally broke through the thin curtains and illuminated the shadows of the room, they both slowly opened their eyes. Locked in each others embrace they gazed steadily at one another, a pensive sadness enveloping them. Charles softly pressed his lips to Elsie's forehead, her nose, her lips. He stared so deeply into her eyes. Elsie felt as if she could drown in her love for him. Charles pressed his lips to hers once more, whispering deeply. "I love you to the depths of my soul. In all of my life I will never forget the way I feel in this very moment."

"Oh Charles." Elsie cooed softly, tears filling her eyes as she leaned in to caress her lips so gently against his. "My darling man. We can make forever feel this way." Her lips were a gently whispering against his. So tender and full of love and devotion. They held each other, their kisses different this time. The strength of their love for one another almost painful. Elsie watched as her big and strong man's eyes, filled with tears. They knew this was both the the ending, and the beginning for them. Their lives would never be the same from this day on. They had made their love known, they had consummated the relationship that had been burning between them for twenty years. And now they would be starting a new life together. She would be his wife, and he her husband. They would answer to no one but each other. They would finally have their other way..together. Just how it was meant to be.

Charles kissed away Elsie's tears before moving back to her sweet lips. The desire building steadily inside him was so pure, a desire to be one with Elsie. To mate their souls together so completely, they could never be parted. He kissed her deeply as rolled his body over onto hers. Elsie felt his solid weight pressing her into the mattress. A warmth spread through her from the inside out, as her fingers stroked softly through the silver of his hair. Their every movement so tender and loving. Their eyes never leaving one another's. The intensity of the connection leaving them feeling so completely full and overwhelmed. They lips met again, parting to slowly tease and taste one another. Their slow, passionate kissing causing shivers to race down Elsie's spine. She trembled under Charles and he pulled back to look at her once more, his lips trailing down her neck. He licked and sucked gently at the sensitive skin, making his way down to her full, round, breasts. Elsie's small fingers drug through his silver waves as she held him tightly to her. She moaned in pleasure as he sucked firmly at her small pink nipples, his tongue flicking over each swollen bud. His kisses continued their path down the soft, pale, skin of her belly. He paused just above the dark curls of her center and breathed her name again, whispering his love for her. Charles tongue ran down her center, so wet and wanting. She cried out and arched her hips in the air as he pressed his lips firmly down on her, his tongue pushing and teasing, his lips suckling, his teeth gently grazing. She felt herself lose control of her body as she began writhing and thrusting under him. A deep pleasure building so hard and steady. She felt herself stop breathing, the loss of oxygen heightening the desperation of her body in it's need to release. Elsie slowly began to shake and Charles pulled himself up her body, thrusting himself into her tight, throbbing, center. The sensation of her oncoming release and Charles entering her, drove her over the edge, she finally let out a gasping breath before screaming his name so loudly Charles was certain every guest in the inn had heard.

"Charles! Charles! Yes! Oh Charles!" Elsie cried loudly as he smiled down at her.

Charles thrust in and out of her squirming body as he watched her slowly come back to him. When her eyes met his, he lowered his lips down to her again. "I want to make you feel that way every day, for the rest of our lives."

"Oh Charles." Elsie gasped, kissing him fully on the lips and he moved inside her. "That was amazing... I love you so much... Oh Charles... My man."

Charles kissed her with a new vigor after hearing her call him "her man". He pushed into her harder and faster. Then, pulling upright on his knees, he lifted both her legs up so they rested against his chest and shoulders. This new angle caused them both to moan and sigh in unison. Charles bent his head to kiss along the inside of her muscled calf. He reached down between them and slowly rubbed tight circles on the swollen nub at her center as he drove into her. Pleasure began to burst through Elsie once again, leaving her quivering beneath him as he found his thunderous release. Charles shuddered, sliding Elsie's legs back down he rested himself between them, his head lying at her breast. They lay like this for a long while. Basking in the pleasure of their lovemaking and connection.

Elsie began stroking Charles' thick hair. Her fingers softly stroking him, lovingly caressing along his face. Charles turned his lips into her body, kissing the delicious valley between her large breasts. Elsie spoke first, her sweet Scottish lilt soft and sad. "We should get ready soon, love. Our train leaves at noon."

"I know." Charles replied sadly, moving up to lie next to her on the bed. He propped up onto his elbow and looked down into her adoring face, his hand stroking gently across her abdomen. "Soon, my darling. Soon it will always be like this. Just you and me."

Elsie reached up and cupped his face with her small hand. "Just you and me." She said softly.

After once again utilizing the very large bathtub, Charles and Elsie left a large tip for the Innkeeper and headed out the door. Charles stopped in the doorway and stared into the room. He was memorizing everything. He never wanted to let go of this moment, or lose this memory. He could never forget the place where he first made love to his beautiful Elsie. The woman who had owned his heart for longer than he could remember. The only woman to have ever truly held his heart. Charles took Elsie's arm and pulled her tightly to him, smiling down at her. "One day, we will come back here and relive these perfect days. I promise you."

"I will hold you to that, Mr. Carson." She said teasingly, giggling at herself.

They made their way to the station and with little fuss, boarded the train back to Downton. They quietly sat side by side on the train. Neither taking the others hand or offering any sign of a physical relationship between the two. The train to Downton often carried more than one recognizable face. The last thing they needed was for gossip to spread about the village. Although, knowing the Banns had been read just that morning during mass, they were both silently thinking of the repercussions. Would the village assume they had a relationship all along? How receptive would the family be about their decision to retire? Charles had told her not to worry, but in actuality, the closer they got to Downton, the harder it was for him to remain steady about the whole thing. His nerves were beginning to overtake him, when he heard a soft sigh and felt Elsie's head fall against his arm. The gentle rocking of the train slowly lulling her to sleep. Charles kissed the top of her head and rested his own against hers. He knew as long as they were together, they would be fine.