Fanfic: The Price Of A Prince
Paring: Legolas X Aragon
Rated: M/Slash
Book: Lord Of The Rings

Chapter 2: Destiny Is Calling

"Why would the King of Gondor seek my son?" Protectiveness dripped all over King Thranduil's voice as he spoke showing that he wouldn't just give up his son without a very good reason.

"He is an amazing fighter and archer and I lack skills in archery therefore I want him to be my tutor." I spoke as if I had no other motives but inside, I wanted to lock him in my room and have him the way I want to but alas, I cannot say such words to the King of Mirkwood about his son. He would have my head down that instant regardless of my status.

"Then, select a day and my son will go to Gondor and tutor you." It seems, King Thranduil isn't giving up on his leaf.

"I shan't tire the Prince with going back and forth from my kingdom day by day; instead, I wish to welcome his stay in Gondor." The elves around me murmured and whispers as they too, do not wish for their Prince to leave the kingdom but my heart was set on a goal to bring him back with me and I'd lose an arm if I have to.

"Unacceptable! I do not care if you take other archers, elves or she-elves but you are not to lay a hand of the heir of Mirkwood!" King Thranduil's fist came in contact with the golden throne. Everyone in the room could feel the tense aura around the hall as anger rose in the elf king's heart.

"I shall go…." I turn to see the young Prince offering himself to come with me.

"You shall not!" King Thranduil said and I realize I just started a father-son argument. Some part of me felt bad for doing so while the other part felt happy that the Prince was on my side against his father.

"Ada, it is time for me to explore the world and I always wish to go out and journey my life. What Prince am I, if I do not know the worlds and kingdoms? You cannot keep me lock in my cambers for the rest of my years… I am growing, Ada and I want a life of my own and that life isn't forever here in Mirkwood. I want to venture out to see other people and to learn things I have not then I can come back with my head held high as Prince of Mirkwood. Please Ada, let me go… You cannot and shall not be able to protect me forever. If you do not allow me to leave legally then I shall escape and leave my name as Prince forever." His eyes filled with determination and his words were venomous with strength, not even afraid of his own father. I couldn't help but let a small smile formed on my lips as he spoke, he was someone worth taking back.

"What if something happens? The world is not as beautiful as you imagine. Many wars and death all over and I cannot protect you once you leave the borders of Mirkwood. My son, I am only thinking of you. It is never "Happily Ever After" like in fairy tales, the world is cruel and the thought of unable to protect even my own son haunts me." Some part of me understood King Thranduil's statement, it is all war out there and I fear another wild one approaching. I cannot assure the Prince's protection and life because out there in the battlefield, we are all warriors regardless of status.

"'The world is not as beautiful as you imagine'. That is for me to see and then tell you when I get back. Let me go, Ada. Your little leaf is growing up…" This Prince of Mirkwood surely is something unique.

"…Very well… You shall leave with the King of Gondor and his men back to Gondor and if you wish to return early, Mirkwood shall always welcome their prince with open arms." The Elf King's anger died down as he took another sip of his drink.

"Gondor shall welcome the Prince of Mirkwood happily and if you do not like your stay then I shall let you return back to your kingdom." I smiled at the Prince and he returns a beautiful smile with his soft pink lips.

"My son's life is in your hands, Aragorn son of Arathorn." King Thranduil's words were like an arrow making me realize if the Prince died on my ground, I would have started war among the elves and men.

"No… My life is in my hands, Ada." Legolas said before turning away from his father and walking back and disappearing in the crowd.

"As you can see, he is… a handful. A very charming prince and I wish to never see the day he leaves Mirkwood but seeing as his choice was made up, I cannot reject or keep him from his destiny any longer. When he was only a baby, I laid up several items on the floor for him; a dagger, an arrow, a sceptre, a shield, a golden crown and a few more items. I had prayed he choose the crown which meant he would stay in Mirkwood and rule like the King he shall be but my little leaf took the arrow instead, then I knew his destiny was as an archer. I had kept him away from his fate by not letting him learn archery and keeping him in the borders of the land but he learn fast and only seeing people do archery, he had the basic in his palm. When he was the age of 10, my leaf started blossoming as the most beautiful and skilful archer in the kingdom, winning competitions all over. I was a proud father but yet, I did not let him have a tutor of his own. Legolas practice day and night with a handmade bow and arrow made from twigs, sticks and strings he would find around and started practicing by shooting apples down from the tree. He became so good at it, the gardeners always complain of missing apples. When he turned 15, my leaf left the borders of Mirkwood to see the world. He didn't get far before my army found him and brought him back but as years passe, Legolas got further and further from the kingdom. Once, my people couldn't find him and he didn't return for weeks and when he did, I scolded him but he wasn't paying attention as his mind was probably replaying his memories in wherever he went." The elf king sighs and I couldn't help but smile at his little but sweet memories with his son.

"I'll take care of him…" I hope it assured him and hope it didn't bring him distress after Legolas's leavings.

"I hope you will"

A/N: Chapter 2 done! Next chapter, Legolas goes back with Aragorn and… *laughs* I'll let you guys find out! How's the story so far? . Review PLEASE! 3

Thanks to everyone who reviewed! I love you all~!

To: Agatha
Nope, not planning to get a beta~ xD
Thanks for your review.