A/N- So IcyPinkRoses has continued Seduction (Yayyy check that fic out by the way its H-O-T!) And im so excited, so I have to dedicate this fic to her and her awesomeness! Not sure if it will be a full fledge story or just a one-shot. Let me know what you great reviewers think.

This is wrong. No this is fucked up. I know it is. Well we both know it is, but we still do it. It happens weekly almost. No im lieing agian, this happens almost everyday. What can I say, the last thing im know for is control. I accept that. But it doesnt stop our actions form being wrong. For one, I belong to someone else. And for two, shes...shes...oh god she's got suck a talented tongue.

I watch her under lowerd lashes intently. I know she feels me staring at her, she doesnt like when I stare at her like this out in public. She wont say why, but I know its because my eyes on her makes her feel hot...and horny. Shes bobbing her head up and down enthusiastically on my length. And the muscles in my tigh clench tightly. Her teeth bare my toes dig into the capet holding me steady even though im siting on the edge of the bed. Her little hand is gripping what her tiny mouth cant cover. And then she looks me stright in the eye and I groan slipping a hand through her orange treases and anchoring her head to me, guiding her.

She has done this before and doesnt need my help, I know that-

"Fuck." I hiss, their she goes agian doing that god forbidden trick agian. Her tongue flickers over the head of my shaft agian and my eyes threaten to cross. I can feel it coming hard and fast, and usaully I would release her but she sucks me. Hard. Clearly not having the intention to let go of me. Ive never busted inside of her...or on her. But a smirk cross my face. Their was a first time for everything right?

My hand on the back of her head forces her down on me agian, further then she could take. "Mhmmph." I hear her, but im inside her mouth almost to hilt, theres no way I could desphire what she trying to tell me. Im guessing it probably 'what?' or 'Ichigo-kun' But right now I dont care. Her hand which had been gripping me slipped to my waist trying to push her head back but I dont let her. Orihime has a gag reflex, I know that.


Shes gasps but theirs no way to inhale air but through her nose. I watch her, and her eyes plead with my to release her head. I do, pulling her off me sharply. "Ichigo-kun I-" I shove my self back up to the back of her throat and growl rips through me as I explode in her hot mouth. I thrust into her mouth a few times riding it out as long as I can. She beating her tiny fists agianst my hips, but she stopped once I came. Gently I take her head off me and stare at her. She has no clue what to do with the liquid in her mouth because she has never swallowed before. But ill teach her, just like I taught her all the other naughty things we've done before.

She looks up at me trying to decide weather to spite or swallow.

"Swallow it."

Her grey eyes sparkle with uncertainty and I glare at her. Squeezing her eyes shut, she swallows breathing heavily. Greedly sucking in oxygen into her lungs. I use my thumb to trace her cheeks and bottom lip catching the rest of my release and I hold it out to her. "Open." She obeys, and I smirk agian. "Suck." Her mouth clams over my thumb eagerly and she sucks my thumb hard making me wish I had stuck something else instead of my thumb inside her. I pull my thumb back-well try to. Her hands grip my wrists and her teeth clench down on to my thumb. I love this girl infront of me. Her grey eyes glitter with challenge which I gladly accpet.

My other hand pries her mouth open easily although she is figthing back and I retract my thumb brushing it across her swollen lip before sucking it into my mouth. "Fucking love you and your mouth Orihime." I growl as my teeth bite into that delicious lip. She always bites her lip, it was a bad habit that I found arosing. I pull her lip as far as it can go and I can her squeak as I draw blood. I release it watching amusingly as it snaps back playfully to her mouth.

Orihime Inoue is my sister. Well my adopted sister. I shiver at thinking of doing any of these activities with my biological sisters. I watch her as she shuffles down her skirt and buttons her top. Shes eighteen, and it was fine with me. She legal. I have accpeted the fact, the moment she walked into our home, that I loved her. And she was going to be mine. I admit it.

I, Ichigo Kurosaki, is in love with my sister Orihime Inoue- oh im sorry. Kurosaki now. She changed her name this fall.

Standing I streach and I could see her from the corner of my eyes. She looking at me hungerily, im shirtless after all. But its almost seven. Yuzu, Karin, and that old goat should be back home soon. And that means she will have to wait, I knew she wouldnt mind. And it would be fun to tease her at dinner anyway. I grin flexing as I tucked myself into my jeans I hear her yelp and I know she embarrassed about being caught staring. I bended to snatch the black shirt off the floor and I shuffle it back on.

Shes standing infront of my mirror fixing her hair, her short mint green skirt is fixed and no longer bunched up above her hips like it was a moment ago. My white sweater is fixed also not longer balled up abover her breasts. I pat my back pocket making sure it was still there. She would have to ask me about them later anyway. Like she always did. I hadnt ripped them off this time. I grin, her bright purple lace panties.

It was only my old man, Yuzu, Karin and my self before. Our mother had passed aways when I was only nine. It had been lonely and I then I met Chad, the only person who knows about Orihime and I relationship. He understands it, and I have to say for walking in on us he did a good job at taking the truth. When I was thirteen I could remember it clearly, Orihime had carried an young man to the door steps of my fathers clinic. The man she carried here, had died here. I learned only a day after that, that it was her older brother and only gardian.

Ofcorse we had offered her a place to stay, but she declined staying in the apartment she lived in. I walk past that apartment everyday to go to school and I was surprised one day to see a 'For Rent' sign up on the window. After I had beaten the old landowner I asked where she went. He claimed he hadnt seen here since the day she moved. Which was over a week ago. Yet no one would know she was running around homeless because she came to school everyday neat and happy.

I had figured out from an classmate of mine that she was living in a shealter. My blood had boiled, after I offered her a place to stay she had gone to a shealter? One day after school I had yelled at her, for the first and only time, and forced her-literally- to stay with us. My family welcomed her with open arms, and ever since then she was considered a Kurosaki. Now made official this fall.


I turn to her and she looked at my with worry. "Whats wrong?" I ask her, and for a moment I fear that I had pushed her too much a few minutes ago. "Nothing you were just staring out of space for a long time, I feared that the little blue men had gotten a hold of your brain and did plastic surgery." She says with a serious expression, and I cant stop the burst of laughter that come from me. She was two year younger then me, but still came up with the most ridiculious things to say. She starts to laugh too.

But my cell phone inturpts out foolish laughter. My phone is on vibrate but its ontop of the dresser and we both stare at the screen dumbly before I brush past her gently and grab the phone. Its my girlfriend. Swiping my finger across it I answer.



"Where are you right now?"

"Home, are you okay?"

"Ofcorse im fine you idiot! What are you doing?"

"Nothing, Why did you call?"

"I wanted...I uhh...uhmm...I wanted to.."

"You wanted?" I urged.

"I wanted to come over and uhh...watch a movie or something."

I look over at Orihime and she blinked at me cutely. She doesnt know who im talking too. I smile at her holding up one finger to signal I would only be a minute.

"What time?"

"Around eight or so...If that isnt too late."

She wants to spend the night and I cant wrong her, we havent had a good romp in a while. Its the weekend, and Rukia and I dont have any classes.

"Sure, call me when your leaving."

"I will."

"Bye babe."

"Bye." She says cutely and I know she blushing. Rukia and I have been dating for almost two years. And thats why this is wrong. Not only am I fucking my sister...But im fucking my girlfriend.

Ill be honest. I know secretly Rukia doesnt like Orihime, because of her breasts. Ironically one of the reasons I love hime. So I didnt like having them over because she would always pick at Orihime. Trying to rill her up, but Orihime wasnt like that. No matter what Rukia said or did, Orihime would always smile and just continue on with whatever she was doing.

I didnt allow Rukia to pick on Orihime though. Hell no. Thats what led to us not seeing each other in a while. I told her two weeks back that unless she had some respect for my sister she wasnt allowed to come over anymore. If she did one thing that hurt Orihime this vist then that was it. I dont care we've been dating for almost two years im breaking it off.

Im a little confused, and I dont know exactly who I want yet. Orihime is always hurt when Rukia come around, but I want Rukia...Just not as bad as I want Orihime...Speaking of the orange haired beauty what was she?

"What the hell are you doing?"

Grey eyes blink up at me her arms was that stupid perverted dog Kon. I dont know why I keep him around. His fur brushed across her breasts and I growl. She must of opened the door cause I had thrown him out earlier this afternoon. She clutched him tighter between her boutiful breasts. And I almost broke the phone in my hand.

"But whyyyy Ichi? Hes my doggie too."

The dog barked before licking Orihime on the cheek. Yes I was jelous of a dog. And if I wasnt pissed before I certainly was now. My fingers released my phone on to the bed and I walked over to the two calmly. She clutched him tighter, and I want to roll my eyes at the ridiculious cape the furry brown dog is wearing.

"Ah! Karin-chan I think we should make curry tonight. Do you think Orihime-nee will help tonight?"

"I dont know Yuzu, she was feeling a little sick last night is what Dad said so-"

"Nonsense! Orihime, my precious daughter is a Kurosaki! She is unbeatable! Unstoppable, and shall not be defeated my little meer cold! Come now children have a little faith in your older sister!-"

"Will you shut up already!"

Orihime used this as an escape and snatched the stupid happy dog up before skipping out my room. I palm my head into my foehead as my phone buzzes. Its a text message from Rukia.

'Im ready'

I sigh before texting back.

'Are you going to behave yourself?'

The response is immdiate as if she expected me to write that.

Ofcorse, dont I always.

I pull my sneakers on and grab my coat. Its the middle of October and the weather was getting a little chilly. I hated the cold. I could hear my family bickering before I reach the stairs.

"I told you...Orihime would not be bested by a cold. She is a daughter of mine, with strong Kurosaki blood." The old man sound hurt. Probably from Karin roundhousing him in the face.

"So..Does that mean you can help me make dinner Orihime-nee? Im making curry for brother. Its his favorite." I hear Yuzu. She sound excited about making my favorite dish. But she wrong my favorite dish is Orihime...with a side of Rukia.

"Ofcorse Yuzu-chan! Sorry I wasnt able to help last night. I uhh...I was sick." Bullshit. I smirk proudly. She was unable to move. She thought I was kidding when i told her I was going to fuck her till she forgot how to walk.

"Im gunna go see whats on TV." I hear Karin say through my father wierd way of entertaining all the girls in the house. I was a little iffy on brinnging Rukia over, but I decided it would hurt what was the worst that could happen?

I walk down the stairs my car key in hand and my father stops his strange animal like noises. "Where are you going my boy?" I roll my eyes. "To get Rukia, shes-"

"Yesss! Oh Masaki my dare wife it seems my daughter-in-law is going to pay a vist to her dare papa Isshin-"

I slam the door and press the small button that unlocks my black acura. I got it last year for my birthday from my dad. Orihime had delcined my fathers offer for a car. She told him she was okay and she was gratfull enough for the roof over her head. Orihime was like a blessing to all parents over the world. She got good grades, stayed out of trouble, and did anything you'd tell her. I slip into the car and pull off the curb with ease. Tonight was going to be long. And I flinch feeling that strange feeling rise in my chest. It was familiar. Guilt.

A/N- Alright. I know I made Ichigo an asshole. He'll change. Trust me. So what do you guys think? Terrible? Awful? I never wrote a story from anyones P.O.V before. So I hope im doing this right. I just want to open a little up on Ichigo. Stop making him so god damn mysterious all the time. Lets see how what really goes on in that thick head of his.
