A/N- I know...Where the hell have I been? Ahhh...well who cares im back ! So here you go !

Chapter Three


"Is there a problem ?"

"Ah...No no im sorry."

"Hn..Continue reading then Rangiku"

"But I dont wanna Toshiro-kun!"

"Its Hitsugya-sensei!"

Orihime flinched agian as a long elegant fingers slipped through her long hair. Braiding the wild hair color and then undoing them slowly and carefully. Brown eyes looked up to see her class mate and best friend agruing with the young male teacher for the uptenth time this period. Turning slightly in her seat she blushed as Grimmjow grinned hands out streatched to continue the neat french braid in the back of her head.

"Grimmjow-kun...please stop. We'll get in trounble with Hitsugya-sensei" Puffing out a breath and flipping light blue hair from his face he moved his desk closer to her. "If you turn back around and quit squirming we wouldnt have gotten caught a few seconds ago." A rosey blush colored her cheeks before she abrutly turned around and crossed her legs.

She let him continue his artful braiding and she couldnt complain...It felt nice. He was gentle and she liked it. Orihime now understood why he wanted her to leave her hair out. It would seem like he enjoyed playing with it. Before when she kept her hair in a bun he would undo it and play in it. But he would always fix it back...It was strange that such a rough man knew how to fo hair.

When she asked him about it he told her it was because he had a younger sister. A faint red colored his cheeks as he explained that he liked to do her hair in the mornings. It was interesting, Grimmjow never blushed before. He always sat behind her and ethier played with her hair or went to sleep. That was the first discussion they had ever had. Ever since then she let him play in her hair. It was cute.

Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez was rumored to be the meaniest man in the entire school. But she didnt see him like that. He was always nice and caring to her. Even Rangiku said he had an attuitde...worse then Ichigos were her exact words. But they were wrong. Grimmjow was very kind...kind but not soft. She giggle. Defintely not soft.


Shaking her head out of her dazed state she looked up flinching slightly when she heard Grimmjows irritated growl at her movement.

"Ohayo Neliel-san!" she said a bright smile adoring her face. She was woundering what took her friend so long to come to class. Rangiku paused in her heated debate with their teacher to give the busty woman a hug. Which efficiently made half the male population die from loss of blood.

Neliel was undoubtly Grimmjows younger sister in every aspect. Besides their eyes color and personality traits. Their hair was the exat shade of blue. Neliel was childish but very wise and gave the greatest advice to all her friends. Grimmjow had introduced her to Neliel a few days ago after the hair discussion. And they hit off right off the bat. Neliel was easy to get along with because of her childish antics. And they had many classes togehter like Rangiku. Orihime giggled. She had over heard Shinji and Shuhei discussing that Neliel, Rangiku, and Orihime were probably the hottest girls on campus. But she hadnt fully understood what he ment. She was diffintely not hot at all. Last time she checked she didnt have a fever. And neither did her friends.

"Oi! Why are so late!? Where is your pass Neliel?" Rangiku and the blue haired woman seemed to have forgotten about Hitsugya-sensei. Neliel blinked, "Pass?"


"Oh well time to go ! Come on Orihime-chan we have to go to my locker for your coat." Rangiku sang as she held onto Neliels arm.

"Hai!" Orihime called standing up as Grimmjow undid his magnicant braid.

Toshiro gave up on teaching the rest of the lesson. Closing his book sharply he sat at his desk calling idly, "Dont forget the home work!"

"Hai Hitsugya-sensei."

The white haired man nodded before opening the draws in his desk and pulling out old tests to grade. He huffed before beginning his long journey with his red pen. Orihime shuffled her book into her bag as Grimmjow finished undoing the last of the briad. "Wear your hair out like this. I like it." he mumbled into the back of her neck before roughly shoving his book into his messy bag. Grimmjow was not an idiot by any means just very lazy. Which was why he was in her class. Grimmjow was why he was taking Geometry over agian. He was suppose to be in Algebra 2 since he was a senior, but he failed last year so he was taking it over agian with the juniors.

Neliel was a junior too, but it was rumored that she could be skipped up a grade next year and graduate early.

Holding her bag Grimmjow wrapped an arm around her waist right above her rear and squeezed her to him as they walked out the classroom. "Need a ride home?" he mumbled into her neck, and she blushed as his husky breath blew over her sensitve neck. She wore her collar up today to hide her brothers dark hickeys. Ichigo loved giving hickeys. Uncousiously rubbing her throat she shook her head. "A-ah...I have to cook dinner tonight so im going to catch a ride from my brother."

"Ahh...What was his name agian?"


"There you are Orihime-chan! Nel and I were waiting for you! We thought the little blue men came to get you and whisk you off to the moon for an expirment or something!" The busty blond fussed over her completly serious and Neliel nodded and Grimmjow sweat dropped. 'Damn ancient alien series.' He thought as Orihime slipped from his grasp.

"Come, come ! Lets go get your coat before you freeze kitten." She said as Orihime took her bag from the 6 feet tall man. Neliel moved to stand beside Grimmjow. "Nel arent you coming with us?" Rangiku asked eyeing the woman over her shoulder. "No, I have to go get a late pass for Toshiro. Ill catch up with you later Ran !" Grimmjow nodded as she walked confidently towards the staircase.

Rubbing a hand on the back of his neck he looked down at Orihime. "Well can I give you a ride tommrow?" He asked. And Orihime would have thought it was shyness. But she knew it wasnt. "Sure. Bye Grimmjow-kun!" she got out before Rangiku dashed to their locker. Orihime never used a locker once in her life. She was just too clueless on how to open it. So she always shared her locker with Rangiku or Tatsuki.

She sighed as Rangiku beasically put her coat on for her. She missed Tatsuki dearly. Her friend was in a turnoment all the way in New York city, and wouldnt be coming back until next Monday. But she had Rangiku and Neliel to keep her company even though they werent in a lot of their classes.

"Orihime your phone is vibrating."

"O-ohh I hadnt noticed." Fishing out her pink phone she grinned.

"Its probably that obnoxious brother of yours agian. Sheesh he need to let up a little and let you breathe."


No such thing with her older brother hovering over her...it would probably get only worse from now since Grimmjow stepped into the picture. Not that he was her boy friend or anything, but it was no secrect that he had a crush on her. And maybe she did feel the same...a little bit.

Come outside. Now

Stright and to the point like always. But she should expect nothing else from Ichigo. "-and I was thinking this weekend we can all go to the movies to see that new horror film. Just me you and Nel ! What do you think?"

Nodding quickly before slipping her bag over her head she stuttered. "I-ichi-nee is outside waiting for me Rangiku! Ill call you later. And yes ill be there this weekend. Brief me on the time tommrow!" She yelled before dashing down the stairs, taking two at a time and trying not to fall and hurt herself.

Finally reaching the door she rushed past a few of her classmates ignoring their call to slow down she instantly spotted him. It was impossible to miss Ichigo. He demanded attention without even knowing it, he was a walking enigma. He stood infront of his black porshe legs crossed, hands busy on his phone no doubt sending a text message to her...or Rukia. Her nose wrinkled as she shifted. He didnt notice her yet, and she was rethinking Grimmjows early offer to take her home.

She hadnt forgotten what happened earlier this morning. It was still freash in her mind. She was worrying about it all day, about how she had reacted so violently to his commands. There was no telling how he would react when they got back in the house together...alone. Taking a tentive step back she watched him as he pushed his phone back into his pocket before flipping a few loose strand from his face.

It was like he heard her gasp or something because as soon as she took the abrut intake of air his brown eyes found her grey ones instantly. And she caught. Suprisingly he didnt look angry...just irritated. Nodding to her he walked around the car doing quick tricks with his car keys. Orihime sighed before walking to her brothers car.

Ichigos P.O.V

I grabbed the mail on the way inside the house. Taking a seat on one of the stools as Orihime dashed upstairs, not bothering to remove her shoes. Cracking my neck I looked through the mail. Dad, Dad Dad and Dad agian. Was their anyone else who recieved mail besides the old goat?

Getting up I poured a glass of water before pushing the mail under the basket of fruits. Orihime was quiet the entire ride from school, and I wasnt about to break the silence. But now...I think I should. She was avoiding me no doubt. And she had that nervous look in her eyes that confirmed to me that this Grimmjow guy was not a friend. No...he was someone who was trying to take my princess away and it was not happening.

Rukia had called me probably twenty time since i left earlier. And I wasnt about to look through the text messages. I wasnt in the mood for Rukia...I was in the mood for Orihime. Watching her thighs together in the car while bitting her lips had made me more then ready to pull over and ravish her in tiny space of my car.

Walking upstairs I flung my bag over my shoulder before continuing up the stairs, taking my time. Orihime was in her room...and she had locked the door. I walked past her room resisting the urg to break the door down and demand some answers about this damn Grimmjow kid.

I opened my door taking a seat on the edge of the bed before sighing. This was boring...and ridiculous. Sitting only a room away from Orihime without touching her was proving to tale a toll on my god damn patience.

I know...im wrong fucking her and dating Rukia. I am. But atleast she knew about Rukia and I didnt run behind her back and do things. I talked to her about it. Because above all I was a painfully honest man.

But no...Here she was running around with this idiot Grimmjow without even saying a word to me. I know I would of freaked the hell out and argue but still. Why didnt she say something to me? How could she just run off with him with out uttering a word? Was she doing the to spite me? Becuase I had a healty relationship with Rukia. Did she even want a relationship with me?

Rukia's the only woman I know that can handle my temper and mood swings. Ill overwhelm Orihime with me stubborness, and she would let me. Because that just the kind of woman Hime was. And introvert at its greatest. I couldnt do that to her. I loved her too much to corupt her. She was to pure and innocent for a man like me.

But on the other hand...Ive already tainted her. I have her virgintiy, but does it really matter? How do I know she wont go off fuck that 'friend' of hers?

I...I need to talk to her.

Unbuttoning my shirt and flinging it in the overflowing basket of dirty clothes I sighed. Scratching my head I cracked my back, rolling my heavy shoulders a few times before walking to her door. It wouldnt hurt to give this realations thing a try with her would it? Ofcorse it would be a well kept secrect...but instead of fucking they would do other things together. Things Idid with Rukia...Pause.

No..That would hurt her more. Rolling my eyes I belly flopped back int bed a frown creasing my face as thoughts about Rukia and Orihime entered my mind. Dammit why was it so hard to choose. Its ethier I want Rukia...Or Orihime. Orihime...or Rukia. Or maybe I should just keep things how they are. But then Iwould be hurting Orihime, and without her knowing Rukia too. But ifIbroke up with Rukia and started dating Orihime Iwould be hurting them both too.

Fuck it.

"Ill sleep on it."

A/N- Is changing the P.O.V like this reallt bad? I wanted to give you guys a taste of Orihimes life in school ya know? Let me know what you think. Also which story she update next? This Man...or The Gotei 13? Please leave it in your review. Its hard to decide.

Midterms are coming up so updates will be very far in between
