"Denmaaaaaark..." Norway tapped on my chest, with his eyes still closed and his head still nuzzled into my neck. I groaned in response. It was fucking 7:30 AM. Why did he feel the need to wake me up? It's not like I had to work or anything. He huffed. "Denmark, don't be like that. Wake uuuuup."

"How about you wake up before you tell me to wake up?" I mumbled, before it hit me and I sat up straight.

"Didn't you have something to do today? Secretly, or something?" I nodded.

"Ja, ja, I'm up now." I kissed his cheek and he smiled, permitting me to see his beautifully soft violet eyes again. I have no idea how I lived without him. His tame blond hair wasn't messy, per say, but a little... Mussed. And it was adorable. I hugged him tightly before standing up and beginning to get dressed. I pulled on jeans and a a red t-shirt, perfect for a spring day. Today had to go exactly as planned.

"Denmark, where are you even go-" I put I finger up to his lips.

"Shhhhh, it's a secret~" He slowly nodded and I went on my way. I stopped in the kitchen to grab a doughnut, whistling as I went, but Sweden slapped my hand.

"Sh't up." He motioned to where Finland was having an in-depth conversation with the phone, and I rolled my eyes. Off to the living room. Iceland was draped over the couch, doughnut in hand, and some variant of the Norwegian Death Glare. And he said he wasn't Nor's brother. Sure. I hummed as I walked past him to the door. He didn't seem to notice me. Sealand, I figured, wasn't up yet, and neither was Greenland. Time to go do my thing. I stepped out into the cool spring air, and smiled. Today was going to be perfect. I could just feel it. I started walking down the street, making my way to the destination I had in mind, my plan repeating itself over and over in my head.

"Norgie, it's nice out tonight." Now we sat in the living room several hours later, his hand resting on my chest. He laughed ever-so-slightly.

"I missed these random conversations," he said, "Yes. It is nice out tonight. Was there a point?" He rolled his eyes, but his tone was soft and his face was smiling.

"Of course there was a point. Do you want to, maybe... Go for a walk?" He yawned and shook his head.

"No... I'm tired..." I huffed.

"You've been tired all day!" He shrugged. My plan was unravelling. He was supposed to say, "Oh, yes, Denmark! I would be thrilled to go on a walk with you, my one and only love!" Not, "No... I'm tired..."

"I dunno. I just feel... Sick."

"Aw, fuck, not another kid." He laughed.
"It's not another kid." I looked at him skeptically. He returned my gaze. "It's not." I narrowed my eyes. He did the same. Finally we both burst out laughing and he stood up. "Just a little walk."

We went out to the park, arm in arm, where the trees and flowers were just beginning to bloom. The temperature was beautiful, and the sun was lingering, barely touching the horizon with its red-orange glow. The sky was stained different shades of orange, purple, yellow... It was perfect. I sat him down on a park bench and he automatically snuggled up to my chest.

"See?" I didn't meet his eyes but instead stared ahead at the setting sun.

"See what, Denny?"
"I told you it was beautiful out today." He laughed and nuzzled me.

"Yes it is. Thanks for convincing me to come out here."

"Oh, it's my pleasure," I thought. "This is going perfectly." I smiled at him and he smiled back, his violet eyes looking downright breathtaking in the receding light of the setting sun.

"Norway, I..." He kissed my cheek, telling me to go on. "Norway, I have a very important question."



"What is it?" I took a deep breath. This is it.

"Norway, w... What's in your pocket?" He gave me this bewildered look before reaching his hand into his pocket, and pulling out a small velvet box. He gasped and hopeful violet eyes shifted up to mine. "Go ahead... Open it." With a nod of his head, his fingers took hold of the box and creaked it open slowly on its hinges. I saw tears in his eyes.

"D-Denmark, is this...?" I nodded and took another deep breath before asking the question I had wanted to ask for years.

"Lukas Bondevik, representative of Norway... Would you do me the great honours of marrying me?"

Author's Note:

SQUEEEEEEEEEE! So, this is it. The final chapter of Danish Diaries. Let me just say how much I love you guys for supporting me and following me and favouriting and whatever. This fanfic was so fun to write, and... Just... *Sniffs* :3 By the way, I'm working on making this a trilogy. After this comes the Norwegian Diaries and Diaries of a Bonde-Køhler, so keep an eye out!