A truth or Dare fic? This should be good….

I don't own ROTG

The cheerful cold wind ruffled Jamie's hair. In was a frozen winter evening, and nobody noticed an albino teen and a brunette kid flying away from Burgess, to the North Pole. Jamie was riding of Jack's back, and Jack was surprisingly holding him up.

"Jack, may I ask, why are we going to the pole?" Jamie giggled as Jack did a loop in the air, Jamie, nearly falling off.

"North called us all to the pole, he requested you and the boogieman too." He replied, as they shot overseas towards the destination. The mention of Pitch sent tiny shivers down Jamie's back. Not fear, though. Of the memory. Truth be told, Jamie still found Pitch menacing and creepy, he just was not scared. Brave kid. But maybe those shivers were just from how cold it was getting, Flying across the moonlit ocean, salty white ice sprinkled their eyelashes.

Before you could say kangaroo (Bunny: OI!), they were at the North Pole.

"Hello Jack!" squeaked Tooth, before pouncing at Jack's teeth.

"Hands of mouth, I got a passenger you know" Jack sighed.


The guardians were already sitting in a circle, crossed legged on the floor of the globe room, Pitch the grumpy guts next to Bunny and Sandy, and there was two spaces in-between Tooth and North, so they sat there.

"Ok, Man In Moon has requested that ve play Truth Or Dare to get to know each other better," North said, getting a grumble from Pitch and a snigger from Jack, "Phil, go get me an empty Eggnog bottle."

Eventually, they were ready. The bottle span. And, well, it landed on Jamie Bennet.

"AW what! No fair!" Jamie complained.

"Truth or Dare?"


Jack had an evil smile on his face.

"Do you like Pippa more than a friend?"

Jamie's face flushes bright crimson. Jamie knew that he had to answer truthfully; it was the rules of the game.

"Yes," he sighed in defeat.

His big secret was out, he liked Pippa BIG TIME, but was too shy to ask her out. Toothina smiled at Jamie in sympathy. She really knew the feeling. A light blush danced on her face, unnoticed.

They span the bottle again.

It landed on Bunny, but he just grinned.

"Dare," he said before smoothing back his ears.

"I dare you … to drink twelve bottles of eggnog. All in one go," North chuckled, "Phil bring me eggnog."

The eggnog was brought before Phil shuffled away, not wanting to see a drunk Pooka. Bunnymund, holding them all at once, chugged them down. He was now extremely irritable, which was a lot of fun for Jack. He sent little floating ice balls at the back of Bunny's grey fur like flies, the cold nipping at his skin. Bunny finnaly snapped, throwing a boomerang at Jack's head, and hitting bang on.


"Just spin the bloody bottle, Jack"

Apon spinning it, frost fern patterns appeared on the bottle. Who's it gonna hit? Who's it gonna hit?


"Oh, um, dare."

"I dare you to read a cavity fanfiction!" Jamie said, knowing she'd be scarred for life, "But you have to read it while Pitch is reading it, so wait till Pitch gets hit with the bottle."


"Oh, you'll see…"

The bottle chose Pitch next, I wonder why? XD So Jamie printed off two copies of a Cavity fanfiction.

Half an hour later…





Jamie was trapped in a laughing fit. Their reactions were PRICELESS! If only he had brought his tape recorder. Blushes laced both spirit's faces, and hatred to him in both of their eyes. Jamie had learned his tactics from only the best, you know. He knew he had a guaranteed nightmare coming his was, but did he care? Nope.

"Spin the bottle you devil"

He span it, giggling every time he made eye contact with Pitch or Tooth.


Dieing here.

Oh my days.

Ok send me suggestions, ok?

I request more truths than dares.

Thakies bye!~