A/N: First attempt at a SwanQueen and Once Upon a Time fic so please bear with me. There is no curse in this one FYI. This just popped into my mind and I had to get it down. So this is sort-of like Robert Muchamore's CHERUB series but instead of the usual characters we have our fairy tale land and Storybrooke characters and instead of them living in England they are in Storybrooke - OF COURSE - and yeah that's it.

Disclaimer: I do not own OUAT and the characters herein but if I did Regina and Emma would have kissed by now lol XD

Enjoy! :)

Chapter 1

"Emma, you're wanted in mission control." came the voice of her handler, Graham. Emma looked up at him over her tons and tons of homework. "Now? This is all due tomorrow." Emma complained. "You shouldn't have left it to the last-minute then and yes, now." Graham said. Emma huffed then throwing on one of her many leather jackets, followed Graham to mission control.

Once at mission control, Graham led Emma into one of the many mission briefing rooms in the gigantic building. The room was brightly lit with a huge state-of-the-art touch-screen monitor on one wall and an awesome table that also doubled as a screen to display information - kind of like an iPad but bigger and a table. Emma immediately sat down on one of the chairs situated around the table whilst Graham stood and waited for the mission controller.

Five minutes later David Nolan, the director of the Agency walks in and sits at the head of the table, "Emma." he says in greeting. Emma just slides down on her seat, an annoyed expression on her face. David nods knowing the seventeen year old blonde doesn't like him very much after what he did to her two years ago on one of her assignments. "You called me here for something." Emma states plainly. David shakes his head stopping himself from dwelling in the past, "Yes, if you wish to take it, then I am handing you an assignment, deep cover." he says, tapping the table twice. An image of a closed folder appears in front of him, he swipes his hand across it and it appears in front of Emma. She looks at it then drags her palm over it, causing it to open much like a real folder would, and takes in a sharp breath. The first page is a horrific scene, bodies lie scattered on bare, sandy ground, all of them have gaping holes where their hearts should have been. Emma drags her palm across it again.

"Her name is Cora Mills." David explains as the next page reveals a woman with cold, brown eyes and brown hair. Emma shivers, just looking at a picture of this woman and she can see that it seems she has no heart. "Otherwise known as the Queen of Hearts, due to what she does to her victims." David continues. "Serial killer?" Shouldn't the police handle this?" Emma asks, confused as to what her role is. "She's not a serial killer, rather a very dangerous mob boss, police have been trying to catch her for years but everyone they send ends up coming back looking like the bodies in the previous picture." David says.

"What is my role then? My cover?" Emma asks. "You're taking it?" the director asks in confirmation. "I really don't wanna do maths homework." Emma shrugs as if that is an appropriate answer. "Okay." David says and taps the table twice again, making a whole lot of pictures, police reports and other documents relevant to Cora appear. "Your job is to infiltrate her organisation." David explains. "How am I gonna do that?" the blonde asks. David sighs, "I'm getting there." he taps a picture, enlarging it, "You must befriend this boy here, his name is Killian Jones or Hook." Emma looks at the picture of the dark-haired boy. "Looks dangerous." she comments. "He is, just like all of Cora's people." David states. Graham chooses to speak at this moment, "What is my role?" he asks. David looks up, startled, he didn't notice that Graham was in the room. Emma smirks when she sees the director start at her handler's question. "Right, your role... you will be Emma's father." David says. "Father? I look to young to be her father, older brother I may get away with but certainly not father." Graham says matter-of-factly. "Older brother then." David says as if he came up with the idea himself. Emma rolls her eyes at this.

"Back to Hook. I befriend him then what?" Emma asks. "Hopefully, if you play your part right, he'll ask you to help out." David says. "With what?"


"Dealing what?"

"Fairy dust."

"Fairy-" Emma bursts out laughing, "Fairy dust? What you can fly if you just have faith, trust and fairy dust?" Emma asks still laughing. David frowns, "No Emma, this isn't like in a fairy tale. This drug is highly dangerous." he scolds. Emma stops laughing but every so often a little snigger escapes her lips, "Okay, so you're hoping that when we become friends, he'll ask me to help him deal this 'Fairy dust' and then what?" Emma asks. "Then hopefully you get integrated into Cora's mob." David states. "But how am I going to take down Cora if I'm just a dealer? I need to have some weight behind my name to even dream of meeting her face-to-face."

"You won't."

"How come?"

"From what police, the CIA, Interpol and everyone who is working and has worked on this case have gathered is that when someone new is recruited, Cora meets them personally, to investigate them and make sure they're not there to bring her empire crashing down."

"Aaah, makes sense now, but wont se find out about me being a child spy?"

"That's why we're on the case. As we've always said, people don't expect children to be spies. And once she sees your record, she wont suspect you of being a spy."

"My record?! Those are sealed!" Emma exclaims. "The records of the dead spies were also sealed and buried, so deep even the best hackers couldn't find them, but Cora did." David says calmly.

"But wont she see I was a foster kid with no family whatsoever and ten she sees Graham acting as my brother?"

"Okay, Graham is a close friend, so close you got in touch and he is looking after you and is like a big brother so you call him your brother?"

"Sound mores realistic." Emma says, "Are we done with the briefing?" David sighs and presses a button on the side of the table. The printer in the corner of the room jumps to life and begins spitting out pages of printed information, "Yes, I suppose so." he says. Emma springs out of her seat, ready to run out the door when, "Wait! You have to read and familiarise yourself with your cover and everything we have on Cora Mills." David says and grabs the pages from the printer which had finished printing everything, "Here." he says and hands her the stack of papers. Emma looks at them and groans before taking them and walking out the room. "She's not going to forgive me is she?" David asks Graham. Graham puts a hand on David's shoulder, "Give it time, one day she might." he says and with that he walks out after Emma leaving David standing there staring at the doorway.

After three days of familiarizing herself with Cora Mills, Emma loads her bag into the yellow bug that she had received as a gift after a very successful mission the year before. All the other kids on campus laugh at her bug but it is Emma's pride and joy. Graham arrives and loads his bag into the bug as well. Emma lets Graham drive them because se doesn't know where they are going. She gets into the passenger side and settles in as Graham had said that it would be a long drive to their destination. Soon she's sound asleep.

A few hours later Emma's being shook awake by Graham, "Look we're here." he says and points to a passing sign. "Welcome to Storybrooke." Emma reads aloud, "Where are we exactly?" she asks. "Maine, Storybrooke Maine." Graham says in that Irish accent of his that made the girls at campus swoon. "Okay, why have I never heard of this town before?" Emma asks. "Maybe its just really small." Graham provides. "Maybe." Emma says silently.

They pull up outside a small diner, "I'll just pop inside and ask for directions to the hotel." Graham says and gets out the car. A few minutes later he gets back in the car. "And?" Emma asks. "Just around the corner." he replies.

After putting their stuff away Graham and Emma make their way to the diner they asked directions at. They sat at a booth and scantily clad, brunette waitress came and served them, "Hi I'm Ruby, can I get you something?" the waitress, Ruby asks. "Hot chocolate please." Emma said. "A coffee thanks." Graham says. "Coming right up." ruby says with a wink and a smirk.

After eating they went back to their rooms. Emma fell onto her bed in her room and Graham crashed in his. Soon both were fast asleep, exhausted after the long drive.

"Emma!" Graham says whilst pounding on her door. Emma opens it, dressed in nothing but a tank top and a pair of boxers, "Yeah?" she asks, Graham chuckles inside absolutely used to how the blonde usually greets him dressed like that. "Get ready for school." he says. Emma groans, shuts the door and starts getting ready for school. A few minutes later Emma emerges in skin-tight jeans, knee-high brown boots, a white tank top and her favourite red leather jacket. Emma went through Graham's open door, Graham sprawled in his bed and grabs her keys off the table, "Going." she says to no one in particular as the one she would have said it to was snoring loudly.

A short drive later Emma was parking outside Storybrooke High. Grabbing the school bag, she didn't bother taking out the car the previous night, Emma started up the steps of the school. She headed straight for the office to collect her schedule and locker number and combination. After that she started searching for her locker.

If she had been watching where she was going and paying attention to her surroundings, instead of acting badass as her cover told her to be, she would have noticed the girl walking towards her and gotten out of her way. Instead she collided head-on with her, making her drop the books she was carrying, "I'm so sorry." Emma said, thoughts of being a badass thrown out the window, as she bent down to help the girl pick up her books. "What you do now? Bump into the girl on purpose?" a male voice said from above them. "Very funny Killian." the girl said. Emma looked at her, like actually looked at her and found herself staring at the girl. She had short, brown hair, olive toned skin, plump red lips and these brown eyes that saw straight through you.

"You're new aren't you? What's your name love?" the boy, whom Emma recognised as Killian Jones, asked. "Swan. Emma Swan," she said in a devil-may-care tone, remembering her badass cover, "What's it to you?" she added. Killian laughed, "Oh I like you already, Swan." he said. "Whatever." Emma said indifferently. "Well I don't think you have been formally introduced to the girl you smashed into." Killian said with a smirk. Emma looked at the brunette who held herself like a fucking royal, "Emma Swan." Emma said and held out her hand, just because she had to act like a badass didn't mean she should forget her manners. The brunette took her hand and shook it, "Pleasure Ms Swan, I'm Regina Mills."

'Mills? Am I hearing this right? The files didn't say anything about Cora having a daughter!' Emma thought to herself. The brunette forced a smile and took her hand back. 'Regina fucking Mills?'

A/N: So what do you think of the first chapter. I know in the show Hook and Regina don't get along very well but in this one they are just going to have to :p. Leave me reviews lovely readers.