Disclaimer: Criminal Minds does not belong to me – hope y'all like this! :)

Spencer Reid was many things. A genius – check, a rambler – check, an awkward person – check, but he wasn't a bad person, or rather, he didn't think he was. He'd done some things that he had regretted over the years but he didn't think it warranted a death sentence.

Which was why, when he stared up into Foyet's manic eyes, he felt as though he had been cheated out of life. There was so much he needed to do, to accomplish, to see… things he needed to say to his mother and father - and now? Now he wouldn't get to and that scared him to the very core.

The blade sliced through another layer of skin slowly, making him groan and for satisfaction to gleam in Foyet's eyes. The knife dug deeper still, piercing the thin composition of fat and gliding through his muscle like butter.

"I bet this doesn't feel so good, ay boy genius?" Foyet grinned, twisting the knife, lips curling back over gleaming white teeth. Spencer screwed his eyes shut, a scream tearing its way through his throat but he held it in, with great effort, sweat breaking out on his forehead.

"I thought targeting Hotch's whore was good but my my my… this is even better – taking away the heart of the team, the innocent young man that everyone admires" Foyet spoke quietly, leaning down, his musty breath tickling Spencer's skin.

"How about another slice, just to add to the collection" Foyet mused, trailing the sharp edge up his torso and digging it into his chest, right below the shoulder. Spencer took a shuddering breath, willing the pain to go away. How many stab wounds was that now? Seven? Eight? He lost count, the pain overwhelming all his senses, and that was a difficult thing to do.

"You are a strong one, but I'll break you… don't worry" Foyet promised, showing Spencer the blade that was dripping a sticky wet substance… his blood, rolling off the knife like a waterfall.

"S-Stop" He croaked, trying to raise an arm as defence but he couldn't, his whole body raked with this blinding pain, worse than he had ever felt – his limbs were shaking because of the blood loss, he realised with a jolt, knowing he couldn't go on for much longer.

He wasn't strong like Hotch, or determined like Morgan or as willed as Rossi – he was just Reid, the brains of the team – he was gangly and weak and messed everything up, he couldn't hold on, or rather, his body couldn't – he was weak before all of this happened.

"Stop?" Foyet questioned, eyes flickering from his torso to his face, "No, no, no boy… it's only going to stop when I want it to, not a moment before, not a moment later" And Spencer let out a muffled sob, turning his head away. He just wanted the pain to go away, the awful bone crushing, fire spreading pain that was endless and ongoing.

"I can't wait to see Hotch's face when he finds you… first his wife then a member of the team, oh this… this is going to be memorable" He grinned, running a tousled hand through Spencer's long hair making him flinch – if he was going to die then he was going to die with at least some dignity intact and not let this monster take away his soul and being.

Again and again Foyet attacked him, ruthlessly and mercilessly, the whole time his gleeful face floated above Spencer, mocking him, turning his blood stone cold.

But yet he still held on, amazing even himself and no doubt Foyet whose face became more tense, his attacks less careful, clipping the odd organ and causing Spencer to cry out, his own salty tears making torrents down his cheeks.

Eleventh stab.

Twelfth stab.

But it was the thirteenth stab that proved fatal.

Spencer felt himself floating away, his mind and body shutting down, organs failing, breaths coming in short gasps.

This was it. He couldn't carry on any longer.

The thought seemed to comfort him – at least the pain would be gone.

But, when he thought that, a choked cry escaped his throat. What about his team? His family? The people he cared about the most? He would never see them again – hear Morgan teasing him, Rossi's wise words, see Hotch's rare smiles, or Garcia's outrageous outfits, he would never hug JJ again or open up to Prentiss.

All of that, gone, just because of one man.

Spencer's breaths slowed down, eyes fluttering shut as if on their own accord, but a few tears slid down his cheeks. He didn't want to go, he wanted to stay and continue being Spencer Reid, the geek boy that knew almost everything – why couldn't he?

Faced blurred together, memories fading away as Spencer stared above him for the last time, watching with clouded eyes as Foyet tilted his head like a curious child, eyes bright, a grin placed fully on his face.

"Time to sleep Dr Reid" He murmured and that was when Spencer took his last breath.

On a sunny day, people mulled about normally, doing their daily routines, not a care in the world as everyone's favourite boy genius lay cold and unmoving on a cobbled street; his usual bright, childlike eyes open wide with fear.

So…. Angsty yeah, ha! But I love Reid just thought I'd write this! Please let me know what you think – may even post another chapter of everyone's reaction! :)