Summary: Alfred is an Alpha who has recently formed a soulbond with Matthew, an Omega. However, Gilbert, another Alpha, is angry that Matthew isn't his Omega. And when Matthew becomes pregnant with Alfred's twins, Gilbert loses it and kidnaps Matthew. Now it's up to Alfred to save his beloved Matthew before their twins are born. Omegaverse. Mpreg.

Genre: Romance/Drama

Pairings: AmeCan, One-sided!PruCan

Rating: Rated M for consensual sex, attempted rape and violence

In the Moonlight

Chapter 1: Talks Before the Big Day

Alfred Jones sat on a bench on the porch behind his house, looking up at the sky through the awning. He was thinking about what would happen tomorrow when his cell phone rang. He took a look at the caller ID and saw that it was his best friend since childhood, Matthew Williams.

"Hello?" he said once he answered the phone.

"Hey Alfred," came the response on the other side of the call.

"Oh hey Matt! What's up?" Alfred asked.

"Um…could you meet me on that hill on the outskirts of town? I'd like to talk to you in private and in person," Matt asked.

"Sure, I'll see you there," Alfred answered.

"All right. Bye!" Matt said on the other end.

"Bye!" Alfred responded before hanging up. He quickly put his shoes on, grabbed his keys and walked out to his car where he drove to the outskirts of his fairly large hometown. Eventually he found Matt's car parked on the side of the road near a large hill and he parked right behind it.

When he got out he found a lean, sleek gray wolf lying at the top of the hill. Alfred closed his eyes and concentrated. As he did, his hands and feet slowly turned into paws, his face elongated into a muzzle, his stance turned from bipedal to quadrapedal and his body became covered in thick, gray fur.

Having taken his wolf form, an alternate form that his race, the Lupus, had, he ran up the hill and towards the top of the hill where the other wolf was waiting.

Alfie! You came! Matt said excitedly using the telepathy that Lupus would use when in their wolf form.

Of course I did, Mattie! Alfred responded as the two of them rubbed their muzzles together. Alfred then lied down next to Matt and crossed his front paws.

Tomorrow's the Soulbond Search, Alfred said as he looked towards the sky and noticed the sun was about to set.

I know. I just hope I end up bonding with someone who will treat me well, Matt said solemnly. Alfred didn't know it, but Matt had a crush on him for a while but due to the way that Lupus society operates, couldn't act on it. He could only hope that he would form a Soulbond with Alfred tomorrow.

I know, everyone wants an Omega and doesn't care whether said Omega is male or female. You guys are special. You can carry children and impregnate potential mothers, Alfred noted. Little did Matt know that Alfred had a crush on him for a while but couldn't do much about it.

Yeah…but you Alphas knot when aroused. Not to mention your female counterparts can have up to six children at once, whereas Omegas like myself can only have up to two. I'd love to have an Alpha, Matt responded.

Though I'm not sure about what I'd do if I end up with a Beta. There's nothing notable about male Betas, though females can have up four kids at once. But it's pretty hard to tell if they want to give or receive, so to speak, Alfred said as turned to Matt.

I don't care who you end up. I know that I'll end up with Matt here! A voice shouted with a thick German accent that both friends recognized. The sound of the voice caused both of them to groan.

What do you want, Gilbert? Alfred demanded as he got up and took a defensive stance.

I just came here to claim my future Soulbond! I hope you don't mind, Gilbert said maliciously as he walked towards Matt.

You will claim your Soulbond at the search tomorrow like everyone else! Alfred snarled as he stood protectively in front of Matt.

Fine! But I'm looking forward to claiming you tomorrow, Mattie-boy! Gilbert responded with an evil sounding chuckle as he turned around and left.

I don't want to end up with him! Matt said nervously as he stood up.

I don't want you to end up with him either! You deserve better than that, Alfred said as he gave a brief nuzzle to Matt.

We should get back. We've got a big day tomorrow, Matt said before returning to his human form.

"I agree. I'll see you tomorrow," Alfred said after returning to his human form. The two friends gave each other a hug and drove back, both of them equally nervous about what tomorrow held.

I had this story planned for a while and I'm glad that I was finally able to get the first chapter written.

I think that for every two chapters of Our Love that I upload I'll upload another chapter of this story. And I think this will work because I have around 20ish chapters of Our Love planned and exactly 15 chapters of this story planned.

Well, feel free to review and tell me what you think. All I ask is that you be polite about it.