Hi there guys! I missed updating, but I was super busy... I had science projects, which are always a pain, and lots of academic competitions (that I placed in, hehehe). I now have time to update, and I am glad to be back. There's lots of new hype for RoKa, and now the name of the ship is slowly transforming into Rogura. I like that much better, I think it sounds a lot more unique.

You should all check out Grace, at { .com}. She loves this pairing and has drawn lots of art for them. A lot of new shippers have resulted from her, so go give her some love.

That's enough of me, here's the chapter.

"Erza, where's my cardigan? Erza. Erza!" The brown haired female yanked the large headphones out of her roommate's ears, causing a cry that closely resembled a dying animal.

"What! What!"

"Where's my cardigan?"

"I don't know! I didn't even know you owned a cardigan! All I see on you is jackets! And tights! You could be Batman for Halloween, you know. You and your frowns and tights, you could make it happen."

There was a fit of laughter heard from their kitchen.

"Goddamnit Minerva, what are you doing in the kitchen! Please don't tell me you're cooking, please."

Minerva's head turned to face the scarlet haired loud-mouth, scoffing. "At least I can make my own favorite food."

"Are you mocking my baking skills? Oh, you better watch it, or I'll shave your tiny eyebrows off."

Kagura slapped Erza on the arm painfully (painfully, not playfully). "Are you drunk?"

"No, I'm not, I'm eating, there's a difference. I haven't ate anything this whole day, except this. Except this. Can you believe that?" One of her hands continued to shove some more bite-sized brownies into her mouth.

"Minerva, have you seen my cardigan?"

"Yeah, I fried it and put it in Erza's dinner the other day."


"Seriously! Where is it!"

Minerva stopped what she was doing in the kitchen, opened the fridge, and pulled the cardigan out.

"What the hell! That's mine!"

Erza began to erupt in a fit of laughter then proceeded to choke on her brownies.

"Why? Why the cardigan?"


"Because what?"

"Because I felt like it. HEY ERZA! Kagura's going on a date tonight." A smirk evident on her face, Minerva idly poked at the delicious food cooking in the pan.

Erza's eyes averted from her bowl of brownies and widened at the other female. "YOU'RE GOING ON A DATE!"

"No! NO! it's not like that!"
"Oh yes it is."

"MY LITTLE KAGURA'S ALL GROWN UP!" Erza jumped up and glomped, literally glomped, Kagura.

Minerva smirked and went back to cooking, while Kagura shoved her... Her... onee-sama off of her body. She decided not to wear the frozen cardigan. Sliding her boots on, she set out for the door.

"But Minerva, when do you think Kagura's last date was?"

"Before Christ."


"Shut up. I'm leaving now."

"Wait my little Kagura! Don't get pregnant!"

There was no goodbye, just a slam from the door.

Erza's stomach was starting to contort from all the brownies she consumed. She was going to need real food, and fast. "Minerva, have you seen my cookbook?"

It's only 6:50. I'm so weird. Why I am I so weird. I'm really weird.

She stood in front of her neighbor's door, repeatedly opening her phone to check the time. 6:51. 6:52. 6:53. Almost time. 6:54.

Suddenly a voice echoed from inside the house. "You know I can see you right?"

Shit! All the blood ran a marathon towards Kagura's face. She opened her mouth to say something, but before she could, the door quietly opened. "You get all bouncy when you're waiting, it's kinda cute."


"Come inside, it's cold out here."

The dark haired female carefully stepped inside. The loft was warm, with a cozy feel to it. It was simplistic, decorated with modern furniture. Kagura didn't want to be sexist or anything, but it looked pretty clean for a male having dwelling.

Rogue led her to the small kitchen and politely ejected a chair from the table, which was set very nicely with a beautifully arranged chicken marsala and two small bundles of rice on opposite sides. A candle was gently burning in the middle.

"This looks and smells amazing, Rogue." And she meant it. The air, it just felt right, in ways that she couldn't explain.

"Hey, that's a start."


"The way you talked to me, just now. You lost the awkward." He smirked.

"Was I really... that awkward?"

"Not much. It was just obvious." The two of them looked at each other at the same time, quickly pushed the chairs back in, and went over to the sink to wash their hands. "...Did you see that? We have mental synchronization."

And then it was quiet, because they both knew the familiar line of the familiar movie that was now on DVD in familiar stores. Is he going to say it... Or am I...

Suddenly, in unison, "Can have but one explanation."

If they had a nickel for every time they blushed, they would have quite the amount of nickels.

"Okay, this awkwardness, it needs to stop. It's cute, I'll tell you that, but it's weird. So, let's stop it." Kagura dried her hands with a paper towel, and Rogue did the same close behind her. They both sat down, and looked at each other.

"I have this... idea. Okay, every time one of us takes a bite, we share something about ourselves. And after you say something, you pick a topic. Like... After you tell me your favorite color, you pick a topic such as favorite food. And the game goes on. We alternate, obviously." Rogue triumphantly smiled at her, who raised an eyebrow in acceptance of this challenge. "I'll start. Favorite color."

"Brown." A bite of her food was taken. "This is delicious, by the way." She smiled, and he returned it.

"Brown, huh? Why brown?"

"It's calm. Not too dark. And I love chocolate."

"You're not alone, Ms. Mikazuchi." He picked up his fork, and circled it around the bite he was about to take. "I like black and red."


"Obviously?" The warm laughter filled the room. Something. Something was drawing them in, and it felt as if... If they complied, their sense of belonging would feel complete. "Now tell me your favorite caffeinated drink, so I can re-name it after you."

They shared more things, from their favorite animals, to their favorite seasons, to their dream jobs when they were kids. Once, they had to stop the game when Kagura had to run away from the table to get a series of tissues, and began her sneezing fit. Which was funny, to Rogue. And it was cute. Time went by, and hell it went by quickly. He never mentioned her scars that were visible the other day. This was day was their nice note.

The disappointment was visible when the plates in front of them became bare. Rogue was thinking about walking her home, even though he didn't want to. Not at all. The night was still young, anyway. "...Kagura." It was the way he said it, he said it like no one else did. He made an emphasis on all the syllables, but it didn't come out robotic or slow. "Would you like to walk with me?" He really didn't want to lose this. This was something different, something beautifully new, something that gave him a feeling he always wanted.

"I would love to walk with you."

"I think they're leaving." Erza lowered her binoculars and snuggled closer to her friend, also with her in the closest bush to the window of the house of their desires.


"Don't what?"

"Move closer to me. We aren't a cute little lesbian couple on TV." Minerva scooted a little to the right, only to have Erza do the same.

"Mini, it's cold. I need warmth." She grasped the arm of her roommate in a clinging manner, nudging her head. Minerva scoffed and aggressively tried to pull away, resulting in rustling in their bush. "Jeez Minerva, shut the fuck up and let me hold you, they're coming out!"

Rogue opened the door for his date to walk out, then closed it. Kagura shivered, cursing to herself for not picking out a coat. But you know what they say, girls should never wear a coat to dates. Hehe. Sure enough, Rogue noticed.

"You're cold."

"Yes I am." A little too matter-of-factly.

"Why didn't you bring a jacket?"

"Minerva through my cardigan in the freezer because she felt like it. I think she has the rest of my closet in there." And then he was, removing his coat to place it snug around her shoulders. He smiled, because he knew this is what she was looking forward to. "If you wanted me to wrap you up, you could've just asked." Kagura was securing the coat with one hand, enabling Rogue to take her spare in his own.

They began their walk. There was no destination, they just took random turns every now and then, circling their neighborhood. The stillness of the night embraced them and the chirping of the crickets sung to them as they moved.

They were at the door now, a journey completed. He turned to face her and smiled. "Sadly, our night is at it's end, Kagura Mikazuchi."

"Thank you for this, Rogue."

"Thank you for being here."

This is the nice note. His hand slowly moved up to her cheek, lips pressing softly to hers. Gentle and quick, no intentions to harm. This is the nice note.

So that's it! I don't know if it was a little rushed, but the new chapter should be out soon. I have a lot of time to update now, as I've said. Now, what you need to do, is review this. Now. Reviews keep me updating, so please... please... please review. Do not leave. Without reviewing. Okay, I'm off to read the newest FT chapter, don't forget to review!