Hey there, has been soooooo long since I updated and for that, I'm sorry. But I'm finding it hard to juggle so many stories at once.

Also, I got this review from a guest called "blader DJ," who said that my story started good but turned into a train wreck. If he's reading this, then I have a message for him. I'm curious as to what part of the story you find turns it into a train wreck exactly. And Jeremy and Kyoya's rivalry and stuff actually has an impact on the story. Jeremy has a connection to the antagonist of this story. Also, it's used to help develop Kyoya's character in the story and for an important purpose later on. I respect your opinion, but I want to now what part you found bogus. And another thing, this was my first try at writing a beyblade story, which is why it might not be so perfect.

Now that that's out of the way, onto the chapter. Oh and remember once your done reading this chapter, PLEASE REVIEW!

Chapter 15: Striker's Assault

"The Battle Bladers World Championship is the best way to prove that I'm the best," said the Boy as he exited the train and walked onto the platform. He wore a green jumper, shorts and had tall spiky hair. He clutched a green bey in his hand and had a goofy grin across his face. "But in order to prove myself Number 1 blader in the world! I have to defeat the best of the best! And I can't wait till the end of this tournament to face him!"

The Boy ran out of the station and into the city. He pointed at the sky and said. "You hear me Gingka? I, Masamune Kadoya will beat you and claim the title of the best blader in the world!"

Gingka walked through the streets, looking for more opponents to battle when suddenly a bey whipped past him, and he recognized it as Metal Destructor.

"Brock!" cursed Gingka angrily as he followed the bey to a dark alley. Waiting there was Brock with a twisted smirk on his face.

"Hello Gingka," chuckled Brock maliciously. "I've been watching."

"What for?" demanded Gingka angrily.

"My job was rid you of this world," explained Brock. "But since I failed the first time I've come back for seconds."

"Don't mess with me," warned Gingka. "Ever since my loss, I've grown so much stronger."

"Oh," replied Brock sarcastically. "I'm so scared. What are you going to do? Say your pathetic bladers heart speech?"

"How dare you!" cried Gingka enraged as he death starred Brock.

"Keep your shirt on," spat Brock as Gingka approached him. "The time for our rematch isn't now. But soon, I will be back and I will crush you once again. This time, you won't wake up though."

With that Brock saluted and grinned evilly before stepping back into the shadows and vanishing.

"Come back here you coward!" roared Gingka, but it was no sue. Brock was gone.

"Let It Rip!"

Masamune cheered as his new bey Swift Striker rocketed into the arena and quickly charged at all of the opponents' beys.

"We've got this little punk!" bragged one of the bladers.

"I don't think so!" replied Masamune. "Because you're facing off against the Number 1 blader in the world!"

"Yeah right!"

"Then let me prove it!" smirked Masamune. "Striker!"

Striker charged forward and smashed a few oncoming beys out of the arena before continuing its charge.

"Striker!" roared Masamune. "Special Move! Lightning Shockwave!"

A green unicorn rose from Masamune's bey and lighting poured into its horn.

"Go get 'em Striker!" ordered Masamune as the Green Unicorn aimed its horn and streams of lightning burst from it like a laser beam, knocking numerous amounts of beys from the arena with ease.

"Now way!" cried the bladers as their beys were knocked out of the arena.

"I won't lose to this twerp!" cursed the head Blader. "Capricorn! Horn Crusher!"

A red goat with mighty horns appeared and charged towards the Green Unicorn, using its horns to knock it the other side of the arena with a crash.

The Blader smirked as he heard the others cheering for him.

"Don't think this is the end!" shot Masamune as Striker appeared from the smoke of the attack.

"Say what!" gasped the Blader. "He survived?"

"You bet!" cheered Masamune as he fist pumped the air. "Now check this out! Run Striker!"

Striker moved to the outside of the arena and built up power, crackling with green energy in the process.

"Not another special move?" groaned the Blader in panic.

"Here it comes!" exclaimed Masamune. "Striker! Special move! Lightning Horn Assault!"

The Green Unicorn appeared and its horn sparked with green lightning before charging towards the Red Goat.

"Capricorn!" cried the Blader uneasy. "Horn Crush!"

The Red Goat charged forward as did the Green Unicorn. However, as the Unicorn charged, the horn formed a tornado around it, creating a torpedo style attack.

"Say what!" cried the Blader in shock.

"Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" cried Masamune. "Striker!"

The Blader shrieked as the Green Unicorn smashed into the Red Goat vaporizing it in the process. Meanwhile, Striker collided with Capricorn, sending it flying out of the arena and landing with a crash.

"Oh right!" cheered Masamune as he recalled Striker. "I'm totally going to beat Gingka and be Number 1!"

"You're good I'll give you that," commented Kyoya as he appeared, having watched the battle. "But you're no match for Gingka!"

"And why's that Kyoya?" asked Masamune.

Kyoya smirked. "Because only I can defeat Gingka!"

"Then why don't we see who get's the right to fight Gingka then!" suggested Masamune.

"Fine with me," replied Kyoya. "My Leone will crush you!"

"Not if my Swift Striker crushes you first!" retorted Masamune as he held out his new Striker. The new Striker was green like it originally was. It had the same green striker energy ring as usual and the same went with its face bolt. However, its silver Swift Fusion wheel had three thin blades on it, giving it more attack power then ever. It also had a green spin track and performance tip as well.

"New bey huh?" scoffed Kyoya. "Doesn't matter because Leone is the best no matter what!"

"Get ready!" challenged Masamune as he readied Striker.

"Bring it!" responded Kyoya as he readied his bey.

"Three!" cried Masamune.

"Two!" added Kyoya.

"One!" exclaimed the two bladers in union.

"Let It Rip!"

Striker and Leone shot from their respective bladers launchers and landed in the arena.

"I'm going to end this quick!" declared Masamune. "Striker!"

Striker wasted no time and shot towards Leone who fought back the attack and managed to slam it away.

"You can't beat me with attacks like that!" spat Kyoya.

"Alright then!" retorted Masamune. "Then how about a classic! Striker! Lighting Sword Flash!"

The Green Unicorn appeared and its horn charged with green electricity.

"Charge!" ordered Masamune as he pointed at Leone and his bey charged.

"Pathetic!" retorted Kyoya. "Leone! Lion Gale Force Wall!"

A Green Lion appeared and roared; creating a tornado that shielded it from Striker, deflecting its attack.

"Darn it!" cursed Masamune as he gritted his teeth.

"My turn!" smirked Kyoya. "Leone! King Lion Wild Wind Fang Dance!"

The Lion Gale Force Wall slowed down and began to move around the arena, knocking away Striker when it hit it.

"Oh no!" panicked Masamune.

"Roar Leone!" cried Kyoya fiercely as the Green Lion appeared and pounced on the Green Unicorn.

"No way I'm going down like this!" cursed Masamune. "Striker! Lightning Horn Slash!"

The Green Unicorn managed to repel the Green Lion and then it charged its horn once more. It neighed proudly before charging at the whirlwind surrounding Leone.

"You dare take on the Wild Wind Fang Dance?" questioned Kyoya.

"You bet I do!" answered Masamune. "No slice and dice Striker!"

As the Green Unicorn approached the whirlwind it used its horn to slash through the wind, disrupting the current and making it fall apart.

"Say what?" cursed Kyoya angrily.

"Oh right!" cheered Masamune. "Now keep going and attack Leone Striker!"

The Green Unicorn continued its assault and the green bey smashed into Leone, knocking it back.

Kyoya growled in frustration. "You're going to pay for that one! Watch this! Leone! King Lion Tearing Blast!"

The Green Lion appeared and roared powerfully as an assortment of tornadoes appeared, horrifying Masamune in the process.

"Crud," cursed Masamune.

"Let's see you get out of this!" shot Kyoya.

"Fine then!" replied Masamune. "Striker! Special move! Lightning Shockwave!"

The Green Unicorn appeared and lightning fell from the sky and pulsed into its horn.

"So what!" scoffed Kyoya.

"So this!" shot back Masamune. "Attack Striker!"

As the tornadoes approached the Unicorn, it fired a stream of green energy at the closest one, smashing it apart in the process.

"How the heck did he…?" questioned Kyoya before being cut off by Masamune's cheering.

"Strike again!" commanded Masamune as the Unicorn opened fire on all of the tornadoes, destroying them in the process.

"Want to fight dirty huh?" hissed Kyoya. "Then take this! Leone! Lion 100 Fang Fury!"

The Green Lion appeared once again and roared; creating a strong wind current that ripped up the ground and threw the debris at Striker.

"Let's see you think your way out of this one!" roared Kyoya.

Masamune groaned as the debris crashed into Striker, knocking it around the arena in the process.

"I won't back down!" exclaimed Masamune. "I won't lose either! I have to make it to the top to fight Gingka! Striker! Lightning Horn Assault!"

The Green Unicorn appeared and its horn charged with power before charging into the storm of debris.

"What are you doing?" asked Kyoya.

"About to kick your but!" declared Masamune. "Go Striker!"

As the Unicorn charged, a green tornado formed around it, protecting it from the oncoming debris from Leone's attack.

"I don't think so!" retorted Kyoya. "Leone! King Lion Furious Blast Shot!"

Leone immersed itself in a twisted and rocketed towards Striker like a bullet.

"Here we go Striker!" roared Masamune as his bey rocketed towards Leone.

"Roar Leone!" ordered Kyoya as his bey shot towards Striker.

"Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" exclaimed the two bladers in union as the two beys clashed fiercely. Sparks flew as metal clashed with metal. Finally, Striker's power overcame Leone's and knocked it up into the sky.

"I won!" cheered Masamune.

"Not yet!" interrupted Kyoya. "Leone! King Lion Reverse Wind Strike!"

"Oh no!" panicked Masamune as Leone flipped upside down and shot a tornado down at Striker.

"Quick Striker!" cried Masamune in desperation. "Lightning Sword Flash!"

The Unicorn charged its horn before leaping up into the air and meeting with Leone's tornado strike. Smashing it sway through, the Unicorn made its way up to the Green Leone who roared and lept at the Unicorn.

There was an explosion above the arena and Kyoya and Masamune cried out as their beys gave it their all before falling back down to earth with a crash. When the smoke cleared, both beys were lying on the ground.

"A draw," growled Kyoya.

"Looks like we'll have to settle this another time," smirked Masamune as he reclaimed his bey.

"Don't let this make you believe you'll have a chance against me next time," warned Kyoya.

"I looked forward to our next battle!" called out Masamune as he left.

'I need to get stronger,' thought Kyoya. 'I'm not strong enough yet to face Jeremy. If I drew with Masamune then I definitely need more practise.'

Kyoya growled before picking up Leone. "You hear me Jeremy! I'm coming for you!"

There you have it guys; I reintroduced Masamune into the story, although he isn't going to be playing a big part. It will be Gingka, Kyoya and someone else. I won't tell you yet because it will spoil the surprise.

Anyway, I'd like to say thank you haziq, masterkarlton and karltondolo for reviewing, I really appreciate it. Also, PLEASE REVIEW THIS CHAPTER AS WELL!