Authors Note: Hey everyone! I would just like to welcome you all to my second ever story. (Decided to take a break from my other one.) Draco and Hermione have literally been yelling at me for the past couple of weeks to write them a story so dammit fine, I will! Now shut up! Haha anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this first chapter :) I plan to make this story pretty angsty and smutty along the journey and I'm possibly going to be making Draco darker then I have in the past. Not sure how much but we'll see where he takes me!

Disclaimer: Blah Blah I own nothing blah blah.

Chapter One

"Is it my imagination or did Granger get hot?"

Draco snorted into his pumpkin juice at Zabini's obvious jest. There was no way in hell that bookish know-it-all mudblood could ever be attractive. Mousy brown hair, eyes the color of her blood, and no tits. Yeah…not possible.

"I'm telling you mate, that prim little bint grew up over the summer. Helluva shame her knickers are locked tighter than Gringott's vaults." Blaise mused while watching the unsuspecting Gryffindor Princess.

Draco flicked his eyes up finally, curiosity getting the best of him. What he saw completely gob smacked him. His eyes must be deceiving him. There was no way that this brunette bombshell was his most hated enemy. Was it? The girl making her way to her house's table was exquisite. Bushy curls tamed into tawny gold waves falling to the middle of her back, skin sun-kissed golden, eyes like his father's finest whiskey, curves to tighten a man's trousers instantly and legs for miles.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." Draco murmured, unable to comprehend the change. His pulse had picked up and his lower region awakened. His fist clenched his goblet in anger, not liking his body's reaction to the Golden Girl one bit.

"See what I mean? Only took till 7th year but better late than never, eh?" Blaise chuckled lasciviously before returning his attention to his meal. Draco wanted to do the same but the cursed wench had all of his attention and he hated her for it.

"So, you'll never guess what I've received over the summer!" Hermione said excitedly once she sat down with Harry and Ron at the Gryffindor table. Ron's cheeks reddened immediately, nearly knocking his goblet over in his haste to busy himself with it. Harry snickered to himself knowing exactly the reason why. They both noticed the obvious difference in their female companion. Not that Harry was interested in her like that. No, there was a certain red-haired beauty that was all his own. Ron though, well, he hadn't been quite able to look Hermione dead in the face through the whole ride on Hogwarts Express.

"Sex appeal?" asked Parvati teasingly from the right of her. Hermione rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"Very funny, but no. You're looking at your new 7th year Head Girl!" she squealed, bouncing slightly in her seat, pride of her achievement glowing in her eyes. Harry and Ron gave supportive claps, both grinning in amusement.

"Well it's no wonder, really. It was probably destined since first year that you would end up with it." Said Harry. Hermione stuck her tongue out at him before smiling.

"Wonder who'll be Head Boy this year." Ron said, forking his dumplings.

"Oh, he speaks!" Hermione said in mock surprise, giving a laugh. Ron sputtered, the tips of his ears tinged red in embarrassment.

Parvati having been listening, leaned close.

"I hear that it's someone from Slytherin this year. Not sure who exactly though. One person said Theodore Nott, but he's been more busy chasing tail than studying so I doubt it."

"Parv the Perv. Who would have known?" laughed Hermione, shaking her head at the girl's bluntness. Parvati's mouth gaped, shocked at Granger's very non prudish reaction.


"Nothing. I like this new you." Parvati replied before turning away to engage her sister into conversation.

"Have I really changed that much?" Hermione asked her two male friends, her brows knitting in confusion at everyone's behavior. On the train she had received many stares from both genders and it had continued when entering Hogwarts. The new attention made her nervous and on edge, wondering what was up with it.

Ron choked on a piece of chicken. Fred, taking notice, whacked him on the back hard a couple times to assist. George sniggered into his pumpkin juice before setting it down.

"Look, the thing is Hermione…I'm gonna come right out and say it since Ronnie-kins here can't. You've got a banging body and a face to match."

"Too right you are George." Fred affirmed, giving Hermione a leering grin. Hermione blushed profusely and cleared her throat; Ron finally recovering to glare at his brothers. Harry took pity on the girl.

"Don't listen to these lechers Herms. Yeah you've changed a bit but so what. You're still the same smart, wonderful friend we've always had okay?"

She smiled at him gratefully and nodded, taking a breath to steady herself once again.

It was getting late and she still needed to unpack her things in the dorm that she would be sharing with only one other for the rest of the year. She hurried to the end of the second floor, stopping in front of a painting depicting an angel and a demon playing chess and stated the password, "Dragonsblood". The painting swung outward and she stepped through the entrance into the candle-lit common room area. The boy that looked over to meet her startled gaze made her blood run cold. It couldn't be. Fate couldn't be that cruel could it? Please, no. A smirk curled the boy's lips, slate-grey eyes narrowing.

"Well if it isn't my favorite little mudblood."

A/N: I know it's a bit short. I'm testing the waters a bit with this chapter to see the response it gets. Consider it like a pilot episode lol

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