I OWN NOTHING BUT CHIYO, RIMA (who I totally forgot exsisted),
NAOKI AND DAICHI! (who will apper in this chapter! YAY!)



A day later

Chiyo's POV

"Where … am I?" I whispered to myself as I awoke to a strange room. I was laying on a huge bed which was styled in a royal-style. The walls were bluish and there were some furniture's but what scared me was the creepy silence in this room. I brought the cover closer to my chin, my eyes filling with tears at the thought that no one was around.

I jumped as suddenly the door flung open, a red-haired boy walking into the room before closing the door and locking it. I felt my skin crawl as I looked into his icy-eyes, a smirk appearing on his face as he walked towards me.

"Good morning, dear princess! How are you feeling today?" He asked and I wanted to back away from him only to find him suddenly wrapping his arms around me, his face nuzzling into my neck. My eyes widened as he kissed the mark on my neck and tears filled my green eyes as he tightened his grip around me.

"You're so warm and pure … even though you carry the baby of a traitor …" I heard him whisper and I squeezed my eyes shut as he placed a hand over my belly. I started to shake with fear but he just rubbed my belly which was already a bit swollen. He chuckled into my neck.

"Are you afraid, Chiyo-chan?"

"What do you want from me …? Where is Kisshu …?" I whispered and I felt him stop rubbing my belly before he tightened his grip on my shoulder.

"You're far from home, dear Chiyo, and don't think about that traitor again. He's not going to find you; you will forever stay here with me now, Chiyo-chan …" He said as he turned me around, causing our eyes to meet. I stared at him with shock, not believing what I just heard.


"Don't worry, little Chiyo. I will make you forget about that traitor. I promise you that you will be safe if you just stay near me …" He whispered as he stroked my cheek. Tears stung my eyes and I squeezed them shut, tightening my grip on the blanket.

"I can't do that! I can never forget Kisshu! Bring me to him! Now!" I shouted and I heard him chuckle before I felt something soft on my lips. Snapping my eyes open, I found him kissing me. I pulled back but he quickly wrapped his arms around me, pulling me back into the kiss. I struggled to get free but he just tightened his grip around me.

He stopped after some time and I tried to catch my breath, tears rolling over my cheeks as I stared wide-eyed at the wall. He moved his lips to my ear and I felt his breath brushing over my neck. He sighed and could see him close his eyes before whispering into my ear.

"You will forget him … otherwise I will make all three of you suffer … get some rest … princess …" He whispered before vanishing, leaving me to stare at nothing as my mind went blank. Tears fell from my eyes and I brought my hands up to cover my mouth, preventing myself from screaming. Where was I? How did I come here? Who is that guy? Where is Kisshu? What the hell happened to everyone?!


Kisshu's POV

"Damn it!" I punched the screen in front of me and clenched my teeth together; who dared to kidnap Chiyo?! I growled at no one and removed my fist from the still function-able computer. No trace or idea of where Chiyo or that stupid kidnaper could be!

If I would have just listened to her, then this whole thing would have not happened! I fell into the seat and buried my face in my hands, sighing deeply with guilt and shame. Chiyo … she is probably scared like hell! I'm so stupid …

"Kisshu …" I heard Pai's voice say behind me but I didn't move or reply. I couldn't take it anymore. Where the hell could Chiyo be …?

"I think we should talk to the Mews now … It doesn't help us if we stay here and do nothing. The only place where Chiyo can be is on Earth and we could really need some help from these humans. If someone has the technology to scan every little angle of Earth then it is that Ryou-guy." Pai informed and I looked up at the bright screen of the computer. My eyes scanned the map on the screen before I turned to look at my brother. He was right. We may be a higher race than the humans but we don't have the technology to scan Earth after living beings.

"Let's go to Café Mew Mew." I said and Pai nodded before he called someone into the room. I knew that someone and I rolled my eyes, sighing heavily as the boy walked into the room. Daichi grinned at me and I sighed again as he bowed.

"Nice to see ya' again, Kishy-kun!" Daichi said as he smiled at me, his bright, violet eyes sparkling at seeing me once again.

He was wearing baggy ¾ pants which were a dark purple, almost black, colour along with a loose shirt similar to Taruto's only that his was reaching his belly-button and was a lighter colour than his pants. He wore black boots which reached his ankles and the ribbons around his fore arms were a violet colour. He had royal-blue hair which was tied into a short pig-tail at the back of his head while his bangs almost reached his eyes. They were longer at the sides and it could have been my hair-style if he would have tied them into pig-tails. That stupid boy …

"Yeah … nice to see you, Daichi. How are you doing these days?" I asked bored and Daichi smirked, knowing how much he annoys me.

"Ach, ya' know. Doin' this and doin' that, like ever, dear cousin!" Daichi said and I rolled my eyes. Why does he have to speak in such a stupid way? I looked over to Pai who just shrugged.

"We will need every help we can find and Daichi was the only warrior who doesn't have a mission or anything to do right now." Pai said and I groaned as I saw Daichi grinning like mad.

"Isn't this fun, Kishy? We finally get to play again!" He cooed and I sighed heavily, crossing my arms over my chest as I sunk deeper into the seat. Daichi saw this and frowned before teleporting next to me, poking my shoulder. What a kid … well, I couldn't blame him; he was still 14 after all.

"Ne, Kishy, what's wrong with ya'?" He asked and I looked at him with disbelief.

"What the-? Chiyo got kidnapped and you ask me what the fucking hell should be wrong with me?! Oh, ya' know, I'm almost hyperventilating and you ask me what's wrong me?! I tell you what is wrong with me! I'm fucking worried sick, you dumbass!" I shouted and Daichi frowned before locking at Pai, giving him an asking look and then I understood what was going on.

"You didn't tell him anything?!" I screamed at Pai, who shrugged it off.

"I know Daichi and if I would have told him that this is a 'love-mission' then he would have never agreed to this." Pai said calmly and I groaned. Please kill me and bring me back to life!

"Let's go to Café Mew Mew, already!" I said, rubbing my temples as I saw how Daichi was getting bored and started floating circles in the air. Pai sighed and nudged Daichi, making him blink in surprise before he smiled brightly.

"Aren't there the Mews? I wanna meet them! Ne, is that purple girl still free? I heard that she is really hard to get!" Daichi said and I muttered something about childish kids getting a mission. Pai saw that and teleported, Daichi and I following shortly after.


At Café Mew Mew

Kisshu's POV

"What the hell are you guys doing here?! And who is this?!" Ryou screamed in complete shock as we have teleported into the basement of the Café. I sighed and land on the ground, looking behind me to find Pai having his usual façade on and Daichi floating cross-legged in the air with his arms crossed behind his head. Did I really act like him at that age?

Looking back at Ryou, I found him wanting to call the mews and I let him, because I didn't want to repeat myself for the girls. I automatically crossed my arms as I heard running footsteps on the stairs and in a blink were the mews along with Keiichiro in the basement. I sighed at seeing the girls' tense position and rose my arms into the air as a sign for them that we weren't here to attack. The girls slowly relaxed and my eyes fell on Ichigo as she glared at me. People never change, do they?

"What do you want?" Mint asked and my eyes travelled towards her. Did she know what she just did? Damn, she dug herself a grave … You want to know why? Well, Daichi isn't the person who likes non-welcoming greetings but I really hope he didn't hear.

"Yo, blue-head, does it go a lil' bit nicer? I mean, really now, we aren't here to attack and ya' dare to speak in such a way even though we just want to talk?!" Oh damn, he did.

"What does it bother you how I speak towards such beings as you?!" Mint said, glaring at the blue-haired boy behind me. I sighed and grimaced at her words. She was stubborn … Every girl was so damn stubborn!

"Ohhhhh, ya' didn't just say that!" Daichi said, pointing a dramatic finger at Mint while glaring daggers at her. Mint glared back and was just about to speak as I snapped.

"Does it even matter what you guys talk about?! We aren't here to cause an amok so just shut up!" I shouted and Daichi instantly shut up while Mint just crossed her arms and grumbled. Keiichiro frowned at seeing my irritated mood and I knew that he would say:

"Did anything happen?"

I sighed and lowered my head, growling at re-thinking that Chiyo was kidnapped. Pai sighed and walked up to me, snapping me out of my glare-contest with the ground.

"We came here to inform you that Chiyo got kidnapped and the only place where she can be right now is somewhere here on Earth. We don't have the technology to scan Earth after her so we thought that, if you agree to a temporary truce, you can help us search after Chiyo." Pai said and the mews gasped while Keiichiro and Ryou looked shocked. I narrowed my eyes at the mews and soon they fell on Ichigo. Her eyes held a spark of hope in them.

"Do you know who kidnapped her?" Ryou asked and I shook my head, looking at Pai who was as serious as never before.

"We would appreciate it if you would help us. Chiyo is important for us and if something happens to her then the hope of thousandth of people would vanish along with her. We need your help." Pai said and I mentally gasped at his words. Did he really just tell them how important Chiyo for us is? What if they would try to use her powers?

"We will help you." Keiichiro said and my eyes widened as I looked at his smiling face.

"WHAT?!" The mews - except for Zakuro - and Ryou screamed at him in disbelief. Keiichiro ignored them and continued smiling towards me.

"We didn't even agree to this and you just so decide to say 'Yes!'?!" Ryou shouted and Keiichiro gave him a stern look.

"Don't you see the point of agreeing to this? If we will help them then they would leave Earth in peace. Didn't you guys realize that since Chiyo is with them, they didn't attack once? If we will help them find Chiyo then both Earth and their planet can live in peace, isn't that so?" Keiichiro said and looked at me at the end, a small smile playing on his lips at seeing my disbelief.

"That's true. Chiyo is our saviour. If something happens to her then all hope of finally living in harmony would vanish, that's why we beg you to help us." Pai said and I looked at him, sighing as I lowered my hands.

"Whoa! I didn't know that Kisshu's mate is our saviour! Why didn't ya' tell me?!" Daichi whined as he popped up next to me, pouting about the fact that no one told him about Chiyo. I groaned before glaring daggers at my cousin. Why were the people around me acting like fools?!

"Daichi, if I hear one more stupid word leave your mouth then you will regret that choice for at least ten years, did you hear me?!" I shouted and Daichi sighed, getting once again bored as he looked at the mews. Why does everyone take this so easy?! Chiyo is in danger and all everyone does is stare at each other!

"I will go make some tea and in the meantime Ryou will show you our scanners. I will be back in no time." Keiichiro said before he walked upstairs to make some tea. I sighed; maybe something like tea can calm my nerves.

"Pai, if you don't mind." Ryou sighed as he motioned towards the computers. Pai nodded and walked up to Ryou before the two of them started to talk about bla bla bla. I didn't really care to listen so I just went over to a seat and sat down, sighing while I watched how Daichi was rocking back and forth in the air.

"Well, I don't think we know each other! The name's Daichi! How ya' doin' today, girls?" Daichi finally broke the silence and I mentally chuckled at how stupid he looked right now. The girls stared at him as if he was crazy but Pudding was the first one to answer.

"The name's Pudding, na no da! Daichi Onii-chan speaks really funny, na no da!" Pudding cheered as she pointed a finger at Daichi who frowned at her statement.

"'Speaks funny'? What do ya' mean by that, lil' one?" Daichi asked, his violet eyes sparkling in the dim light. Pudding laughed and looked up at the others.

"I think she doesn't understand your accent, Daichi-kun. My name is Lettuce Midorikawa." Lettuce said as she smiled shyly at the now cheerful alien. Daichi grinned at her, his eyes sparkling as he looked her up and down.

"Midori, ne? Fits ya'!" Daichi said and laughed as Lettuce blushed scarlet. Zakuro stepped forward and looked emotionlessly at the younger alien, who tilted his head to one side. He always adored this Mew. Pai and Taruto always said she was the second-leader of the mews.

"Zakuro Fujiwara." Zakuro said as she looked the alien up and down. Daichi did the same before a grin came to his face.

"Nice to meet ya'!" Daichi said as he bowed in front of her. Zakuro nodded to herself before she stepped back. Daichi's eyes travelled to Mint and his grin disappeared for a second before a smile came to his lips again.

"Ne, blue-sky, would ya' like to tell me your name?" Daichi asked in the most polite tone he could muster. Mint huffed and turned her head to the side.


"Ah, a spicy one! Fits your character, ne, darling?" Daichi chuckled and Mint glared at him, shutting him up. I grinned at that. Ah, young love. It appears at the strangest places. I chuckled at the thought. Daichi turned to Ichigo and I crossed my arms over my chest sighing as I imagined how Ichigo would call him a pervert too.

"And who, if I may ask, are you, Sweetie?" Daichi asked and I was surprised that he didn't speak in that funny voice. Na, maybe is it just a temporary thing anyway.

"I'm Ichigo Momomiya! Nice to meet you, Daichi!" Ichigo said and smiled sweetly at the violet-eyed alien. I narrowed my eyes at her. Why was she acting like this? It was a bit too strange … I will have to ask the mews about her behaviour in the last months.


Had to stop here because I'm already too tired!
Anyway, hope you enjoyed and check out my Brother's updated
Story Neko-Mimi-Problems! I love that Story!