Kim lay in bed thinking, her black hair spread across the pillow and hazel eyes unfocused. She was thinking about all sorts of things, but her thoughts were mainly revolving around how to escape marriage. Usually girls got married on their 16th birthday, and hers was tomorrow, but she found this idea extremely unpleasant. She wanted to have adventures and see the world, not to be forced into spending the rest of her life in this boring town, married to one of its boring inhabitants.

She knew it was ridiculous to think like this, and that she was being weird again, but she didn't care. She wasn't like the other girls in the village; she preferred actually using her brain. She blamed her father for this, as he had the unusual habit of treating her like a person rather than a small girl-creature or a doll whose only purpose in life was to grow up and be married off to someone.

She was distracted by the sound of voices downstairs. Wondering who it could be, as she didn't hear the front door open, she tiptoed to the top of the stairs to learn more. Her father always said her curiosity would be her downfall.

"I don't understand; is there anything else you can tell me, Rabbit?" That was her father speaking. Kim wondered how he knew this person.

"No, I'm afraid not. You'd have to ask Caterpillar," That was the person her father called 'Rabbit'. That was a strange name, and even stranger was the fact that she did not recognise this person's voice. Even though she despised talking to them she knew everyone in the village. She leaned forwards, wanting to know more. There was a pause and when the stranger spoke again he was much quieter. "I'm sorry to just barge in like this, but you know I wouldn't be here if it weren't important. We need you."

"Fine, I'll go back. But what's going to happen to Kim? Am I just supposed to leave her here?"

"Leave her with someone in the village and I'll watch over her as well."

"Thanks, Rabbit," They moved away from the stairs, preventing Kim from hearing the rest of their conversation, but she didn't notice as she was still reeling from the shock.

Her father was going to be leaving, on her birthday, and entrusting her to the care of those idiots from the village and someone she didn't even know. Her father had been there for as long as she could remember and was the only person she trusted. And from the sounds of it he was going somewhere he might get himself hurt, or even killed.

She quickly made up her mind; tomorrow she would follow him and help him, then when it was over they could come home. It was a simple plan and she liked it. She did not, however, actually think it would work.

She went back to her bedroom and packed a small bag to take with her. She put in a few items she knew would be useless (such as the book of her drawings and a china doll she had) but she took them along because they were important to her, and for some reason she felt like she wouldn't be coming back here. Once her bag was packed she climbed into bed and fell asleep instantly.