(Authors Note, setting)



"Bijuu, Summon, Deity Talking"

'Bijuu, Summon, Deity Thinking'



Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or anything else mentioned in the fanfic

Chapter 1: A family reunited

(October tenth Five years after the kyuubi attack)

In the village of Konohagakure no sato we see people setting up for the kyuubi festival the day which the yondaime hokage Minato Namikaze along with his wife Kushina Uzumaki gave up their lives in order to stop the kyuubi from destroying the village by sealing it into their new born son Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze. Minato wanted his son to be seen as a hero, but that is not what happened.

Instead of Naruto being seen as the hero he was suppose to be seen as he was isolated, beaten, poisoned, stabbed, starved among other things until age four. He was kicked out of the orphanage at age four because the matron decided to be rid of the "demon" as she called him. Of course Naruto was left in the dark about why he was hated, but he had people who cared for him.

The first people to help him where an Inu, and Neko masked ANBU that found him in the street one night looking for food when he was four. Naruto was of course afraid at first saying not to hurt him like the others which made them both frown behind their masks. They were able to get Naruto to calm down a bit, and took him to see the sandaime hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen. When they arrived at the tower, and were in front of the hokage he asked why did they bring Naruto here because he was suppose to be at the orphanage.

They explained to him that they found him in the street looking for food. The killing intent he let out was felt throughout the entire tower. He was about to ask Naruto why was he not in the orphanage when he noticed Naruto was shaking hiding behind the Neko masked ANBU. He reigned in his killing intent, and put on a kind face for Naruto. He apologized to Naruto for scaring him which shocked the young boy since no one was ever sorry, or kind to him.

He asked Naruto why was he in the streets, and not in his room in the orphanage. Naruto was afraid to tell him at first, but he saw in the eyes of the hokage that he was really concerned along with the two people who found him, so he told them that the matron kicked him out because she didn't want the "demon" tainting the other children. That made the three bloods' boil in rage. He told Naruto he could stay at the Sarutobi compound, until he was old enough to move out one day. That made Naruto cry tears of joy, and hug the hokage.

Since that day Naruto has been living at the compound with the Sarutobi family, and also got visits from his Inu ni-san, and Neko nee-chan as he called them now. He also calls the Hokage Hokage jii-jii which makes the wise man laugh.

He also made friends with Teuchi Ichiraku owner of a small ramen stand in the village, along with his eight year old daughter named Ayame Ichiraku. He meet them when his hokage jii-jii took him there one day for lunch. He was of course weary being around people he didn't know, but after a few visits he warmed up to them and of course we can't forget the food of the gods a.k.a. ramen as he calls it. He goes twice every three weeks since the hokage told him if he eats too much of it he will be short. That made Naruto pout, but he still loves going to see teuchi oji-san, and Ayame nee-chan.

He also met a jonin by the name of Asuma Sarutobi the son of the sandaime hokage after he came back from serving his time as a guardian of the fire temple, since he has been living at the compound for a year now. The man quickly warmed up to him and started treating Naruto like a nephew. Naruto always told Asuma that he was so cool for being a ninja and will be stronger than him one day which made him ruffle Narutos' hair, and say "Maybe one day we will battle to see who is the strongest" which Naruto smiled at.

Right now Naruto is walking around the village looking at everyone setting things up for the festival, since the hokage was busy and his Inu ni-san, Asuma oji-san, and Neko nee-chan were on missions or atleast that's what he was told by the hokage and trying to ignore the glares, and whispers about him since the beatings and other things stopped a year ago, since he lived at the Sarutobi compound. That never stopped the villagers from still isolating him and kicking him out of stores when he was alone. He wished that they would stop treating him like this, but no matter what he does they still treat him like he isn't human.

(Later that night)

The villagers were celebrating with fireworks and food stalls as usual during this time of year along with those that mourn on this day. Naruto was walking to the Sarutobi compound now since he knew that they were waiting for him to start a small party for him today since it's his birthday. On the way there he was hit in the back of the head and knocked out.

(Konoha warehouse district)

Naruto awoke when he felt someone kick him awake. He opened his eyes and noticed he was surrounded by villagers holding weapons. He looked wide-eyed in terror. He was trying to move and break free, but realized he couldn't move. He looked to his left, and right, and saw that he was tied to a stake.

"W-w-why?" Naruto asked in fear for his life.

A villager came up, and told him "Why are we doing this? Is that what you want to know?" Said the villager to which Naruto nodded, "It's simple really. You are a demon that attacked us five years ago and killed our loved ones so now we will kill you" and with that the beating began.

(Sarutobi compound)

At the compound a few people were waiting for the birthday boy to show up for his party. The hokage, and his family were there along with Inu and Neko. They been waiting for him for about an hour already, but he hasn't shown up. They were getting worried. So they left to go look for him hoping nothing bad happened to him, but if only they knew what was happening.

(Back to Naruto)

Naruto was currently bleeding and crying muttering to himself about why was this happening, and that he didn't hurt anyone. The last thing he thought before he lost consciousness was why was kami so cruel to him.

(Kami's realm)

In the realm where the gods, and goddesses lived three beautiful women were looking on the scene in unbridled fury. The first one was the goddess of life and order known as kami, or known to everyone in the realm as belldandy. Next to her was her sister the goddess of death and chaos known as shinigami, or known to everyone as Urd. The final one was the goddess of balance and nature known as tozi, or known to everyone as peorth. The three goddesses were currently shaking in fury looking at the adorable boy they have been smitten with for a few years now being beaten by idiotic humans.

"That is it! I have been patient long enough with these people thinking they will be over their grief, but apparently I was wrong. Urd I want you to bring Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki here this instant!" yelled a furious Belldandy.

Urd looked at her sister in shock since Belldandy was usually the calm and gentle one, but it seems she finally cracked. She nodded and disappeared in a flash of white light and as soon as she disappeared she arrived with the two mentioned individuals. They both looked around wondering where they were until they noticed they were in front of the three goddesses and bowed.

"Rise you two. We have something very important to discuss" said Belldandy.

They both rose as asked and Kushina decided to speak.

"Lady kami why have we been summoned here? I thought I would be in heaven with Minato for eternity? asked Kushina. (Due to Minato having a pure heart his soul was not consumed by Urd)

"That was to be the case, but I asked for you two here in order to go back to your world, and live to help a certain child" said Belldandy in a calm manner, but you can still feel the anger in her voice.

"Who are we to help?" asked a curious Minato.

"Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze, your son" said Belldandy in a sad tone with a tear flowing down her cheek.

Both looked at kami with wide-eyes and disbelief. They both thought Naruto was doing okay without them, since Minato wanted him to be seen as a hero.

"W-w-what?" said a shaken Kushina with her voice being above a whisper, but everyone heard her.

Belldandy said nothing, and instead showed them Naruto's life from once they died uptil now when she summoned them. Both looked on horrified and angry that the village they died to protect harmed a child, but no not just any child THEIR child, and that only a few people followed their wishes. They wondered where was Jiraiya. Why wasn't he taking care of Naruto. Both looked at each other and then at the three goddesses, and as one bowed as low as they could.

"P-p-please our lady send us immediately to our son. We thought he would be safe with his godfather, but apparently we chose wrong and only a few followed our wishes" said Kushina with tears flowing down her face.

"I-i-I thought my sensei would be there for him, but I was proven wrong. I also thought the village would honor my family's sacrifice, but I guess I put too much faith in them. Please our lady send us soon, so we may show that idiotic village just WHO'S son they are messing with" said Minatao with tears in his eyes, but also with a huge amount of anger at his former village.

"Very well I will, but just so you know Minato you will not take the hokage position again because both of you will be there for Naruto and Naruto only" said Belldandy.

*Snort* "Forgive me my lady, but I wasn't going to take the position again even if you begged me to because quite frankly those people don't deserve me back after what I just found out" said a now furious Minato.

The goddess of life and order just giggled at Minato's response, but put a serious expression. "Listen well you two. When I send you to save Naruto you are allowed to tell those only Naruto trust that your're back. Also, tell Naruto that we goddesses are looking out for him and wish to make him our husband in the future." which caused the three goddesses to blush. That made both parents stare with wide-eyes and gaping like fishes out of water with disbelief that the three goddesses want to date their son.

Both just nodded their heads and with that the three goddesses sent the parents of their beloved to help him.

(Konoha warehouse)

The villagers looked at their handy work with smiles on their faces and were about to finish the "demon" when suddenly there was a flash of light. The light was powerful enough to blind them, and when it died down the villagers came face to face with an angry yondaime hokage and his wife.

"So, you people thought you could harm an innocent child, but oh no not just any child, but MY child. That has brought you an untold amount of pain and death for that offense. I hope your happy with yourselves" said a furious Minato while pulling out his hiraishin kunai.

The villagers paled in fear realizing that they just harmed the child of their beloved yondaime, but one stupid villager just had to say something.

"That thing is not your child it's an abomination because you turned the kyuubi into it so that we may finish what you started. It is best that it dies" said that one stupid villager which caused Minato to explode and deliver their souls to kami while Kushina started healing Naruto.

Afterwards both parents looked at their beloved sons' body and noticed the malnourishment even though Kushina was able to heal most of his injuries. Just as they were about to leave the warehouse door busted open to reveal the Sarutobi family along with Neko and Inu. Those who arrived looked around the warehouse and noticed the bodies of dead villagers, and two figures over Naruto's body. The sandaime moved forward and with authority demanded the two figures who they were, and what happened here.

The two figures turned around and to the shock of everyone, but mostly Hiruzen and Kakashi it was Naruto's parents the former yondaime hokage Minatao Namikaze, and his wife Kushina Uzumaki.

"H-h-how are you alive?" asked a very shocked sandaime hokage.

"We will answer that once we get to your compound" said Minato with cold looking eyes.

Everyone just nodded and left to the compound.

(Sarutobi compound)

Once everyone arrived Kushina told them to get the Ichiraku's because this is about Naruto's family, and wanted everyone to be there when he awakens. Kakashi nodded and went to get the Ichiraku's with a quick shunshin. He came back five minutes later with the Ichiraku's in tow. Now that everyone was there they waited for Naruto to awaken which didn't take long as they thought.

"H-huh? What's going on?" asked a confused Naruto. He looked around and noticed that everyone he cares about is with him. To his utter shock the yondaime hokage his hero and a woman he has never seen before are there as well.

"Naruto" said a nervous Minato which caused Naruto to look at his hero in wonder. Minato and Kushina both stepped up to him, and gave him a hug which caused him to stiffen at first, but slowly started to relax into the hug.

"Y-y-yondaime-sama why are you and this beautiful lady hugging someone like me? I'm no one special" said Naruto with his head down.

That caused a frown on both his parents faces, but Kushina had a small blush on her face because her son called her beautiful.

"Naruto, we are hugging you because we are sorry for the life we made you live and because you are our son" said Kushina with tears in her eyes.

Naruto looked at them both with disbelief, shock, anger and sadness. "I-i-if you're my parents, then where were you when I needed you?" asked Naruto with a lot of emotions going through him. That made them both sad, but decided to tell Naruto everything in front of everyone he trusted. They told Naruto what happened on the night of his birth, why everyone hated him and why they were able to come back.

That shocked everyone, but none more than Naruto. He took in everything they said, and was able to calm himself and think rationally since only those close to him know how smart he is. Finally after a few minutes of silence Naruto did something that shocked everyone. He hugged his parents with tears in his eyes.

"I don't care what happened backed then and now because I have what I always wanted, and that's my family. I will try my best to make you both proud, but I won't take the villagers abuse anymore" said Naruto with determination and anger at the villagers.

"That's fine because no matter what we will protect you and hurt anyone that will try to hurt our son" said Minato with the same determination and anger as his son to which Kushina nodded. The Sarutobi's, Kakashi, Yugao and Ichiraku's looked at the family with a smile knowing their ball of sunshine has his family back, but will also do the same to protect him just like his parents.

Naruto has his family back and it looks like the villagers will be in trouble now. What does the future have in store for the reunited family and what will the three goddesses do for their beloved. Find out next time on The Ultimate Ninja

(Hey guys it's reaper again. i re-read The Ultimate Ninja and I am happy with it, but I have seen a few spelling mistakes and some things worded wrong or didn't sound right to me. I am currently going through the chapters fixing them and will post the new edited versions today. Then the new chapter will come. Also I would like to thank everyone who has favorited and followed both my stories or just one of them)