Her Secret

By: lakdoc-24

Summary: Based during the film 'Pitch Perfect'. Chloe discovers Beca's biggest secret and they explore their new found relationship. G!P Beca.

Disclaimer: I do not own 'Pitch Perfect' or any of the content of the movie, including character's. All rights reserved to whoever was the creator to this obvious love story between Beca and Chloe.

!WARNING!: Rated M for a reason. This story contains sexual activities between two women. Also one of them is G!P or girl-peen. So if that's not your thing, you do not need to continue to read.

Reviews very welcome! Try for constructive criticism if you don't like please! I have feelings! Thanks!

I plan on updating as often as possible but basketball season just started and I have basketball practice literally everyday, including the always important Thanksgiving day. Glad you guys are enjoying it so far! Hope you all have a great turkey day!

Now onto the good stuff.

Chapter 3

They went to a little dinner that Chloe suggested. She said it was owned by a cute older couple and she hadn't seen them in awhile. As soon as they walked in the little business and that little bell rang above the door Beca heard a gruff voice shout,"Chloe!"

They were greeted by a tall man with grey hair, he looked to be in his late 60's. He came from behind the counter and immediately drew Chloe in for a hug. Chloe was smiling wide and hugged him back hard.

"Uh! You been working out, Red? Your tiny arms are crushing me!" He said smiling. Chloe pulled back and laughed and then flexed her bicep, which was covered by her coat and said,"Oh yeah! I thought I made an improvement!" She winked at him and they both laughed. They were interrupted by a voice, seeming to come from nowhere, saying,"George! Where did you put that step ladder?"

The speaker was a woman of maybe 55, she was coming around the corner of what looked to be the kitchen. She had long brown hair and soft eyes. Her face brightened up as soon as she saw Chloe. She rushed forward and gathered Chloe in her arms. "Oh Chloe! I missed you! You haven't been through here in weeks!" She said, pulling back. "George, why didn't you tell me that Chloe was here!" The woman said, throwing a glare at her husband and stage whispering to Chloe and Beca,"Can't leave him alone for five seconds!"

They all laughed as George crossed his arms and huffed. "Oh Chloe! How rude of us! Who is your friend?" The woman said, smiling slightly. Chloe smiled stepping back taking Beca's hand again. "George, Maria, this is Beca, my girlfriend." Beca blushed slightly. It was the first time Chloe had told anyone and it was having a warming effect on both of them.

"Oh! How wonderful Chloe! She's just darling!" Maria gushed at the girls. Beca smiled slightly and blushed more. While Maria asked the couple questions George was silently watching them. With his arms crossed and a scowl on his face he looked pretty threatening even for a 65 year old man. He watched as Chloe jumped up and down slightly grasping at Beca's arm tightly, practically yanking the girl off of her feet. How Beca stared dreamily at the site of Chloe gushing, the smile that filled her small face.

George nodded to himself. "Beca." The rough voice stopped the smile on Beca's face immediately. All three woman turned to face George as he continued. "We need to talk." Beca face went white as a sheet, although she wasn't exactly very colored to begin with. She gulped but nodded. "Oh George! Would you stop. The tough act really isn't needed!" Maria scolded quickly.

George shook his head and motioned for Beca to follow him as he turned around and went out a side door. Beca swallowed hard again and silently followed the man. George was waiting to her by a stair case in the back room. The room was poorly lite and it needed a make over. George stared Beca down until she was only a few feet away.

It was silent for a minuet before George said,"So Beca. You want to date Chloe, huh?" Beca nodded with her head down then quickly added,"Yes, sir." George smiled but quickly went back to his scowl when Beca peeked back up at him. "Well then, I have to tell you, if you ever hurt that girl I will find you and hurt you way worse. She is the most amazing girl that anyone could be with. She's smart and kind. So I swear if you ever hurt her you will be in serious pain for a very long time."

Beca quickly nodded,"Yes,of course sir. I understand, I never thought that a girl like Chloe would even look my way. She is beautiful and so intelligent. I will do everything in my power to keep her safe and to never hurt her. I promise." When George heard that he dropped his facade and smiled at the girl in front of him.

"That's good Beca. You might do well. But make sure you remember, Chloe picked you for a reason, you are special and beautiful just like her. Don't think of yourself as beneath her. You are equals, especially in a relationship. Trust me, remember that and you'll be golden." He chuckled to himself.

"Alright tough act is over! Let go get our women!" George wrapped his arm around Beca's shoulders and lead them out the door. They were both still laughing as they went back into the main dinning area. Chloe smiled widely as she saw Gorge and Beca come back. She was worried that Beca might be really scared by the older mans tactics. But it looked like everything went aright.

"Are you satisfied George?" Asked Maria with a roll of her eyes. George nodded and let go of Beca. "Very much so. Now Chloe you be careful with this one, I think she's a keeper." Chloe's smile widen as she heard that. She took Beca's hand and kissed her cheek. Beca blushed and looked down at their hands.

"So are you two going to eat?" Asked Maria. Chloe nodded and then led Beca to her normal table. They sat down and Chloe handed Beca the menu letting her go over it since she already knew what she was getting. Beca decided on the classic cheeseburger with french fries and a vanilla shake while Chloe order a chicken burger with avocado and a strawberry shake.

After they ate and paid Chloe suggested a walk. Beca agreed. As they were walking they played 20 question. Asking the other question after question about each other. By the end they both knew each others favorite color, favorite place to be and favorite food. They heard many stories and laughed a lot.

About 30 minuets later Chloe suggested they go to her apartment since it was getting cold and it was only a few blocks away. Beca agreed nervously, starting to worry about Aubrey again. They made it there in about 5 more minuets. Aubrey wasn't there and Beca quickly relaxed. "Do you want to put a movie on?" Chloe asked as she hung their coats in the closet.

"Actually, I'm not much of a movie person." Beca said, looking around. She had been to Chloe and Aubrey's apartment before for Bella activities but never just her and Chloe. "Oh, well how about battleship?" Chloe asked enthusiastically. Beca laughed and nodded,"Sounds perfect."

Chloe ran off to her room and came back a minuet later with the board game. They set it up on the coffee table between the couch and the TV. Chloe decided to make things a little more interesting. "Okay so the winner get a kiss from the loser!" They both liked that idea a lot.

Chloe took the first game before Beca could even sink two of her ships. Chloe leaned forward on her knees motioning to her cheek. Beca smiled and leaned in towards Chloe. At the last second Chloe turned her head intercepting the kiss. She kissed Beca hard and then pulled away. They look on Beca's face was perfect, she looked incredibly aroused and surprised. Chloe smirked and leaned back as Beca continued to stare at her.

They set up again and Chloe won again, this kiss leaving both girls breathless. One last game was set and Beca finally won. She stood and walked around the table, she took Chloe's hands and pulled her up. She stared into Chloe's eyes as she pulled her towards the couch. Beca pushed Chloe down onto the couch and quickly straddled her legs.

She brought her hands to Chloe's face and leaned in. The kiss started gentle and sweet, their lips strong and sure. Chloe slipped her tongue into Beca's mouth, heating things up immediately. Beca bucked her hips into Chloe's stomach and moaned. Chloe shivered at the sound and grabbed Beca's right hip before turning and standing slightly, with one arm and knee planted on the couch. She laid herself down on top of Beca and kissed her harder.

Chloe could feel Beca's growing erection press against her lower stomach and she practically growled. As Chloe slipped her hand under Beca's shirt the door flew open. "Ahh! No sex on the couch! Dammit, Chloe!" Chloe sighed but then chuckled. "Aubrey! We weren't going to have sex." "Yea, that's not what it looked like." Aubrey said, looking at Chloe's hand inside Beca's shirt. Chloe took her hand out and felt the smaller girl shiver under her.

She smiled down at her and went to get up but was quickly pulled down onto Beca's lap. She immediately felt why Beca didn't want her to stand up. It was hard for her not to grind her hips back onto Beca but she resisted, at least for now. "Well maybe this will eliminate the sexual tension in the choir room. Because seriously it was getting quite distracting." Aubrey said seriously. Beca and Chloe glanced at each other hungrily.

"Okay, I'm going to go into the other room where it doesn't feel like sex is about to be had! If you need anything I'll be in my room." She said as she raced towards her door. As soon as the door was closed Chloe ground her hips into Beca. Beca gasped and pulled Chloe down harder on her lap. After a minuet Chloe turned around and straddled Beca. She pushed Beca's head back and licked up her neck. Chloe slipped her tongue along Beca's ear and then bit down.

Beca bucked her hip's up hard and moaned loudly. "No sex on the couch!" They heard Aubrey yell from her room. Chloe pulled back chuckling while Beca groaned at the loss of contact. "Do you want to take this to my room? We won't be interrupted again." Chloe promised. Beca looked up at Chloe and felt her stomach erupt in butterfly's, she was nervous to go into Chloe's room. But she definitely wanted to continue, so she nodded.

They stood up and headed to Chloe's room, Chloe opened the door and immediately sat on her king sized bed. Her walls were painted a light purple color and her bed spread was a white background with big purple flowers all over the fabric.

Beca closed the door behind her and sat next to Chloe. Beca looked down at her hands in her lap and was quiet. Next to her Chloe was watching her carefully. "Beca, what's wrong?" Chloe asked, her brow furrowed. Beca quickly looked up and said,"Oh, nothing. Just, um, nervous I guess. Being in your bedroom and all.

Chloe chuckled. "Why Beca? We shared a bed last night! Why are you nervous?" Beca smiled slightly remembering the feeling of waking up with Chloe in her arm's. She loved that feeling, she wanted that to happen a lot more."Well I just, I guess I'm not sure why."

"Well there is nothing to worry about, trust me." Chloe smiled at Beca. Chloe scooted to the top of the bed and got underneath the blankets. "Come here." She said to Beca. Beca immediately made her way up to Chloe. Beca got under the blankets and wrapped her arm around Chloe's waist. They settled in together, finally being comfortable they both sighed. "I've been wanting to be in your arms again all day long."

"Same here, Chlo." As they laid there in a comfortable silence they both thought of how lucky they had both been to have each other. After another 10 minuets Chloe felt Beca's body relax, her breathing was slow and even. She glanced down to see Beca looking so peaceful and even happy with the corner of her mouth turned up in that adorable way that she does.

Chloe moved a little, changing their position so that Beca's head was rested on her shoulder more solidly. She closed her eyes and began to drift off herself.

- - - - - - - - – - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Beca shot up in the bed, her eyes were wide and her chest heaved. She looked around quickly realizing where she was. She took a deep breath to calm herself. Chloe moved beside her and eventually opened up her eyes. She looked at Beca for a second and then smiled up at her. "Hey." Beca husked, her voice a little rough from sleeping.

Chloe visibly shivered hearing Beca's voice so gruff and low. Beca smirked down at her as Chloe responded,"Hey sexy." Beca smiled wider and her eyes flashed, her mind remembering the dream that she had just woken from about taking Chloe against her door. Chloe noticed the change pulled Beca down to her.

"Beca." Beca felt herself stir in her jeans at the needy tone in Chloe's voice as she said her name. Beca kept her cool,"Yes?" "Kiss me." Beca smiled and slowly lowered herself to Chloe's waiting mouth. She

dipped down and closed the final distance between their lips. Their lips lightly brushed against each other. Chloe grabbed the back of Beca's head effectively ending the innocence of the kiss. Beca kissed Chloe hard her hands finding Chloe's hips.

Beca lowered her body on top of Chloe's and Chloe moaned into her mouth as she felt Beca, half hard against her thigh. Beca took advantage of the opportunity and slipped her tongue inside of Chloe's mouth. She pushed her tongue past Chloe's soft lips and found Chloe's tongue waiting. She flicked the tip of her tongue against Chloe's tongue making Chloe moan. Beca swiped her tongue across Chloe's bottom lip then bit down lightly.

Chloe pulled back gasping for air, her mind was completely lost from the way that Beca was kissing her. She could feel how hard Beca was against her thighs, she couldn't help but be curious about it. She flipped them over surprising Beca, she looked into Beca's face as her hand went down Beca's body. She went slowly so that Beca could stop her before she went too far. Beca stared back not making any objections as Chloe continued to mover her hand down Beca's front.

Eventually she reached Beca's belt and she got a shock of pleasure that went straight between her legs at the thought of what lay just beneath her fingers. She titled her head to the side still looking at Beca, silently asking for permission. Beca didn't hesitate as she nodded her head. Chloe moved her fingers down over the bulge in Beca's pants so she was cupping Beca through her jeans.

Chloe squeezed lightly and she heard Beca gasp above her. Chloe moved her hand back up tracing the outline of Beca's hard shaft with her finger's. "Beca, fuck, you feel big. I want to see you." Beca moaned and bucked her hips into Chloe's hand. "Chloe!" Beca gasped as Chloe cupped her again her hip's jerking upwards.

Beca flipped them suddenly surprising Chloe, she pushed her down into the bed and kissed Chloe hard. She nudged Chloe's head up and started kissing up and down her neck. She sucked hard on Chloe's pulse point and Chloe moaned loudly, her hand's grabbing hold of Beca's shoulder's. Beca moved to the other side of Chloe's neck and started kissing her again.

Chloe moaned and gasped as Beca bite and kissed her neck. Her eye's flew open as Beca's warm tongue ran up her throat to her ear where Beca sucked Chloe's lobe into her mouth. "Oh my god Beca!" Her eye's catching sight of her clock. "Beca! It's almost 7:00! We have to get ready!" Chloe shot up, pushing Beca onto her ass on the bed. "Chloe! Calm down nobody shows up until like ten anyways." Beca said chuckling. Chloe already had half of her clothes off though.

"I know but I have to do my hair and pick out an outfit! Oh my god, what am I going to wear?" Chloe gasped and rushed towards her closet, almost tripping herself on the jeans that were around her ankles. Chloe kicked off her jeans and walked over to the doors of her closet flinging them open. She was concentrating so hard that she didn't notice Beca coming up behind her until warm arms wrapped around her and a warm body press into her, and a very noticeably hard part of Beca's anatomy pressing into her ass.

"Chloe you do realize that you are only in your bra and underwear, right?" Chloe looked down at her front and sure enough she was only in her bra and panties. "Do you also realize what a tempting sight that might be for another person such as myself?" This time Chloe only shook her head. She heard Beca laugh lightly from behind her.

"Of course not. But let me tell you how true it is. I am actually having a very hard time not bending you over your desk and fucking you until you can't stand anymore." Beca said, her voice dropping lower due to her state of arousal. Chloe shivered at Beca's word. "Take me, Beca, please." Chloe gasped out as she pressed back against Beca's covered erection.

Beca groaned but said,"Not yet Chloe, we have a club to go to, remember?" Beca squeezed Chloe's waist one more time and then stepped back, eliminating all contact. Chloe whirled around,"Beca! You cannot leave me like this! I won't be able to function!" Beca chuckled,"Well I'm sorry but like you said, we have to get ready!" Chloe glared at Beca and then slowly started smiling. "Fine, but you will pay for this." Chloe said, pointing to her shaking legs.

Beca gulped slightly at the mischievous look on Chloe's face but up a front quickly. "Alright, sounds like a plan." Beca said with her signature smirk in place. "Go get dressed Beca, I'll pick you up around 8:00. We'll go to dinner and then we will go to the club." Beca nodded. "Okay," She stepped forward and kissed Chloe lightly,"I'll be ready."

As soon as Chloe heard the front door close she ran out of her room and busted through Aubrey's door. "Oh my god, Aubrey! She's perfect." Chloe gushed. "Chloe! Will you put some clothes on? Geez!" Chloe giggled and sat down next to Aubrey on the bed. "Aubrey she's amazing, we are going out tonight. I took her to the dinner today and George said that she was a keeper! I'm so happy."

Aubrey thought it over for a minuet looking at Chloe's face. She knew George and Maria well and if George approved she felt okay about Chloe and Beca getting together. She nodded to herself deciding she would have to have a talk with Beca herself though. Chloe waited patiently knowing Aubrey was always overcautious of the people that Chloe dated.

"Okay Chloe, I don't really like Beca's attitude but I guess that she isn't so bad." Chloe smiled brightly and grabbed Aubrey in a hug knowing that those words were as much consent as Aubrey would give. "I have to go get dressed! I'm picking her up in like an hour!" Aubrey chuckled at Chloe's panicked tone."Okay Chlo, have fun" Chloe smiled and jumped up running out the door.

Beca was just getting to her dorm. She unlocked the door and went inside. Kimmy Jin wasn't there so she decided to just change in the room. As she picked out her outfit she thought about the night and day she had spent with Chloe. She had never been this comfortable with anyone, especially this quickly. She was so happy that Chloe accepted her extra part.

Over the years she had grown to anticipate the fear from girls. When Chloe hadn't rejected her a huge weight had been lifted off of her shoulder's She had liked Chloe from the first moment they spoke. Beca stripped down and put on her new clothes. She thought she looked pretty good. She was wearing black skinny jeans, a red button down and a black silk vest. As she buttoned the last button on her vest she decided she would wear her black tie also.

She grabbed it and tied it on.. After that she put on a light amount of make up and sat down on her bed to wait. As she sat there she decided she wanted to get Chloe flower's. She grabbed her jacket, wallet and key's and bolted out the door. She had to hurry to get back before Chloe picked her up, Beca turned the corner and bolted up the street.